Sweet Peace Farm Sanctuary

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Sweet Peace Farm Sanctuary 🦆501(c)(3) nonprofit farm sanctuary
🐑All animals deserve protection!
🐄Donate to help the animals

It’s Slammy Saturday! 🐽Slammy has been fully integrated into the herd in our little piggy woods. It took a number of wee...

It’s Slammy Saturday! 🐽

Slammy has been fully integrated into the herd in our little piggy woods. It took a number of weeks for him to become socially acclimated because of his sensitive nature. We all predicted that he was going to end up a top dog or a boss man, but so far it has been the opposite. Since we introduced him, Slammy had been sleeping alone in his own pile of bedding at night and was socially withdrawn. He was also getting bullied away from his meals as the other pigs reaffirm their place in the hog hierarchy. But with some time, patience, and feeding time adjustments he has started to develop friendships with the other pigs and become more confident and assertive 💗

Slammy also loves being indoors. It makes me wonder if he was an indoor piggy before ending up at the hoarding case that he came from. Luckily he has a big house to share with his new pig family and can come and go from it as he pleases 🐖🐾

Don’t you just want to kiss that snoot? I can’t stand it 😍

📷: Liberation Design

🚨 PSA: We will NEVER TAG YOU in a comment to try to sell you shirts or other merchandise!I look a lot like Babette's mor...

🚨 PSA: We will NEVER TAG YOU in a comment to try to sell you shirts or other merchandise!

I look a lot like Babette's morning face when I see spam accounts making fake merchandise and tagging our supporters. They aren't our designs and will not support our sanctuary. Chances are, you probably wouldn't receive anything in the mail either. When scammers make these comments, I have to manually report, delete, and block each one (and I probably just did that 30-40 times today). Unfortunately there are no other tools on Facebook to deal with them or prevent them from doing this. They target tons of different pages. If you are tagged in a comment advertising a scam shirt that has our design on it, please report and block them as well.

The only place we announce new merch is in a direct post from our Facebook or Instagram page, with a link to our Bonfire shop. Never in a comment and never tagging anyone!

We do have some designs to wear and there's only one place to get them. If you ever want to buy a shirt to help support the sanctuary, our shop is located here and ONLY here!: https://www.bonfire.com/store/sweet-peace-farm-sanctuary/

Buying a legit shirt makes Babette happy! Thank you 💚🐑

Did you know that waterfowl like ducks and geese love freely? From the lifelong partnerships of geese, to the fluidity o...

Did you know that waterfowl like ducks and geese love freely? From the lifelong partnerships of geese, to the fluidity of multi-duck relationships, waterfowl communities make an excellent example of the multiple ways that love and respect can flourish. All are accepted in duck society and nobody is excluded for who they decide to partner up with! Imagine a world where us humans took a page out of their book and we all had the value of basic respect for others and their choices.

Claire the beautiful disabled duck is spreading her message today to always be proud of who you are, throughout this month and beyond.


In honor of Alfalfa we decided to make this infographic to better assist the caretakers of Pekins and Jumbo Pekins. So m...

In honor of Alfalfa we decided to make this infographic to better assist the caretakers of Pekins and Jumbo Pekins. So many times I see people asking for help with their Pekins facing immobility and pain in their legs, yet with so excruciatingly few resources designed to benefit the ducks themselves, they are often misdiagnosed by well-intentioned people online or their lives are unnecessarily cut short. An overview of the necessary steps to provide humane care for disabled ducks in a digestible, shareable format has been missing from duck communities, and I really hope that this helps with that!

Providing disability accommodations to birds is a revolutionary act of compassion and one that all Pekin caretakers should be prepared for. Each one of these steps deserves its own full article, and perhaps one day we will be able to provide that. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to DM or email us for advice or recommendations. 💗🦆

Today we had a visit with a veterinarian from the PA Department of Agriculture, who have been carrying out a multi-state...

Today we had a visit with a veterinarian from the PA Department of Agriculture, who have been carrying out a multi-state and multi-year investigation into the transport of pigs across PA state lines and throughout the east coast. This government agency is working with other organizations and nonprofits to make sure that pig adoptions and general pig transport happening around our state are not spreading dangerous diseases, as well as to make sure that all the pigs being transported are properly accounted for. It was incredibly humbling to have a state official thank us for the work we're doing, to compliment our sanctuary, and to tell us that our pigs have a great home here. Over the next couple weeks we will be getting an official certificate of health for each pig, as well as a microchip to ensure that their identity as a Sweet Peace resident is always safe and secure. As you know from my gratuitous posts about quarantining animals, we take biosecurity very seriously, and we will always do everything we can to make sure that we are up to state standards and providing the best care possible!

