
PawsAyur Herbal Pet Shop

It all started with a story that will touch your hearts. Hemaswi’s little brother was very fond of dogs but unfortunatel...

It all started with a story that will touch your hearts. Hemaswi’s little brother was very fond of dogs but unfortunately was never allowed to keep a pet dog. Hemaswi insisted on having one after her father’s demise as there was a feeling of emptiness. So, the siblings brought Sky as a companion to their mother. The siblings had long working hours and had no one to take care of her and accompany her.

Having Sky at home was a perfect decision, shared Hemaswi. They all got adapted to a healthy and holistic lifestyle. By hugging or touching their furry friend, the siblings felt calm and soothing when stressed or anxious. Such is the impact, of having pets around.

Having a pet made them responsible like having a little kid at home. “He looks innocent but is very naughty. He often runs away putting something or the other in his mouth and we have to fetch him. This is a kind of funny act, but at the same time it keeps us active and occupied along with him,” said Hemaswi while sharing a funny incident.

“We had the feeling of emptiness and were always lacking something as nothing or nobody could ever replace our dad whereas Sky eased our loneliness and completed our family,” added Hemaswi.

Sky understands and responds to human emotions and body language. Being a psychologist herself, Hemaswi shared that she was finding it difficult to cope up with her dad’s loss.

“I was finding it difficult to have a work-life balance as after I lost my father, I went into depression and I was having frequent panic attacks. My family used to find me shattered and crying in the middle of night, having chest pain or shortness of breath. My mother and brother were clueless about what’s happening with me and were worried. The only one who helped me battle depression was Sky as he used to snuggle me up and calm down. He was always there beside me and it felt that he understood everything,” shared an emotional Hemaswi.

Every life has a purpose. Life finds meaning when purpose meets existence. So is Sky, who they believe is a Kaarana Janmudu, as he was born the same day as her father. What a beautiful coincidence, isn’t it? It indeed touches our hearts.


From cat-tastrophe to twin comebacksLooking for inspiration? well, hop on a rollercoaster ride filled with heartwarming ...

From cat-tastrophe to twin comebacks

Looking for inspiration? well, hop on a rollercoaster ride filled with heartwarming emotions and boundless inspiration where a “tiny furball” is all set to leave the “biggest imprints on your hearts”.

Introducing Faith, a rescue cat, on the verge of death who selflessly guided Chandan through the stormy seas of life. Chandan’s life took a miraculous turn when he stumbled upon a frail, abandoned cat, thrown in garbage. Faith was badly injured and vets thought he wouldn’t make it as he can walk but limps due to his fractures and gave him two days to recover or he wouldn’t survive.

Faith miraculously survived and with Chandan’s care he grew up to become a furball who doesn’t let his disability stop him from having a fun filled life. Chandan had immense faith in him and hence named him Faith. His will to survive against all odds mirrored the challenges Chandan faced in his life. Chandan shares, “Faith’s meow echoed louder than my struggles, filling my life with newfound joy.”

The act of nurturing another being provided Chandan with a renewed sense of purpose and through the shared journey of healing, both forged a connection that intertwined their destinies. This duo proves, “second chances are woven in the fabric of compassion.”

When Chandan had his share of bad days Faith would sit with him on the terrace and watch the moon. Faith became his silent mentor teaching him resilience, courage and the power of compassion. Chandan feels, “Abled or disabled one can live a happy life without anything holding them down.”

Chandan humbly says, he didn’t make a difference in Faith’s life. At first glance he thought Faith was dead but he came back to either take him to the vet or bury him, luckily Faith survived. Chandan feels, he played a small part in Faith’s life but “Faith made my whole life brighter just by being in it.” With that Chandan signs off for Pawsayur.

CC - .atiksha654

Prachi’s former German shepherd dog, Sheru, passed away from a fever. Everyone in the family was sad. After a month or t...

Prachi’s former German shepherd dog, Sheru, passed away from a fever. Everyone in the family was sad. After a month or two, her father decided to purchase a puppy in the hopes that it would lift their spirits and make her and the family feel better. Prachi was feeling incredibly alone and her heart was broken.

She then spoke to her friend who resides in Jeypore. He was aware of a seller who was ready to sell. Prachi brought a Labrador named Coco when it was around 26 days old in 2020 during the pandemic.

