Dear Community Members,
I would like to address recent negative attention regarding my rescue, Ace Kitty Rescue Force, and an accusation of theft involving a cat and her five kittens by SV (abbreviated for privacy). Apologies for the lengthy message.
I have been a trapper in the San Jose area for over 10 years, focusing on TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) for several colonies. In the past couple years, we’ve expanded to include taking community requests for help and rehoming surrendered cats. As we had never had issues before, we lacked strict documentation for community requests including using surrender forms.
Last year, through a mutual acquaintance that occasionally fostered for us, we were made aware of a cat owned by SV who was potentially unspayed after getting neck wounds from roaming outdoors. SV declined spay services offered to her then. Earlier this year, SV reached out to adopt kittens from us stating she would surrender her cat in exchange for two kittens as her cat was unmanageable and constantly crying at her door. We advised her to confirm if her cat was spayed as she seemed to be in heat and rejected her adoption application.
Then in April SV reached out to the mutual acquaintance for help as her cat gave birth to five kittens outside and they were not doing well. After advising her to seek veterinary care for one fading kitten in particular and providing suggestions on neonatal rescues to reach out to, we then arranged for a community neonatal foster to visit her home as SV chose not to seek private vet care. SV was given a miracle ni**le, formula, taught how to feed properly, and the fading kitten was given subcutaneous fluids, this was all at no cost. Nevertheless, SV voluntarily dropped off the cat and four-day-old kittens to our mutual acquaintance that evening stating she couldn’t provide proper care. The mutual acquaintance could not provide around the clock care after a day and so my rescue took them in as a favor to SV and our mutual acquaintance, with SV’s agreement to do “what’s best for the kittens.”
Unfortunately, the fading kitten succumbed to respiratory issues from aspiration, likely from improper syringe feeding by SV, shortly after joining us. Upon evaluation of the four kittens and cat, the mom was malnourished and therefore unable to provide milk. SV initially requested the cat and kittens be returned to her after learning of the loss, but upon educating her of the continued need for proper care with us on the phone, SV verbally agreed for the kittens and cat to remain in our care. Despite understanding our intention to give the kittens and cat the care they needed, SV made an unreasonable demand for their return just a few hours later and accused us of theft. While our team was attempting to figure out how to address her sudden demand and accusation, she called the police on our mutual acquaintance and then us.
SV filed three separate lawsuits against our mutual acquaintance, myself as well as my family members who were uninvolved which she somehow got their names, and my rescue for $40,000 for emotional distress. Despite the ongoing legal action, we spayed the mom as SV had previously consented to it. To protect ourselves from future lawsuits claiming medical issues from the surgery, we chose not to fix the kittens until verdicts had been reached. The first lawsuit resulted in the judge ordering our mutual acquaintance to return the cat and kittens to SV. Concerns for their treatment under SV was shared, for which the judge stated it was an issue for animal control to investigate. We complied on June 24th and handed the cat and kittens to SV. SV is now adopting out the kittens herself two weeks later, blaming our rescue for not vaccinating the kittens despite them being too young for rabies. The other two lawsuits are still active, pending dismissal despite SV’s attempt to receive money for emotional distress. At this time, we have not countersued for reimbursement from veterinary expenses incurred that SV refused to get done herself in an attempt to put this situation to rest.
This experience has been eye-opening for our rescue. We’ve implemented strict documentation policies to prevent future issues. Unfortunately, SV’s actions and posts have negatively impacted our rescue’s reputation. We are committed to the well-being of cats and will continue to serve the community. We appreciate your support and understanding during this difficult time.
TL;DR: SV accused our rescue of stealing her cat and kittens despite her own neglect towards the cat and kittens and after consenting to their care with us. A court order mandated their return to her on June 24th due to property rights which we complied with. SV is now personally adopting out the kittens and I hope SV finds adopters that will provide them the home they deserve. I personally can attest that the kittens had been well socialized while in our care and would make wonderful furry family members. We acted in the best interest of the animals and will continue to do so. Thank you for your continued support.
-Tina, Founder of Ace Kitty Rescue Force