As a side note... all this hot weather means it's pool time. The pigs are sometimes hesitant to get in the water, but they do have fun when there's snacks involved 🐽🌶️

Alfalfa is gone 💔Abandoned at a local park at just a couple weeks old, Alfalfa and her two brothers were hours away from...

Alfalfa is gone 💔

Abandoned at a local park at just a couple weeks old, Alfalfa and her two brothers were hours away from certain doom. They were so scared and desperate for help that they ran up to a parkgoer who saved their lives that day by bringing them to safety. They've been important members of our family since then.

Alfalfa was an impressively loud duckling and always quacking her head off! She grew into a lovely matriarch, a friendly and social duck who taught the ropes to incoming ducklings and other ducks. She earned the nickname Mama 'Falfa and was loved by all. She was especially close to our duck Peony before eventually needing to be separated due to her disability.

Alfalfa spent most of the past year indoors in her wheelchair to help relax her legs, and in the company of her friend Winnie or one of her brothers. In her last months she had been on 7 different medications, and we truly believe that we did everything to try to maximize her lifespan while giving her a comfortable and enriching life. Alfalfa was with her brother Sapling when she passed away, peacefully in her bed overnight.

Truthfully, Alfalfa was way too young. She was exactly 3 years old, and is survived by her two brothers who are also in advancing states of disability. This is because of their breed, the Jumbo Pekin, who are hatched by the hundreds of thousands each year and were bred to be so large that they are nearly guaranteed to have leg problems in early life. Other breeds can live into their teens without such issue. Yet anyone can go to a farm supply store and buy a handful of Jumbo Pekins without any veterinary training – their lives intended to cut short for meat at just 7-8 weeks old, large and heavy birds yet still fuzzy and peeping.

We will always remember Alfalfa, and we will always dedicate our efforts to speaking up on behalf of ducks just like her. Please only adopt Jumbo Pekins, never purchase them or support the cruel breeding practices of their hatcheries. I know that Alfalfa is running and flying free now, with an able body and comfortable legs, as she should have been able to during her time on earth. 🕊️


As of now, across our social media and donation platforms we've raised $1,248! We also transported 3 more lambs to the loving arms of Hope Haven Farm Sanctuary last week. There are only 3 lambs left here who will stay until we finish up transport logistics. Thank you so much to everyone who has made this rescue a success and allowed us to help these lambs with your generosity. You make a difference. Thank you. 💗🐑

🐑🌷 On Mother's Day we honor not just the present moms, but also those who have passed on, those who have endured the los...

🐑🌷 On Mother's Day we honor not just the present moms, but also those who have passed on, those who have endured the loss of their children, and those who are absent from their children's lives. This is an experience that all of the residents here at Sweet Peace understand deeply. When we were rescuing the eight little lambs just a couple weeks ago, their mothers cried out for them as they left. Getting those lambs out meant that their lives were saved, and we could start to put a halt to the cruel cycle of breeding, separating, and butchering that occurred there and on every sheep farm across the world. I wish that we could have saved all of those moms and reunited them with their babies in safety. Though we tried, there is only so much that negotiating can accomplish. I dream of the day when sheep and all other animals are no longer exploited for their bodies, their milk, or their babies.

The seven sheep who have found a permanent home here at the sanctuary over the past few years have all formed into a tight-knit family. When I think of mothers I think often of our Maeve, an 11 year old ewe, and all of the babies that she had to say goodbye to during her previous life. We can tell from the toll on Maeve's body that she had many lambs before she finally found sanctuary. I also think of Phoebe, and her decision to abandon her baby in order to escape from the meat farm that was using her to create more and more lambs for butchering.

Sheep deeply value their relationships with others. We know this from their behavior and the emotions they clearly communicate with us. The wool industry is the lamb industry, and there are no animal products that allow families to stay together and still turn a profit. Please help us create a world where every mother, regardless of species, can nurture and protect her young without fear of separation or exploitation. Go wool-free today and love your mom ❤️


Time for an update! The eight lambs we rescued are such sweet little babies, and they are settling in to the new routine! Two girls have already headed off to their forever home at Briarwood Farm Sanctuary. We also got the boys neutered here at the sanctuary and talk about that in this video. So far we are over halfway to our donation goal, so please consider a contribution to help us cover all of the care that these little sweeties need! 🐑🐑

Thank you Claire and Revolution Philadelphia for your help with fundraising!