By the time Coco turned one year old, they had adopted their second child, a dachshund named Sophie. Her brother’s friend had brought her but was unable to keep her because of family matters, so her brother informed him that they would adopt her. Sophie was one month old then.

Prachi says that both the furry friends have enlightened their home and lives. “We had to keep an eye on them all the time because they were so tiny. My brother would get them a ton of toys to play with, and my maid and I would make little pillows and a blanket bed for them to sleep on,” shared Prachi.

She furter added, “I used to train my labrador, Coco, and play fetch with her at first. She is very intelligent, gregarious and energetic. She used to carry her own basket to the terrace when she wanted to take a bath in the sun. Coco loved playing with my mother. She would always take one of her socks and run around the house to play, tease her by showing it to her, knowing that her mother would run after her.”

Whereas Sophie is not very active. She loves to sleep and play according to her mood. She also loves to get pampered and attention from everyone.

Prachi says that she eventually became a mother to these kids; starting from taking care of them to playing along and seeing them grow up.

Caring for a pet gives us a sense of purpose and responsibility. Having another living being that relies on us for their well-being and happiness can provide a profound sense of fulfillment and meaning in our lives.


The two cats came to Sahil by chance. He was visiting a friend in Delhi and she had a stray cat come to her house balcon...

The two cats came to Sahil by chance. He was visiting a friend in Delhi and she had a stray cat come to her house balcony out of nowhere and deliver 5/6 kittens. She being allergic to cat fur, had given away most of the kittens to her friends. And these 2 siblings were remaining and walked right into his lap as 4/5 month-old kittens.

Sahil was on shore & doing courses in Delhi, so he took care of them. After which they were brought to Mumbai by train by Sahil, while he did a few more courses there. But Buttons had a bad fall from the 4th floor flat in Mumbai and broke a lot of bones & merely survived. When it was time for Sahil to join his contract and sail out, he trusted his mother Vaishali More with the responsibilities of his two babies & brought them to Vizag on July 2 under her care. 

Since then, Vaishali shared that her lifestyle has totally changed. It's like having two grandkids at home. She plans her day as per their schedule & has recently got the required safety measures done for the house entrance and windows as she stays on the 6th floor. Vaishali rushes home before their feeding time & playtime. 

“I was never a pet person. Give me 10 kids to look after & I would have done it easily. But these two cats, who are like family members now have changed me into a pet parent. I got the spaying done of Buttons & taken care of her all by myself, being there for her when she was restless and irritated during her periods time. I have learned to take care of them, through constant guidance from my son & through articles, YouTube, and Instagram videos. It's wonderful to have two pets in the house who give love unconditionally & are not too demanding,” shared Vaishali who is an avid biker.

She added, “They add immense happiness to my life. They came to me while I was going through therapy & was going through a bad depression. Their presence, love & responsibility has given me purpose again in life and have added a lot of positivity to my life.”

“These two pets have bridged the gap between my son & me beautifully & we have started to bond once again & there is lot of expressive emotion shared between us now,” she concluded.

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Do you know that your pets can also be trained to practise yoga? Let’s check out Pawga- India’s first pet yoga experienc...

Do you know that your pets can also be trained to practise yoga? Let’s check out Pawga- India’s first pet yoga experience. At Pawga, one practices beginner-friendly yoga as the puppies/kittens from animal shelters run around. Pawga was started to bring the shelters closer to people and to give everyone an inside slice of what happens at the shelters. 

Pawga falls in the sweet spot between human and animal welfare as these pets have a positive impact on the mental well-being of humans and at the same time human interaction is vital for pets as it helps them evade early-stage depression. 

Pawga is women-led. Swathi, Subhashree and Sinduja are friends from undergrad and they joined hands to start Pawga to create a revolution in adoption in India. They pioneered puppy and kitten yoga in India. 

Pawga is a 60-minute yoga session. When puppies come in they might be a bit nervous as most of them have been through a lot. But Sinduja shared that they have noticed how they bounce back, come out of their shells, and re-start their faith in humans by curling in their laps towards the end of the session, refusing to leave the participants of Pawga.

“I was afraid of dogs before Pawga. Three years of Pawga has led me to feed and shelter dogs in my street. I don’t even recognize the person I was three years ago,” shared Sinduja.

