Maple 🍁 meeting her new best friend 💕💕💕 she did amazing on the plane ride home. I got a report she slept from 9:30-2:15 then went outside for a quick potty break and was back asleep until the morning alarm went off. Good girl! #bestfriend #heartdog #dogsandkids #cavalierlove #tricavalier #sandiego #sfdogs
First babies going home 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Crate training is in full swing! #CreteTraining #PuppyTraining #Cavalier Training #DogBreeder #Sacramento #SanFrancisco
Breakfast time!! This is much harder to do with a phone in my hand but I thought I would show you the first step and impulse control around other dogs and food.
#PuppyRaising #BreakfastTime #EarlyLearning #GrowingUp #PuppiesOfInstagram #Breeder #BestFriend #AlmostHome #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel
crunch ASMR. I am tossing treat here to keep the puppies hunting and searching while we wait at the vet. Hunting and searching gives dogs a dopamine and endorphin release. Those good feelings are paired with sites and sounds helping build confidence and positive associations. Everyone checked out perfectly at the vet and Aunty Squirts hips look passable! We will wait for the official rating from the OFA but it is looking like Squirt will be a mommy on her next cycle 🥰. #ASMR #PuppyCrunch #PuppyRaising #PuppyDevelopment #PuppyTraining #Cavalier #Breeder #YummyTreats #VetVisit #California
Their last night as little babies 🥹
Their last night as little babies 🥹
Daily dose of happiness 🥰
Yesterday the babies all “woke up” as we say they are true little dogs now 🥹. More formal training has started and they are ready to explore more out of their whelping area. Little Blue climbed up here all by himself 💕 Stay tuned! #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel #cavaliersdoingthings #puppies #toocute #sacramento #sanfrancisco
Here’s two minutes of pure happiness. They’re so cute. I can’t handle it.
Babies are learning how to drink water 🥹. We use “spaniel bowls” to try and keep them from standing in or knocking the water over. Green dunked his face, white sniffed it, hot pink gave drinking a good try ( you can see her cute little tongue miss the water most of the time ) and blue and light pink were too busy wrestling to give it a try. #cavalierpuppies #puppyraising #trynewthings