Rizzo is on her way to her family!!! SOLD please check out Jan Danny and marti
Sandi is ready to go to her family she’s very excited- no longer available please check out Jan marti or Danny
Sonny is so excited to meet his family this weekend!!
Our puppies are raised in our busy living room! Have been around kids playing other dogs going in and out vacuuming cooking every day events!
They have all been introduced to the kennel. Few times with their siblings. Hope to get them introduced individually this week!
This speaks wonders on all their temperaments! Such wonderful bred dogs both mentally and physically Kenickie Reserved
This speaks wonders on all their temperaments! Such wonderful bred dogs both mentally and physically
Danny- available
This speaks wonders on all their temperaments! Such wonderful bred dogs both mentally and physically Sonny our smallest boy -available
This speaks wonders on all their temperaments! Such wonderful bred dogs both mentally and physically. Jan - available
This speaks wonders on all their temperaments! Such wonderful bred dogs both mentally and physically
Frenchy- girl -available
This speaks wonders on all their temperaments! Such wonderful bred dogs both mentally and physically
Marty- girl- available
First nail trims Sandi- available
This speaks wonders on all their temperaments! Such wonderful bred dogs both mentally and physically
Rosie is still looking for her forever family she is 14weeks and ready to learn house trained $700 comes with all shots and training will continue
2 weeks old! Reserve yours today!!! Grease litter!!
Yellow collar girl still looking for her family 12 weeks old 550