Brainy Dog School

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Brainy Dog School Empowering owners to build strong relationships and understanding; allowing dogs to use their brains. I knew it wasn't what I wanted for either of us.

Hi there,

My name is Melainee, and I am a professional games-based and force-free dog trainer and behaviour coach. I have a degree in Psychology, and I have been a personal and professional growth training and development coach and facilitator for a number of years. These skills have made a huge difference in how I interact with my clients, and how empowered they feel to work with their dogs so t

hat they truly experience their dog owning dreams. I find passion in witnessing owners falling in love with their dogs all over again, and in turn, growing and developing a bond that they never thought was within their reach. I have my very own perfectly imperfect doggo called Snoopy, and she is the reason why my dog training passion was realised. I always knew how much I loved her, but what was constantly upsetting me was that I didn't always show it, and what broke my heart even more, was how forgiving she was towards me. I just felt like we were both struggling through the motions of day to day life, and worse still, she was suffering because I kept putting her in those same challenging situations over and over again. It got to the stage where there was no enjoyment in owning her. We hardly interacted, and I found myself getting stressed and frustrated when things didn't go well, especially when she was off lead. What fuelled my upset even more was that I often listened to other people's opinions and judgements about her (and no doubt, about me indirectly). I was constantly told that she was naughty, there was no hope, and this is how it was going to stay. Some people even suggested aversive techniques, like electric shock collars and other forms of punishment. It never felt right or fair that I was making her do things just because I said so. Instead, I wanted her to experience life where she was able to be a dog and embrace her doggy ways, and also be empowered to make her own great choices, where she always felt loved, understood and enriched. Well, you'll be happy to know that we're living the dream and embracing learning new things every day (every day is a school day ;)). Our relationship is strong, and she growing into the perfect demo dog. Snoopy's huge personality has really helped me to grow and develop myself as a dog trainer. It's so rewarding to know that I took a stand, and it was that stand that had our relationship transform, and I am here and at your service to transform your relationships with your dogs too.

Spent a great 3 days with Snoopy at an in person Tellington TTouch training workshop.So much learning, with so many grea...

Spent a great 3 days with Snoopy at an in person Tellington TTouch training workshop.
So much learning, with so many great people.
Snoopy has come on leaps and bounds, and has taught her Mama a lot too!

Hello there,I'm a dog trainer who is committed to transforming people's understanding of their dogs, and equipping them ...

Hello there,

I'm a dog trainer who is committed to transforming people's understanding of their dogs, and equipping them with the practical tools to make a difference to their dog's lives and behaviour.

I'm based in Langley, Slough, Berkshire, and sell my sessions in blocks of 6, and I also offer one off taster sessions.

I always recommend buying the blocks of 6 sessions. This is not to say that only 6 weeks of training is required. You can buy as many blocks as you feel necessary to deal with whatever you put forward to me as your dog's main struggles.

NOTE : training requires regularity and consistency, where all household members have to be onboard / on the same page, as it's so important that your dog receives clear messages, and understands what it is you expect of them.

All sessions are held in your home, on a 1-1 basis.

I treat every dog /client on an individual level by observing and coaching accordingly.

Please get in touch and we can set up your weekly schedule.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and making a difference to your dog living happily and building a strong(er) relationship with you.

Warmest Regards,

Melainee Woodun
[email protected]

Linktree. Make your link do more.

Hey dog lovers,If you're thinking of rehoming a dog, or buying a new puppy, or you're prepping for becoming a multi-dog ...

Hey dog lovers,

If you're thinking of rehoming a dog, or buying a new puppy, or you're prepping for becoming a multi-dog household, or even if you're about to welcome a new baby/child into your household, and have a dog that is not used to having babies/children around 24/7, or you have young children who have never been exposed to dogs; and/or things just feel a bit daunting around how to manage your dog(s), I'm offering tailored dog training sessions, where we can either meet face to face in your home, or on zoom (if you prefer, especially if you don't have a dog), you can literally just ask me for advice/support.

I'm here to help, particularly around getting you to feel more confident around understanding your dogs needs, and setting up your home and family members in preparation for these life events.

I also have wonderful ebooks to send you that will support any advice that I give.

Please do get in touch with me by email, and we can set up session(s) and discuss prices.

Warmest Regards,

Melainee Woodun
[email protected]

Linktree. Make your link do more.


Courtesy of Absolute Dogs :

Why Are Fireworks So Scary for Dogs?

For us, fireworks may symbolise celebration and wonder, but for dogs, they often translate into fear and confusion. Here's why:

Loud and Unpredictable: Dogs have more acute hearing than humans, so those loud booms, crackles, and whistles are alarming. Fireworks are also unpredictable, making it difficult for dogs to anticipate when the next loud noise will occur.

Perceived Threat: The noise and unpredictability of fireworks trigger a dog's fight-or-flight response. They may bark, try to run away, or display signs of anxiety like restlessness, panting, and pacing.

