We have been quiet lately due to family bereavement……
But please know we are still working hard to produce quality dogs we can be proud of!
These two boys are just amazing… from health tested parents with outstanding bloodlines it’s no wonder how brilliant they look!
Due to a few time wasters and photo collector these beautiful boys are still looking for their forever families ‼️‼️
They are ready to leave after the 10th June
Auntie Narla platings ever so gently with the Salvatore brothers 😍 #canecorso #puppyplaytime #socialising #fypviralシ
The Salvatore brothers 😍 20 days old monsters! #canecorso #bigboy #Salvatore #puppy #reelsviralfb
The boys 😍 Big Bruno and Crius #canecorso #bigboy #dogslife
INTRODUCING THE NEWEST MEMBER OF OUR FAMILY… KRATOS THE GOD SLAYER! #dog #canecorso #canecorsolovers #canecorsoitaliano #canecorsosofinstagram #canecorsopuppy #canecorsogram #canecorsolove #canecorsomania #canecorsoofinstagram #canecorsolover #canecorsomastiff #canecorsoclub #canecorsos #canecorsoactionphotos #canecorsofans #canecorsopuppies #canecorsopup #canecorsoitalia #canecorsoinstagram #canecorsomix #canecorsofamily #canecorsolife #canecorsodog #canecorsoofinsta
Happy Friday! Our girl can’t wait for warmer weather to get back out there with her beautiful pack 😍 #canecorsolovers #mansbestfriend #girlandherdog #foryoupagе #fridayvibes #dogslife
Milk monster 🍼 #canecorsoitaliano #canecorsopuppy #puppylove #puppies #canecorsolife #italianmastiffpuppy #puppylife #canecorsomastiff #mansbestfriend #doglover #foryoupage #followers #trendingvideo
I honestly cannot explain how proud we are of this litter, they are only very young but are already exceeding our expectation; This is what happens when a breeding is thoroughly thought out. Excited to see their progress, them Italian lines are just something else! #canecorso #canecorsopuppy #canecorsoofinstagram #canecorsolovers #canecorsolove #italiancanecorso #canecorsoitalianmastiff #canecorsoitaliano🇮🇹 #italianmastiff #italianmastiffpuppy #italianmastifflove #mastifflovers #mastifflove #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #doglover #dogs #canecorsoclub #canecorsogram
Mother of our current litter Narla #dogreels #italianmstiff #canecorso #canecorsoitaliano #canecorsopuppies #italianmastiffpuppy #dogsofinstagram #canecorsolover #instalike #fyp #puppy #mansbestfriend
Our pack 😍 #canecorso #italianmstiff #corso #canecorsolover #greydog #instalike #dogreels #dogsofinstagram #doglover #canecorsoofinstagram #fyp
Feeding our beautiful puppies, there’s no better therapy 🥰 #canecorso #canecorsopuppy #canecorsoofinstagram #canecorsolovers #canecorsolove #italiancanecorso #canecorsoitalianmastiff #canecorsoitaliano🇮🇹 #italianmastiff #italianmastiffpuppy #italianmastifflove #mastifflovers #mastifflove #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #doglover #dogs #canecorsoclub #canecorsogram