She further added, “One of the other co-founders has anxiety attacks. She makes it a point to attend Pawga every weekend in any city. She has fewer attacks now and we are also very happy to see how peacefully she handles any situation now without anxiety. Pawga has taught us that there are bigger things in this world. Animal welfare is a never ending battle for the voiceless and there is always more to do.”

Presently, Pawga has puppy and kitten yoga at the moment. They also have Paint with Pets where people practice basic art as older puppies and handicapped dogs run around them. And they have Pottery painting which focuses on older dogs, older puppies, and handicapped dogs who haven’t found a home yet.

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Adding a pet as a member of the family brings about a significant change in the lifestyle of the people involved. The in...

Adding a pet as a member of the family brings about a significant change in the lifestyle of the people involved. The introduction of a furry companion into our lives not only impacts our daily routines but also influences our overall perspective on life. And the influence goes to an extent that your life is bound to a positive change.

Meet Gunwanth who had adopted his pet Jack from the streets of Visakhapatnam as an adult dog during Covid in April 2021. He had never planned on bringing Jack home. However, Gunwanth was very empathetic and could never see anything happen to animals, so he took care of Jack while he was on the street. He used to make sure Jack was well fed every day and was taken care of and Gunwanth used to meet him every weekend.

However, later on, Jack was suffering with an aural hematoma and needed surgery so Gunwanth took him in for post-op recovery and he never left. Rest is history and Jack became a part of the family.

Since a pet was brought home, Gunwanth shared that the entire family had started to become more compassionate towards animals and realized they are sentient and feel love and pain just like us.
“I also realized that animals require help as we have taken away their land and built landscapes while they have become strays hungry for food and dead bodies in accidents,” he added.

Adding a pet as a member of the family leads to lifestyle changes that encompass routine, responsibility, emotional well-being, increased physical activity, social connections, empathy, adaptability, and a sense of purpose. The transformative effect of pet ownership extends far beyond the individual, enriching the lives of everyone involved and creating lasting memories and cherished moments.

Pets are a blessing, all they have is the purest of love and innocence. They will love you if you love them and they will still love you even if you don't. Jack has taught them to open up their emotions and not box them up.

Gunwanth has become an animal rescuer and is into animal welfare since then. He soon learnt animal first aid and spot treatments from vets.


The happiest dogtor that prescribed therapyEver been to a music concert? well, every note isn’t a joyful melody? infact ...

The happiest dogtor that prescribed therapy

Ever been to a music concert? well, every note isn’t a joyful melody? infact gloomy notes add to the beauty of a musical masterpiece that create the “perfect symphony”. At times life takes an unexpected turn and we find ourselves in the depths of uncertainty and feel hopeless. We can still find a glimmer of hope hidden beneath our soul.

Meet Kenny an aspiring singer and Zeke, who stitched together the shattered pieces of Kenny’s heart, a feat none of the therapists could replicate. Enveloped by depression after his uncle’s untimely demise and over-thinking, Kenny was in a sea of darkness and Zeke was the anchor he desperately needed and he made Kenny feel there is immense hope in life.

He provided Kenny immeasurable comfort, his eyes seemed to understand Kenny’s pain and his reassuring whimpers healed Kenny’s overwhelming emotions. Kenny shares, “when tears felt like rain, Zeke’s love whispered a symphony of love, and my heart wept with gratitude.”

Zeke’s boundless energy made him excitedly fetch his leash every morning reminding Kenny of the “beauty of a new day”. Kenny’s world felt less daunting and he started confiding his thoughts in him and instantly Zeke became his “special friend” and with his support Kenny regained the courage to rebuild his life.

Zeke constantly reminded Kenny of the “splendor in existence”. Kenny reminds us that even in our darkest hours there is a furry canine waiting to lead us towards light. He found hope, purpose and renewed happiness through Zeke that shows the resilience of the human spirit and Kenny shares, “In the symphony of my doggo’s love my tears became the most poignant notes, composing a song of resilience, hope, unlimited joy and with his selfless love I found joy and purpose once more.”

“In the canvas of my life, Zeke paints strokes of vibrant colours and nurtures the garden of our unique bond where hope blossoms”, and Kenny signs off for Pawsayur.

