The horse always says it all💕.
Really lovely loose and relaxed yawns.
Something really cool about regularly massaging a horse is how they gain trust in you.
Many are quick to relax and take it all in the first session, but others it takes at least a handful of sessions. Something cool about every horse around the 6 month mark of having a regular massage is they really melt and relax almost immediately. That’s how I really get the most results in a session: when the horse learns what it’s all about.
Building trust with a horse and making them feel good it’s like you can start to become their little safe space over time.
Checking in, then the big release!
When the bugs are bad and it’s getting hot out Pria says it’s time to train her humans to give her a spray down when they fill the troughs. Not a fan of the flies at all. She’s a smart one and even poses herself to get the perfect spot🤣.
Don’t worry her fly sheet and mask came off immediately after this. Killed two birds with one stone and it allowed me to clean them off a bit too.
Getting to THE spot!
As we gear up for summer show season it’s a great time to schedule your horse a massage to set them up for greatness. Even if they are on the older side like this guy, as you can see they LOVE IT.
Pria finding some new moves and new ways to use her muscles💪.
Old man Blaze still keeps up with the ladies. Often right before coming in for evening grain he’ll take a little victory “gallop” to get everyone all excited. 30 years young!
(Special appearance is pria right after she rolled in a big puddle)
Visible softening and relaxing on this guy.
Getting to the right spots here and notice how he completely softens and releases tension. Licking and chewing, nose wrinkles go away, lips hang a little, eyes start closing, and his head drops.