💚CashApp $SweetPeaceSanctuary

🐑🐑 Over the weekend, we took in 8 lambs from a farm that was not equipped to care for them. Claire, an activist with Rev...

🐑🐑 Over the weekend, we took in 8 lambs from a farm that was not equipped to care for them. Claire, an activist with Revolution Philadelphia and a friend of the sanctuary, has been working hard to negotiate these lambs out since before they were born. This farm has been a subject of great concern locally, as neighbors noted that sheep were passing away from heat stroke in their fields during the past couple summers. These sheep endure hot months without being shorn, elderly sheep go without routine pain medication for arthritis, and lambs succumb to preventable ends. Of the surviving lambs that made it here, 3 of their brothers and sisters had fatally frozen over the winter. In just the past week, these lambs were almost sold for meat numerous times. It is through the perseverance and dedication of Claire and her partner Brian that their lives were saved. The greatest tragedy is that large animal protection cannot or could not do anything for this case. For farmed animals like these lambs, grassroots efforts like ours are often the best they have at achieving any form of justice.

These lambs are curious, playful, and loving to one another. They are just like scared little puppies. And they deserve a second chance.

Today these lambs are in our air-conditioned stalls, drinking fresh water, and eating fresh hay. At the sanctuary, we have been examining them, getting them de-wormed, trimming their hooves, and preparing their space for the boys to be neutered before they head to compassionate forever homes. Our vet is coming out this week to get that done for us. This will cost us likely upwards of $1000, which we would love our animal-loving community to help us cover. Can you spare a few dollars to help us cover the bill for getting these lambs prepared to start their new lives? Thank you!! 💚

💚CashApp $SweetPeaceSanctuary


Grand Slam Update! 🐷

Slammy is settling into his new life after getting caught up on important aspects of care. In this video I talk about what we got done for him during quarantine, and his first few days out and about. Stay tuned for another update soon! We love this precious piggy 🐽💗

Thank you Four State Veterinary Services and Flip Side Hoof Care for the piggy services, and Liberation Design for help with filming!

It's time for an update on the abandoned ducks we rescued last month! Check out this wonderful photo of some Lititz Park...

It's time for an update on the abandoned ducks we rescued last month! Check out this wonderful photo of some Lititz Park survivors in their new home at Harley's House Rescue. ❤️ All six survivors were transported to their new homes in Ohio and Indiana thanks to volunteer driver and adopter Kari! Four of them will have wonderful lives with their experienced duck mom Kari, as well as the two boys who found forever sanctuary at Harley's House.

Good Sprout Rescue and Sanctuary did an amazing job coordinating transport and adoption while we helped the survivors start their healing journey here. Most of the ducks had staph infections, all of them had parasites, all were in emaciated body condition, and the level of fighting among the males from their unmanaged flock dynamic meant that these ducks really needed to be separated and placed in experienced homes. Biosecurity was especially important this time since parasites and staph are both transmissible to humans, posing major concern to unknowing visitors of the park.

One of the reasons why we had to prioritize this rescue is from the chilling photos we were receiving of dead domestic ducks at the park. The Cayuga duck from this group (the black duck with a green head) had actually watched his mate pass away and stayed beside her, a large disabled Pekin who was not receiving veterinary care and perished before the case was reported to us. 😢 But the good news is that he is now named Adonis, and was reunited with his brother Atticus, also a survivor of Lititz Park. They remembered each other and get to live together in safety now! Go check out Harley's House Rescue to watch their journey unfold together 🦆❤️🦆

Dolce and Jetsam 💞Though they aren't often known for it, ducks form intense bonds and relationships with one another. Th...

Dolce and Jetsam 💞

Though they aren't often known for it, ducks form intense bonds and relationships with one another. These two have been in love with each other since they met. Dolce is a Buff Orpington duck with beautiful tan and gold feathers, and her mate is Jetsam, a hybrid mix of domestic breeds with Mallard. Both of them were rescued from the same city pond in Allentown, PA, though they didn't meet until they joined the sanctuary months apart. Ducks tend to gravitate towards others that look like them, so the fact that they both picked each other out of numerous options in the flock is quite a coincidence. I'd like to think that they bonded over the shared experience of surviving abandonment at that pond! Here Jetsam is dutifully watching over Dolce as she prepares a nest for egg-laying. They also go everywhere together, whether that means swimming, foraging, or napping.

