The Canine Lifeline - UK

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The Canine Lifeline - UK The Canine Lifeline is a small dog rescue based in Wales.We rehabilitate & find homes for sighthounds

The Canine Lifeline is a small, independent dog rescue based in Hertfordshire. We are run by volunteers and depend entirely on donations from other dog lovers to carry out our work. We exist purely to rescue, rehabilitate (where necessary) and find the best homes for dogs needing our help. We specialise in sighthounds but we will help other dogs where we can. Along with the dogs we help in the UK,

we are currently working with rescues in Spain, Portugal and the Middle East where the situation for dogs is particularly dire. You can also find us at

or at

To help us help more dogs, you can donate at


So.... THIS is actually the video we wanted to post about Winnie today but the other one is so funny and the team look like such a bunch of twits we left it up!

So... now to Winnie literally running rings round the team 🤣🤣🤣


Update - this is not the video we intended to post today but it is so funny and the team look like such twits we have left it here... aren't we mean? 🤣🤣 Sorry not sorry... For the real video, see our next post ☺️

You know that expression " runs rings round them"? Well now you know what it looks like 🤣🤣
Winnie had a blast today, keeping The Canine Lifeline - UK humans on their toes. She is such fun to be with and after play time is done she is content to lay quietly next to you or in her bed. She is a super dog.
Could she be the one for you? Email [email protected] for a conversation about Winnie.

Absloutely right. Thanks to  John for not only being an inspiring behaviourist and trainer but also crafting a thoughtfu...

Absloutely right. Thanks to John for not only being an inspiring behaviourist and trainer but also crafting a thoughtful and bang on post about the heartbreaking events of recent days in the UK.

I've been running this page for over 15 years and the posts which don't relate to dogs or behaviour are in the single digits.

There has been huge unrest in parts of the UK in the last week, fueled by dangerous and manipulative people. A small, violent, hateful sample of our union of countries have taken to the street, terrorised people, set buildings on fire, and assaulted police officers. All in the name of patriotism. Dozens of police officers have been injured, sone seriously so. These people are not patriots. They are violent racists and bigots.

The point of this post is to show solidarity with the people in the UK whose presence somehow incites these thugs. It may not do much, but people and businesses can show their support to marginalised communities and let them know this is not who we are as a society.

Those on the far right must be resisted. Their ideals, views and beliefs are poisonous. We only need to look at history to see what happens next if we don't resist these notions. Kristallnacht was real. We are not immune to it. History reveals patterns in human behaviour.

Please read Martin Niemöller's poem on the subject if you think it can't happen here.

Much love.

N.b. this is not an opportunity to voice opinions of racism, bigotry or xenophobia of any kind. I'll be ruthless in my moderation of comments.


Yes, yes... we DO know where that tongue has been but come on, who could resist that little face?
Winnie ... of course 😊

You know that thing cats do? You know - that thing where they park their furry bottoms on whatever you are reading, work...

You know that thing cats do? You know - that thing where they park their furry bottoms on whatever you are reading, working on, about to move and so on?... well... seems that dogs do it too 🙄 Ah well, guess the T Shirt design will just have to wait until after Winnie's cuddles! 😂😂

Sofa Sunday with Winnie - just the best 🥰😍🤩

(T shirt designed by Daisy @ Natural Curiosity)

Winnie's feet are still a bit sore when she comes back from being out in the grass so we are managing her exercise a bit...

Winnie's feet are still a bit sore when she comes back from being out in the grass so we are managing her exercise a bit differently at the moment. And of course, it's really hot this week so she's not been running around as much. She does love being outside, though, so we try to strike a balance for her.

Please share for this lovely girl and help her find her own home. Although she is safe, fed, exercised and we do all love her here at the Canine Lifeline (UK), it's really not the right home for her. She desperately needs a home of her own, a human of her own and the opportunity to learn way more than she can whilst she is with us.

