Blossoms Journey

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Blossoms Journey I am Blossom, I am a rescue dog. I adopted two humans the other day. I want to keep you updated about their training and how they settle into owning me.

They're a little rusty, but I think they will get there. They're a bit needy at the moment, but ......

Happy New Year to all my friends :D This Christmas I missed capturing the Santy Paws again :/ It's just my eyes that get...

Happy New Year to all my friends :D This Christmas I missed capturing the Santy Paws again :/ It's just my eyes that gets the tired, but the rest of me is alright? I doesn't know how it happens. Anyway I has spent most of the Santy Paws time like this ...... snoozing, and if I wasn't doing the snoozing I was doing the eating of all sorts of stuff that I is not really allowed (but Mum says it's Christmas so I is allowed to eat naughty stuff like everyone else :D ) I has lots of sprouts and I has Xmas dinner and Xmas tea and I has another Xmas breakfast on the Boxing day as well


Hello everypeoples. I has been busy again and I has the tablets to fix my Arfur-itus so I is feeling a lot less achey now


Hello everyone :D I hasn't been on here for a while, what with me almost full time working in our pet shop and if I am not working with my Dad doing the ''pawstomer service'', I is at home looking after my Grandad :D so I has a very full schedule ;) I went to the Rachel's Dog Grooming beauty parlour yesterday, my Dad and Grandad took me, then they left me there while I had my bath and came back for me after they had been to Tesco :O I have to say I smell and look beautiful again. After the bathing, I has a ''nappointment'' to go to see my vet Louise about my wart on my foot and my fatty lump (again). Mum likes to get it checked 🙄 to make sure I is OK and my vet says that we isn't gonna do anything with it, BUT, she says I do have the ''Arfur-itus'' and I has to have some medicine for my knees and elbows now :/ I am happy bout that coz I does ache a bit sometimes, especially when I is getting up on Mums new sofa that I am not allowed to go on 😏 She never seems to notice me when I do :D I think I is ''invisibubble'' when I is on it, coz she never makes me get down, it's very comfy and myself doesn't ache so much as when I lies on the floor


Good morning :) I has been busy, we has all been busy at our house :/ Mum and Dad has been doing ''stuff'' to our house, we has had new floors and Dad has been sorting out our kitchen. I doesn't like it when things change, so I goes off and sulks in the garden in my quiet spot, (the one where my cat stores her murdered mouses), but the last one she caught wasn't murdered, she brought it home to live in our house :O Mum wasn't happy coz she did let the mousey go in the kitchen ........ Mum hasn't captured it yet! ....... I has been for the grooming and I feels so much better and Mum says I looked amazing, I had my mane trimmed and everything

I has my Dad back 😍🥰

I has my Dad back 😍🥰

My Mum and Dad always says we all rescued each other :D My Dad has been away with my Grandad and they is coming home tod...

My Mum and Dad always says we all rescued each other :D My Dad has been away with my Grandad and they is coming home today


Hello everypeople :D Yesterday was a lovely sunnyshiny day. I was out in the garden on my sunnyshine bed getting all hot and hariated ....... Mum says ''get in''! and I has to go inside and keep cool, so I lays flat on my back on the sofa! I managed to take up a whole 4 seater and I has the best snoozes ever (after I poked my cat off her seat first :D ) My Dad and Grandad is not here, they has gone off somewhere :O but it's OK coz I know they will come back now, and me and Mum has been busy doing lots of stuff that Mum says she would rather do when Dad isn't here, then he won't know what has disappeared ;) , she emptied all the cupboards in the kitchen where Dad keeps his cooking tools and I has to guard it all for him! I am sure there was more there when she started than when she finished 🫣
Mum is still pleased with my hearing holes and I still doesn't has to have the ear juice or the itchy ear tablets :D My Delilah cat still goes to see our vet lady every 5 weeks and she isn't poorly now, but she is not fat anymore either and yesterday the people at the bottom of where we live were busy doing their garden and Delilah cat was nosy over the fence and had fun upsetting their dog :D she didn't care, she is old and thinks she is the Royal Queenly Cat, Mum tells her ''get down now and stop nosing over the fence, winding the dog up''! My Puchka cat was arguing with the Magenpies as well yesterday, they was shouting at her and coming really close, so she went upstairs to bed out of their way! Mum says ''good choice Puchka, they has babies about, they will bash you up''! Anyway ....... me and Mum has to water Grandads tomatoes in a minute before the sunnyshine comes, then we is off out for the sniffs


