Livestock SD Hassan Khel & Darra

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Livestock SD Hassan Khel & Darra Information about Govt Services in Livestock & Dairy Development Subdivision HassanKhel & Darra

Upon the Directions of Dr .Alam zeb Mohmand sb DG Livestock & Dairy Development Department (EXT) Under the supervision o...

Upon the Directions of Dr .Alam zeb Mohmand sb DG Livestock & Dairy Development Department (EXT) Under the supervision of DDL SD Hassan Khel/Darra Dr. Noor Daraz Wazir sb, a AIP field day was held on 13/11/2023 at Samabadaber and Asho khel area of SD Hasan Khel.A significant Numbers of Small and large animals were vaccinated, treated and dewormed accompanied by Mineral supplementation . The field activities were conducted under Accelerated implementation Program. The residents of SD Hassan Khel acknowledged the field activities of livestock official.

بمورخہ 13 نومبر 2023 کو ڈائریکٹر جنرل جناب ڈاکٹر عالمزیب مہمند، ڈسٹرکٹ ڈائریکٹر لائیو سٹاک سب ڈویژن حسن خیل / درہ ڈاکٹر نور دراز خان وزیر کے زیر نگرانی فیلڈ سرگرمیوں کا انعقاد ہوا جس میں لائیو سٹاک ڈیپارٹمنٹ اے آئی پی کے تحت سب ڈویژن حسن خیل/درہ میں جانوروں کے بیماریوں کے خلاف حفاظتی ویکسینیشن ، ڈی ورمنگ اور بیمار جانوروں کاعلاج کیا گیا ۔اور زمینداروں میں مفت ادویات تقسیم کی گئی۔ فیلڈ سرگرمیاں سب ڈویژن حسن خیل/درہ کے ویلج سمہ بڈا بیر اور اشو خیل ایریاز میں سر انجام دی گئی۔ اہل علاقہ نے لائیو سٹاک سٹاف کا شکریہ ادا کیا۔


Black Day
یوم سیاہ کشمیر 27 اکتوبر

Livestock & Dairy Development Department Sub Division Hassan Khel/ Darra

انٹرنیشنل لائیو سٹاک ایگری فشریز ایکسپوآئیں ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ دیکھیں ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ سیکھیںڈسٹرکٹ ڈائریکٹر لائیو سٹاک سب ڈویژن حسن خی...

انٹرنیشنل لائیو سٹاک ایگری فشریز ایکسپو
آئیں ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ دیکھیں ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ سیکھیں

ڈسٹرکٹ ڈائریکٹر لائیو سٹاک سب ڈویژن حسن خیل/درہ

As per the direction of Director General Dr. ALAMZEB MOHMAD Sb, Deptudy Director (Head Quarter) NMAs Dr. SAJJAD AHAMD WA...

As per the direction of Director General Dr. ALAMZEB MOHMAD Sb, Deptudy Director (Head Quarter) NMAs Dr. SAJJAD AHAMD WAZIR Sb and District Director livestock SD Hassan Khel /Darra Dr. NOOR DARAZ WAZIR sb paid a visits to the Newly established Small Scale Dairy Farm. Visits details are given as Under

Objective of the Visit:
The primary objective of our visit was to assess the Small Scale Dairy Farm's status and provide necessary assistance to improve the health and productivity of the livestock.

1. Vaccination: We ensured that all animals on the farm received proper vaccinations, thereby protecting them against common diseases. This preventive measure is vital to safeguard the overall health of the livestock.

2. Mineral Supplements: To address potential nutritional deficiencies among the animals, we provided essential mineral supplements. Adequate nutrition is fundamental for optimal growth and dairy production.

3. Acaricidal Spray: Acaricidal spraying was conducted to protect the animals from ticks and mites. This intervention not only enhances the comfort of the livestock but also minimizes the risk of disease transmission.

4. Livestock Extension Services: We conducted an informative session with the farmers, sharing valuable insights and recommendations on best practices for livestock management. These extension services are key to boosting productivity and ensuring the farm's sustainability.