Winnie is almost 3. She has been in foster in the UK since February 2023 - that's half her life. She is pretty, funny and very cuddly with people that she knows. She is stranger reactive but - to quote her very first fosterer - she goes from being your enemy to your best friend in 5 minutes. She is not good with other dogs and does not eventually warm to novel dogs the way she does with humans. She really needs to be the only dog in the home. She needs someone with experience of reactive dogs, lots of patience, time to invest in her and the willingness to flex in relation to her needs. She is absolutely worth it.

Winnie deserves a much better life than we can offer her here. She spends too much time on her own and although she doesn't seem to mind, WE mind on her behalf. If you are thinking about applying to adopt her, please contact us and we will have a full and frank conversation about what having Winnie in your life would mean. But do contact us. You have nothing to lose and you just might be the right home for this gorgeous girl who deserves so much more than she has EVER had in her life.

We are on [email protected]. Thank you.

Beat the monday blues with Amos.

Beat the monday blues with Amos.

We have told you many times that Winnie loves running around in the fields behind us. Sadly, Winnie currently can't do t...

We have told you many times that Winnie loves running around in the fields behind us. Sadly, Winnie currently can't do this because she has really sore feet which appears to be an allergic reaction. Her feet are responding well to anti-histamine and time away from the field but she does miss it, bless her. We are busy finding other things for her to do for a while. Poor Winnie - such a shame because she is so happy when she is out in the field. Please send her positive thoughts so she can soon be back doing what she loves 😊


Winnie loves just chilling outside, listening to the birds and feeling the cool grass under her. She doesn't need masses of entertainment, excitement or drama in her life. She doesn't need expensive food or flashy toys. She doesn't even need your undivided attention for hours on end. But just one person who actually WANTS her would be nice. Just one. Don't you agree? We think that's not too much to expect for a dog who didn't ask to be born, did not ask to be left on the street as a tiny pup and did not even ask to be rescued. She needs someone to give her a chance. If you think you might be that person, please email [email protected] for an initial chat about Winnie. And please share.

For all those people who admired Winnie's teeth - here they are again 😂Please share for this girl so she can find her ow...

For all those people who admired Winnie's teeth - here they are again 😂

Please share for this girl so she can find her own home


Winnie says "Hi everyone - if you adopt me you could see this gorgeous face every day" 😊
Email [email protected] for a conversation about this funny little sweetheart who is looking for her forever home.

Winnie is a very happy girl. The field has been mowed so she can run around like a rocket again without getting lost in ...

Winnie is a very happy girl. The field has been mowed so she can run around like a rocket again without getting lost in the long grass.

Winnie loves it outdoors. She is very happy sniffing, digging, shouting at birds and kidding herself she can catch them before they fly off. She hasn't yet!

Winnie is a 2 year old mixed breed dog. She is affectionate with people she knows and very cuddly. She does not like other dogs so needs to be the only dog in the home.
Winnie is looking for a permanent home. Please email [email protected] to arrange to discuss Winnie and how she might fit into your life.
Please share for Winnie. She deserves her own home.


It's Saturday! Time to go nuts and have some fun

Winnie at the Weekend 😊

Isn't she just super?

We have been asked why Winnie doesn't have a permanent home yet - or even a foster outside the Rescue - we have been very honest that this home is really not ideal for Winnie as there are too many other dogs here so she spends more time on her own than we would like.

Rescues are bulging at the seams with dogs looking for homes, some of whom have no issues at all. If you have heard that 'all rescue dogs have issues' you have been told an untruth. Some don't. Yes, really. Some dogs waiting in Rescue have no issues whatsoever. And yet they remain in Rescue because there are just so many of them right now. And some people are very picky about what they want. So for a dog like Winnie, who is massively dog reactive and who is very wary of people to begin with, finding a home is much harder. She needs someone who actively wants to help a dog like her - and those people are few and far between.
But they do exist. We know some. We hope to meet more. So does Winnie.

Please email [email protected] for a chat about this super girl who deserves so much more than we can give her here.

Winnie just chilling with the humans ...

