Wild Legacy Farm

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Wild Legacy Farm Our farm focuses on ancient animal breeds and mimics nature to bring both abundance and resilience.

A new study shows how Comfrey can be used as a feed supplement and soy replacement!Something to try for pasture raised p...

A new study shows how Comfrey can be used as a feed supplement and soy replacement!
Something to try for pasture raised pigs in Canada. Comfrey is a perennial adapted to our climate. It could be Fall seeded after your last pig's rotation with winter wheat, chicory, kale and a nitrogen fixer like clover. It will grow early in the spring and supplement high level of protein plus minerals and other goooodies.
I'll include it in my Mix this year and keep you updated!

Technical informations... :
The full study talks about pyrrolizidine level, liver toxicity and palatability. It also talks about the challenge in a free range system where pigs have access to the root, not only the leaves. It's a good study, but I suggest everyone reads the full study and not only the resumé! Also, Mangalitsas would likely be exposed to it for a longer period than commercial pigs as they are slow growers. So these considerations are even more important. They talk about developing a comfrey with low pyrrolizidine level too. Make sure to not choose Russian comfrey or other hi pyrrolidine Comfrey types!

In smallholder agriculture, the fast-growing and perennial accumulator plant comfrey (Symphytum spp.) was used to supply pigs with protein and minerals. Comfrey leaves show similar values in dry matter as soybean or blue lupine in crude protein content, but much higher levels of calcium and phosphor...

Prochain projet pour ma classe de métier peut-être ?? C'est dans mes cordes !

Prochain projet pour ma classe de métier peut-être ?? C'est dans mes cordes !


Happy Family Day 🎉

RESERVE YOUR PIGLETS NOW!How many pigs would you raise next summer? It is time to thing about it. We are half sold alrea...

How many pigs would you raise next summer? It is time to thing about it.
We are half sold already.

Available :
Meat pigs from Berkshire x Duroc x Mangalitsa
Purebred Mangalitsa
Purebred KuneKune

Wild legacy farm focuses on ancient breed animals and mimics nature to bring both abundance and resilience. We are deeply rooted in regenerative agriculture. Our commitment is to strengthen soil health to deliver healthy, nutrient-dense food products that taste better. We raise Mangalitsa wooly pig....

"Soyons réalistes, exigeons l'impossible!" (Che Guevara) Apprenons à nos enfants à aimer se surpasser ! Je regardais des...

"Soyons réalistes, exigeons l'impossible!" (Che Guevara)

Apprenons à nos enfants à aimer se surpasser !

Je regardais des photos sur mon ordinateur en y faisant le ménage et je suis tombé sur cette photo qui m'a toujours beaucoup parlé! Il s'agit de mon plus jeune fils à 4-5 ans au sommet du Mont Albert, 3478 pied d'altitude en 2015. S'il y a une chose que j'ai découverte en élevant mes enfants, c'est qu'ils sont capables d'accomplir tellement de chose !

Les enfants ne se questionnent pas sur ce qui est possible et ce qui ne l'est pas. Ils sont prêts à tout essayer. Trop souvent nous sommes ceux qui disons à nos enfants que ce qu'ils ont en tête n'est pas réaliste!

Nous sommes responsables de ce qu'ils vont considérer normal dans la vie. Apprenons à nos enfants à aimer se surpasser! Apprenons leur à chercher à devenir de meilleure personne. Pas parce que ça paye! Pas pour être accepté des autres! Mais parce que foncièrement, être un être humain, c'est vivre en pleine conscience de notre existence et chercher à être intentionnel ("Je pense donc je suis" disait Descartes). C'est avoir la possibilité d'être ambivalent, de questionner nos choix, d'être créatif, résilient et de vivre en fonction de nos valeurs, nos idéaux, nos objectifs. C'est d'aller au-delà de juste survivre et prendre sa place dans un groupe.

