And this is how you suit up 🆙 ! 🫶
Whilst many are still under the perception of our technical wear being a “blanket” , we love to shine a light on the biggest difference between EQUERY EMS Technical wear (aka training suits) and a magnetic blanket:
☑️ EMS (electrical muscle stimulation)evokes actual muscle contraction meaning we are operating in higher frequency and deeper penetration whilst targeting the deep muscle fibre (into the filaments), by activating the nervous system to contract the targeted muscles.
This creates muscle activity NOT ONLY relaxation, but an active work out that targets red and white muscle fibres at the same time and so rebuilds new muscle fibres.
See it as when you wear a suit, you are suiting up like an athlete you are in it to win it.
Whilst a blanket we use when we just want to relax or go to sleep and get cozy.
Both are equally valid, yet serve a very different purpose.
~ For more details, our team is here to provide full support. Get ready to elevate your horse training experience with Equery EMS Technology! ~
We are tremendously proud and honoured to witness our clients/ partners expand in their unique ways…
In their beautiful business creations,
In the unique way they care,
In the unique way they create ripples of goodness out into the equestrian world…
In their contribution of wisdom, knowledge & experience,
In them being such an important piece of the puzzle in carrying out our vision.
In them walking their own mission…
And in divine co-creation for the highest good of all within the equestrian community & beyond.
You are one of many @equine.home AND you are one in a million in your unique expression.
We appreciate you as we appreciate all our partners, clients and pioneers!
If this resonates, feel free to reach out to us and become part of the EQUERY FAMILY. 🤍✨
We love to have you.
A New Year is upon us…
New Opportunities …
New Possibilities…
Enhanced Technology…
Self Evident results…
We welcome 2024 ✨
Are you ready?
Wishing all of you and your loved ones a beautiful magical holiday season. And an even more miraculous 2024!
Thank you for another year of your trust, divine co-creation and sharing the vision together!
Lots of love and blessings.
The future is ours… so why not start today?
Dm for more info and details about the newest Equery Vibe.
For professional and private use.
We absolutely loved being part of @adihex 🤍🐎 Thank you @mohamedsaid3690__0552918741 for this lovely interview. We truly appreciate and value everyone that came to visit. Our special exhibition offer expires soon, it’s a very good one! I wouldn’t wait. Dm us for more info/ demo bookings or trainings at your stable or our new Flagship Center (more info coming soon). Wishing you a lovely week ahead! See you soon! 🐎🐎🐎
Last weekend we were part of a Training called “Energetic work with horses”,
And even though this is something you would have to experience yourself in order for it to be deeply felt…
The words and feelings best describing this experience would be:
Magical, enriching, expansive, enlightening and soul nourishing.
As being part of the equestrian industry what failed us and our clients the most is the overall quality and integrity within the field many are operating from.
The grid that is still looking for quick fixes, sedative measurements and overindulgence of substances of a more “practical” matter.
Rather than operating from creating a healthy, sustainable climate that operates from respect, integrity and supportive quality for the horse.
If there was one key take away that we love to share within this post, its that offering and respecting the boundary between humans and equestrian lives goes both ways. Looking at them as being broken or putting ourselves in a position of being a “caretaker” only amplifies the fact that something is lacking, missing, or in need of fixing.
While this might sound contradictive to what we are offering with our supportive technology, it is actually quiet the opposite of how it and we as a team are operating.
What we created goes beyond the traditional paradigms of treating/training horses. It’s a harmonious dance between the awareness and consciousness of diagnosis/analyses, energetics and than offering a suitable solution or treatment plan to enhance/support the rehabilitation, recovery or healing (that is already happening in a natural way) in an accelerated way and within the climate of respecting the horses pace, well being and boundaries in order for them to build trust and to feel safe within the prevention/recovery process.
And this is a significant piece of the puzzle, a fundament that goes hand in hand with our set of values, integrity and offering a safe climate that is supporting equestrian lives
Something big is coming…
Stay tuned 22/11/22 as we have got big news for you!
Creating an impact in the equestrian industry has often been quiet challenging…
Introducing new and joint friendly, non invasive ways are moreover still “under consideration ” as people often keep in mind “hard work and sacrifice is required” in order to be the best.
But what if we could look at it through a different lens?