Winnie just chilling with the humans ...


More Winnie spam. Sorry not sorry 🤣


We have had more sunshine here in Wales today which has been a welcome relief from the rain. Funny thing, though - sunshine and rain makes the grass grow ... a lot! 🤣🤣 Easy for a girl to get lost 😳 But Winnie doesn't give too hoots about the fact the grass is taller than she is - she loves running around in the field and is really happy just doing not very much 🥰

It is hard to find new things to say about this lovely girl. She is a 2 year old mixed breed dog originally from the Middle East. She is clever, affectionate with people she knows and very easy in the home as long as her environment can be managed for her. She does not currently tolerate other dogs and is very reactive, but she has lived with dogs in the past and has shown the potential to live with another calm, confident, older male.
Winnie needs a home of her own. Please email [email protected] to arrange a conversation about her.

Just Winnie enjoying the sunshine ...Winnie is still waiting for someone to give her a chance. She needs patient, kind, ...

Just Winnie enjoying the sunshine ...

Winnie is still waiting for someone to give her a chance. She needs patient, kind, gentle, dog - savvy people who are happy to take things at Winnie's pace and not give her a list of situations in which she needs to be ok. She will repay your kindness with affection, love, fun and companionship. She is just lovely.
Please email [email protected] to arrange a conversation about Winnie.


Winnie is a really smart dog and a very fast learner. Here she shows how she responds to various verbal cues including 'come' "sit' 'paw' and most importantly 'leave it'. She is very food motivated which is helpful and she is rewarded for performing the behaviour we have asked for with a small tasty treat. She loves getting praised and fussed over too. She is just lovely ... but still homeless.
Winnie is not perfect but she is a super dog and she will make someone a wonderful companion.
For a discussion about what kind of home Winnie needs, please email [email protected].


Remember we told you that Winnie is very calm in the house, settles really well, lays quietly beside you whilst you work and you hardly know she is there... great eh?..
So this is Winnie's other mode 🤣🤣 This little bonkers girl just loves running around and playing with her human..
She is genuinely one of the sweetest dogs we have ever had. She is funny and affectionate - you just have to meet her on her terms...

2 years old. 20kg. Female, mixed breed. Healthy, fit, strong.
Please share for Winnie.


Winnie is a beautiful dog - but she is not just a pretty face. She is smart and quick to learn too. Here she shows that she is developing recall, she responds to a 'sit' cue and she is getting really good at 'leave it'. Winnie has so much potential - in the right home she could really shine...
Winnie is a small to medium, 2 year old mixed breed sighthound originally from the Middle East. She is sweet and funny with people she knows but dislikes other dogs. Please email [email protected] to arrange a conversation. And please share for this lovely girl.


The weather is lovely today in beautiful West Wales - sunny and hinting at Spring. Winnie is happy in all weather tbh - she loves being outside, tootling around, sniffing, digging, running around and playing with her humans... but she seemed to like just sitting and taking it all in today. She is a very calm dog a lot of the time and she is great company. You can work at a desk or in meetings online with her alongside you and you hardly know she is there.

Winnie is a 2 year old, medium sized female mixed breed dog. She is sweet and affectionate with people she knows and would really suit someone living in a quiet, calm environment, who is around a lot and who does not have lots of visitors. She needs a home with no other animals although she could possibly live with a calm, placid, older male dog that will tolerate her initial reaction to him.

Winnie is still looking for her forever home after a year because she is not perfect. She doesn't like other dogs. She doesn't do cafés, pubs, parties, school fairs and other things involving lots of busy - ness, noise and people. She barks a lot at delivery folk. She takes a little while to accept novel people.
But she is also a really sweet dog if you bother to get to know her. But most people want a dog "out of the box" so they don't want dogs like Winnie. Which is a shame really, because for the person who bothers to get to know her and who is willing to accept her foibles, she is a brilliant little companion who deserves her own home - like every dog.
Email [email protected] for a discussion about this lovely girl.


