Sarah's Feline Behaviour Service

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Sarah's Feline Behaviour Service If you are having behavioural issues with your feline friend, you’ve come to the right page!

This has been heart breaking news. I know them personally and they have always gone above and beyond in putting their ca...

This has been heart breaking news. I know them personally and they have always gone above and beyond in putting their cat’s happiness first.
Any contribution to help little Marley would be highly appreciated.

Hi Everyone, I am Marley’s owner (… Brooklyn Lee needs your support for Donate to support Marley’s chances of survival


Did you know that most cats over 12 years of age suffer from osteoarthritis and about two thirds of cats over 6 years of age can also be affected? 🙀

😿Cats are experts at hiding pain and good at adapting, so signs of osteoarthritis are usually gradual and subtle. This means that only a small percentage of cats suffering from osteoarthritis are actually treated.

🦴Changes in a cat's behaviour are usually an indicator of pain or illness, and chronic joint pain is no exception. Signs of osteoarthritis in cats include:

🐈Stiff or unsteady gait
🐈Stiffness when rising from rest
🐈Difficulty jumping up or down from furniture
🐈Reluctance to use or navigate stairs
🐈Reluctance to play or frequent rest needed during play sessions
🐈Sleeping for longer periods
🐈Favouring beds lower to the ground
🐈Difficulty grooming and matted coat
🐈Less interaction with humans and animals in the household
🐈Aggression towards humans if touched, stroked or picked up
🐈Aggression towards other animals in the household
🐈House soiling - episodes of missing the litter tray or soiling in unusual locations
🐈Reduced scratching activity and overgrown claws
🐈Reluctance to use cat flap
🐈Spending less time outside
🐈Activity generally reduced

🐾Cats are less likely to be lame as arthritis tends to affect limbs on both sides.

🩺Although osteoarthritis is a progressive condition, it can be managed. This will involve pain management, environmental modifications and sometimes other complimentary therapies.

🩺 If your cat is showing signs of osteoarthritis contact your vet for advice. Although cats do slow down as they get older, changes in mobility are usually associated with discomfort, so pain management is essential.

📝You can work with your veterinary team and go through questionnaires to monitor your cat's behaviour and mobility. Access them here:

📚References : Ellen Goldberg. M. (2017). A chronic look at pain in cats. Veterinary Nursing Journal, 32(3), 67-77.doi: 10.1080/17415349.2016.1269625

Cats do not ‘misbehave’. They do not think in terms of ‘right and wrong’. A cat’s behaviour is driven by what they need....

Cats do not ‘misbehave’. They do not think in terms of ‘right and wrong’. A cat’s behaviour is driven by what they need. These needs are instinctual and cannot be suppressed.
This makes punishment counterproductive, because it doesn’t address what need the behaviour is fulfilling.
The first step to resolving unwanted behaviour is understand a cat’s fundamental needs:

1. The need to feel safe and secure within their environment.

2. The need for adequate resources (this includes placement, quantity, size, design/species appropriate and cleanliness.)

3. The need to be stimulated and expend energy.

4. The need to exercise their natural instincts.

You can then identify what function the behaviour is currently serving and provide an alternative, more desirable choice.

When you punish a cat for exhibiting a behavior you don’t like, it doesn’t stop the behavior. First, it’s important to understand that regardless of how unwanted the behavior is, it serves a purpose for the cat. Your cat isn’t scratching on the sofa or jumping on the counter just to make you mad. Animals engage in behaviors that serve a function (i.e. a pay-off). Additionally, many of the behaviors cat parents view as unwanted, such as furniture scratching, are normal, natural behaviors. When you sq**rt the cat with water for scratching the furniture you may momentarily stop the behavior but the cat has a normal and natural need to scratch. If he gets punished every time he attempts to engage in a normal behavior, he will probably become afraid of you and he’ll also continue the behavior in secret. That’s a very stressful combination.

Wishing everyone a happy new year!!You may have noticed very little activity happening on my page, but I can assure you,...

Wishing everyone a happy new year!!

You may have noticed very little activity happening on my page, but I can assure you, I am very much active behind the scenes.
2022 was a very busy year for me! Since starting this business I have met some amazing people and have had the pleasure of helping many dedicated owners who care greatly for their cats. I’m still learning about all the tricks to running a business and have yet so much to do in that respect, but my number one priority is to support my clients and ensure that each and every one of my behaviour plans is tailored to both client and their cat/s individual needs.
So although my page appears as if its sitting here collecting cyber cobwebs in the virtual world, I am still very much up and running in real life.
I look forward to continuing on this journey, this year and for many more to come.


