San Antonio Watchdog Group

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  • San Antonio Watchdog Group

San Antonio Watchdog Group We are a group of concerned citizens who believe that what happens at the city animal shelter in San Antonio, Texas should be kept in the public eye.

The purpose of this page is to spread awareness and ask for real change. We are not a rescue group.

No Kill San Antonio was the very first group to break the story about the private consultation by Kristen Hassen, paid f...

No Kill San Antonio was the very first group to break the story about the private consultation by Kristen Hassen, paid for by Petco Love

The goal of the consultation was to get ACS’s live release rate back to 90%

ACS could not stop killing dogs, not even for a single day, and this frustrated the Austin Animal Care behaviorists that were tasked with teaching the ACS staff how to co-house dogs in order to save more lives

The consultation ended and ACS kept it a secret, they even went as far as blocking advocate’s original Public Information Request but the city attorney determined that ACS did not hold legal grounds to withhold all of the documents and therefore the documents were released with some redactions

In those documents were many red flags. You can find out more by following NKSA and by reading the following posts:

Even before a deadly dog mauling threw Animal Care Services into turmoil, a national rescue partner sought to flag operational issues at the shelter.

Over a year has gone by and nothing has improved for the dogs and cats who need specialty care today. No X-Ray machine, ...

Over a year has gone by and nothing has improved for the dogs and cats who need specialty care today.

No X-Ray machine, despite volunteers offering to fundraise for one. Director Shannon Sims has turned down advocates every step of the way. A team of volunteers gathered a list of portable x-ray equipment that doesn’t require a lot of power and doesn’t take up a lot of space. This is the same style of equipment that traveling livestock veterinarians use. Mr. Sims never responded to the email nor the follow-up. That was right around the time we were advocating for Pumpkin here on our page and instead of responding to the volunteers, Mr. Sims instead prioritized sending our page an antagonistic email, all to try to silence our advocacy for Pumpkin.

It is clear to us that the only barrier between the medical animals receiving the proper care they need is the director of ACS himself, Mr. Shannon Sims. Volunteers have presented solutions to each of Mr. Sims’s excuses and he eventually stopped responding.

The bottom line is that if this were important to Mr. Sims, it wouldn’t take this much effort for ACS to find a way to provide diagnostics for injured patients.

Little Leon, the latest victim. He was 8 months old and he sat in the medical clinic for 2 weeks with a suspected fractured pelvis. His notes read “advise pelvic rads.” He never got them. Instead, little Leon was killed by ACS on May 5th. There have been hundreds more cases like Leon.

What does a new clinic set to be completed in 2025 (at the earliest) do for the animals who need help NOW? Do their lives not matter?

Did you know that Animal Care Services of San Antonio, Texas does NOT have an x-ray machine? Dogs like Dempsey are victims of amputations because of ACS's outdated approach to helping animals in their custody with broken bones.

What is ACS's current practice for handling cases with broken or fractured bones? The medical staff will palpate the break to try to assess what kind of break occurred. Then, they bandage the limb and send the dog back to a kennel where the dog is made to wait it out.

What happens if the break does not heal itself in a timely manner? Medical staff will then remove the entire limb via amputation....

This is BARBARIC! These animals deserve to keep their limbs. How can they determine that amputation is the best outcome if they do not even perform an x-ray to assess the injury?

Imagine going to your own doctor for a broken arm only to have your doctor recommend amputation without truly assessing the break via X-ray? That of course would be an unacceptable practice!

Mr. Sims continues to defend himself from current criticisms of how the sick and injured animals are treated under his care (see Troody's story) and maintain that this is all reason as to why ACS needs a NEW medical clinic.

They do NOT need a new medical clinic to be proactive NOW for the animals in their CURRENT care.

We hope that the bond passes this spring and that ACS is afforded the funding to assist with medical clinic upgrades. With that said, WHAT WILL ACS DO NOW TO BETTER CARE FOR THE ANIMALS IN THEIR CURRENT CUSTODY?

How long will a new medical building take to build? 3 month? 6 months? 2 years? That is too long for the animals who need better help NOW!

