"Listen notes is my new favorite!
- R - S - S -
This is my focus among other stuff today. I may not be making much as a dog trainer YET, but it still some how does better than a big company (the owner texted me about providing the right size uniform today. Last place tried to shame me, for THEM NOT providing one in a group chat. So, this is a good omen in my eyes. This is what PROGRESS would look like in motion to some!) Small business over large companies are the answer to the problem in my opinion, because small business is there to actually understand LOCAL PROBLEMS. I mean it's really that simple. You can't bleed a turnip but you can grow a second one from the first.
I can get free seeds, plant them and they are capital right? That takes no money but the only factor you can't get rid of is the effort it takes to turn it into capital. Same way a class to help you better understand how to care for and train your dog becomes capital in a "free market" but there's still a need to leave the house and be social to make it actually work. Not my favorite thing sure but I love the satisfaction of overcoming a fear and progressing because of that. I.E. teaching a class, rescuing animals in need, making my job about working with puppies, etc... All of this looks so different from my perspective lately and I see good and bad but tune into the conscious stream for more of that! This podcast will be about both dogs and understanding! Thurs - Sat are my streaming and casting days so look for more on those days!
This will come in MANY shapes and sizes but I need to set another year of this in stone and I'm getting beat by this economy a bit. I support things that try to sustain themselves. I have to work for it all the same, but I'm here and doing this and nothing is really in my way of making it happen. I'm just playing it slow and taking it in. Once I renew I'm going hard on this kind of audio for that paid year. With support it can sustain itself very easily and my intent is to put back into the overall platform to make it better! I'm grateful to all who follow!
I'll be "re-branding" this page soon but the same idea. This page will be Kirby, Bertha, and where you will find "That DogGone Stream" on Facebook at some point. I'm just getting the ball rolling even now.
Training tips, animal rescue stories, Local coverage and charity stories DOGS, CATS, and in-between! - Kids & Family podcast from United States