FB is irritating. They just notified me they scheduled my page for deletion. I took it as some hacking scam... Too contact (some unknown empty account). The link they provided did not even match anything Facebook.
BTW... they only delete your log in access, not the web page. So the Old and the newer will still be seen if you happen find them. Old website Links, phone numbers, emails, etc... will also be displayed. any email and phone numbers, other is be open game or wrong for all spammers and con game.
This is my 2nd Account and page I created after my stroke (2022) and I am still "SLOWLY" recovering. (Its almost 2025).
The claim... I violated some BS add or post rule that violates there terms crap... I dont see anything I have done wrong.... and I have not as far as I can see. I have one bad link too my old website in a auto reply message. THATS IT!...I have searched endlessly for a way too change that, thus I cannot find a way too change that.
I created this back in 2022.... and its taken me 2 years just too navigate all the BS that they make very hard too navigate and confusing.
Maybe because I dont waste my day on FB. Its not productive... but I do check it once in a while and post updates.
But suddenly. 2 years later.... It violates some BS face book rule I am unaware of. They claim I violated some posting.... but was not specific or offered a link or any explanations.
I still think its some con scam as the link does not look lagit. (From Facebook.)
If so.. how do you correct something when they will not tell you what it is you violated. and show you the example so You can make changes too correct the issue.
Like throwing someone in PRISION and not telling them why!
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