About ACR
Today ACR (acreptiles.com) is home to the largest collection of designer crested geckos on the planet, and one of the top 3 commercial producers of the species worldwide, producing well in excess of 20,000 geckos annually. We maintain our collection in a 3,000 square foot dedicated reptile facility in the Kansas City, Missouri metro area.
Although this is now a corporation, and we’re what some would call a “big breeder”, this all started as a one-man operation out of a sincere passion for reptiles, when I was just a hobbyist breeding some reptiles in the basement of my first house. When I was 26 years old, Gateway, Inc., my employer of 5 years, decided to close their Kansas City offices and offered me a job in South Dakota. I was already making more money selling the reptiles I produced in my basement and I really didn’t feel like moving away from family, so I took a small severance package and went into the reptile breeding business full-time in October 2004. While I can’t say it was an easy journey (it most certainly was not), it has been highly rewarding and I’m forever grateful that I was able to make a living doing something I’m genuinely passionate about.
Visit our website acreptiles.com for a more in-depth history of ACR and to learn more about us and what we offer. Thanks so much for your interest in ACR.
- Anthony