SCAAEP, Student Chapter of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, is a student run organization that provides numerous educational opportunities for students in veterinary school and those wishing to attend, veterinarians around the country, and people within the community that hold an interest in equine medicine. SCAAEP organizes a variety of labs that provide hands on experience to ve
terinary students in areas such as diagnostic procedures, colic work ups, farriery, dentistry, safe horse handling, ophthalmic exams, joint injections, nerve blocks, and much more! SCAAEP also plans continuing education events for veterinarians such as Equine Health Symposium in February of each year as well as various short courses and lunch meetings throughout the year. SCAAEP plans a Horseman's Youth Day in the Fall of each year to educate our future generation about equine medicine and husbandry. SCAAEP also provides free castration clinics bi-annually to help alleviate overpopulation and behavioral issues for people who cannot afford it otherwise. We provide assistance at horse shows all throughout the state such as helping in the D-box at horse trials. As a club, SCAAEP members also attend various AAEP events to supplement their veterinary education, such as FOCUS on Students and the national AAEP convention.