We demand that ACS recognizes that regardless of a building, it is the people in the building that make the difference. A new building will do nothing for animals if current practices are allowed to continue.

✅ Quality care can happen BEFORE the animal hospital on campus is built!

✅ Quality care will happen when management embraces the culture of saving lives and engages the 1.4 million people in the City of San Antonio to help! (There are more in the metro area.)

We recommend that Shannon Sims looks to his community for help. Surely there is a radiologist in the great city of San Antonio that would be interested in a partnership with ACS so x-rays can become a STANDARD practice for treating animals with broken bones?

Doing the right thing can happen NOW. There are no excuses. Mr. Sims MUST BE PROACTIVE! The injured animals in his care are counting on him!

When a shelter is not true no-kill, not even puppies are safe like these two who were destroyed yesterday by Animal Care...

When a shelter is not true no-kill, not even puppies are safe like these two who were destroyed yesterday by Animal Care Services, under the authority of Director Shannon Sims and his management team.

The city shelter has never been a true no-kill shelter because they set their goal at an arbitrary “90%.” True no-kill is not a number, it’s a model. When life affirming options are ensured by the shelter for every animal in their care, the number will be earned naturally, not artificially.

A No-kill city is possible but it will take work. Please support those efforts by following No Kill San Antonio

San Antonio residents, did you know that the Public Comment Council Meetings are not recorded? These are the public comm...

San Antonio residents, did you know that the Public Comment Council Meetings are not recorded?

These are the public comment sessions meaning when concerned San Antonio residents come forward to speak in front of elected government officials including Mayor Ron Nirenberg, council members, and city management.

Why aren’t these sessions recorded? The citizens have the right to this information. When a session is recorded, it not only opens up access making the session more accessible for residents who are unable to attend in person (for a variety of reasons), but it also is archived and saved for later viewing.

San Antonio residents, if you think that the Session B meetings should be recorded, please join the call-to-action.


✳️ Please RESPECTFULLY REQUEST our officials to start recording and publishing Public Comments (Session B ) as part of the public meetings. Every community member should have the opportunity to review discussions made by elected officials AND members of the community without being present. Making sure every voice is heard by the community is protecting equality values of democracy that are fundamental to change and balance. It's only fair.

📍Click on the links below to fill out the Contact Form, make a call to your representative OR all of them to ask for Public Comments to be recorded and published on a regular basis.
*There is a crisis in SA! You don't need to live in San Antonio to share empathetic concerns.

📧 D1 - Mario Bravo

📧 D2 - Jalen McKee Rodriguez

📧D3 - Phyllis Viagran

📧 D4 - Dr. Adriana Rocha

📧 D5 - Teri Castillo

📧 D6 - Melissa Cabello Havrda

📧 D7 - Rosie Castro

📧 D8 - Manny Pelaez

📧 D9 - John Courage

📧 D10 - Marc Whyte

📧 Mayor - Ron Nirenberg

📧 City Manager & Staff

More enforcement? More spay and neuter? What does that do for the 50 dogs and puppies already alive and in the shelter s...

More enforcement? More spay and neuter? What does that do for the 50 dogs and puppies already alive and in the shelter system who need help NOW?

50 dogs and puppies authorized to be killed on Monday by Director Shannon Sims and his management team.

Catch. Hold. Release. Destruction. Repeat. Is this the solution? Sims and his team would argue that it is. Sims is supported by city council with a budget of 21.4 million dollars and to do what? Kill his way out of the issues he faces?

21.4 million tax dollars, hard at work, destroying healthy, adoptable, treatable shelter pets

If you agree that Director Shannon Sims needs to be replaced by someone who believes in saving, not killing, you can join the call-to-action:

Source 1 (dogs listed in orange have been slated to be killed):

Source 2 (a networking post):

The High Volume Spay and Neuter Contract Plan Performance for Fiscal Year 2022 reveals that the total number of procedur...

The High Volume Spay and Neuter Contract Plan Performance for Fiscal Year 2022 reveals that the total number of procedures fell short of its goal by 16,563 operations.