• One where technology is advancing and ever evolving
• One where the way of training and rehabilitation is changing in hyperspeed
• One where we care for both results and well being
• One where a pioneer position could change the equestrian world for good…
• One where you can become one of the great in the long run not only the best for a short term…
At EQUERY we keep looking through that lens from all angles…
And develop in contribution to…:
• what’s good for the rider…
• what’s good for the breeder…
• what’s good for the therapist/vet…
• and foremost what’s good for the horse 🐎
We will keep on having a revolutionary vision … and trust that the right people will embark on this journey with us, in improving the equestrian industry.
And making a global impact in the equestrian world of training, rehabilitation and recovery.
Are you with us?
DM or mail to [email protected]
WhatsApp ? 00971528142791
Our team is ready to assist you on all your questions.
#horsecare #uae #horsehealth #equine #equinesportstherapy #activehorsecare #arabianhorses #horsetraining #equestrianprofessional #fithorse #electrotherapy #equinewellness #infrared #ems #wireless #equerytech #endurance #stables #uae #dubai #abudhabi #newtechnology #emstraining #emstechnology
✅ you are willing to speed up the recovery process of your horse
✅ if your horse is having muscle atrophy
✅ if you want to prevent colic
✅ if you want to prevent swollen suspensory ligaments
✅ if you want to maintain muscles while your horse is on box rest
✅ if you are done trying different therapies without effective results
✅ if you are willing to make a change
✅ if you want your horse to have strong muscles
✅ if you want to prevent or treat kissing spine
✅ if you want an honest opinion
✅ if you want to improve your horses cardiac recovery time
✅ if you are done with high bills that lead to nothing
✅ if your horse overal well being is your top priority
Mohammed is our partner in Kuwait and trains with Equery in this video he explains his story and the benefits he experienced with EQUERY. @mohammed.johar
التحفيز العضلات الكهربائي ايكوري مناسب لك اذا :
⚫️ أنت على استعداد لتسريع عملية استعادة خيلك
⚫️ إذا كان حصانك يعاني من ضمور عضلي
⚫️ إذا كنت تريد منع المغص
⚫️ إذا كنت ترغب في منع تورم الأربطة والاوتار
⚫️ إذا كنت ترغب في الحفاظ على العضلات أثناء راحة الحصان
⚫️ إذا انتهيت من تجربة علاجات مختلفة دون نتائج فعالة
⚫️ إذا كنت على استعداد لإجراء تغيير
⚫️ إذا كنت تريد أن يكون لحصانك عضلات قوية
⚫️ إذا كنت ترغب في منع أو علاج تلامس العمود الفقري
⚫️ إذا كنت تريد رأيًا صادقًا
⚫️ إذا كنت ترغب في تحسين وقت الشفاء القلبي لخيولك
⚫️ إذا انتهيت من الفواتير الباهظة التي لا تؤدي إلى ش
Introducing a new technology isn’t always easy…
It’s trusting the process…
It’s holding a vision no one can see…
It’s knowing it will improve equestrian and human lives…
It’s knowing the results are inevitable…
It’s having faith that vision will be seen by others…
It’s leading a new generation by leading yourself…
It’s facing the fears, the judgement, the misunderstanding and holding space for it…
It’s supporting your customers in the best possible way…
It’s collaborating with those who can hold the vision with you…
Can you hold this vision with us?
For you, for us, for the world…
Equery EMS contracting muscle
It’s all about getting our priority’s straight…
As all equestrians, we spend most of our days at the stables.
As a professional this is not a few hours of our day, it’s a lifestyle and our whole world evolves around it.
It became a priority. It became an extension of who we are and the world we decided to live in.
It’s a passion, something we breathe, something we wake up to and go to sleep with.
As every lifestyle it comes with passion and responsibility.
The ability to carry both and understand where our priorities lie.
Making daily decisions in…
Which food is the best for my horse?
Which stable is the most comfortable or practical?
Which competition to enter?
How to prepare my horse and myself for this specific practice?
How to deal with injury?
And moreover, were lies my priority?
Is it in the well being of my horse?
Is it in the accomplishment of the competition?
Is it in the excitement of the sport itself?
And how can I contribute to all of that? Which part do I decide to play in all of this?
How do I decide to show up for my horse and which example do I set for my equestrian community?
If prevention is more important than fixing to you...
If creating a solid foundation for your horses overall well being is prior to waiting to take action before they get sick...
If building strong muscles and a good cardiac recovery system is more import to you than your horses getting injured….
If working with honest professionals is prior to getting a quick opinion to go by cause it’s too late...
If building a solid relationship with the people treating your horses is prior to getting by with whoever is available...