Être parent, c'est laisser nos enfants se définir en tant que personne à travers les sommets qu'ils atteignent, leurs rencontres et leurs découvertes.

Et peut-être leur laisser la chance de nous montrer encore une fois, qu'il est "ok" de croire en l'impossible! Et de rêver ensemble!

SOLD OUT! Thanks for your interest!Anybody's looking for beautiful purebred milking Nigerian goats to start a herd? We a...

SOLD OUT! Thanks for your interest!

Anybody's looking for beautiful purebred milking Nigerian goats to start a herd? We are getting out of goats to focus on cattle and pigs. So "the cream of the cream" of our herd is available now! All the beauty we carefully selected for ourselves the last 3 years is available now!

Just saying... all breeders do that right, they keep the best one for their own herds. It is how things work.

So it may be a one time life just for you! No they are not cheap. But we are cheaper than most of other serious breeders.

SOLD OUT! Thanks for your interest!

Our pigs were literally buried in snow this morning! What a morning!It makes me think 🤔- all the hardiness of Mangalitsa...

Our pigs were literally buried in snow this morning! What a morning!
It makes me think 🤔
- all the hardiness of Mangalitsa is revealed in these moments!
- I will definitely plant more willow trees to create more wind breaks in my pastures next summer!!!
Willows also gives me biomass, wood chips for animals bedding, it acts as a soil stabiliser and stores mineral surplus and carbon.

The Farmer's face on a Stormy day ! LOL(Version française plus bas)While you are warm inside enjoying your coffee. Take ...

The Farmer's face on a Stormy day ! LOL
(Version française plus bas)
While you are warm inside enjoying your coffee. Take a minute of silence for all the farmers in charge of raising and growing your food. And for the farmers who care enough for their animals to go outside to make sure everybody have a dry place to hide until the storm is over! Taking care of animals when it is a nice day outside is something. Taking care of animals when it is a storm is a devotion.

Respect yourself by respecting what you eat.
Respect what you eat by knowing where it comes from.
Respect what you eat by making sure your farmer respect it too.

And maybe for the farmers, respect your animals enough by selecting them not for their aptitude to grow faster to a market size, but to be resilient and to thrive in their environment.


(French version)
Le visage du fermier du jour de tempête !
Pendant que vous êtes au chaud à l’intérieur, savourant votre café. Prenez une minute de silence pour tous les agriculteurs chargés d'élever et de cultiver votre nourriture. Et pour les agriculteurs qui prennent suffisamment soin de leurs animaux pour sortir et s’assurer que tout le monde dispose d’un endroit sec où se cacher jusqu’à la fin de la tempête ! Prendre soin des animaux quand il fait beau dehors est quelque chose. Prendre soin des animaux en cas de tempête est un dévouement.

Respectez-vous en respectant ce que vous mangez.
Respectez ce que vous mangez en sachant d'où cela provient.
Respectez ce que vous mangez en vous assurant que votre agriculteur le respecte également.

Et peut-être pour les agriculteurs, respectez suffisamment vos animaux en les sélectionnant non pas pour leur aptitude à croître plus rapidement pour atteindre une taille marchande, mais pour être résilients et s'épanouir dans leur environnement.


Alors que nous terminons progressivement le travail acharné que représente l'abattage, l'emballage, la mise en boîte et ...

Alors que nous terminons progressivement le travail acharné que représente l'abattage, l'emballage, la mise en boîte et la vente de boîtes de viande, et avant que ne débutent les accouchements et la vente de bébés cochons, Il est temps de retourner à ce projet de construction et de continuer à construire mes portes et fenêtres !

Wild Legacy Farm is in Charlottetown! We just finished delivering 320 lbs of meat to 10 awesome customers!

Wild Legacy Farm is in Charlottetown! We just finished delivering 320 lbs of meat to 10 awesome customers!

We just finished getting ready to welcome our customers for today's meat box pickup at the farm! A couple hundred pounds...