Mallard hybrids like Jetsam are common in sites of unmanaged duck abandonment. If he stayed at the city pond, his offspring would carry domestic genes that affect the survival of future Mallard populations. Though he's small and sleek, and probably less than half domestic, Jetsam still can't fly very well and he also had a staph infection from the stress of trying to survive out there. Dolce had a serious infection when we rescued her in the middle of winter, as well. Domestic ducks and their hybrids do not belong in the wild, only in safe homes!


🦆 + 🌧️ = ☮️

Goose projects and considerations! 🦢🌿Our major projects over winter and early spring have been centered around making ou...

Goose projects and considerations! 🦢🌿

Our major projects over winter and early spring have been centered around making our goose aviary the best that it possibly can be: A brand new super roomy sleeping house, an extension specifically for grazing space, and most recently our mud remediation project. With all of the challenging rain and moisture over the past few months (and the knowledge that this is our "new normal" from the climate), we installed a permanent drainage solution around their pools and water bowls where it gets the muckiest. The goose fam is pleased with it!

Caring for any animal means maximizing quality of life with lifespan. The latter is an especially pertinent care choice for domestic birds. We choose to provide protected aviary spaces for our birds because that's how we know that they never have to worry about harmful interactions with wildlife, from disease spread to flat out predation. At the same time, it's crucial to our values that they're able to perform all their normal behaviors and more. Responsible care is ensuring that they get to enjoy the same aspects of life as they would if it were safe to live in the wild or under free-range conditions. That means foraging and grazing spaces, places to climb, roost, and hide, enriching foods, and access to deep water for swimming and mating. Just as we can't toss our bird friends out on their own and expect the best, we also can't stick them in barren enclosures with nothing to do but honk at each other!

After all that domestication has done to take away their ability to live free and autonomous lives as wild waterfowl, providing that autonomy back to them takes the form of a safe life with freedom from predators and other threats. It may be a radical notion, but that's often what sanctuary is. 🦢💗🦢


Today the sun and the earth's shadow will be as close as Baby Huck and Baby Hazelnut! The pasture is a little dark because we're out with the cow family experiencing the 2024 solar eclipse, but that doesn't stop baby moos from being curious and rambunctious. Here in southeast PA we don't get to see a full eclipse, just the earth blocking out all but a tiny crescent of the sun. 🌘

It has been like Christmas here at the sanctuary thanks to the Beta Delta Zeta chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorp...

It has been like Christmas here at the sanctuary thanks to the Beta Delta Zeta chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated! This Philly-based sorority has been fundraising and donating so many wonderful items from our Amazon Wishlist! Behind Bitsy are many packages of cat litter, cat food, and animal-safe cleaning supplies, and this is just one portion of the donations. A HUGE thank you for the kitty supplies to Lucille, Tanya, Felicia, Pamela, Valerie, donors who didn't include their name, and thank you to wildlife coordinator Colleen Green for organizing! We have many more donations to share about in later posts and lots more names to list!

These supplies are extra useful right now. Unfortunately, two cats were returned this past week from our cat adoption program. Sometimes life is unpredictable, and it's part of our adoption contract that any Sweet Peace alumni always have a home here no matter the circumstances. Though they were adopted together 6 months ago and returned at no fault of their own, we are happy to welcome them back and eager to find them a new home together as bonded siblings. Beau and Belle are two adorable tuxedo cats that are happy, healthy, and friendly, and they will be ready for their second chance soon. If you are interested in adopting please send us a message!

Happy Easter! 🌼 Everyone is loving the warmer weather and grass that is starting to grow again in the pastures. In sanct...

Happy Easter! 🌼 Everyone is loving the warmer weather and grass that is starting to grow again in the pastures. In sanctuary, friendships, families, and relationships of all kinds are allowed to flourish. and every day is a celebration of love and life. 💚

Spring and Easter are a time to celebrate rebirth and the flow of nature. A day like today is especially the best for practicing compassion for other animals. All around the world, people will be consuming the bodies of lambs and sheep that each have their own friends, personalities, joys, and personhood. Baby lambs will be separated from their mothers and cry as they are destroyed. How is it a celebration of life and rebirth to treat such gentle creatures this way?

The responsibility falls on us. Please consider joining the revolution of compassion and treating animals how they all deserve to be treated. If it starts with your Easter plate today, then let kindness lead the way! 🌸

Easter weekend is upon us! 🌷 ...and with that, the rate of animal abandonment is only going to skyrocket. Chickpea and W...

