BEWARE of Scammers! They show up where you least expect it. It took us two years of saving, researching, and submitting forms to protect the iheartranch mark with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office and we recently received an "official" letter requesting almost $2K to keep the rights. IT WAS A SCAM. And we caught it. But it sure looked official and took us a while to figure it all out. All is well. Just watch out for yourself, and your loved ones or neighbors who might not have as much energy to figure these things out.
Enjoying turnout time and some sunshine after the storm.
We. Have. To. Catch. A. Train.✅
Now we just need to keep the sand in the arena (you can see the effects of recent rain here). Meanwhile, the spreader/Mule combo continues to deliver. Open to any suggestions to prevent further sand leakage (other than perfectly leveling the ground. Not happening).
Today is the day. Rain is gone. Ice is gone. It's time to fully test The Mule/Manure Spreader combo. Stay tuned.
Another one of those "quick & easy" projects. Did it work? Stay tuned...
Last day right before shutting off the main water supply valve at the ranch (and before the could-be-historic winter storm in SE TX). Over the next 1-3 days, the boys will rely on us breaking the ice on the main water troughs and additional fresh water that will have to be manually hauled from the house to the ranch in containers.
Employee of the Month
If you want to know more, read the post on top of this one.
This year, let's RIDE!. Thank you, and you, and you also, and you...
Thank you to all our amazing riding students, families, and friends for creating so many memories of earth together. Let's create some more! Anyone?