Gratitude from the Farmers:
The farmers expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the Project Management Unit for the support and guidance provided during our visit. They acknowledged the positive impact of the AIP Scheme on their lives and livelihoods. The farmers' gratitude reaffirms the significance of such initiatives in rural communities, where agriculture plays a pivotal role.

پښتون کلتور ورځ

پښتون کلتور ورځ

Listeriosis :           گردن تھوڑ بخار Listeriosis is caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes and is commonly see...

Listeriosis : گردن تھوڑ بخار

Listeriosis is caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes and is commonly seen in cooler climates.

Risk Factors :

1. These bacteria can be found in the soil, food sources, and even the f***s of healthy animals.
2. Most commonly, this disease of sheep and goats is observed as a result of feeding moldy or spoiled hay or silage.
3. It’s possible for your sheep and goats to become infected without feeding moldy or spoiled hay or silage as it is found in the environment.
4. The bacteria are very hardy and are common in soil.
5. Silage not fermented (not acidified) properly, put up too dry or not compacted tight enough to protect it from the air
6. Round bales of hay that have started to rot
7. Feed bunks that are not cleaned regularly and in which some f***s and wet feed leftover accumulate and ferment
8. Rotting (decaying) woody
9. Debris, Manure, Milk, urine, and drainage of the eyes and nose of infected animals.

Symptoms of Listeriosis include

1.Dull Depression , weight of loss , loss of production
2. Loss of appetite,
3. Fever
4. lack of coordination,
5. Hyper salivation,
6. Unilateral facial paralysis, unilateral
7.Blindness and circling in one direction.

AFFECTED ANIMALS may have a Droopy ear, Drooping eyelid, Saliva running from limp lips on one side of the face caused by a partial paralysis.When near death, the animal will lie down and may have convulsions. Disease is more common in animals 1 to 3 years of age than it is in older animals. The abortion form of Listeriosis usually shows no other symptoms and can only be diagnosed by laboratory analysis.

Important: The onset of the encephalitic form is usually very fast and causes death in 24 to 48 hours after symptoms appear.
A diagnosis can only be confirmed in a diagnostic laboratory but isolation of the organism can be difficult.

Steps for prevention or to minimize associated risks:

1.Recently introduced animals should be considered suspect as carriers.
2. Infected animals should be isolated from the rest of the herd or flock
3. Floors, pens, sheds, feed bunks, mineral feeders, etc. should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
4. If several animals are affected and silage or round bales of hay are being fed, their use should be discontinued until they can be ruled out as a source of contamination.

Source: #:~:text=Listeriosis%20is%20caused%20by%20the,or%20spoiled%20hay%20or%20silage

The symptoms vary with the infected Person/ Pregnant Woman :
Muscle aches
Stiff neck
Loss of balance

Pregnant women are about 20 times more likely to contract listeriosis than other healthy adults. It can result in miscarriage or stillbirth.
Newborn may also have low birth weight,septicaemia and meningitis.
Pregnant women typically experience only fever, and other non-specific symptoms like chills and headache.

People with HIV are at least 300 times more likely to get ill than those with a normally functioning immune system


Listeriosis :Listeriosis is caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes and is commonly seen in cooler climates. Risk...

Listeriosis :

Listeriosis is caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes and is commonly seen in cooler climates.

Risk Factors :
1. These bacteria can be found in the soil, food sources, and even the f***s of healthy animals.
2. Most commonly, this disease of sheep and goats is observed as a result of feeding moldy or spoiled hay or silage.
3. It’s possible for your sheep and goats to become infected without feeding moldy or spoiled hay or silage as it is found in the environment.
4. The bacteria are very hardy and are common in soil.
5. Silage not fermented (not acidified) properly, put up too dry or not compacted tight enough to protect it from the air
6. Round bales of hay that have started to rot
7. Feed bunks that are not cleaned regularly and in which some f***s and wet feed leftover accumulate and ferment
8. Rotting (decaying) woody
9. Debris, Manure, Milk, urine, and drainage of the eyes and nose of infected animals.