We just finished getting ready to welcome our customers for today's meat box pickup at the farm! A couple hundred pounds of precious grass fed, pasture raised, beef and pork!
Thanks to all our customers!
Thanks to our animals who lived a good life here so we can enjoy their beautiful and healthy meat!
Thanks to this beautiful Island where it is so good to farm!
Thanks to the strong PEI community who supports this kind of agriculture and want more of it!

How can you know if a book reaches your roots? When, many years after, you are still using it and referring to it. I rea...

How can you know if a book reaches your roots? When, many years after, you are still using it and referring to it.

I read many books on alternative agriculture these last 20 years.

I want to share these 2 books as they helped me so much developing the roots system of my understanding of regenerative agriculture and holistic gardening.

As we are heading towards February, I know you folks are probably like me thinking of everything you want to try out there next summer!

These readings are a good way to get prepared and think about your priority and mindset approaching agriculture projects.
More books to come!

Now is the time to choose your pickup date for those who reserved a meat box!If you didn't select a box yet and would li...

Now is the time to choose your pickup date for those who reserved a meat box!
If you didn't select a box yet and would like to do it, you can still do it here : https://forms.gle/2xpzFTns2zodt4R39

Thank you! Your warm support makes the difference!

Thanks for you reservation. It is time to set up a meat box pickup date! Please choose a date and a time slots. Please make sure to choose the pickup location that's right for you. In the form, there is 2 different questions. The first one is for the week availability. The second one is for the week...

Here's a simple way to get on the list and reserve your meat box with us!I've received so many messages from you in the ...

Here's a simple way to get on the list and reserve your meat box with us!
I've received so many messages from you in the last 24 hours!
Thanks so much for your warm support!

Community shows its strength when people connect together!

Wild legacy farm focuses on ancient breed animals and mimics nature to bring both abundance and resilience. We are deeply rooted in regenerative agriculture. Our commitment is to strengthen soil health to deliver healthy, nutrient-dense food products that taste better. We raise Mangalitsa wooly pig....

Where to start? What a journey! My name is Antoine Robillard, I would like to take the time to introduce my family and m...

Where to start? What a journey! My name is Antoine Robillard, I would like to take the time to introduce my family and my farm to the group.

6 years ago, we moved to PEI (from Quebec) to start a farm on this beautiful Island. We had plans, but no idea where it would lead us really! We moved and lived in a Tiny House on wheels with our 3 young kids on a vacant field surrounded by water and forest, in Launching, Cardigan.

First year, we planted an edible forest. It was my priority as trees take time to grow! Second year we started our strawbale house. By the meantime we started having animals. Our small farm and homestead was off grid.

Regenerative agriculture and permaculture was our approach and we were rapidly attracted by hardy breeds. We got our first Mangalitsa wooly pig and Belted Galloway Cattle.

Wild Legacy Farm was created! A family operated farm for the community! Pastured in nature by nature! So here is the description of our farm :

The Wild legacy farm focuses on ancient breed animals and mimics nature to bring both abundance and resilience. We are deeply rooted in regenerative agriculture. Our commitment is to strengthen soil health to deliver healthy, nutrient-dense food products that taste better. We raise Mangalitsa wooly pig and Belted Galloway cattle, both world renowned for their delicate and healthy meat.

Our passion for agricultural renewal is contagious. Drawing on our experience in education, we recently decided to broaden our mission through different workshops. The goal is to share our homestead and husbandry knowledge and bring more people to experience food resiliency and self-determination.

We are also in the process of building a couple cottages to allow people to dwell on our farm and live an immersive experience on our farm by the sea!

Follow us if you want to be informed about meat availability, homestead workshops, eco and agro tourism “unique” experience, and much more!

This weekend was the first edition of our pig roast preparation workshop. We when together throughout the fundamentals o...

