Today will be the first time Lux hears fireworks!
Fireworks can be extremely scary for dogs and cause tremendous anxiety to the point where some dogs shut down, or hurt themselves.
As Lux is still in a very important developmental period that can effect how she reacts to things for the rest of her life we want to set her up for success today!
Some of the things we are doing:
-making sure to stick to her regular routine (like a toddler she has meals and naps at specific times!)
-providing physical and mental stimulation throughout the day so she is physically and mentally tired by tonight.¹
-keeping in mind not to OVERstimulate and end up with a grumpy puppy.
-previously had played videos of fireworks in increasing volumes as she does normal everyday activities to desensitize the sound.
-we don't celebrate Canada Day, so tonight will be a normal Friday movie night (providing a cover of sound)
-letting her have a Friday night treat (frozen duck foot) to help distract her.²
-making sure her microchip information is up to date and she is wearing a collar with contact information.
There are also a variety of calming chews, calming caps (muffle sounds,) thundershirts and more on the market that may help your dog if they do not like fireworks. If your dog is severely anxious you can talk to your vet about a situational medication to ensure they do not hurt themselves- mentally or physically.
¹ Today Lux will go for a short (distance) sniffari with Punk, eat 2 of her meals in slow feed bowls, and use one meal for a training session. This is a good balance of physical and mental stimulation without doing too much! Some dogs may need more or less, our training sessions are usually a good hour and tire her out!
²Some dogs may be to stressed to eat, you can also provide distractions with new toys, dog television and more.