Animal Care Services, the city shelter in San Antonio, has several contracts with Spay and Neuter partners to assist with providing high volume, low cost spay and neuter accessibility.

These contracts are specific to each partnership but include compensation and in some cases, other kickbacks such as rent free occupation of city owned facilities (such as the case with the Brooks center).

Our records request revealed that none of the partners met their 2022 FY goals and the total amount of procedures reported was only 11,892 of the goal of 28,455.

Big changes were made for FY 2023 including a new partnership with the Spay Neuter Network, replacing the existing contract with Pet Shotz (Brackenridge location). A presentation provided by ACS Chief Operations Officer, Bethany Colonnese, on November 16, 2022, revealed that the new partnership with SNN, a 3 year contract, included 250 free surgeries and 6,500 low cost surgeries for San Antonio residents.

Earlier this year, San Antonio Humane Society announced they would no longer be operating out of the Brooks clinic. They made the following announcement:

"Effective Wednesday February 1, the San Antonio Humane Society (SAHS) will no longer operate at the Brooks Spay/Neuter Clinic. We thank the City of San Antonio Animal Care Services (SAACS) for our partnership during the last six years. We look forward to continuing to work together to save dogs and cats in our community.

We are excited to expand our services at our state-of-the-art Leeu Naylor Medical Building, centrally located on our main campus at 4804 Fredericksburg Road. By focusing our efforts here, we’ll be able to increase spay/neuter surgeries and offer Wellness Clinics every Saturday."

It is unclear at this time what the city plans to do with the Brooks Spay/Neuter clinic.

Director Shannon Sims has continued to state on record that the issues surrounding spay and neuter are due in part by the ongoing "national vet shortage."

Sources available below in the comments.

On Wednesday, March 22nd, Animal Care Services director Shannon Sims went before the San Antonio City Council to present...

On Wednesday, March 22nd, Animal Care Services director Shannon Sims went before the San Antonio City Council to present the Animal Care Services strategic plan. Following the presentation, city council members took turns asking Shannon Sims questions, revealing their own focuses and understanding (or lack thereof) of the daily issues taking place at the city shelter in San Antonio.

We will speak more on this soon but for now, we wanted to post the video so you can go back and watch it if you haven't had the chance to do so yet.

Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Briefing on the Animal Care Services Strategic Plan. [David W. McCary, Assistant City Manager;
Shannon Sims, Director, Animal Care Services]

Please see the San Antonio Mayor and City Council webpages for complete information. Mayor s Office : (210) 207-7107 . City Council Office : (210) 207-7040 .

San Antonio Animal Care Services, under the direction of Shannon Sims and Live Release Manager Jessica Travis, schedule ...

San Antonio Animal Care Services, under the direction of Shannon Sims and Live Release Manager Jessica Travis, schedule to kill 8 puppies after giving each a superhero name.

The names given to all 8 puppies are Captain America, Spider (assuming they meant Spiderman), Superman, Thor, Batman, Wonder Women (should be woman), Hulk, and Gamora.

The message on the report listing each puppy reads “Due to kennel capacity this pet will be euthanized on 4/1/2023 without confirmed placement”

The irony here is that Animal
Care Services is the villain by its truest definition: “a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.”

These 8 puppies need a real community hero to save them from the “shelter” that has sealed their fate with an arbitrary deadline of Saturday (April 1st).

We left more information about each puppy in the comments below.

Want to help make San Antonio a true no kill city? Consider sending an email. More info here:

All of these dogs have exactly one thing in common. They were all KILLED today by ACS under Shannon Sims (director) and ...

All of these dogs have exactly one thing in common. They were all KILLED today by ACS under Shannon Sims (director) and Jessica Travis (live release manager).

This shelter is NOT a no-kill shelter. This is not what No-kill is. All of these dogs were placeable. Look at the time spent at the shelter? 3 days? 4 days? 6 days?

Shannon Sims and his upper management team need to be fired immediately. This is unacceptable. Get them out of there and demand that the city of San Antonio hire competent leaders who don’t kill off the problems they face.