Feeling Trapped: Fireworks are inescapable on certain occasions, leaving dogs feeling trapped with nowhere to run from the threatening sounds.
Preparing Your Dog for Fireworks

To help your dog cope with fireworks, it's essential to be proactive:

Create a Safe Zone: Prepare a designated safe space where your dog can retreat during fireworks. Make it cosy with bedding, and consider playing white noise to drown out the fireworks. Some pet parents even play Taiko Drum music to block out the sounds of fireworks or thunderstorms!

Desensitise to Sounds: Gradually expose your dog to recorded fireworks sounds at low volume, rewarding for calm behaviour. This can help them become less fearful over time.

Snoopy and I attended an in person Tellington TTouch training recently.Snoopy did so well 🎉and we both learnt so much.We...

Snoopy and I attended an in person Tellington TTouch training recently.

Snoopy did so well 🎉and we both learnt so much.

We were excited to receive our certificates 🤓

Louie was a short term client, who I only got to work with for a couple of sessions.I gave some coaching around his desi...

Louie was a short term client, who I only got to work with for a couple of sessions.
I gave some coaching around his desire to "hump". I wonder how that's going 🤔


Throwing a ball/using a chuck it thrower, can be a lot of fun. The downside is that, to a dog/puppy, the environment is often much more interesting/stimulating than the owner. Therefore, it is important to think of alternatives, especially in the initial stages of training. When the dog gets used to seeing you (their owner), as more exciting/having more value, keep the value close to you, versus, 'throwing value away'....more on this subject later!

I have observed and offered coaching (in person and via Whatsapp)on how to mark and reward Toby when fetching the ball.


You can see Toby's cute little face in this video. Look at that concentration. Coaching provided to the owner.


Toby's owner's first video - sent to me for feedback/coaching in between our weekly sessions.
This 23 week old Cockerpoo pup is doing really well, and learning fast.
As owners, it's always tricky to get their body mechanics right, and to know what to say and when to say it, to clearly indicate, to the doggo, the desired behaviour(s).

Had the pleasure of giving the owners of this beautiful American Bully, Odin, a taster training session to help with pul...

Had the pleasure of giving the owners of this beautiful American Bully, Odin, a taster training session to help with pulling on lead.


To a wonderful artist

Thank you

And Thank you to a Dog Lover for sharing this beautiful poem

“The corgi's lament

I woke up in my basket, the day after you'd gone.
I felt so sad and lonely, no lap to sit upon.
I had no-one to run to,
No treats to take with glee.
I had no plans for walkies, now you are not with me.
I know I'll be looked after,
I know they will be kind.
But you were my true Mistress,
And I've been left behind.
I hope your journey's peaceful and all I wish and pray,
Is I'll be there beside you,
Once again one day.”

We also was to acknowledge the artist

Thank you


Goodnight Ma'am


From Nikki Karis, Founder of Tail Life:

Here is a link to Amazon, where you can purchase book one of my Goddogs series, chronicling my journey of awakening and how I came to learn the 10 Commandments of Dog Ownership and much more. It's a MUST READ!

P.S. I did not write the Ten Commandments, as they are attributable to Stan Rawlinson from Great Britain. The prior photo was removed by me and replaced with an image of the cover of my book. The post was edited 8 days after its original posting. Thank you.

The Ten Commandments of Dog Ownership

1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you will be very hard and painful for me. Remember that before you adopt me.
2. Give me time to understand what you want from me. Please be patient with me.
3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well being.
4. Do not be angry with me for long, and do not lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends and your entertainment. I only have you!
5. Talk to me, even if I do not understand your words, I understand your voice when it is speaking to me. You only have to look at my tail!
6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it!
7. Before you hit me, remember that I have teeth that could crush the bones in your hand, but I choose not to bite you. (DON'T HIT YOUR DOG!)
8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I am in pain or sick, or my heart might be getting weak and I cannot tell you.
9. Take care of me when I get old, you too will grow old someday.
10. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say, “I can’t bear to watch it” or, “let it happen in my absence.” Everything is easier for me if you are there.

** And always remember, I Love You!

c. Stan Rawlinson


Just because a dog behaves well in societies eyes, does not make their human a dog expert.

I see plenty of 'well behaved' dogs trying to communicate with their humans but their communication falling on deaf ears. I see scared dogs, uncomfortable and unhappy dogs that get praised for being quiet and well behaved.

There are people out there that work tirelessly at being amazing advocates for their dog. That understand their dog. That continue to educate themselves about dogs. Some of these people have dogs that walk beautifully with them, that love everything and everyone, who hang off every word they say and some of these people have a dog who society deems as badly behaved. There are so many factors that contribute to how a dog behaves. Their human is just a part of it. There are plenty of dogs who struggle but have amazing humans.