Easter weekend is upon us! 🌷 ...and with that, the rate of animal abandonment is only going to skyrocket. Chickpea and Winnie are two survivors of duck dumping from different places and points in time. Winnie was abandoned on park grounds in Ohio, where she endured starvation, permanent frostbite damage, and even a nail embedding into her body. Chickpea was abandoned as a duckling shortly after Easter at just a couple weeks old, in a different park local to us. If a kind woman didn't stop to save him and his siblings, he would have died to exposure or been eaten by a predator within hours.

Can you believe that people are still putting living animals in their children's Easter baskets? That people are still going to farm supply stores and buying animals without doing research, understanding that they need coops, enclosures, specific food, an avian vet that treats their species, and will need 10+ years of proper care? Ducklings are not toys! Chicks aren't props! They are expensive and extremely messy animals, with specific care needs and social dynamics in their flock.

Sometimes I think of all of the care that organizations like ours put into finding the right home for rescued ducks, the standards we have and adoption counseling that we all do, and the fact that there is nothing... literally zero screening or education needed for anyone to waltz into a farm supply store and grab a handful of animals for a few bucks. And it's why our spring and summer will involve many more duck rescues!

The first thing that the goose family does when they come out of their house in the morning is scream at the top of thei...

The first thing that the goose family does when they come out of their house in the morning is scream at the top of their lungs and run around. Some run with their wings outstretched, and others waddle over to the water for a drink. Others jump in the pool right away, and some geese wait around in anticipation of breakfast. Sunny didn't do any of those things, and as the morning routine progressed, her quiet and still stature was a clear message that she was not feeling very well.

I scooped her up and took her into our infirmary, a sunlit room with baby pens and first aid supplies waiting for when one of the feathered family needs medical recovery (or sometimes just a break from their flock). Some birdy vitamins helped her perk up a bit. But when a bird is feeling bad to the point of showing it on the outside, it's usually much worse on the inside. They are very stoic and hold it in until they can't any longer. So Sunny went to the vet the next day.

We didn't find anything serious, but Sunny is probably feeling crappy because she has intestinal parasites. Parasites and deworming routines are a normal part of life for outdoor animals, and we actually haven't had any issues with them before. But this is also the rainiest year I've ever seen — it was an exceptionally rainy fall and winter, meaning that there's an exceptional amount of water and mud that we've been working to mitigate in their living spaces. Unfortunately, though it is fun for the waterfowl to play in, these conditions are prime for swimming parasites like Sunny's to proliferate in.

Veterinary care is so important for birds of all species, yet it's rarely used for farmed birds like ducks, geese, and chickens. We never would have known the problem, the type of parasite, or what wormer to use to help Sunny feel better. She's already back to eating and honking after getting the right medication she needs! Though this is a harrowing sign of what we may deal with more regularly as climate change progresses, it only underscores the need for proper veterinary care for all creatures.

Okay... the forced perspective makes Baby Hazelnut look like she has a giant head and Dr. Pesato is her tiny veterinaria...

Okay... the forced perspective makes Baby Hazelnut look like she has a giant head and Dr. Pesato is her tiny veterinarian! 🤣

Thank you Four State Veterinary Services for taking care of our annual care for the calves and the piggies! Everyone got vaccines today and we will have a couple more visits for boosters in the coming weeks. Everybody was so well behaved, it was unbelievable. Nobody put up a fight (well, except little pig Butterbean a little bit) and Sugar even did some happy oinks for her new vet when everything was over!

We are so excited to work with this new practice, because the options for mobile large animal care around here are SLIM SLIM SLIM. It's just not feasible or possible to lug every animal to the hospital for annual care, so I was previously driving cash in an envelope 40 minutes one-way to give to our old mobile farm vet whose clientele is 90% Amish. I've never been so excited to make an online payment. 😆💚

If you'd like to help cover today's visit, our donation options are below! Thank you!
💚CashApp $SweetPeaceSanctuary

Another road trip weekend for a special girl! Last week we received a request to find a home for this sweet little lamb....

Another road trip weekend for a special girl! Last week we received a request to find a home for this sweet little lamb. Her family was buying hay for their goats when they saw 1-week old Willow in a cage, crying desperately for someone to help her. They learned that her mom rejected her when she was born, so she was to be sold, a fate that typically only means one thing for a "meat breed" lamb like her.