Send an email now! Here is the info on sending an email:

"During intake, we do as much as we can for them. We get the best possible portrait of the animals and do a full health ...

"During intake, we do as much as we can for them. We get the best possible portrait of the animals and do a full health and behavior assessment. All of this information goes into our capacity euthanasia report" -Jessica Travis (Live Release Manager, Animal Care Services)

Is this the best possible photo? Concerned volunteers have emailed ACS requesting better intake photos of some of the dogs in efforts to better market them. ACS has not responded. Many of the dogs seen in these photos from today were killed by ACS.


Important! The location for tonight's ACS Advisory board meeting has changed. The time is still the same. The new locati...

Important! The location for tonight's ACS Advisory board meeting has changed. The time is still the same.

The new location is: Ron Darner Park, 5800 Historic, Old Hwy 90 W, San Antonio, TX 78227

The start time is still 5:55 pm and if you wish to speak, you must sign up to do so no later than 5:50 pm


**IMPORTANT! Location change!**The new location is: Ron Darner Park, 5800 Historic, Old Hwy 90 W, San Antonio, TX 78227T...

**IMPORTANT! Location change!**

The new location is: Ron Darner Park, 5800 Historic, Old Hwy 90 W, San Antonio, TX 78227

The start time is still 5:55 pm and if you wish to speak, you must sign up to do so no later than 5:50 pm

Nine reasons to show up tomorrow and advocate for the shelter pets of San Antonio!

#1 Cheese

#2 Ham

#3 Mason

#4 Bug

#5 Lois

#6 Lil Wayne

#7 Bella

#8 Lola

#9 Carla

All 9 were killed today by ACS under the management of Director Shannon Sims. All were healthy, treatable, and placeable. When will the killing of healthy, adoptable, and treatable shelter pets end? When the right amount of public pressure is applied. Right now is the time to speak up!

There are two meetings worth attending:

#1 The ACS Advisory Board Meeting:

#2 City Council Public Session Meeting:

If you are not local, you can still participate in the discussion by leaving a public comment by signing up here:

📣 CALL-TO-ACTION 📣We have had enough! Please consider sending an email and speak up for the shelter pets of San Antonio ...


We have had enough! Please consider sending an email and speak up for the shelter pets of San Antonio who can not speak for themselves!

You can use the following draft (be sure to sign it with your name and district number if applicable) or you can write your own!

Here is the draft:

Dear elected officials of San Antonio,

We, the residents of San Antonio, Texas and members of the greater national rescue community, are writing to you today to express our sincere concern with the number of healthy, adoptable dogs that are being destroyed by Animal Care Services, under the leadership of Director Shannon Sims.

Yesterday (March 11, 2023), 14 dogs were destroyed by ACS, including four, one year old, Belgium Malinois mixed breed dogs along with a two year old female (who may have been their mother), who had only been at the shelter since the prior night.

The Belgium Malinois breed is incredibly intelligent, which is why they are so commonly selected for canine police academies. With these dogs at the shelter for less than 24 hours, there simply was not enough time for rescues that specialize in this breed to be notified and given the opportunity to save them.

The previous day (March 10, 2023), a dog named Cooper, who was owner surrendered for medical reasons, was given a final notice by ACS and slated to be destroyed. Cooper’s need of placement caught the attention of many and he quickly had an abundance of offers including two rescues who submitted hold requests, several foster offers, several adoption offers, and a San Antonio resident who had been at the shelter waiting since 10:30 am to adopt Cooper.

ACS placement staff assured everyone that Cooper had a hold and was safe but only minutes later, their report updated to show that Cooper had instead been euthanized. ACS staff claimed it was due to declining medical state and that he had been humanely euthanized earlier in the morning, however this statement was made just minutes after staff had claimed he was safe.

The destruction of Cooper and the five Belgium Malinois dogs brought the weekly number of dogs destroyed to 47 and those are only the ones we are publicly aware of. The number is likely much higher if we consider the dogs destroyed without due process or public notice (the dogs being kept in the locked 200 building) and the dogs that the ACS medical clinic have destroyed due to the clinic’s inability to provide even the most basic services, such as an X-ray.