Many dogs walk around with people who think they are amazing dog people but who dont realise that they actually just got lucky and have a dog that is well behaved inspite of them, not because of them.

A person that can get their dog to obey them says nothing about their understanding about dogs as a species.

The people that really impress me are the people that make no apology for putting themselves out for their dog.

The people that walk their dog at 5am in the morning because their dog is socially sensitive and that's the best time to walk them.

The people that make no apology for not being able to come out because their dog is under the weather or may need comforting in a firestorm.

The people who sit on the floor because they dont want to disturb their dog.

The people that dont take their dog to the pub because although they would love it, they know their dog doesnt.

The people that have bubble wrapped the whole of their house to protect their furniture whilst they support their new dog who is terrified of the world. (Yes this is a client I have at the moment who I think is amazing!).

The people that are brave enough to tell other people to not stroke their dog whilst the other person looks at them like they are mad, because all dogs love to be stroked by strangers, right?

The people that always know that they need to learn more about dogs because they cannot possibly know everything about such a complex, beautiful species.

So if you want to impress with how great you are with dogs. Dont try and get them to sit, give paw or lie down. Show what YOU can do for your dog, not what they can do for you.

To all the lovely people out there that constantly impress me with their efforts to be better humans for their dogs. Dont listen to the people who think they know best. Keep up the good work.

I will let you into a little secret. Training dogs to do things is pretty easy. But understanding them, being able to communicate with them,compromising for them, earning their love and trust but not expecting it and being their advocate, is not always quite so easy.

You can be lucky enough to have dogs that fit in with the world easily, all your life. But dont assume that because a dog is not behaving the way society thinks they should, that it is the humans fault or because they dont know anything about dogs.

All dogs are unique and untill you have spent time with every single one of them, you still have a lot to learn 😉

Good to know

Good to know

Puppy Lab Certificate

Puppy Lab Certificate

So many tips and tricks and great ideas to enrich the lives of puppies using Tellington TTouch.

So many tips and tricks and great ideas to enrich the lives of puppies using Tellington TTouch.


Ant powders don’t often cause severe poisoning but they can still make your dog ill. Find out more information about the dangers of ant powder at

A little treat for Pilar after a day of training...the last serving (Pilar didn't eat the whole jar of peanut butter by ...

A little treat for Pilar after a day of training...the last serving (Pilar didn't eat the whole jar of peanut butter by the way 😆).

This course was informative and gave some really great tips - all encompassing  baby / children related.

This course was informative and gave some really great tips - all encompassing baby / children related.


Red alert. 🚨 Temperature soars, too hot for paws. 🌡️ Please, take extra care out there. 👉


⚠️ Keep your pets safe from THEFT!

Pet theft is a scenario no pet owner wants to go through, but also a scenario that every pet owner benefits from knowing about.

Our fur friends are a part of the family, and of course, we couldn’t ever imagine our lives without them! 🐶🐱 That’s why it’s so important to know how to keep them safe from opportunistic thieves trying their luck and make sure we’re doing everything we can to not make it easy for them! 🙅

The key to protecting your pets from theft is to focus on prevention. Follow our advice to ensure you're doing all you can to protect your treasured companion!

👉 See our tips on keeping your pets protected:

Remember, although none of us like to think that it could happen to us, it's always better to be prepared!


Summer is well and truly here now, and we hope you are enjoying the hot, sunny weather! 🌞😎🍦With it due to get EVEN HOTTER this week please consider putting out some large shallow dishes of water day and night around the garden for all types of hot and thirsty wildlife! It’s a simple task, but by placing some water in your garden where wildlife have access to it, might just save some lives!


When the weather is hot, it can be difficult to make sure your dog is getting their daily exercise safely. 🐶 Here are 9 top tips from our vets:

♨️ If in doubt, don't go out. If you can't safely exercise your dog, missing a day won't hurt. Remember, .
🌞 Avoid the hottest part of the day which is usually between 8am - 5pm. The midday sun is when they're at most risk of overheating.
🌡️ Watch out for hot pavements, roads and sand. If it's too hot for you to hold your hand or bare foot on the floor for 5 seconds - it's too hot for your dog!
💦 Keep them hydrated. Always bring a travel water bowl and stop for regular drink breaks.
🐌 Take it slow. Running will only make them warmer and put them at risk of heatstroke.
☂️ Find the shade. Find natural, tree-lined paths for summer walks and avoid open spaces such as fields.
🚶‍♀️ Shorter walks. If it's too hot to go on their normal longer walk, there's no harm in keeping it short and sweet.
🌊 Be mindful around water. Avoid dangerous waters such as canals, reservoirs, fast-flowing water or rough seas.
🥵 Look out for the signs of heatstroke. Heatstroke is a life-threatening emergency, act fast and call your vet.

See the full guide here:


Eden Close Langley Slough Berkshire



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