This weekend was the first edition of our pig roast preparation workshop. We when together throughout the fundamentals of Slaughter, evisceration and carcass prep for a pig roast. Everybody had is own pig to practice on it!

It is hard work, sure, but so satisfying for a homestead to do the whole process.

On the picture is part of the plasticized document workshop's participants received.

We will do some amelioration for the second edition. So it will be even greater! The date needs to be confirmed. If any is interested, let us know!

If you think some of your contact could be interested, please share this post so it helps us doing more editions of it!!! Thanks for your amazing support Y' all!

Just sayin. This month is the month! if you want to reserve a box of meat from us!

Just sayin. This month is the month! if you want to reserve a box of meat from us!

Grass fed Galloway beef available soon! Reserve your box! Belted Galloway beef is known for its low saturated fat content and well-marbled meat. The presence of thin threads of fat throughout the meat, known as marbling, is believed to greatly enhance flavor and tenderness. Not only is Belted Gallow...

Atelier sur la préparation d'un méchoui !!Vous élevez vous même des cochons durant l'été, ou vous y pensez sérieusement....

Atelier sur la préparation d'un méchoui !!

Vous élevez vous même des cochons durant l'été, ou vous y pensez sérieusement. Ou vous avez envie de vivre une expérience typique de la vie sur une fermette en voie vers l'autonomie alimentaire.

Cet atelier vise la préparation complète d'un jeune cochon en vue d'un méchouis (pig roast).

Le coût de l'inscription dépend en fonction de la grosseur des cochons que nous utiliserons. Ce mois-ci le coût est de 350$

Vous quitterez l'atelier avec la viande d'un délicieux jeune cochon ancestral élevé en pâturage à notre ferme. Vous aurez acquis de nouvelles habiletés et de belles histoires à raconter lors de vos prochains repas en famille ou avec des amis!

Contactez nous si vous êtes intéressé!

Workshop !! Homestead butchering and pig roast preparation !!If you are raising pigs during the summer and you are inter...

Workshop !! Homestead butchering and pig roast preparation !!

If you are raising pigs during the summer and you are interested to take part in a workshop to learn the basic of butchering and pigs preparation from live animal to pig roast, this is for you!

The cost of the registration depends of the size of the pigs we are using. This month, it is 350$.

You will leave the farm at the end of the workshop with a delicious pastured young heritage pig prepared for a pig roast, new skills and memories!

Contact us if interested.

Many thanks to Jason Campbell. As, today, you were a dream deliverer! As we move forward in our agro-tourism project, yo...

Many thanks to Jason Campbell. As, today, you were a dream deliverer! As we move forward in our agro-tourism project, you delivered us our renewable energy powered well shed. A key for both, keep moving our valuable purebred Mangalitsa into more wild forest, but also building off grid cottages by the sea to start this agro-tourism sanctuary on PEI Island.
So Jason, as we sometimes say in the sports world: today you delivered!

La page facebook "ma maison sous terre" qui hébergeait les informations en lien avec la construction de notre maison éco...

La page facebook "ma maison sous terre" qui hébergeait les informations en lien avec la construction de notre maison écologique sera maintenant fusionnée à notre page Wild Legacy Farm. Cela facilitera les publications et nous permettra également de vous informer des nouveaux projets excitants qui s'en viennent!
Pour ceux qui n'étaient pas familier avec ce projet de construction, ma maison sous terre est un projet de construction écologique qui a débuté au tout début de Covid!
Il s'agit d'une maison isolée par des ballots de paille revêtus de mortier à base de chaux et de sciure de bois. La technique du GREB a été utilisée pour ce projet.
Le projet avait ralenti, car j'ai consacré beaucoup de temps à la ferme dans les deux dernières années.
Je recommence à y investir plus de temps en ce moment. Le projet du jour est la porte française en demi-lune fait en tenon mortaise.
Vous aurez donc sur cette page la suite du projet, ainsi que tous les projets de construction écologique qui s'en viennent pour cet été. Le prochain projet est la construction d'un chalet off-Grid sur le bord de la mer construit entièrement avec l'énergie solaire.
Ce chalet sera à louer pour tous ceux qui désirent passer un peu de temps à l'Île du Prince Édouard et visiter notre ferme régénérative!

