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Letsendbslnow We are a group who aims to educate people about breed specific legislation. We have a twitter page and group page LETS PUT BSL TO SLEEP NOW!


Losing a beloved pet, such as a dog, can be extremely painful. There's no right or wrong way to grieve, even if you have had time to prepare.

But what if that process of grief was stolen from you? Can you imagine how it would feel if your dog was meant to be cared for by someone else and they did not tell you your dog was dead?

To make matters worse, what if they waited 6 days, 7 days, or almost 4 weeks before they had the decency to tell you?

This happened on three occasions with dogs that were being held under the Dangerous Dogs Act. The police not only failed to tell the owners at the time, they hadn't even informed the families their dogs had been sick or being treated, and one of the dogs wasn't treated but was found dead in her kennel.

Why hadn't the police informed the families?
Because currently there is no guidance from the government to the authorities, whose job it is to seize and hold dogs, on what to do in these situations should they occur,

The same applies for many dogs who are lucky enough to return that have received veterinary treatment or operations. Families are often left devastated when their dog is returned with ears or tails amputated or missing teeth, and they had never been informed.

We have this campaign running to create new legal requirements that families be informed immediately if a dog has been rushed to the vet, been operated on, placed on medication, or had any form of amputation.

Please sign the petition so no other family has to go through this, and share to encourage friends and families to sign.

PLEASE NOTE. Your signature only counts after you open your email and click the verify link.

Thank You, and please give your pet an extra cuddle tonight.

Please share far and wide and encourage everyone to sign šŸ’”

UK petition. (PLEASE NOTE your signature will not count until you click the verification link in your email) Currently t...

UK petition.
(PLEASE NOTE your signature will not count until you click the verification link in your email)

Currently there is no guidance or legal requirements from government on authorities who are responsible for enforcing dangerous dogs legislation to notify owners, if their dog is unwell, needs veterinary treatment, is dying or has died.

Dogs have been cremated or frozen without families knowing and only being informed at a later date. A dog should not be cremated or frozen without an owners consent allowing them a chance to seek a post mortem to establish the reasons why.

Many dogs also and very sadly that are returned are done so with weight loss or health problems they didn't have prior to being taken. Often no veterinary records or kennel records are made available to families.

Dog 1) died on 21/11/22 after eating his bed & developed bloat. Owner not told until 6 days later.

Dog 2) died over the Christmas period of 2022 and their owner was only notified on 16/01/23

Dog 3) was put to sleep at a vets on 01/03/23 after not responding to medications. Owner was not notified until 07/03/23

This has to change so please sign the petition to help protect the dogs and their families.




It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of our beautiful boy Bobby, the last in a long line of pit bull type dogs granted exemption by the Court to a member of our team. Bobby was a very special boy, and we managed to help save his life through the Court system not once but twice. Like the other dogs exempted to CLAIN Trustees and staff - Rocky, Pink, Frankie and Sniper, who were all so very much loved by us, and Tinks who remains with one of our team - Bobby was a gentle, loving, wonderful dog who would never hurt a fly. He lived happily with other animals and loved every person he ever met, even appearing at a local dog event in his muzzle to give an example of how BSL targets the wrong dogs. Bobby was exempted by way of ownership to our founding Trustee Fran Ellis several years after we had stepped in to help his original owner when he was first deemed to be of type, and was cared for, loved and cherished by his best friend Cathy until his very last moments. Thank you to everyone who has sent condolences and kind words on the loss of Bobby. We are all very grateful, in particular Fran and Cathy.

As our supporters are aware, we have helped dogs through the Court system for many years, sometimes because they have been handled incorrectly and been allowed to become out of control, but more frequently because of the nightmare of Breed Specific Legislation which says dogs of pit bull type are illegal and should be destroyed. We have lost count of the number of sweet, gentle dogs we have known whose lives have been at risk because the law says their looks make them dangerous. BSL is legalised murder, and next month marks an unbelievable 30 years of this travesty. BSL DOES NOT WORK. We will not stop fighting for change and lending our support to those dogs who are victims of this wicked law, until it is replaced with better and more effective legislation.