Symptoms of Listeriosis include

1.Dull Depression , weight of loss , loss of production
2. Loss of appetite,
3. Fever
4. lack of coordination,
5. Hyper salivation,
6. Unilateral facial paralysis, unilateral
7.Blindness and circling in one direction.

AFFECTED ANIMALS may have a Droopy ear, Drooping eyelid, Saliva running from limp lips on one side of the face caused by a partial paralysis.When near death, the animal will lie down and may have convulsions. Disease is more common in animals 1 to 3 years of age than it is in older animals. The abortion form of Listerosis usually shows no other symptoms and can only be diagnosed by laboratory analysis.

Important: The onset of the encephalitic form is usually very fast and causes death in 24 to 48 hours after symptoms appear.
A diagnosis can only be confirmed in a diagnostic laboratory but isolation of the organism can be difficult.

Steps for prevention or to minimize associated risks:

1.Recently introduced animals should be considered suspect as carriers.
2. Infected animals should be isolated from the rest of the herd or flock
3. Floors, pens, sheds, feed bunks, mineral feeders, etc. should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
4. If several animals are affected and silage or round bales of hay are being fed, their use should be discontinued until they can be ruled out as a source of contamination.

Source: #:~:text=Listeriosis%20is%20caused%20by%20the,or%20spoiled%20hay%20or%20silage

The symptoms vary with the infected Person/ Pregnant Woman :
Muscle aches
Stiff neck
Loss of balance

Pregnant women are about 20 times more likely to contract listeriosis than other healthy adults.
It can result in miscarriage or stillbirth.
Newborn may also have low birth weight, septicaemia and meningitis. .
Pregnant women typically experience only fever, and other non-specific symptoms like chills and headache.
People with HIV are at least 300 times more likely to get ill than those with a normally functioning immune system


Listeriosis is a disease that can affect all ruminants as well as other animal species and humans.

Lumpy Skin Disease or L*D spreads rapidly and the principal means of transmission is believed to be by arthropod vectors...

Lumpy Skin Disease or L*D spreads rapidly and the principal means of transmission is believed to be by arthropod vectors. How can you protect cattle 🐄 from ? A guide >>

For more information about L*D, read our FAQ:

Note: AIP Veterinary Field Day at Bora area , Samabadaber Village 28 - 31st August 2023.Under the Visionary Leadership o...

Note: AIP Veterinary Field Day at Bora area , Samabadaber Village 28 - 31st August 2023.

Under the Visionary Leadership of Dr. Alamzeb Mohmand, Director General of Livestock & Dairy Development, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , AIP field day was conducted at samabadaber , Supervised by Dr. Noor Daraz Wazir DDL SD hassan Khel/Darra .

The central focus of this field day was to address vital aspects of animal health, welfare, and empowerment of local farmers. The following practise was performed

•Deworming for Endoparasites
•Vaccination of Healthy Animals.
•Treatment for Sick Animals
•Acricidal Spray on animals and animals houses

In conclusion, the AIP Veterinary Field Day at Bora, Samabadaber villages were a resounding success, made possible by the visionary direction of Dr. Alamzeb Mohmand and the hands-on supervision of Dr. Noor Daraz Wazir. This event served as a shining example of how proactive veterinary care, community engagement, and farmer education can synergize to create a more robust and sustainable livestock sector.

Upon the Direction and guidance of Dr. Alamzeb Mohmand, Director General L&DD, a field day (AIP) took place on August 29...

Upon the Direction and guidance of Dr. Alamzeb Mohmand, Director General L&DD, a field day (AIP) took place on August 29 and 30 . The Veterinary Medical Camp were organized in collaboration with the local community at Bora Darmo Khel, Bora Atam khel and similarly in Village Council Mandai Bakar Khel . The field activities were supervise by Dr. Noor Daraz Wazir, District Director Livestock SD Hassan Khel/ Darra, the event focused on empowering the local farming community with knowledge and resources to improve milk and meat production. The highlight of the event was the informative session aimed at educating farmers about strategies to enhance their agricultural practices for better results.

The sick animals received the necessary medical attention and care. Deworming were provided to address infestations, while healthy animals were vaccinated against lumpy skin disease. Moreover, small ruminants were vaccinated against PPR to safeguard their health and prevent potential outbreaks.