Amos's foster mum thinks he might do well at agility. Well - with those legs, he can just step over the bar 🤣

Amos is still looking for his forever home. He is a stunning, large podenco who needs a home with other dogs and owners who understand pods.
For an initial conversation about this lad, please email [email protected]

Winnie has a very good sense of smell... particularly in this bit of sunshine 🌻🌼🌸☀️🌻🌥.

Winnie has a very good sense of smell... particularly in this bit of sunshine 🌻🌼🌸☀️🌻🌥.


Sunday shenanigans with Winnie ...

Rainbow magic whilst walking Winnie who is still looking for her forever home.

Rainbow magic whilst walking Winnie who is still looking for her forever home.

The rain stopped for a whole morning today 😂 Winnie loves her walks with one of her favourite humans. Actually, this lov...

The rain stopped for a whole morning today 😂 Winnie loves her walks with one of her favourite humans. Actually, this lovely dog will go out in any weather as long as she can mooch and sniff and just generally be with you.
Winnie is 2 years old and is living in foster in West Wales. She needs a home with someone patient, calm and ideally with experience of reactivity. She has not always been reactive and because she is smart and bonds easily with people we are confident she can learn to be less concerned about other dogs. She needs someone with time to invest in her. The rewards will be immense for both Winnie and her adopter as she is a really lovely dog once she has let you into her club.
Please email [email protected] to discuss. And please share for this girl. She is worth it.


When Winnie discovers that one of her favourite humans is still in the house ... 🤣🤣
Winnie is a puzzling dog at times. When you first meet her, she will probably behave as if she doesn't like you very much ... for about 5 minutes...and then once she knows you, she is your friend forever and is the most cuddly, affectionate little thing imaginable.
Winnie really needs her own home with her own human somewhere quiet with no other pets and ideally somewhere to run around outside.
[email protected]

Still with his besties, Amos has decided he had better give them some space this week 🤣 But wait til you all get home gu...

Still with his besties, Amos has decided he had better give them some space this week 🤣 But wait til you all get home guys - we bet he will still nick the humans' bed!
Amos is a stunning 3 year old Podenco who is looking for a home with other dogs as companions.

For an initial conversation about this brilliant dog, please email [email protected]


Winnie is a really funny little dog. She is great fun and loves to play with her human. She would make a wonderful companion for someone who lives a quiet life and is looking for an affectionate, cuddly, loving dog who just wants to be with you whilst you get on with your day. She loves having a run around outside but she is not demanding - her exercise needs are less than most dogs her age (she is only 2). She does find other dogs difficult and any prospective adopter would need to be prepared to manage that aspect of her behaviour. We can offer that person lots of support.

If you think you might be the right home for Winnie, please email [email protected] in the first instance

Winnie has discovered the flooded Willow beds. We are wondering what she can see in the water.  Perhaps she imagines tha...

Winnie has discovered the flooded Willow beds. We are wondering what she can see in the water. Perhaps she imagines that it is a portal to a new and kinder world where she finally belongs to someone, where she has her very own human, a person who has actually chosen her like all the other dogs who have been chosen and adopted. She is happy mooching about in the field, digging, paddling and running around. But we are sad for her.

Winnie has been with The Canine Lifeline (UK) for a year now. She has been in a number of foster homes but because she finds other dogs really difficult, she has not been able to stay in those homes with resident dogs. She has had to come and live with us at HQ and she has been with us for 8 months. We all love her dearly. But there are 4 other dogs here and she is not happy with that many other dogs around her, especially the females. Keeping her apart from the others is challenging. She really needs her own home.

Winnie’s ideal home would be with someone living in a quiet area with a garden / outside space of their own, and lots of time and patience to offer her. Once she gets to know you, she is extremely sweet and affectionate, very funny and playful and the most cuddly dog you could wish to meet.

Winnie would ideally find a home with no other animals, but she could possibly live with one other laid back male as long as they could be kept apart initially.
Please contact us on [email protected] to discuss what it would be like to have Winnie in your life.




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