Time to take care of our furry friends and make them feel lovedGod has blessed us with parents who can take care of us, ...

Time to take care of our furry friends and make them feel loved

God has blessed us with parents who can take care of us, and provide us with shelter, food, and everything. “But have we wondered about the other living beings?”, ponders Yutika Banerjee, a violinist by profession. As a human, it's our duty to protect provide, and be a pacifist person all the time, she says.

Yutika has rescued a lot of animals in her life. She says that animals have literally paused pain in her life. And since then, only the beauty of happiness has doubled up and my life is incomplete without them.

“Initially I was a happy person now I am the happiest person.
God has made humans above animals so that we take care of them, love them, and nurture them. I might not take much care of myself but I definitely take care of my pets. They have taught me to love everyone unconditionally. My life has become more meaningful ever since I rescued my babies,” shared the young violinist Yutika.

On being asked how it caters to her emotional needs, Yutika said that when she gets back home from work, she knows someone is waiting for her. When she cries, her pet tries to lick her tears and starts crying too. “Even if I cannot call him a human, I will definitely call them a pawman/pawgirl. At the end of the day, I just need a hug and I receive it unconditionally from my babies.”

Yutika said that one difference that the pets have brought to her and her family members is that they don't fight anymore. There are no arguments as the furry friends have brought ultimate peace in their lives. “We used to never get up early but now every day we have to get up hook or by crook,” shared Yutika stating that they are her priority more than anything in life.

Pets can help combat feelings of isolation and loneliness, especially for individuals living alone or going through life transitions. They provide a sense of companionship and can fill empty spaces with their presence, making us feel connected and less isolated. The playful antics, unconditional love, and joyous moments shared with pets have a profound impact on our overall happiness.

Dr. Mini Vasudevan, the founder of Coimbatore city-based NGO Humane Animal Society (HAS), is a recipient of the Nari Sha...

Dr. Mini Vasudevan, the founder of Coimbatore city-based NGO Humane Animal Society (HAS), is a recipient of the Nari Shakti Puraskar, the highest civilian honor for women in India. The award was in recognition of her work in animal welfare.

Even though Mini was brought up in a household without pets, she had always felt a deep connection to animals since early childhood. When she was 11yrs old, she turned vegetarian after witnessing a chicken being severed while she was playing with her cousins on a farm. Today, a vegan for more than 13yrs, Mini strongly believes that making a difference is as important as making a living, & considers her work with animals extremely gratifying.

The pivotal moment was in the year 2006 when Mini witnessed dogs being treated inhumanely by being confined in inhabitable and filthy kennels, while she was volunteering at the place where Coimbatore Municipal Corporation was performing its Animal Birth Control (ABC) program. This led her to founding the Humane Animal Society (HAS) — a non-governmental organization that works for the welfare and protection of animals in Coimbatore. HAS was formed to mitigating the suffering of animals that did not have anyone to care for.

It takes a progressive thought process and an evolved mindset for someone to view animals through the lens of coexistence and treat them as equal inhabitants of the planet. Today, doing exactly that, HAS runs a shelter as well as a sanctuary for animals in Coimbatore. What started small with a few people is now a big family with 25 full-time staff and over 50 regular volunteers. HAS’s work has, to date, helped at least 75000 animals. HAS also has an outpatient facility to help those who cannot afford treatment for animals under their care.

Mini is extremely grateful for the completely unchartered but deeply emotional journey that HAS has offered her. She says that thanks to all the animals that she has had an opportunity to rescue and rehabilitate, she is certainly a better human being today.

“There is no limit to the love animals can give humans” quotes Mini who has also served on the governing board of the Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organizations.

Pets have their own unique set of needs, preferences, and personalities. To accommodate their requirements, pet owners m...

Pets have their own unique set of needs, preferences, and personalities. To accommodate their requirements, pet owners must adapt their lifestyles and make necessary adjustments. This can involve changes in travel plans, home arrangements, and daily routines. The ability to be flexible and adapt to these changes becomes an important aspect of pet ownership.
On the similar lines, we bring to you the story of Brownie and the parent Dr Beatress. Brownie is a hybrid of Pomeranian & Alsatian. Brownie became a part of Dr Beatress’s family around 11 years back when one of her Jiju’s friends gave him and his nephews wanted to keep him. 
A pet at home is always welcome, shares Dr Beatress who is a Consultant Psychologist by profession. Her father was in the Army & before Brownie entered their life, they have had pet dogs. 