The response from the local community was overwhelming. The farmers appreciated the Livestock Department's initiative and the valuable insights they gained through the educational session.
The success of this event serves as a testament to the dedication and expertise of our team and the commitment of Dr. Alamzeb Mohmand and Dr. Noor Daraz Wazir in fostering positive change within the community. We look forward to building upon this success in the future and continue working towards the advancement of livestock health and productivity.

تمام ہم وطنوں کو جشن آزادی مبارک 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰ڈاکٹر شیر محمد آفریدی سینئر ویٹرنری آفیسر سب ڈویژن حسن خیل

تمام ہم وطنوں کو جشن آزادی مبارک 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰

ڈاکٹر شیر محمد آفریدی
سینئر ویٹرنری آفیسر سب ڈویژن حسن خیل

Happy Independence Day. May Allah bless our beloved Pakistan with strength and our nation with traits that lead to progr...

Happy Independence Day. May Allah bless our beloved Pakistan with strength and our nation with traits that lead to progress & prosperity. Pakistan Zindabad 🇵🇰 🇵🇰 🇵🇰

Dr. Noor Daraz Wazir
District Director livestock
SD Hassan Khel/ Darra

Upon the Directions of Dr .Alam zeb Mohmand sb DG Livestock & Dairy Development Department (EXT) Under the supervision o...

Upon the Directions of Dr .Alam zeb Mohmand sb DG Livestock & Dairy Development Department (EXT) Under the supervision of DDL SD Hassan Khel/Darra Dr. Noor Daraz Wazir sb, vaccination performed against L*D , PPR & along with treatment in progress during the month of August 2023 with the provision of feed suppliments at Various Village Counsel of Sub Division Hassan Khel. The field activities were conducted under Accelerated implementation Program. The residents of SD Hassan Khel acknowledged the field activities of livestock official.

بمورخہ 8 اور 9 اگست 2023 کو ڈائریکٹر جنرل جناب ڈاکٹر عالمزیب مہمند، ڈسٹرکٹ ڈائریکٹر لائیو سٹاک سب ڈویژن حسن خیل / درہ ڈاکٹر نور دراز خان وزیر کے زیر نگرانی فیلڈ سرگرمیوں کا انعقاد ہوا جس میں لائیو سٹاک ڈیپارٹمنٹ اے آئی پی کے تحت سب ڈویژن حسن خیل/درہ میں جانوروں کے بیماریوں کے خلاف حفاظتی ویکسینیشن ، ڈی ورمنگ اور بیمار جانوروں کاعلاج کیا گیا ۔اور زمینداروں میں مفت ادویات تقسیم کی گئی۔ فیلڈ سرگرمیاں سب ڈویژن حسن خیل/درہ کے مختلف کویلج کونسل میں سر انجام دی گئی۔ اہل علاقہ نے لائیو سٹاک سٹاف کا شکریہ ادا کیا۔


محکمہ لائیو سٹاک سب ڈویژن حسن خیل پشاور اینڈ درہ کوہاٹ کے تمام ویٹرنری اور پیرا ویٹرنری سٹاف کو خراج تحسین پیش کرتا ہوں جنہوں نے شدید گرمی کے ماحول میں کانگو بخار اور لمپی سکین ڈیزیز کی روک تھام اور تدارک کے خلاف مویشی منڈیوں، خارجی اور داخلی راستوں اور گھر گھر چیچڑ مار اسپرے مہم کو کامیابی سے مکمل کرلیا اور اس سارے عمل میں اللّٰہ تعالیٰ کی خصوصی مد ونصرت شامل حال رہی ۔ اللّٰہ تعالٰی مستقبل میں بھی ہمیں کامیابیاں عطا فرما اور لائیو سٹاک ڈپارٹمنٹ کو فخر لائیو سٹاک ڈپارٹمنٹ کے پی جناب ڈاکٹر عالمزیب خان مہمند ڈی جی لائیو سٹاک کے زیرِ نگرانی مزید کامیابیاں عطا فرما. آمین

ڈاکٹر نوردراز وزیر ڈسٹرکٹ ڈائریکٹر لائیو سٹاک سب ڈویژن حسن خیل/ درہ


کونسے احتیاطی تدابیر اختیار کرکے ہم اپنے جانوروں کو گرمی کے اثرات سے بچا سکتے ہیں۔ ویڈیو ضرور دیکھیں

Heat Stroke And It's Management in Dairy Animals :👈 جانوروں میں  ہیٹ سٹروک یعنی گرمی کے علامات :✓ سانس کا پھولنا ✓ ہاتھ ...