Her family saved her life that day. Willow grew, and got stronger (and louder!) with all of the love and care that was put into her. But soon she would need her own herd of sheep — a family that's the same size, enjoys doing the same things, and communicates the same way that she does. Luckily, we were able to find the perfect home for sweet Willow at Freedom Farm Animal Rescue! Her previous family covered the first leg of transport to get her here, where she got a break to stretch her legs and have a snack in the Sweet Peace barn, and then we took a road trip to New Jersey to see her off in her new home!

Willow will be medically cleared at Freedom Farm, and then she'll meet a very special friend who's been waiting for someone just like her. There's another little lamb there in urgent need of a big sister to help him feel secure and move around more confidently. Willow will be so happy to have another lamb to play with and grow up together. I can't spill too much, because that's Freedom Farm's announcement to make, but this is a life-changing match for both Willow and her special new friend. ❤️

We have transported to Freedom Farm twice now, and all of the hard work that goes into their beautiful sanctuary is undeniable. Their animal family is so happy and their property is beautiful. It's great when we can work together as a community to find the perfect situation for someone in need! Enjoy your new life, Willow! 🐑🐑

Six more souls found sanctuary over the weekend as we rescued a band of domestic ducks that had been cruelly abandoned a...

Six more souls found sanctuary over the weekend as we rescued a band of domestic ducks that had been cruelly abandoned at Lititz Springs Park in Lititz, PA. This group contains two Khaki Campbell females and four males of various breeds: Cayuga, Rouen, Khaki, and a Saxony mix. Like all other domestic ducks, they are helplessly large and flightless, unable to flee to safety with the Mallards that shot effortlessly into the sky as we approached. Like nearly all other abandoned ducks, here at the sanctuary they will need to catch up on nutrition, parasite medication, and receive treatment for staph infection on their feet.

The number of hybrid ducks at this park were staggering. There were at least 20 flighted Mallard mixes of all feather colorations, carrying diluted genes that will affect the survival of future wild Mallard populations. It's an ecological disaster. This park is clearly a routine dumping site for ducks, despite domestic animal abandonment being a 3rd degree felony in PA. But unless this park adds cameras and "No duck dumping" signs next to their present signage about not feeding ducks bread, this problem will only continue into the spring months. We hope to collaborate with the park management of Lititz Springs to address the animal welfare problems at this park before they get any worse, and before it reaches peak abandonment season.

🚨 BREAKING NEWS: Balding buns on Big Blue and a thief on the loose?!At approximately 8 AM this morning during piggy brea...

🚨 BREAKING NEWS: Balding buns on Big Blue and a thief on the loose?!

At approximately 8 AM this morning during piggy breakfast, eyewitness accounts reported that Big Blue was rocking out with his cheeks out in a most ungentlemanly fashion. Local experts share that spring is almost here, leading some pigs to shed their coats in anticipation of warmer weather. Was this an obscene gesture, or just Big Blue's way of celebrating the imminent season change? Stay tuned as we uncover the hairy truth behind this cheeky mystery.

LATER: A large, unarmed woman was seen doing laps around the little pig woods carrying what was described as "mouthfuls" of citrus fruits. Though the scene initially appeared sinister, investigators were able to quickly discover that Sugar was actually just looking for the best spot to enjoy her breakfast without being disturbed by other swine in the area. Authorities have disbanded, and local residents are encouraged to resume normal activities.

That's it for the Saturday news roundup. Have a restful and joy-filled weekend. 🐷

Ziti and Gingersnap are two affectionate and social formerly-feral kitties looking for their special forever homes! They...

Ziti and Gingersnap are two affectionate and social formerly-feral kitties looking for their special forever homes! They are both girls that were trapped locally at different points in time, and have made amazing progress with socialization. 🐈💕

Ziti is a little silver tabby with a lot of s***k, and she loves to play with cat toys. She likes to slink around on furniture and show off her stuff, it's how she asks to be pet! She is more reserved with new people, but quickly warms up when you get familiar to her. She even did great with being handled at the vet last year!

Gingersnap is the gorgeous tortie girl, and she absolutely loves head scratchies and bum scratchies! She recently turned a corner with accepting humans into her heart and now she's a total love bug! She can't wait to be the couch potato waiting for some love on your sofa or cat tree.

These girls are not bonded and can happily go to separate homes. They are both spayed, UTD on shots, dewormed, and have stellar litterbox manners. They are both young kitties at 1-2 years old, with a lot of life to live and a lot of love to give! Let's bail them out of the sanctuary cat room and get them the loving families they've always wanted!

🐱 Adoption application: https://forms.gle/w93LPx7PSt2KYbqi6

🐱 Questions: DM the page or send to [email protected]





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