After several years of non stop Court cases, then several years when cases needing help from us have always regularly trickled through, we are once again seemingly faced with yet more of the fallout for dogs from the big business of dog breeding and selling during covid. We have seen a rapid increase in the number of bull breeds being bred and then seized because of how they look, and sadly we fear we have hard times ahead once again. We do not blame those whose job it is to uphold the law of the land, we must all seek to change the law NOW. Lobby your MP, make your views known and your voice heard. But please, do not forget those who are facing death right now.

We have two dogs we are helping who are due in Court in the next few weeks for their future to be decided. Neither dog has done anything wrong whatsoever, nor are they accused of being dangerous. They are both facing death because they look a certain way. Of course we cannot use general charity funds to help dogs in this situation, so we set up Precious Pinkā€™s memorial fund specifically to honour the memory of our special pit bull girl Pink by helping others in her position. Pinkā€™s case was fought all the way to judicial review and won, finally allowing her to live her life as she deserved, exempted to Fran Ellis. We know she would want us to continue to fight for others like her, but we need your help to do it. Please, if you can, donate to help the next two on the list. We will do all we can but we simply cannot do it without you. Please, please help if you can. Thank you x

NARLA is a pretty young bully girl who was rescued by her owner from a bad situation. She is gentle and kind, and loves her family. Her owner is so upset without her, she has already worked hard to fund a Ā£1,000 behavioural report herself, but is struggling to fund the remainder of the legal fees required to fight for Narla, which will be in the region of Ā£1,500. Please help us to help her x

BUSTER is a six year old Pharaoh hound cross who has been owned since he was a puppy by his owner who has now been taken into custody. The law says that that fact means Buster must die unless a fit and proper keeper already known to the dog is able to apply to the Court to secure his future. We will provide more information about Buster in due course, but we need help with his legal fees which we estimate will be in the region of Ā£2,900. Buster has no one except us now to fight for him, please please help us. Time is ticking on and we just cannot let him down.

Once again we thank everyone who stands with us in the fight against BSL, and ask you to remember Bobby today. He finally got the life he deserved, but the rest of his kind still need us all x

https://animalsinneed.enthuse.com/Page9?fbclid=IwAR3mYpft0PGqGVhqld9pUK0bHuUJ3MedK8Dmc6ptY3WUdDi45mvZbMKkFYU #!/

Please sign and share the petition, why? Because as it stands, the government have no immediate plans to repel BSL, we m...

Please sign and share the petition, why? Because as it stands, the government have no immediate plans to repel BSL, we must try and do our utmost to get changes within the DDA that can stop the unnecessary euthanizing of family pets.

As the law stands if the police seize your dog and you have signed a form not realising that you have relinquished ownership of your dog the police are well within the law to take your dog straight to a vet to be put to sleep.

A family dog should not be pts under the dangerous dogs act for at least a 48 hour period from the moment they are seized. This will allow all families to consider their position instead of feeling pressured into signing a disclaimer giving the authorities permission to destroy without going to court.

This petition calls for a change of law to Require a 48 hoursā€™ notice before a ā€˜dangerous dogā€™ can be destroyed.


Too many people risk losing their beloved family dog by not knowing their rights at the time their dog is seized. The law should be changed so that dog owners are given 48 hoursā€™ notice before their dog can be destroyed.


Too many people risk losing their beloved family dog by not knowing their rights at the time their dog is seized. Currently if you sign over your dog to the police they can destroy your dog immediately without the need to go to court.

When police visit people's homes many owners are left feeling scared or intimidated into signing over their dog as they have not been properly informed of their rights

The law should be changed so that dog owners are given at least a 48 hoursā€™ notice before their dog can be destroyed. Allowing them to seek proper advice and understanding both theirs and their dogs rights to a defence.