If looking for ways to improve your community and their needs is prior to finding ways to deal with your horses inconveniences by yourself…
Than we might share the same priorities and are able to contribute together with you to keeping them straight.
And in the meanwhile inspire others around you to do the same.
Our R&D team has been working very hard behind the scenes in 2021.
Holding the vision of making the Equery EMS technology available for all horse owners.
Taking our customer feedback very serious and continuously improving, ever evolving like all technology.
Not looking for mediocre solutions but outstanding the quality of revolutionary thinking.
In the Middle East we already provided the Equery trainings together with our teams of experts on the field.
Which we will keep on doing to serve as many customers as we can.
Expanding the team, expanding the knowledge, the territory but moreover exchanging this expansion with our customers.
Cause who are we without the people who can hold this vision with us?
The ones who experience the improvements we witness every day?
Who deserve this expansion as much if not more than we do?
Cause they will be the ones leading a whole new generation of that which was once only a vision...
So since January 2022 we again found a more accessible way. Equery refuses to stop growing.
EQUERY has a mission and a vision and the world needs to know.
So the EQUERY VIBE was born. The EMS technology made easy to use from a dedicated smartphone.
Every single horse owner is now able to work with EMS trainings for their horses recovery, rehabilitation and training enhancements.
Making it possible to train your horses even on box rest and maintain and train the muscle mass.
For our loyal professionals the NEW even more advanced EQUERY PRO is to be released in April 2022.
Reach out if you feel holding this vision together with us.
If you feel like contributing the improvement for generations to come.
If you feel ready to make an expansive change.
If you feel ready for expanding your own reality of what your horses recovery, rehabillitation and training meant so far.
We often ask ourselves “How to improve our horses well being”?
And although there are so many ways to provide the best care for them, we also get overwhelmed with many opinions,
beliefs, reports, statistics, supplements and technologies that might contribute.
But how do we know which direction to follow?
How do we know this is going to work?
How do we trust the people that also want to sell their product?
How do we know it’s not another quick fix?
Working with our customers, we have literally seen it all.
The vet bills rising
The trial and error with different meds and supplements
The endless treatments without improvement…
You name it…
And again what are these conclusions based upon? Which opinions did you trusted more than your own?
Who did the expertise on your horse, but never worked with him in the first place?
We believe and trust that our customers know what is best for their horse because they are the ones who have build the strongest relationship with them.
They know their weak spots, their vulnerability, their challenges and their potential.
So working together with them to develop a sustainable relationship with them and their horses is our formula to improvement.
It’s not only about the technology, the supplements, the medicine and the therapy.
It’s in finding the right program for you and your horses altogether.
It’s a combination of trusting ourselves, the products or technology we work with, and trusting our customer to have trust in themselves and their horses.
Walking next to them while being on their journey of recovery, rehabilitation and training.
Supporting and sharing the vision we both share. And exchanging visions of that which is possible for their horses.
As an equestrian professional there is no division between your professional expertise and your customers common sense and experience.
There might be knowledge and information and tools you can serve them with or offer to them, yet when there is no mu
We often ask ourselves “How to improve our horses well being”?
And although there are so many ways to provide the best care for them, we also get overwhelmed with many opinions,
beliefs, reports, statistics, supplements and technologies that might contribute.
But how do we know which direction to follow?
How do we know this is going to work?
How do we trust the people that also want to sell their product?
How do we know it’s not another quick fix?
Working with our customers, we have literally seen it all.
The vet bills rising
The trial and error with different meds and supplements
The endless treatments without improvement…
You name it…
And again what are these conclusions based upon? Which opinions did you trusted more than your own?
Who did the expertise on your horse, but never worked with him in the first place?
We believe and trust that our customers know what is best for their horse because they are the ones who have build the strongest relationship with them.
They know their weak spots, their vulnerability, their challenges and their potential.
So working together with them to develop a sustainable relationship with them and their horses is our formula to improvement.
It’s not only about the technology, the supplements, the medicine and the therapy.
It’s in finding the right program for you and your horses altogether.
It’s a combination of trusting ourselves, the products or technology we work with, and trusting our customer to have trust in themselves and their horses.
Walking next to them while being on their journey of recovery, rehabilitation and training.
Supporting and sharing the vision we both share. And exchanging visions of that which is possible for their horses.
As an equestrian professional there is no division between your professional expertise and your customers common sense and experience.