On being asked how the pets brought a change in her life, Dr Beatress said, “Brownie is with me for 7 years now after my sister's family moved to another city. He is a member of the family and has the quality of being cathartic. However, after the pandemic, things changed. He has developed some skin infection & since then he has become very clingy. He wants all the attention, hence me and my brother love pampering him.”

Dr Beatress said that Brownie waits for her to come back from work and give lunch to him. He loves to go out so he does all kind of drama to ensure he is taken out. “If I'm eating something then it has to be shared with him. I spend time talking to him. I strongly feel he understands everything and pets have an incredible ability to cater to the emotional needs of humans in various ways,” she added.

Lately, he has become weak due to old age. So leaving him at home all alone is an issue these days. Other than her job, she has stopped going out for any reason because Brownie needs her.

Caring for a pet fosters empathy, compassion, and a sense of responsibility. As we tend to the needs of our furry friends, we become more attuned to their emotions, health, and well-being. This heightened awareness of another being's needs extends beyond the pet-human relationship and positively impacts how we interact with others. 

‘Fur-ever’ Friends for life Furry companions become cherished family members and lifelong friends, forever changing who ...

‘Fur-ever’ Friends for life

Furry companions become cherished family members and lifelong friends, forever changing who we are and how we view the world. Sushree got her pet in the year 2021 during her last year of graduation. And here is how the story unfolds.

“One day, I went with my friend to a farm and I saw a dog who was malnourished and on the verge of death. That is when I decided to adopt him and give him a new life, a new family, and give a lot of love and care,” shared Sushree.

Sushree changed said that her lifestyle has changed in many ways. She has become more active. She shared that she has had anxiety before but now she feels light and energetic and literally it makes it all worth it. Spending time with her pet is such a major stress buster, she says adding that it is very relaxing and her life has become peaceful.

Engaging in physical activities with pets not only benefits their health but also promotes fitness and improves the overall well-being of their human companions.

Owning a pet requires establishing a structured routine. From feeding and grooming to exercise and playtime, pets thrive on consistency. This newfound responsibility brings a sense of structure and accountability to the daily lives of pet owners.

The best thing about having a pet is when you get home, you see your pet waiting for you wagging his tail, smiling and excited seeing you. This melts one’s heart right away and this feeling is just beyond anything in this world as it makes you emotional every time. All her family members have become very active physically after adopting the pet.

Pets become a constant presence in our lives, offering comfort, emotional support, and a listening ear. The bond formed with a pet enhances our emotional well-being, reducing stress, loneliness, and anxiety.

“When I am upset, he cheers me up by sitting beside me or keeping his head on my lap. It is very therapeutic,” feels Sushree.

Worried about your aggressive cat? Hidden within their fierce spirit are the softest whispers of empathy for only those ...

Worried about your aggressive cat? Hidden within their fierce spirit are the softest whispers of empathy for only those who can listen closely. Omkar is a food influencer and has created a niche in the culinary space. He is a devoted cat owner and an avid observer in the school of empathy with his feline professor, none other than his feisty and aggressive cat, Carlos.

When you first encounter Carlos, a black and white tabby cat, it’s easier to mistake him for an intense feline as his attitude gives an impression of a furball that prefers solitude. However , behind those fierce eyes is a heart brimming with empathy and Omkar feels, “when we follow our hearts, we discover empathy is a guiding star leading us to brighter horizons.”

Omkar began to notice a peculiar pattern in Carlos behaviour. He would disappear for hours and return with ailing kittens cradled in the gentle embrace of it’s mouth asking Omkar to treat them and it spoke volumes about the unspoken language of love between them.

These fragile newcomers were often suffering from gastric infections and would have had slim chances of survival. But Carlos, against all odds, became their “lifeline.” Omkar felt the vulnerability of life when he held an ailing kitten in his hands, he couldn’t help but wonder: How could a seemimgly strong cat be so gentle and nurturing?

