Koulis: our super brave Athenian chap!
This 10- year- old chap lives in Athens and was referred to us for further investigation and treatment of his chronic rhinitis and chronic gingivostomatitis. Despite surgical and medical management attempted by previous vets, his clinical symptoms persisted. Koulis also happens to be FIV positive.
Nasal discharge, sneezing, difficulty eating and drooling had been bothering him for sometime, making him depressed and miserable. When Koulis came to see us he was in severe discomfort with his mouth, he could barely breathe from his nose and he had a poor appetite.
👉 Feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS) is a debilitating disease for cats and a challenge for veterinarians and cat caregivers alike.
👉 Chronic rhinitis is very common in feline practice; it could be due to numerous causes and a methodical approach is required for obtaining a definitive diagnosis.
👉 Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) or Feline AIDS is an important viral infection of cats that occurs worldwide. FIV only infects cats thus there is no risk of infection for people in contact with FIV-positive cats. Cats are most commonly infected with FIV through bite wounds. Once infected, a cat will remain infected with the virus for life. Infected cats generally remain free of clinical signs for several years, and some cats never develop disease. Most clinical signs are not caused by FIV, but are the consequence of immunodeficiency and secondary infection. Typical manifestations are chronic gingivostomatitis, chronic rhinitis, lymphadenopathy, weight loss and immune-mediated glomerulonephritis. Management of these conditions can be very challenging in some individuals.
❗Cats should never be euthanised solely on the basis of an FIV-positive test result
❗Cats infected with FIV may live as long as uninfected cats, with appropriate management
❗Not every disease diagnosed in an FIV- infected cat is related to the FIV infection
❗Infected cats should receive regular veterinary health checks
Koulis is now comfortable and happy, eating well, free from nasal and oral disease, enjoying life!
Special thanks to Koulis’s regular vet Dr. Vasia Georgaki (V for Vets) for getting in touch with us and to his wonderful owner Maria for her dedication and commitment all the way through.
Near, far, wherever you are, we are here to help!