When you both want to use the same hiding spot … #zionwhiteswissshepherds #hideandseek #hidingspot #siblingarguments #noiwasherefirst #whiteswissshepherd #puppies
Sound on for the great puppy debate of this evening! Round table discussions commence!
Life has been busy with these guys LOVING being outside - here’s a little video from one of their first outside adventures #zionwhiteswissshepherds #whiteswissshepherd #puppies #adventures #getoutside #lovewhereyoulive #puppymania
We’ve all got that one sibling or friend who wants to go go go when you just woke up 😴 red and blue! #zionwhiteswissshepherds #notawakeyet #letsplay #needcoffeefirst #playplayplay #siblings #puppies #whiteswissshepherd
Orange figures “the sky’s awake, so I’M awake, so we have to play!” Poor Yellow got the rude awakening this time! #zionwhiteswissshepherds #letsplay #doyouwanttobuildasnowman #playtime #nomorenaps #failednaptime #puppy #puppylove #wss #whiteswissshepherd #letthembelittle
You could say we’re the 10 best friends … they do love to snuggle! #zionwhiteswissshepherds #tenbestfriends #snugglebuddies #naptime #puppylove #whiteswissshepherd
Purple is running agility courses in her sleep - or maybe she’s tracking for search and rescue! #zionwhiteswissshepherds #futuresuperstar #runningfast #bigdreams #whiteswissshepherd #puppydreams
Puppies are moving and shaking - they’re also wanting a snack! #happiness #zionwhiteswissshepherds #puppies #hungrypuppies #babybarks #snacktime
Thank goodness his mom is patient and he has no teeth! #zionwhiteswissshepherds #nursing #boys #givemethesnacks #alwayshungry #whiteswissshepherd #puppy
Nursing is hot work when you’ve got 8 siblings! All the puppies are slowly starting to learn to pant and that personal bubbles are sometimes good! #zionwhiteswissshepherds #panting #toohot #puppies #whiteswissshepherd
Itches and kisses courtesy of grey (right) and orange (left) 🥰 #zionwhiteswissshepherds #puppies #cutenessoverload
Yellow is already dreaming of protecting her new family 💖 #zionwhiteswissshepherds #protector #guarddog #loyal #puppydreams #whiteswissshepherd #bestdog