Omkar realized that in an act of sheer heroism, Carlos was rescuing these kittens from a life of suffering and became the source of his newfound compassion. This revelation profoundly impacted Omkar’s life and he found himself drawn into the world of animal rescue, feeding countless strays. Omkar and Carlos continue to be champions of empathy extending their compassion to anyone in need.

Omkar shares, “Carlos my fierce cat, with a gentle heart, proves that empathy can change the world, with an act of kindness at a time and in every pawprint of kindness, we find a path to a more compassionate world.”

“Through Carlos and Omkar, we learn that empathy is the bridge connecting souls, be it human or furry cuddles and love can be fierce and tender, all at once.”

Credits: .atiksha654

Meet Coco- Seebangi’s emotional anchorSeebangi brought her pet, a lovable Golden Retriever named Coco (aka Duggu), into ...

Meet Coco- Seebangi’s emotional anchor

Seebangi brought her pet, a lovable Golden Retriever named Coco (aka Duggu), into her life about 1 year ago. At that time, she was going through a challenging phase in her life, and she had decided to adopt Max from a local shelter. Seebangi had always been a dog lover, and she believed that having a furry companion would bring joy and positivity into her life.

Bringing Coco home completely transformed her lifestyle. It added a daily routine of walks, playtime, and feeding. She became more responsible and organized in managing his needs, which indirectly improved her time management skills. Coco's presence encouraged her to spend more time outdoors, enjoying nature and exploring new places, as they often went on adventures together.

Coco brought a profound change in her life. His unconditional love and boundless energy filled Seebangi’s days with happiness and enthusiasm. “I experienced a sense of purpose in caring for him and ensuring his well-being. Having Coco by my side provided emotional stability during tough times, as he was always there to lend a listening ear or a wagging tail,” she shared.

Coco's impact extended beyond Seebangi’s life; he became an integral part of their family. One incident that stands out is when she was going through a particularly challenging period in life. “Coco sensed my distress and would sit beside me while I worked hard, offering silent support. His presence helped alleviate my stress, and my overall performance improved significantly. This incident highlighted how pets can positively influence the well-being of an individual,” said Seebangi while speaking to PawsAyur.

In conclusion, Coco, her loyal Golden Retriever, has been a source of unwavering love, companionship, and emotional support. He has not only transformed her life but also brought joy and solace to the entire family. Pets are indeed remarkable companions who contribute immensely to our well-being, emotionally and beyond.


On a mission to empower women to fulfill their dream of becoming a dog trainerIn a quiet corner of Mumbai, a remarkable ...

On a mission to empower women to fulfill their dream of becoming a dog trainer

In a quiet corner of Mumbai, a remarkable woman is silently changing the lives of countless canines & pawrents. Meet Astha, a dog behaviourist with a passion for transforming troubled pups into happier pets. But, Astha’s mission goes beyond training dogs by encouraging more women to follow her footsteps by starting another centre where she can help more women interested in this field to get a chance to become certified dog trainers & behaviourists as Astha.

From a dog fearing woman to a dog loving woman, a life changing incident changed Astha’s perspective forever. Wondering how? Astha witnessed a frail mother dog struggling to feed her puppies & yet fearing humans. She was moved by their plight & started feeding strays which led to Astha quitting her job as a bank manager to start a pet training company called “Petpamp” after witnessing the way dogs are respected in USA to help pawrents bond better with pets.

Astha welcomed Jhapa on her mom’s birthday, it wasn’t a gift for her, but a reason to celebrate her birthday and find tiny joys in life again after her husband unfortunately passed away due to cancer. Astha knew the answer to her mom’s misery was Jhapa as “she had witnessed how her clients reinvented the meaning of life due to their love for pets”.

Jhapa is an amalgamation of Jha(her husband’s surname) and Pa(Astha’s surname Pathak).Jhapa made his way into Astha’s family’s life with ease.

Astha shares many people adopt dogs to overcome boredom, when they are unable to take care of them they abandon it. Once the cute puppy phase fades away, pawrents realize the huge responsibility. Astha wants to create awareness among pawrents about the responsibility of getting a pet at home and the kind of lifestyle changes one needs to make.

For Astha “the best part of being a pet trainer is the unconditional love from her furry students and every training session is a love story written in treats and tail wags”. She is a woman with a soft corner for dogs and a vision for the future, changing the world one paw, at a time.

CC: .atiksha654




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