Anthropomorphism is defined as the attribution of human characteristics to an animal or object. We commonly interpret animal’s feelings based on what we see as human body language and not cat or dog body language. It’s natural for us to do this because we want to relate to our pets and this can help to create bonds to animals but can also be harmful. ⁣

For example, if a cat is going outside of the litterbox or a dog has an urinary accident, if the caregiver thinks their cat or dog is doing this out of spite, they are more likely to approach this issue negatively which will escalate the issue and damage the bond to their pet. They are also less likely to reach out to their veterinarian or a credential behavior professional. ⁣

Remember, cats and dogs do not act out of spite. This will help caregivers approach these behaviors empathetically and get the pet the help they need to resolve the issue. ⁣

Often when animals are exhibiting unwanted behaviors like destructive behaviors or housesoiling, they are telling us that something is not right and as their caregivers, we need to listen. This can be due to medical issues, stressors in their environment, them not feeling safe, not enough resources, and more.⁣

Cats are masters at disguising pain and illness. Being a species that is both prey and predator, they cannot afford to s...

Cats are masters at disguising pain and illness. Being a species that is both prey and predator, they cannot afford to show any signs of weakness in the wild. This survival instinct remains for domestic cats.
As a feline behaviourist, your cat’s health is the first thing I assess.
Pain and illness can be the underlying cause of common problem behaviours, so it is important to provide treatment for any conditions before treating the behavioural aspect. Dr Susan Yuen is my go to physiotherapist when it comes to rehabilitating and treating chronic pain in cats.

Physiotherapy for CATS

Most people who know me, know that I love animals especially CATS. As a cat owner, I know how hard it can be to pick up subtle changes in mobility and behaviour when something is wrong with our cats.

Cats are what I call ‘SILENT SUFFERERS’ and because of this, cats often miss out on having physiotherapy and vet treatment until the problem is severe enough for you to notice as the owner.

How do you know if your cat is in Pain?

1. Change in mobility. Your cat may gradually as they age, be unable to jump up onto the bed, couch or bench but previously had been able to.

2. Increase in licking or chewing of a part of their body. This may suggest pain or discomfort or an injury to that area.

3. Loss of appetite.

4. Increased sleeping and reluctance to move are subtle changes in behaviour. They may not want to move as it’s painful.

5. Aggressive behaviour - I can vouch for this one with my own cat. She gets extra grumpy and has a short fuse if her pain is not managed. It’s NOT PERSONAL, it’s just a cat’s way of expressing that they don’t feel well, especially if the pain is severe or chronic.

If you notice changes over a period of time, please do get in touch as there are medications and physiotherapy treatment options on offer that can greatly improve your cat’s quality of life.

Don’t let your mogs suffer in silence.

Respecting boundaries is just as important for humans as it is for cats, or any animal for that matter.

Respecting boundaries is just as important for humans as it is for cats, or any animal for that matter.

Some cats can be very vocal and some are not. All cats however, communicate with body language. Your cat needs the option to say no to you with their body...


Animal rescue continues regardless of public holidays. 📅

A member of the public found this litter of newborns on a footpath at 5:30am. The smallest one was covered in ants.🐜

Luckily for them, they arrived at a vet clinic at 11am when one of our volunteers happened to be there collecting a teen stray cat. A quick call and these babies were raced to a local handraiser as they'd been without food for 6 hours. Neonates feed every 90 minutes or so... 🍼

It will be touch & go for them as they have a long road ahead but if you would like to help us cover the cost of formula, antibiotics and baby wipes please donate to 💲

WA Pet Project Inc
BSB 302 162
Account 0910 851
Ref: Neonate donation


Any funds raised in excess of the costs to raise this litter will go towards other vet bills. 🐾

And yes, we are trying to track down mumcat. She needs help too. 🐈

Meowy Christmas Everyone! 🎄😺I splurged this Christmas and took advantage of the cat tree king sale. This is one of the T...

Meowy Christmas Everyone! 🎄😺
I splurged this Christmas and took advantage of the cat tree king sale. This is one of the THREE towers I got. My bank is empty but my heart is full seeing how much my cats love them.

Cat towers serve multiple purposes for your cat’s territorial needs. Vertical Space to survey their territory, a sleeping station, play station, scratching so they can shed their nails, get a good stretch and mark their presence confidently through sight (scratch marks) and smell (released from the scent glands in your cat’s paw pads as they scratch.)

Let’s see your Christmas Cat photos!

On a serious note- Christmas is a busy time for cat shelters. A big thank you to all the carers and volunteers who are still working hard on Christmas Day.

Charity organisations like 9lives Cat Rescue and WA Pet Project need all the help they can get.
If you would like to make a difference this Christmas, visit their websites below to send a donation:

Hello fellow cat lovers! Let’s talk about your cat’s toilet 😺I’m doing some research on the most popular brands used by ...