There might be knowledge and information and tools you can serve them with or offer to them, yet when there is no mu
We all want what’s best for our horse, yet for many of us this isn’t always a priority until something happens. Our beloved 4-legged friend becomes sick or gets injured.
Apart from the heartache and wanting to get them well ASAP, soon the medical bills arrive and we are left with no other option than to proceed and get them better. Feels familiar?
What if you could prevent this from happening more easily? What if you could offer your horse a therapy, which would give him a regular check up by an honest professional?
What if you could enhance their overall well being?
What if you could strengthen his muscles?
What if you could increase his immunity and blood circulation?
What if you could prevent colic?
What if you could prevent injuries, muscle atrophy and suspensory injuries?
And let’s say it’s too late…
What if you could train them on box rest?
What if you could speed up their recovery time?
What if you could train them on a non-invasive and joint-friendly way?
And what if we promise you that EQUERY can make this happen!
Because for us this is our number one priority! How about you?
Contact us for more info in how we can help, prevent and advise you with the best therapy for your horse.
Dm or WhatsApp 0528142791
#horsecare #horsehealth #equinesportstherapy #activehorsecare #horsephysio #horsebusiness #horsetraining #equestrianprofessional #fithorse #equestrian #electrotherapy #equine #equerytech #equinewellness #infrared #EMS
When we started in 2020 representing a new unknown technology to the Middle Eastern Equestrian world, we never expected what would happen in the world at that time…
Despite the challenges we kept going and knew deep in our hearts that this was going to change equestrian lives for the better. It was going to contribute to the recovery and rehabilitation of horses globally and enhance their overal health, well being and recovery…
With EQUERY we introduced a completely new non invasive and joint friendly way to train and rehabilitate your horse.
This is what kept us going despite the crisis. This is the vision we hold and this is the dream we believe in!
We are grateful and blessed for this journey and to be standing here providing this service to our satisfied customers and create new awareness of the infinite possibilities in how technology improves lives.
Thank you @kdequinetherapydubai for believing in this vision from the very beginning and to hold it through the good and bad together with us.
Thank you to all our customers who entrusted us and those yet to follow. Holding the same vision of improving equestrian life!
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year, we hope to see you all in 2022 and thank all our customers for their faith and trust 🙏
#horsecare #uae #horsehealth #equine #equinesportstherapy #activehorsecare #arabianhorses #horsetraining #equestrianprofessional #fithorse #electrotherapy #equinewellness #infrared #ems #wireless #equerytech #newyear #newgoals #newyear2022
TESTIMONIAL: This is the story of Coeur who is retired with bone cancer…
Coeur got EQUERY trainings before and after her treatment and this is what happened…
Thank you for your trust Laure! 🙏
#horsecare #uae #horsehealth #equine #equinesportstherapy #activehorsecare #arabianhorses #horsetraining #equestrianprofessional #fithorse #electrotherapy #equinewellness #infrared #ems #wireless #equerytech #jointfriendly #noninvasive
Discover the E-LITE… and improve your riding skills with the EMS technology for riders…
Train with E-LITE during horse riding and improve your:
✅ posture and balance
✅ core, back and leg muscles
✅ stamina and strength
✅ cellulite
✅ bloodcirculation & metabolisme
✅ strengthening the muscles
✅ cardio and endurance
✅ pack/neck pain
✅ injury
✅ stiff muscles
✅ weak muscles
Learn more about how ELITE & EQUERY can enhance your horse and your riding skills.
Team up with your horse, align with the same vibe…
#ems #emstraining #rider #horse #emstechnology #new #elite #enhancedtraining #jointfriendly #improve #skills #wellbeing #horselife #equestrian
@vanheedonna thank you for sharing your story. 🙏
Kind Light (we love this name ❤️), got a tendon injury from 2019-2021 and got treated with EQUERY rehabilitation trainings in May 2021…
We are so excited to share this succes story with you all.
Thank you for your trust Donna.🙏
#horsecare #horsehealth #equinesportstherapy #activehorsecare #horsephysio #horsebusiness #horsetraining #equestrianprofessional #fithorse #equestrian #electrotherapy #equine #equinewellness #infrared #EMS #wireless #veterinarian #vet #veterinary #dressage #horsefacts #loveyourwork #passion #horse #horselife #horselover #lifewithhorses #showjumping #horsetrainer #sporthorse #sporthorses #instahorse #vets #horsejumping #dressagehorse #horsesofinstagram #lovehorse #picoftheday #horserider #horsejump