Dinner is done tonight....
"Boucheck" of Anwalt Hund
Mixed breed: RIR x Barred Rock x Black Australorp. Baka lang po may makagusto.
Feeding time... Latest batch mixed rir x barred rock x black australorp...
As part of the celebration - and reward for being a role model patient - Jury had her night out... a free run of the yard and a lot of frolicking under the moonlight with good friend Lucas, our three year old Japanese spitz mix.
Jury the French bulldog has just recovered from sickbay although we don't know what illness came down on her that stopped her from eating for four straight days. Since all her test produced normal results I am inclined to blame the problem on doggie drama - when dogs think of themselves as humans and go through all sorts of tantrums including not eating for long spells.
I appreciate the fact that she didn't create any problem by taking the medicine the vet recommended which I think is because she liked the taste. To reward her for good behavior I cannot just give her treats since this could short-circuit her eating habits and bring a bigger problem. What I did is to set her loose and play all she wants. I figured if man can't live on bread alone so can't dogs. Maybe she needed play more than anything else.
They are like children. Me, when I was a kid I would have gladly passed up one meal for a day out playing games in the streets. So tonight when the moon is full and the September breeze beginning to chill and to feel a lot like Christmas, two dogs are having the time of their lives. I prefer that Jury play with Lucas since he is not as big and as rough as the other dogs. In fact it is obvious to me that Lucas is holding back and letting Jury get the better of him when they wrestle. Together they make a statement about joy friendship and being at peace with life.
If only humans can be like dogs sometimes...
I am constantly amused by those endless rants and emotive complaints from sellers against lowballers in the dog breeding business. These dog breeders would cry a river about their extreme difficulties from spending sleepless nights attending to whelping puppies to getting close to breaking the bank from the prohibitive cost of bitches, how expensive it is to raise them and having to spend on feeds, vitamins and the frequent trips to the vet.
If all you think about is the money you spend then maybe dog breeding is not for you. To be totally absorbed with making a profit takes away the joy of having a dog. In the first place nobody asked you to buy your dog expensive imported feeds, and to pamper them with a life you as petowner cannot afford. Then you take it hard on the low ballers for not meeting your asking price.
You spend because you and your dog enjoy it. That should be your mindset. You have no right to insist that people buy only your dog and at the price you want when you sell them. Worse some dog breeders assume they can insult the lowballing buyers or poke fun at their poverty. A true dog lover will never do that because if there is one thing that you learn from your pet it is the biblical truth that man should respect lesser beings than himself. If that goes true for human and dog with more reason it should be the way to live for man and his fellow man.
Life like business is a free enterprise. We all have to pay our way to happiness one way or another but for those who have not much to pay, some understanding and tolerance would help bring a sense of balance - and justice, if you may - where life is not always fair.
ISLAW and AMLA for Anwalt Hund
The thunderstorm last night was wild and scary. In the few minutes it lasted the ditch at the backyard overflowed and shrubs toppled. This morning I let the three dogs out to do some cleaning and seeing them frolicked into that ditch I was reminded of humans when they were young and innocent and the whole world a playground.
Then I started wondering if these three are actually part goat and part pig. They started nibbling happily at the grass Guilty, Pardon and Jury. Then they would jump into the water and come out covered with mud. I was almost moved by such pure display of happiness. The same way we felt as children when let loose to do the crazy dirty things. Hopefully they don't get sick after this but while I could have immediately stopped the dirt fest party my heart was telling me not to rob them of the moment.
Like humans dogs will grow old and someday cross the bar too so they have as much right as humans have to do the things that makethem happy. It's their life after all.