We are especially concerned to learn that the shelter's live release rate dropped to 83.7% for the month of February, the lowest it has been in the last six years and down from 90.8% from February 2022.

We are also troubled to learn that ACS has not once made their yearly intake goal of 30,000 since 2019. The shelter continues to take in fewer animals and destroy more. This is unacceptable and we are tired of the excuses that Director Shannon Sims continues to use to justify the shelter’s poor performance.

To date, Director Sims has blamed “a lack of funding,” “not enough staff,” “the national vet shortage,” “the pandemic,” “high daily intake numbers,” and “the irresponsible public.”

The Fiscal Year Budget was approved for 21.4 million dollars, the highest it has ever been and municipal shelters elsewhere, who serve a similar size population, do so on smaller budgets and with less staff.

Staffing levels are the direct responsibility of the Director, their commitment to staff retention, and a clear reflection of the Director’s performance as a whole. Why is it that, historically speaking, staffing levels were never a roadblock to the shelter meeting its performance goals, in the past?

Despite the challenges brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, shelters across the nation have had to navigate the same challenges as ACS. But those who were previously committed to no-kill and ensuring life affirming options for every shelter pet they served were among the most resourceful, innovative and creative at forging a path forward, without compromising their no-kill principles or reducing their live release rate.

Despite Director Sims stating on record that his staff is stretched thin by the number of pets coming into the shelter daily, “between 80-100 a day,” published intake levels remain at an all time low, rendering his claim to be false. For ACS to be taking in between 80-100 pets a day, they would be closer to their yearly intake goal of 30,000, but their total intake for the 2022 FY was only 25,834, down from 32,630 in the 2019 FY. In other words, ACS is not overwhelmed with intakes as they claim to be, evidenced by their historically low intake numbers.

Director Sims states that the irresponsible public is driving the issues he faces at the shelter. WE are the public and we show up every day to help support ACS and find placement for these shelter pets. We are volunteers, fosters, adopters, and helpers and we are tired of being told that we are the problem when in fact, we are working to be the solution.

We are tired of the excuses and we demand that you immediately intervene and insist on accountability at Animal Care Services. As a tax payer funded organization that aims to "promote and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents and pets (of San Antonio) through education, enforcement, and community partnership" ACS is obliged to use that money transparently and effectively. We need your help to quickly reverse this current regressive trajectory and get back on track to becoming the no-kill city once envisioned and embraced by both the former directors of ACS and previous elected officials.


(Your name)
(Your district number if applicable)

EMAIL ADDRESSES, please send to ALL! (look in the comments for a copy/paste version):

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When the shelter is not meeting their yearly intake goal, more dogs and cats are left to roam, resulting in more traffic...

When the shelter is not meeting their yearly intake goal, more dogs and cats are left to roam, resulting in more traffic accidents.

In just the month of December, 1,585 pets were reported to have been killed by traffic.

The yearly intake goal has been 30,000, a number that the shelter last achieved in 2019, under a different director.

Director Sims has gone on record recently and stated that they are short staffed and therefore are unable to respond to all of the 3-1-1 calls they are receiving in regards to animal welfare and public safety.

Are staffing levels and employee retention not the direct responsibility of the director?

Director Shannon Sims has not made intake goals once since being promoted into his position as director.

While other more progressive shelters have found ways to work through hardships and challenges brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, Director Shannon Sims has used the pandemic to explain away his poor performance for the last several years now.

Here are the intake levels for the last 6 years. Keep in mind the intake goal every year has remained at 30,000.

2022- 25,834

2021- 24,635

2020- 27,194

2019- 32,630

2018- 31,231

2017- 30,129

In addition to lower intake, more animals are being killed by the shelter. In other words, less animals are coming into the shelter and of the ones that do, more are being killed than in previous years.

[❌] Yearly Intake goal for 2020

[❌] Yearly Intake goal for 2021

[❌] Yearly Intake goal for 2022

[❌] Lower Live Release Rate for 2022

Have you had enough yet San Antonio?




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