Pre-ovulatory follicular stasis is the failure of the mature follicle to ovulate or resorb. If left untreated (or undetected), secondary disease is likely in these patients. Inflammatory or infectious components often results in a coelomitis. Other co-morbidities may also be seen. e.g. bacterial pneumonia, thus, a broad diagnostic investigation approach is imperative to successful treatment. This is a life threatening condition.
Imaging modalities such as ultrasonography, a CT scan or even cystoscopy in some species can be used to monitor progression or regression of these follicles.
This condition is likely multifactorial but predisposing factores include inappropriate artifical climate, nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism and even perhaps lack of a male to initiate vitllogenesis.
Chelonian and lizard species are most at risk of developing pre-ovulatory follicular stasis and the current treatment of choice is bilateral ovariectomy. Here I perform an ovariectomy on a red eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) via a endoscope assisted pre-femoral approach as this is less invasive with a shorter healing time than a plastronotomy incision.
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#exoticvetsupport #exoticvet #ausvet #veterinary #vet #vethospital #vetstudent #vetnurse #vettech #vetcpd #webinar #onlineteaching #exoticconference #reptile #reptilekeeper #reptilesurgery
miDOGtest are hosting this exciting free webinar presented by the brilliant Dr Joerg Mayer. Exotic Vet Support has been kindly asked to Co-host.
Join us on August 21 at 1:30 PM PST (August 22nd at 6:30am for us located in Sydney) for an eye-opening lecture on "NGS in the Beehive: How a New Technology Opens the Doors to Old Problems."
Dr. Jörg Mayer (DVM, DABVP, DECZM, DACZM, MS) will explore the groundbreaking applications of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) in veterinary diagnostics, providing invaluable insights into how this technology can transform your practice.
Key Topics Covered:
- Advanced Veterinary Diagnostics
- Revolutionary Applications of NGS
- Enhancing Veterinary Knowledge
Why Attend?
- Stay ahead in the field of veterinary medicine
- Gain cutting-edge knowledge from an expert
- Network with professionals in the industry
Hosted By:
- MiDOG Animal Diagnostics
- Southern California Veterinary Medical Association
- Exotic Vet Support
- University of Georgia
As always I promote self learning and development in this constantly developing industry. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your expertise and stay at the forefront of veterinary diagnostics!
Ensure your place in this essential lecture to advance your veterinary practice with the latest NGS technology!
#VeterinaryDiagnostics #midog #exoticvetsupport #exoticvet #veterinary #vet #vethospital #vetstudent #vetnurse #vettech #vetcpd #webinar #onlineteaching #vetwebinar
For those who are looking to get involved in online exotic animal learning, Exotic Vet Support is soon to be launching EVS: LIVE for a convenient way to improve your knowledge and topical discussions.
We are offering 2 dates per session (weekday evening and weekend morning) for flexible viewing and to allow more of you to be involved.
Upcoming live webinars include:
- Reptile Infectious Diseases Seen in Clinical Practice
- The Benefits of Appropriate Nutrition and UV Lighting in Psittacines
- Supportive Care for Exotic Mammals
- The Exotic Friendly Hospital
Looking forward to seeing many of you there.
#exoticvetsupport #exoticvet #veterinary #vet #vethospital #vetstudent #vetnurse #vettech #vetcpd #webinar #onlineteaching #rabbitvet #reptilevet #avianvet
License code: UVXCS5YHY902OLTG
Dental extractions in rabbits can sometimes be challenging. They have long reserve crowns (dental roots) embedded into fragile jaws bones, all within a small oral cavity. Care must be taken to ensure the entire crown and reserve crown are extracted. Tooth fracture or incomplete removal can cause persistent pain and potential crown regrowth.
That dreaded “click” sound when performing a dental extraction happens to us all at times. If a dental fracture is caused during an extraction don’t panic it isn't game over. There are ways to still retrieve the entire reserve crown. Here I use a 2.7mm 30 degree rigid endoscope to visualise the remaining reserve crown in a rabbit maxilla premolar extraction. This can be loosened up (as shown) and extracted still using an intraoral approach.
Leo seems much more comfortable post-dental. He prefers to eat voluntarily rather than being support fed (as shown by his syringe food beard). Well done Leo - always a pleasure seeing you.
#exoticvetsupport #exoticvet #veterinary #vet #vethospital #vetstudent #vetnurse #vettech #vetcpd #webinar #onlineteaching #rabbithealth #rabbitvet #rabbitdental #rabbitextraction
I literally love working with reptiles. Here in Sydney, we see many come through our doors for both medical and surgical treatments. This is a Murray-Darling Python (Morelia spilota metcalfei) that required surgical resection of a gastric carcinoma. Thankfully she has recovered nicely and is doing Great! #exoticvetsupport #exoticvet #veterinary #vet #vethospital #vetstudent #vettech #vetcpd #webinar #onlineteaching #reptile #snake