Through out an entire life time … you May encounter a situation where something just speaks to you. If your a horse person, you may be lucky enough to have this happen on more than one occasion. Charlie spoke to me through a
Facebook post! I saw his kind eye and his sadly drained body and thought my this guy didn’t deserve this . I knew he would need extensive care and a lot of time getting him healthy. His attitude was always very agreeable, never did he ever attempt to hurt anyone. At meal time he would make a sour face and I would giggle and say what you gonna back that up with old man? He had moments of good / great times and other moments that made me question how much more he wanted to fight his circumstances.
Today Charlie said enough was enough!! He got down again and this time was far more worried than he had ever been. He was clearly uncomfortable and having seizures. From the start Charlie has always been very level headed and I never had an ounce of worry that he would hurt someone. Watching him thrash today during his seizure episodes I knew it was time . He went to horsey heaven very softly with very little suffering!
I can’t thank everyone enough for the love and support Charlie received in his short stay with me. He sure was a fighter and he loved all
Of his visitors big or small. I will
Miss his old man voice when I get home after night shifts and I’ll miss giving him baths and seeing his progress. But I am happy to know he will no longer suffer and there is no chance he will
Ever hurt again. Now, his skin is healed his coat is shiny he has lots of fluff to cover his bones and he’s galloping across luscious pasture with teeth that will allow him to truly enjoy it !
Fly high Charlie !!!!