All right, I’m gonna do another little update when I went back this morning. The trap was set. The food was gone, but nobody was inside
I think I went at this a little too aggressive. I think the trap got stuck and it didn’t go off until they were trying to exit so I’m changing my strategy up
Today I baited the trap and I tied it open. I’m going to keep it full and I’m gonna keep it a safe spot where they go back-and-forth to eat and they feel comfortable doing so
After a couple of days of them being horrible going in and out and eating with no repercussions, I will set the trap and we will get them. I cannot continue to keep going out there twice a day. It takes six hours of my 24 hour. period
If anybody lives in the area would be willing to help bait the trap save me a 3 Hour Dr. that would be super !!!
In the meantime, we just need to be patient. We will get them. They are just scared !!!
OK after walking for about an hour, I came across them lying on the side of another dirt road that spouts out from where we were they barked at me and of course ran but it’s a good sign. They’re still there little dogs have a tendency to try to hide during the day and then move at night I did not see any tracks other than deer tracks no signs of predators so they are actually safe as long as they’re eating, but I’m hoping hunger will be what brings them into the trap? They have not eaten as far as I know since last night I have a very large coyote trap as you see hoping they will both go in together Worst case scenario I hope the black one goes in. He is the most skittish if he goes in and not the other. I feel it will be easier to get him as well. I have made four trips in two days. It is about an hour and a half away, and it has warned me thin!!!
I am hoping we can end this tomorrow!!! I am not giving up !!! 💪🙏🐾😰
Still no sign of them yet today 😰😩🤥
Good morning
I just wanted to clear a few things up yesterday. I made a post where I was pretty frustrated and some people thought I may be upset with local rescues and that’s not the case. I just wish we could work together. Some people thought I was angry at Jordans Way and again the only thing I was frustrated about that is I wish I had known on Friday instead of Saturday after we had finished setting up and purchasing everything I just think it’s very sad. We couldn’t get 25 people to come out physically and show their support even if we didn’t raise a dollar that would’ve meant more to me Than anything in the world but lesson learned I think those of you who did show up and support us and I thank everybody who did donate because we did make enough money to fill my medicine cabinet and that’s the only way I can do this. I can’t afford to take the dogs to the vet unless it’s an absolute emergency and then I make it happen. I swipe the card, but keep vaccinations, antibiotics and basic medication’s on hand is key. I hope this clears things up and if you hear the praying type pray for us this morning I want to get those two little babies. I’m gonna put the trap in the back of the truck as soon as my pain pill hits my feet. 🤪🐾💪🙏🙏🙏🙏
Everybody’s getting a bath getting ready for the big exciting fun Jordan’s Way event we will be at 25 Richie St. in Saraland, Alabama from 10 AM to 1 PM. Would like you volunteers to show up early 830 would be Grand. We will have coffee and donuts. 🍩. #lovesdogsrescue Jordan's Way. Donate volunteer adopt.
PLEASE Click the Fundraiser Link below and INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY to the Fundraiser! It is a virtual event, so don’t hesitate to invite people from other areas or different states! SHARE, SHARE, SHARE to your personal page!! Help Us Spread the Word!! Help us highlight our animals and raise some money while having a BLAST!!
Everybody’s healthy
Now is when I get my reward next reward will be when they find their forever homes 💪🐾😍🙏
Meet blizzard
He’s gonna live 💪🐾😍
Not the best video lol but none of mine are I’m in the moment
God only knows where this baby was where she was born, where she came from where her mommy is where her siblings are. I just know God put this frozen little chunk in my hands and for the last three days I’ve been fighting to keep her alive. she wants to live. She’s gonna live meet winter. This little feisty baby is going to make somebody a best friend forever and ever when she’s ready for adoption get your applications in cause she’s gonna live🤪🐾💪😍🐾🙏