Hello fellow cat lovers! Let’s talk about your cat’s toilet 😺
I’m doing some research on the most popular brands used by Perth cat owners.
I’d love to know what brand of litter you use for your cat/s and what style of tray you have.
Also why you love it and other brands you have previously tried that you disliked.
Let’s get the conversation flowing.

Toileting issues like urine spraying and litter tray aversion is a common subject in my profession and they don’t all fit into one box (terrible pun intended 😹)
There are a variety of reasons why a cat may be spraying or toileting outside of the litter tray and they aren’t due to a behavioural cause.
The very first step I require from all my clients is to have their cat checked by a vet and to specifically request a full blood test and urinalysis.
Toileting issues are often linked to a medical condition and usually resolves with treatment.
Urinary tract infections, Cystitis, Kidney disease, Hyperthyroidism, Diabetes and Irritable bowel syndrome are just a handful of illnesses that are commonly linked to toileting issues when left untreated.
If you are currently having toileting issues with your cat and all medical illnesses have been ruled out, send me a message to discuss further options.

So this is why you don’t buy from wish 😹😹Audrey face says it all! - comparison of product photos at the end.

So this is why you don’t buy from wish 😹😹
Audrey face says it all! - comparison of product photos at the end.


If you agree, purrlease SHARE!


We are our cats protectors as their owners. When something is wrong with them, something is wrong with us. All we want is to see them get better. Did you know that hyperthyroidism in cats in steadily on the rise? You may not have heard of this condition before in our feline friends, but more

If you like to use a laser toy with your cat, make sure you also have a cat wand as well during play sessions. A feline’...

If you like to use a laser toy with your cat, make sure you also have a cat wand as well during play sessions. A feline’s instinct to hunt is something that cannot be suppressed, which is why it is important to play with your cat. Playing is not only a key point for your cat’s physical health, but for their psychological health as well. When a cat is hunting it involves stalking, chasing, catching, killing and eating. A laser light only covers the first two things. This is why having a cat wand is essential, so that your cat can catch and kill their prey. If they are never able to catch something then your cat is left both physically and mentally frustrated which can lead to behavioural issues. It also diminishes their confidence. Imagine you are learning a new skill, and no matter how hard you try and how much you practice, you consistently continue to fail? It would be very frustrating and take a heavy toll on your confidence.
So if you are using a laser, incorporate a toy as well to allow plenty of successful catches. Then after each session you can give them a treat or their meal so they can ‘eat’ their prey.
This will leave your cat feeling satisfied from all aspects of hunting.

Cats have carpal whiskers (on the wrist) that help tell them if they caught the prey in their paws and whether it's moving. Help create confidence and satisfaction by using interactive toys so cats can fully enjoy the game.

It is now becoming common knowledge that the amount of litter boxes is one per cat plus one extra, but did you know the ...

It is now becoming common knowledge that the amount of litter boxes is one per cat plus one extra, but did you know the same rule applies for all resources? This means water bowls, vertical areas and beds. Here is a prime example of why multiple sleeping/relaxing spots should always be available for each cat, especially in a socially significant area or favourable spots such as the window where cats love to soak up those sun rays.
More resources means less territorial competition because if there is enough to go around, then there is less reason to fight.

Are you playing with your cat correctly?

Are you playing with your cat correctly?

Playtime with your cat may seem like a no-brainer but there are actually a few mistakes you can make that can be counter-productive to your cat’s enjoyment of the game. Some mistakes in your playtime technique can even contribute to behavior problems. That may be surprising to learn but when you t...


Whether it’s the top of the refrigerator, a cat perch, the highest shelf of a bookcase, or the top cushions of the sofa, cats cherish those elevated locations. You may have purchased the most comfortable, enticing cat bed on the market but if it’s placed on the floor, it may be ignored by the ca...

Meet Sir and Shadow! Thanks to their Mum’s dedication, these two have gone from fighting each other to sleeping together...

Meet Sir and Shadow! Thanks to their Mum’s dedication, these two have gone from fighting each other to sleeping together and Sir is now accepting Shadow as part of the family.
Reintroducing them at a slower pace with lots of positive reinforcement and distraction where needed has helped Sir and Shadow to stay under their threshold and learn more about each other in a safe and positive environment.
Aren’t these two just the cutest!! 😻😻


A little extra nighttime enrichment. Bringing some of the outdoors in. Of course always make sure anything you bring from outside is not toxic, hasn’t been treated with chemicals and has not been used by any neighbourhood cats. Grass is a great way to help cats pass through furballs and is instinctual as cats in the wild eat grass to help pass through any indigestible parts of their prey such as feathers. Buying some cat grass is also a great way to help curb your cat from eating household plants and also an extra added enrichment.


When attempting to train our pet or correct behavior issues we may be sending him or her mixed signals. If your communication to your pet is not consistent...




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