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Trinity Veterinary Behaviour We are a passionate global Veterinary Behaviour Change Team dedicated to impacting lives through science and compassion.


Have you ever wondered what a Veterinary Behaviour treatment plan looks like?🐾🐶🐱

🌟💗Dr Katrin explains all in this video!🌟💗

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🌟Stress !🌟
Such a huge and important topic for the mental, emotionals and behavioural health of our pets!🐾🐶🐱

Here is what you will learn in episode 29 of The Pet Behaviour Chat Podcast:🌟💗

🐾The function of stress for survival
🐾The physiologic hormone cascades linked to stress
🐾What happens when stress becomes “toxic” or “chronic”
🐾How we use the “Stress Bucket” analogy to help inform our Veterinary Behaviour Treatment Plan

We hope you enjoy the episode!💗🐈🐕

🌟The Pet Behaviour Chat on Apple Podcasts🌟

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Stress in both dogs and cats is a big topic and can lead to both emotional and physical ill health. 🌟🐶🐱Having said that,...

Stress in both dogs and cats is a big topic and can lead to both emotional and physical ill health. 🌟🐶🐱

Having said that, stress is a totally normal and important physiological response which exists for a reason - to protect the organism from immediate threat.🐾🐈🐕

But when does that normal response turn into something abnormal, how does stress become maladaptive, and how would you recognise this in your pet or patient?🐾🐶🐱

Find out more about stress in upcoming episodes 29 and 30 of the Pet Behaviour Chat Podcast where we delve deeper into this topic! 🐾💗

🌟The Pet Behaviour Chat on Apple Podcasts🌟

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Did you know that we have a veterinary formulation of the psychopharmaceutical medication fluoxetine?🌟🐶🐱Reconcile is a f...

Did you know that we have a veterinary formulation of the psychopharmaceutical medication fluoxetine?🌟🐶🐱

Reconcile is a flavoured tablet that can be given to both dogs and cats although it is currently only licensed for use in Separation Anxiety in dogs, making its use in all other indications off-license. 🐾🐈🐕

Reconcile is available in 4 different strengths, which makes it suitable for many different patients. I especially love the 8 mg formulation for use in cats.💗😻

🌟🐾Have you used Reconcile and what experiences have you had?🌟🐾

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😺🐶🐾Come and check out Trinity Veterinary Behaviour’s amazing website where you’ll find downloadable FREE RESOURCES, case...

😺🐶🐾Come and check out Trinity Veterinary Behaviour’s amazing website where you’ll find downloadable FREE RESOURCES, case studies, information about Veterinary Behaviour Medicine and ways in which you can work with Dr Katrin.😺🐶🐾


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Hypervocalisation is a big topic when it comes to feline behaivour as it can have SO many underlying causes including physical health presentations.🐾🐈

Here, Faryal and I chat about the importance of ruling these in or out first to ensure we follow the “health and wellbeing first” approach to Veterinary Behaviour Medicine. 🐈🐾😻

🌟The Pet Behaviour Chat on Apple Podcasts🌟

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Inability to settle, pacing, and hypervigilance are signs I frequently see associated with either an anxiety disorder or...

Inability to settle, pacing, and hypervigilance are signs I frequently see associated with either an anxiety disorder or HSHA (Hypersensitivity-Hyperactivity disorder - French Classification).🌟🐾

When these signs are out of context or excessive in frequency, intensity or duration, I consider them to be maladaptive, which guides me in the development of my treatment plan. 🐾🐕

What do you think about when you see these signs in your pet or patient?🐾🐕

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Watch this video to learn how to get started with the COMPASS GAME!🧭🐶

Like a compass needle that orientates to and “searches” for the magnetic north, the Compass Game is fun and teaches our dogs to navigate towards us, as a default behaviour!🐾💗🐕

It builds on our relationship with our dogs and makes us super reinforcing for them. The best part is that we do not have to call our dogs to stay nearby! 😍🐶🌟

The Compass Game rewards and reinforces our dogs’ choice to move towards and with us. If and when the reinforcement history of this game is strong and salient, we gradually start practising the Compass Game in different environments and situations. 🌟🐾🐕

Having our dogs want to “find” us and be with us, is extremely powerful - especially for off-leash walks. 🌟🐾💗