Hello every people :D My Mum says I has to write my diary today coz my friends has been asking bout me and worrying :( I am just fine and dandy. I has been going to the work in our shop with Dad and sometimes I stays at home and looks after my Grandad. I likes to stay home with him when the weather is better coz I can go in the garden with him and guard him while he looks after his growing stuff and when Grandad has a big orange to eat, he always shares it with me, even if I have been to the work he saves me 2 pieces of orange for when I gets home


Hello every people, I hasn't been chatting for a while coz my Grandad has been poorly again, but he is getting better now

This is my Delilah cat

This is my Delilah cat


I has a Grandad, and this is him :D Sometimes I looks after him, and sometimes he looks after me, but mostly we looks after each other. We shares the sofa, sometimes we can't quite decide who is gonna sit where, so when that happens we can sit together like in our picture. Usually when Grandad gets up to get a drink or something, I jump into his seat, coz it's always nice and toasty warm. Grandad is getting to know ''stuff'' about me :O Like he always puts his sweeties away now, (since I pinched his whole bag of liquorice allsorts and scoffed them all), but when he has an apple or an orange he always shares with me :D Sometimes I stays at home with Grandad while Dad goes to work, but mostly I still goes to the work with Dad. When me and Grandad stays at home, we do lots of snoozing and then we goes into the garden and looks at his crops he grows, Grandad is a supreme cattypillar hunter on the crops, he spends ages looking for the cattypillars, and he tells me all about them eating his growings, he says ''Blossy, if they carry on munching, there won't be any veg left for you!'' and I likes veg ...... an awful lot :) so I always helps him search for them ;) I really likes my Grandad, I never had one before, so I is making sure I look after him properly


I has been a really hot dog this last week 🥵 that sunnyshine has been full on and I hasn't been out for many sniffs :( Mum says it's too hot, even in the evening time she says the air is hot and it will make me poorly :/ I have to say I has had a bit of the runny p**p and Mum says it's probably the heat that's upsetting me a bit, I has been getting up at 3am and I wakes Mum up coz I needs another cold drink of water, then I needs a wee again coz of the water, so me and Mum has been staying up and I am allowed to lie in the garden with the door open, it's nice and cool. Mum says after the rain yesterday, it will be cool enough to go out really early for some sniffs today, I hope so, I need to check if the ''lake dragon'' has been back, well Mum says it's probably a dragon, coz it smells strange, Dad says it's probably a deer, but without evidence Mum says we has to keep an open mind 'bout this kind of thing :) I am fed up of the hot sunnyshine, Mum says soon Jack Frost will be about again and we can go out for crispy sniffs, when I can see my breath and my snoot goes all tingly, I likes those frosty sniffs the best coz I doesn't get all hot and ''hairiated'' :D 🥶 My cats doesn't really care much for the sunnyshine either, they likes to snooze together all day in Mum's flowers in the garden and they is too tired to have their boxing matches until the evening cool comes, then they wakes up and bashes each other again :/ strange things those cats, coz they bashes each other, but won't let any other cat bash them :/ Anyway, we is gonna get ready to go out for the sniffings soon ..... Blossy - the hot dog today


Hello everyone, I have been very busy going to the work with my Dad and now Grandad is back home sometimes I stays with him at home and we looks after each other :D I found a big spider in my house the other day, it was huge, I stared at it and I sniffed it and I decided I didn't like it enough to eat it and it scarpered under the sofa! Mum says I is a rubbish spider hunter, I is also a rubbish mouse catcher :/ when my cats bring the small mouses in, I watches Mum trying to catch them, I never helps with that sort of thing. Mum gets really hot and hairiated coz she is trying to keep my cats away and catch the mousey at the same time. When she catches them she always says to the mousey ''don't you flippin bite me''! Then she lets them outside to do mousey stuff again. It looks like fun, I might join in next time coz it happens an awful lot, it's my Puchka cat you see, she is a super mousey catcher :D

Mum says soon the Santy Paws time will be here again and I can wear my Elf coat in the shop to keep me toasty. I had it specially made by The Long Dog Shop and it was sent to me at my shop in a parcel addressed to me :D It was the first parcel I ever had all for myself and I really liked my elf coat coz it matched with Dad's and my Katies when the Christmas Lights was switched on 🎄⛄️ I likes the Santy Paws time, we has a tree and everything in the house and everyone is all snoozy and we is all together

We is back from the camping and we had a lovely time :D My good girls stayed massive, well apart from one little inciden...