Heat Stroke And It's Management in Dairy Animals :

👈 جانوروں میں ہیٹ سٹروک یعنی گرمی کے علامات :

✓ سانس کا پھولنا

✓ ہاتھ کے چونے سے جانور کے جسم کا گرم ہونا

✓ جانور کا زیادہ دیر کھڑا رہنا ، بے چین رہنا

✓ منہ سے رال اور جھاگ کا جاری ہونا

✓ جانوروں کا ایک ساتھ، ایک سایہ دار جگہ اکٹھا ہونا

✓ جانور کا پیٹ کے ذریعے سانس لینا

✓ آخری سٹیج میں جانوروں کا منہ کے ذریعے سانس لینا ، زبان کا باہر نکالنا

✓ سانس کی رفتار جب 130 سانسیں/منٹ ہو تو یہ ایک حطرناک صورتحال ہے اور اگر اس سے بڑھ جائے تو پھر یہ ایک ایمرجنسی کنڈیشن ہے۔

👈 گرمی سے متاثرہ جانوروں اور زمینداروں کا معاشی نقصان :

✓ دودھیل جانوروں میں دودھ کی پیداوری صلاحیت کا انتہائی کم ہونا۔

✓ سیمن کی کوالٹی کا خراب ہونا ، جس سے افزائش نسل متاثر ہوتی ہے ۔
پیدائش کے وقت بچے کی وزن کا کم ہونا۔

✓ گرمی کی زیادہ شدت سے جانوروں کی قوت مدافعت میں خاطر خواہ کمی واقع ہو جاتی ہے جس کی وجہ سے جانور دوسرے بیماریوں کے لئے Prone ہوتا ہے۔

👈 گرمی سے ممکنہ بچاؤ تدارک :

✓ جانوروں کو چوبیس گھنٹے صاف ،تازہ ، جراثیم سے پاک پانی مہیا کریں ، اگر جانور پانی کے تالاب کے اندر گوبر کریں تو دوسرے جانور وہ پانی نہیں پیتے ۔

✓ گائیں ہمیشہ وہ پانی پینا پسند کرتے ہیں جس کا درجہ حرارت 40 سے لیکر 60 ڈگری فارن ہائیٹ ہو ،جب پانی کا درجہ حرارت 80 ڈگری فارن ہائیٹ سے زیادہ ہو تو پھر جانور شوق سے پانی نہیں پیتا اور واٹر انٹیک کم ہوتی ہے۔

✓ جانوروں کو صبح سویرے متوازن خوراک اور پھر سورج ڈوبنے کے بعد شام کو ونڈا ، سائیلج دینا چاہیے ۔ سبز چارہ زیادہ دن کے اوقات میں زیادہ مقدار میں کھلائیں۔

✓ بڑے پنکھوں یعنی ڈیری فین اور فواروں(شاور کولنگ سسٹم) کا استعمال کریں۔

✓ جانوروں کو وٹامن سی اور گلوکوز پانی میں ملا کر دیں۔

✓ جانوروں کو سایہ دار اور کھلی ہوا دار جگہوں پر رکھیں۔

✓ گرمی سے متاثرہ جانوروں کو تازہ ٹھنڈے پانی سے 20 سے لیکر 30 منٹ تک سر سے پاؤں تک نہانا۔

✓ ڈیکسٹروز اور سوڈیم بائی کاربونیٹ کا وریدی ٹیکہ لگانا ۔

✓ گرمیوں کے موسم میں جانوروں کو حفاظتی ویکسینیشن صبح سویرے لگائیں اور ملٹی وٹامن دیں۔

✓ کسی بھی ایمرجنسی صورتحال میں اپنے قریبی ویٹرنری ڈسپنسری یعنی شفاخانہ حیوانات رجوع کریں۔

Today Dated June 20, 2023 Anti Ticks Spray Drive at Entry / Check points in SD Hassan khel & SD Darra.