Do you think you are already your dog’s “magnetic north”? 🐾

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💗🐾When I met my wonderful client, Faryal, and her cat Simba, I was fascinated to hear that Faryal works with children with behavioural and developmental challenges and how her understanding of this was so compatible and transferable when it came to the challenges she was facing with Simba.💗🐾

Listen to this episode of The Pet Behaviour Chat Podcast to hear Faryal’s experiences of working with a Veterinary Behaviour expert and how we made use of the parallel theories of behaviour change in children and pets.🌟🐈

🐱This is a fascinating episode you won’t want to miss.🐱

🐈The Pet Behaviour Chat on Apple Podcasts🐈

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Social overwhelm can be a real problem for many dogs. 🌟🐾🐾🐕The term “socialisation” or the thought that every dogs need t...

Social overwhelm can be a real problem for many dogs. 🌟🐾
🐾🐕The term “socialisation” or the thought that every dogs need to be exposed to frequent and plentiful social interactions with other dogs can be truly harmful for many of our canines and forcing social interactions on them can cause lasting damage.🐾🐕

Instead, observe your dog and see what kinds of social interactions they truly prefer. It could be that they’re more of a “bookworm” type rather than a “social butterfly”.🐕🌟🐾

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🌟🐈🐕Measuring behaviour is notoriously extremely difficult and looking for common language or descriptors of behaviour ca...

🌟🐈🐕Measuring behaviour is notoriously extremely difficult and looking for common language or descriptors of behaviour can be really important when collecting a behavioural history from our patients. 🌟🐈🐕
The “traffic light system” is one way to put some language around behaviour and can help to ensure that pet caregivers and pet professionals are close on the same page when it comes to describing what they are seeing in their pets.🚦🐶🐱💗

What other tools have you found useful?🌟🐾

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Research tells us just how important the very precious human-animal bond is to the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of our pets. 💗🐾

When you use punishment based interaction- or training methods that fragile bond gets damaged and the power dynamic shifts in favour of the punisher. 🌟🐈🐕

I want you all to think about the type or relationship you want to have with your pet - is it one based on mutual respect, communication, guardianship and compromise or is it one based on coercion, control and potentially physical, mental and emotional harm?🤔🐾🌟

I know what I prefer. 💗🐶🐱

Thoughts welcome in the chat.

🌟The Pet Behaviour Chat on Apple Podcasts🌟

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🐾This can be difficult to get your head around.🐾Behaviours indicate feelings and feeling indicate needs.🐶🐱Simply shuttin...

🐾This can be difficult to get your head around.🐾
Behaviours indicate feelings and feeling indicate needs.🐶🐱

Simply shutting down behaviour is not addressing the root cause, just as stopping vomiting does not address the root cause of the problem.🌟🐶🐱

As Veterinary Behavioursist, we delve deep and figure out what the root cause of your pet’s behaviour is so we can treat the issue at hand to cause long lasting behaviour change.💗🐈🐕

🐾Do you want this for your pet? 🐾
Then follow us on our social media channels and listen to our Podcast - The Pet Behaviour Chat💗🐈🐕

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An idea not often thought about in relation to caring for our pet’s well being is “consent.”💗🐶🐱

Consent is key in cooperative care for our pets🌟🐾

The main goal of cooperative care is to allow our pets to choose to actively contribute to their own care and to give them agency over what happens to them.🤩🐶😺

It provides some measure of predictability and clarity. It removes ambiguity and thus reduces stress from handling, by allowing our pet to choose to participate or not.🌟💗

The foundational skills taught in cooperative care should go beyond a pet who chooses to comply, but also honouring when they choose to walk away. 🌟🐾

Once a consent behaviour is taught to our pet, it is easy and quick to transfer to new handling protocols, such as ear or eye examinations. For example, in the video, Rocco was taught a sustained chin rest as the consent behaviour where he fully understands that the chin rest is a green light and lifting the chin is a red light signal to the handler. 🐶💗🌟

He knows that it is not only okay to say no, but to trust that his decision will be respected. 💗🐕

It is wonderful that we can teach our pets to cooperate in their own care, offering them a way to positively impact their welfare, and accounting for their emotional as well as their physical experiences.🐾🐶🐱

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This is a juicy episode all about the downfalls and pitfalls of punishment based training. 🌟🐾
Listen as Dr Katrin gives you her top 10 (although there are certainly more) biggest problems when you engage in punishment based / aversive training with your dog.💗🐶

This episode provides food for thought and really supports the welfare positive direction that we are moving in as a pet mental and emotional health profession.🐾🐕

🌟What have I missed? I’d love to hear your thoughts!🌟

The Pet Behaviour Chat on Apple Podcasts💗🐶

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“The growl” is probably one of THE most important communication tools your dog can bless you with as it lies just at the...