We have pure Mangalitsa breeding quality piglets available. Reserved now!

We have pure Mangalitsa breeding quality piglets available. Reserved now!

Did you think about getting piglets, or cattle as a Christmas gift for your homestead family?Just a thought if you're st...

Did you think about getting piglets, or cattle as a Christmas gift for your homestead family?
Just a thought if you're still looking for the best last minute gift...
And obviously we can help with that! Hey 👋
Berkshire cross
Belted Galloway cattle
Babies or proven breeders available!
+ Get a visit of our farm for the whole family!!

4 familles francophones prince-édouardiennes font boucherie chez nous à la ferme Wild Legacy Farm et se partagent fièrem...

4 familles francophones prince-édouardiennes font boucherie chez nous à la ferme Wild Legacy Farm et se partagent fièrement leurs 2 cochons! Une belle expérience à vivre ensemble! Ces cochons Mangalitsa élevés en pâturages sont dignes des meilleures tables de restaurant. Meilleures d'un point de vue santé aussi! En effet, sa croissance lente et son élevage en pâture en fait un cochon savoureux et chargé en Oméga 3.

"The male is half your herd," someone told me.Well, that makes a lot of sense doesn't? As all the babies have half his g...

"The male is half your herd," someone told me.

Well, that makes a lot of sense doesn't? As all the babies have half his genetics. So better invest in the best genetics you can find for your boars.

Since the beginning of our Mangalitsa quest a couple years ago, we have searched for the best boars we were able to get in Canada. Registered stocks were a priority for us as we thought it was particularly important to know where the Manga come from. The Manga Genetics pool in Canada is so small. We need to prevent further inbreeding!

We ended up buying a pure Blond Mangalitsa boar in Quebec. We named him Sepp in honor of Sepp Holzer, the renown permaculture farmer from Austria. In fact, 15 years ago, we learned about this beautiful breed in one of Holzer's books.

Since that moment, Sepp (our boar...) has taken care of our 4 Mangalitsa sows. But we were in need of another boar to be able to offer unrelated couples to our Manga customers.

For those who follow the last post... you're probably wondering what was in that stock trailer last night isn't?! It was a pure Red Mangalitsa from EH Farm in Alberta! We are so happy to welcome a new boar directly from Christina at Eh Farm, first importer of Red Mangalitsa in Canada!

Long life to Red Shore, our new boar! PEI is known to be surrendered by the red shores. We thought it would suit a red pig in PEI!

PEI is now well positioned to be a niche for the preservation of Mangalitsa in Canada. The three pure colors of Mangalitsa are now represented here at Wild Legacy Farm.

Follow us to learn what's next in that story!

Last night, we teased you with that stock trailer story, remember?So, tonight, I'm just giving you an hint...We were in ...

Last night, we teased you with that stock trailer story, remember?
So, tonight, I'm just giving you an hint...
We were in contact for several months with the first importer of Red Mangalitsa in Canada located in Alberta : Eh Farm.

In September, We've got a surprise!

Christina of Eh Farm was visiting our farm in PEI, Canada. It was a beautify encounter! Christina is a strong lover and defender of the Mangalitsa breed in Canada. I felt so lucky to give her a tour of our farm at Wild Legacy Farm. It was a rainy day, but we both enjoyed it! I also felt lucky because we are both a local, human scale farming in our part of Canada. And we know the value of meeting, connecting and trusting people we are dealing with. That is what should be the food industry!

So here's the hint : Let's write the legacy of Mangalitsa in Canada together!

Like and fallow us to learn more about that crazy stock trailer story and what it will bring to Atlantic Canada!




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