Cat Galaxy- Gun Show On Breaking News Journal
Besides the programming for cats that Cat Galaxy producing for Breaking News Journal's Roku channel this year, we'll also be doing a show about guns as well called The Highest Caliber. Here's a little bit more information about it. Don't forget to go to the BNJ web site and order your Roku boxes and cut the cord to cable and satellite TV. Not only will you save money but also have the programming you want to watch and now what some big company wants you to watch.
A daily dose of kitten cuteness. This comes from Safe Haven for Animals. It shows a few kittens playing with each other as momma cat looks on. They have many cats at that shelter looking for good homes.
Show You Care
Here's one of our official entries for The Friskies awards called Show You Care. What do you think? Does it have a chance of winning? Let us know if you like it.
Cats Predict Election Winners
Isis and Icarus made two predictions in this election. Watch and find out what they are.
Meow Mixing Monday
Catch Meow Mixing Monday tonight. If you humans have questions about cats, Isis and Icarus will be helping to answer them on the air. Also, updates about The Street Cats Of Phoenix series as well as the boycott against Frito Lay and PepsiCo. All that and more in about an hour.
Here's our first report from the Jeffries camp.
Phoenix City Elections
Catch Cat Galaxy's coverage of the Phoenix elections especially the race for City Council in District 2. Current city councilman Bryan Jeffries is hoping to retain his seat against fellow candidates Jim Waring and David Jones. One of the campaign issues is in regards to feral cats where Jeffries has said he'd be willing to work with feral cat rescues to put together a TNR project in Phoenix.
A toast to Isis and Icarus as well as to all of our listeners. Thanks for listening for the last 10 years and well into the future.
Cat Galaxy's 10 Year Anniversary
Thank you to all our listeners and viewers out there that have visited Cat Galaxy over the last 10 years.