“The growl” is probably one of THE most important communication tools your dog can bless you with as it lies just at the border of emerging aggressive behaviours.🌟🐾

The problems arise if you punish the growl and essentially render the dog unable to communicate, which may predispose them to escalating their behaviour as they don’t feel heard.🐶

Instead of punishing the growl, thank your dog for the clear communication and change the situation and circumstance which is causing them to feel uncomfortable. 💗🐕

This can be tricky. This can be triggering. This can be challenging and emotive.🌟🐶

We can teach you how to respond more appropriately so please contact us at [email protected] today.💗🐕

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🐾What actually causes behaviour? 🐾🐾What governs the behaviours you will get?🐾🌟Behaviour is a product of 3 influences:🌟1....

🐾What actually causes behaviour? 🐾
🐾What governs the behaviours you will get?🐾

🌟Behaviour is a product of 3 influences:🌟
1. Genetics and epigenetics
2. Learning
3. Environment

It is the unique combination of these 3 factors that will influence how your pet behaves on a daily, weekly, monthly and possible life-long basis.💗🐶🐱

🌟🐶🐱During our behaiovur consultations, we unpack how these 3 areas influence YOUR individual pet and we look at what we can do to make small or large shifts to better behavioural health!🌟🐶🐱

💗Interested in learning more?💗
Check out our offers and free resources on our website -

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💗🐾One of the many tools in our Behaviour Modification Toolbox are puzzle games and puzzle toys.💗🐾

Why are they so beneficial? Well, solving puzzles engages areas of your dog’s brain that we want to engage more and successfully solving problems helps to build confidence and sets the scene for problem solving in many different situations!

🌟🐾Have a listen to this episode to find out more!🌟🐾

🐕The Pet Behaviour Chat on Apple Podcasts🐕

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🐈🐾Have you ever noticed your cat’s eyes getting really big and their pupils dilating?🐈🐾This is a sure sign of arousal. N...

🐈🐾Have you ever noticed your cat’s eyes getting really big and their pupils dilating?🐈🐾

This is a sure sign of arousal. Now, this arousal can be either positive (such as during play or hunting) or negative (such as when your cat is feeling fearful, anxious or frustrated). 😾😺

🌟Either way, this is a body language and communication sign that you don’t want to miss!🌟

🐈🐾When have you noticed your cat having big eyes and dilated pupils?🐈🐾

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🌟Treats in training!🌟Food in training is a valid (and scientifically sound) option. It is powerful and meaningful and ca...

🌟Treats in training!🌟

Food in training is a valid (and scientifically sound) option. It is powerful and meaningful and can be used to create a huge impression on your dog!💗🐶

Recent studies into the efficacy and preferences of food rewards during reinforcement based training have revealed some interesting insights!🌟🐕

💗🐶Value matters, but changes over time. - Dogs ran significantly faster for the high value food (sausages) than for lower value (dry food).
• Food preferences over time (6 months in the study) revealed that preferences and relative value of food changed, so it is important to keep reevaluating the value of the food rewards.

🌟🐕We overvalue praise. - Researchers compared the relationship between reward type (food, petting, or praise) and learning speed.
• Food was the only reward that shortened learning time.
Do any of these findings surprise you?

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🌟Come on over to The Pet Behaviour Chat Podcast and have a listen to episode 26 where Ilse and I share with you some of our Behaviour Modification tools that go beyond the operant.🌟
🐾What does that mean? 🐾
💗Have a listen and find out!💗

🐶💗The Pet Behaviour Chat on Apple Podcasts🐶💗

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🐾Have you ever noticed your dog looking like this? 🐾This is a classic expression of fear or anxiety known as “avoidance”...