Today Dated June 20, 2023

Anti Ticks Spray Drive at Entry / Check points in SD Hassan khel & SD Darra.

Acaricidal Spray performed to control the mechanical vector of CCHF at Different villages of SD Hassan Khel & SD Darra.V...

Acaricidal Spray performed to control the mechanical vector of CCHF at Different villages of SD Hassan Khel & SD Darra.
Vaccination Campaign of Lympy Skin Disease and PPR in Sub division Hassan Khel & Darra is going on Under the supervision of DDL Dr Noor Daraz wazir shb

As per direction of Dr Alamzeb DG Livestock KP ,a Field Day was conducted under the AIP Project today dated 14/6/2023 at...

As per direction of Dr Alamzeb DG Livestock KP ,a Field Day was conducted under the AIP Project today dated 14/6/2023 at Village Sheeni Kali in SD Darra Adam khel by the team of existing staff of SD Livestock deptt Darra led by District Director Livestock Dr Noor Daraz Khan Wazir.
Hundreds of animals were Sprayed, Vaccinated,treated & dewormed by Dr Abdul Basit Khan & team of SD Darra.
Extension messages regarding good husbandry practices were given to the progressive farmers.

Today Dated:13-6-2023                        District Director Livestock Dr Noor Daraz Khan Wazir paid  visit to Civil V...

Today Dated:13-6-2023
District Director Livestock Dr Noor Daraz Khan Wazir paid visit to Civil Veterinary Hospital Sheeni Kali Darra along with Dr Abdul Basit Khan Focal Person SSDF SD Darra.
He chaired a progress and Review meeting with all Veterinary Assistants of CVDs & CVH SD Darra.

Today, District Director Livestock Dr Noor Daraz Khan Wazir  along with Dr Abdul Basit Khan  paid a visit to CVD Akhorwa...

Today, District Director Livestock Dr Noor Daraz Khan Wazir along with Dr Abdul Basit Khan paid a visit to CVD Akhorwal Subdivision Darra.
All concerned are directed to improve the said parameters, cleanliness, attendance & record keeping.

Mashriq epaper

Mashriq epaper

News Reporter Peshawar

News Reporter Peshawar

Lumpy Skin Vaccination at Mureed Khel Bazargai area SD Hassan khel on dated 10/06/2023.

Lumpy Skin Vaccination at Mureed Khel Bazargai area SD Hassan khel on dated 10/06/2023.

keeping in the view of Eid Ul Adha  contact between animals and general public will be increased to multifold posing a r...

keeping in the view of Eid Ul Adha contact between animals and general public will be increased to multifold posing a risk of CCHF outbreak and it's spread. On the Direction of Director General livestock Extension Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Dr alam zeb sb , Acaricidal spray performed at Various Union counsil of SD Hassan to Control the occurrence of a viral zoonotic disease Called CCHF which cause severe hemorrhagic fever and human casualties.

Dated 10/06/2023
District Director Livestock Dr Noor Daraz Wazir

Dr sher Muhammad
Senior veterinary Officer CVH Samabadaber

A comprehensive meeting was held at the office of  worthy AC SD Hassan Khel. District administration assured the support...

A comprehensive meeting was held at the office of worthy AC SD Hassan Khel. District administration assured the support regarding conducting acaricidal spray at Maweshi mandi and Check post to prevent the occurrence of a viral zoonotic disease known as CCHF which severe hemorrhagic fever and causalities in human . The Honorable AC appreciated the ongoing activity of a caricidal spray of CCHF and L*D vaccination campaign .
The meeting was attended by Senior Veterinary Officer Dr Sher Muhammad and Dr Abdul Basit Veterinary Officer SD Hassan Khel and , AAC SD Hassan Khel and TMA official.



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