We is back from the camping and we had a lovely time :D My good girls stayed massive, well apart from one little incident where I shouted at another dog :/ I don't know why I did, I just didn't like that dog, he was grey and had an ''uppy tail'' and a beard :/ Anyway, I did eat all my breakfast and dinner every day coz last time I didn't eat at all. Dad bought us some whelks and we shared them (Mum didn't, she said she would rather eat her own eyeballs 👀🫣 ) I don't know why Mum would rather eat her eyeballs, I think whelks are tasty. We has the camp fire at night and we toasted marshmallows :D
When we got back I climbed on the sofa and slept and slept 🥱😴😴 it's good to be home, I like my home, and now I understand that when we has the holiday, we always comes back to our home, I am happy 'bout that

I is on holiday doing the camping, my good girls has been massive this time 🥰 I will tell you all about it when I is bac...

I is on holiday doing the camping, my good girls has been massive this time 🥰 I will tell you all about it when I is back home 🏡 x


I had a good holiday at the seaside. I was on the beach, I dipped my toes in the water this time. Those seagulls was a bit scary, they was big and when I barked at them, they kind of yelled back :O I thought best not to mess with them, Mum says they is naughty birds. Anyway, we has been at home and it hasn't stopped the raining, Mum says she's fed up of it, and yesterday it was raining so hard for our sniffs that Mum put my coat on :O I got very excited 'bout that, I did zoomies and everything and Mum says ''if you don't pack it in, you're not going!'' :O By the time I eventually got out after the shinanigans, I was worn out before we started! I also stole Grandad's liquorice allsorts, I ate most of the bag, they was very tasty :) Anyway, we is going to do the camping soon, I think I might like it better this time now I has done it before ;) I has my own camping bed and everything, I has been going to the work with Dad and the other day I did eat some of a bag of Duck food :/ It was ok, not the best, no wonder the ducks on our lake quack a lot! I would too if I had to eat that ;) Anyway, I will send you all some pictures of the camping soon. Blossy - the world travelling, liquorice allsort pincher :D x


I is on holiday :D We are staying in a caravan at the seaside :D I am much more relaxed this time and every morning, afternoon and in the evening we walks over these little sandy hills (Mum says they are called dunes), and there it is ...... the seaside :O Now, let me tell ya, the sniffs here are amazing, it takes ages for me to sniff them all in, and each time we go, we walk right to where the sea rolls onto the sand to see if I likes it yet, but I still doesn't :/ We went to the seaside town yesterday and my ''good girls'' were massive Mum said :D I only shouted at a couple of other dogs, (because they shouted at me first), Mum says we still has to work on that part, but other than that, I didn't shout at any peoples and Mum said I was much better and not quite such an a*se this time :D We has people walking past our caravan all the time too and I doesn't shout at them either, I does watch them though, but Mum says watching is OK, shouting is not OK ;) Last night Dad had welks :O these sea creature things and he shared some with me 😋 they make good eats, Mum says we are both disgusting, I also had some crayfish and prawns, and it was naughty, but Mum let me try a little piece of candy floss for the first time ..... now that stuff is weird, you has it, then it disappears, like P**F, it's gone, I prefers the welky things, Dad says we can has more of those today


Yesterday, there was an incident 😳 Mum and Dad took Grandad out for afternoon tea. While they was gone I stole a M&S cherry bakewell cake from the kitchen side and I ate the whole thing 😋🥲 I also emptied the cats bowls. After that I had a massive runny p**p on the grass so Mum says I is not allowed dinner yesterday coz my belly was poorly 😬😒 Then later on my cat was sick on the carpet and it had somethings tail in it 😲😳 Mum said she was fed up with life yesterday, I don't know why 😇🤣 I has to have egg and brown rice for breakfast today for the runny bum, maybe today will be a better day 🫠 Blossy - the runny bottom girly today x




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