🐾Have you ever noticed your dog looking like this? 🐾

This is a classic expression of fear or anxiety known as “avoidance” and is your dog’s way of communicating that they don’t feel comfortable in a certain situation or context. 🌟🐶

What happens if you ignore these communication signs?
Your dog may feel the need to increase their behaviour to get their message across and may need to reach for more “fight” related behaviours such as barking, lunging, snapping or even biting.🐾🐕

Listen to your dog’s subtle communication signs to avoid them feeling the need to escalate! 🌟🐶

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🌟🐾One of our pets’ main motivators in life is “safety and security”, which comes from an evolutionary need and promotes ...

🌟🐾One of our pets’ main motivators in life is “safety and security”, which comes from an evolutionary need and promotes survival not only of the individual but also of the lineage and species.🌟🐾

In many of my behaviour cases, I notice a lack of perceived safety and security in my patients. 🐶

🐾This can come from:🐾
• Being exposed to perceived threats in the environment.
• Unpredictable and/or inconsistent social interactions with either people or other animals.
• An excessive or chronic physiological fear- or stress response that sends constant signals of threat.
• Pain
• Punishment, especially when the patient does not understand what they are being punished for.

One of the most important things you can do for your pet is to provide a safe environment and consistent interactions to promote predictability and a feeling of safety.💗🐶

🌟What do you do to keep your pet feeling safe?🌟

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🐾💗Come and have a listen to episode 25 of The Pet Behaviour Chat Podcast where I de-bunk the very outdated myths surrounding… 🐾💗

🐶🌟Dominance theory, rank-reduction programs, alpha rolls and so much more…🐶🌟

🐾Let me explain why these practices are archaic and, quite frankly dangerous, when relating them to our domestic pet dogs!🐾

🐶🌟The Pet Behaviour Chat on Apple Podcasts🐶🌟

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Education is so important, especially in a field that is still so young and only just starting to make its mark in the v...

Education is so important, especially in a field that is still so young and only just starting to make its mark in the veterinary world.🌟💗

There are so many things I have started to do differently, just because I know a little more than I did before.💗🐾

One example of that is using minimal force and restraint in our clinical patients and reading their body language better to get a better understanding of how they feel.🐶🐈

🐾What do you do differently now than you did before?🐾

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🌟Let's talk about something incredibly important: teaching coping skills instead of commands. 🌟We all know that our dogs...

🌟Let's talk about something incredibly important: teaching coping skills instead of commands. 🌟

We all know that our dogs and cats have unique personalities and needs, just like us. And just like us, they have rich emotional lives and they can feel stressed or overwhelmed in certain situations. But here's the kicker: a command cannot help them navigate their emotional landscape or outside world. By equipping them with coping skills, we provide them with the opportunity to process their world, make sense of it and learn to react appropriately. 💗🐶🐱

💗Here are a few more benefits of shifting our focus from command to cope:💗

🐾1. Stress Relief: By helping our companions learn to cope with stressors, we're setting them up for success in managing their emotions and self-regulation.

🐾2. Building Resilience: Life is unpredictable and out of our control. Teaching coping skills helps our companions bounce back from setbacks and challenges.

🐾3. Enhanced Bonding: It's not about commands; it's about connection! Teaching coping skills strengthens our bond with our furry companions, fostering trust and understanding like never before.

🐾4. Improved Quality of Life: Dogs and cats that have learned coping skills are better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of life. They are more adaptable to changes, which can lead to a higher quality of life for both them and their caregivers.

🐾5. Safety: Coping skills training includes teaching our companions how to remain calm in potentially dangerous situations, such as navigating busy streets or having strangers enter the home. This can help keep them, and others, safe and out of harm's way.

🌟🐶🐱So, let's ditch the adage of "sit, down, stay, heel" and embrace a holistic approach that nurtures our furry companions' emotional well-being.🌟🐶🐱

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🐾💗Ooh this is a juicy episode!🐾💗
Have a listen to my thoughts about the (now very much outdated) idea of hierarchical or dominance-based relationships between dogs, or worse still, dogs and people !

One thing that we MUST remember is that IF we ever do use the term “dominant” when speaking about dogs, it ALWAYS pertains to the quality of a relationship between 2 individuals in a very specific context rather than being a “label” or personality or character trait of one of the dogs. 🌟🐶

Keen to learn more? Have a listen to the episode and let me know your thoughts.🐶💗

🐾The Pet Behaviour Chat on Apple Podcasts🐾

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