First time free ranging for the babies 🥰
Chicken Nancy had a baby - surprise!
Updated Chicksneyland tour
The babies are getting so big!! 🥰🥰
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh! Today was jackpot incubator day!!!!!
These babies are headed to the brooder now.
More pics coming soon, but Ayam cemanis, tolbunt polish AND a breed that I have been dying for for Yuyeeeaaaaarrrrssssssss. 🎉🎉🎉 last hatch of the year for us and we could not be more excited!
Cemanis and Tolbunt polish avail!
They are trying to single handedly bring back the mannequin challenge 🤣
Just moved to the big coop and not so sure what to think. 20 seconds later they found the food and were happy as could be! 🥰🥰🥰
#lavenderorpingtons #bluelacedredwyandotte #breedingpairs #breedingtrios #chicksneyland #welcometochicksneyland #sdfarmlife #sandiefo #fallbrook #chicks #chicksforsale
Mom wait up- I want a ride!
Babies moved to the brooder today!
Lavender orpingtons, blue laced red Wyandotte’s and bantam Cochins 🥰
Let me know if you are looking for babies!
Straight run
New incubator, farm eggs from our babies, shipped eggs including death layers (omg!) and they are all growing! Candled about 90 eggs tonight and only 6 duds! Acckkkk… who else loves babies?!?!
We can’t wait!
Walking into the weekend like.... 🐓🐓🐓🐓☀️☀️☀️☀️
Obsessed with these babies 🥰
A little sneak peek of the inside decor of our Cinderella’s castle coop.
Chicksneyland is expanding 😳... welcome to our new crib, errrr CASTLE!!!
Just a quick sneak peek. Yesterday was delivery day for our custom designed coop from @mellottchickencoops and WOW!!! It’s even more beautiful in person!
Bantam Cochins, a couple of silkies and more 🥰🥰
1 day old
The tiny babies made it to the big coop today with momma Marie