If you find yourself in this position contact us on facebook. Through Help. Police Have Seized My Dog or Rockys Army Fighting BSL & DDA

OR VISIT https://www.helppolicehaveseizedmydog.com/


Reposting this as people really need to be aware Section 3 of the Dangerous Dogs Act affects all breeds of dogs.

If a dog is dangerously out of control in any place in England or Wales. Whether or not a public place.
(a) the owner, and
(b) if different, the person for the time being in charge of the dog,
is guilty of an offence, or, if the dog while so out of control injures any person or assistance dog, an aggravated offence, under this subsection.

Aggrevated: if there is injury to a person or assistance dog. Injury does not just apply to a bite. It could be a scratch from a claw or bruise to a person who might have fell whilst the dog is dangerously out of control.
Aggrevated offences an be held at either Magistrates Court or Crown Court.

Non-Aggrevated: If no injury to a person or assistance dog. This is a summary offence which is held at magistrates Court.

Householder Defence.
(1A) A person (ā€œDā€) is not guilty of an offence under subsection (1) in a case which is a householder case.
(1B) For the purposes of subsection (1A) ā€œa householder caseā€ is a case whereā€”
(a)the dog is dangerously out of control while in or partly in a building, or part of a building, that is a dwelling or is forces accommodation (or is both), and
(b)at that timeā€”
(i)the person in relation to whom the dog is dangerously out of control (ā€œVā€) is in, or is entering, the building or part as a trespasser, or
(ii)D (if present at that time) believed V to be in, or entering, the building or part as a trespasser.

If you are visited by the police DO NOT sign anything. Contact us immediately for FREE advice. The police can seize your dog and hold it until the courts decide the outcome.

There have been on several occasions where owners have signed disclaimers because they did not know, or were told their rights and the family dog has been destroyed. Please read and sign this important petition to stop that happening

[email protected]
Website: https://www.helppolicehaveseizedmydog.com/


Support group Rockys Army Fighting BSL&DDA. https://www.facebook.com/groups/209258983148253/?ref=share


Incidences of pet theft have been increasing over the past few years, with the home and garden being the top places for thieves to strike. It is estimated thefts have risen by 250%, with criminal gangs involved.

Demand for dogs increased during last years pandemic, pushing up the cost of some puppies from Ā£500 to around Ā£2,000.

In October, MPs debated the idea of making pet theft a specific offence, after 300,000 people signed a petition calling for this.

Where are your pets at risk.

From your garden ā€“ Most people assume that their garden is perfectly safe and may let their dog / pets run around unobserved. However, around 52% of stolen dogs were taken directly from their own gardens. It's imperative you always keep an eye on your dog when it is outside and make sure your gate is secured. Having a good quality CCTV camera and security lights to protect any smaller animals you keep outdoors. A good string bolt and padlock ideally top and bottom of gates.

From a car ā€“ Leaving your dog alone in the car, even if it's just for a short while, is wrong not only due to the health risks involved, such as heatstroke or even death. But another reason you should never do it is thieves who wonā€™t hesitate to smash your car window and quickly grab your pet.

From your home - Recently, thieves have been using fake RSPCA stickers on vehicles to take away people's dogs. The RSPCA is a charity and does not have a right to inspect or remove animals without consent unless they have a police warrant. Do not allow people into your home without checking their I.D. If you are suspicious ring the police.

From outside shops ā€“ we have all witnessed dog owners taking their pets with them when they pop to the shops to save them being home alone. As we know most shops donā€™t let you bring your dog inside. So instead dogs are being left tied up outside shops for a short time. However, this leaves dogs very vulnerable to thieves who only need a very short time to take advantage and steal your pet.

During walks - Be aware of strangers in the neighborhood, organised dog thieves are not just men, they can pose as a couple just out for a walk. Be aware of vehicles driving slowly or suspiciously. Use a Go-pro and carry a torch. Report anything suspicious to the police.

Parks and other recreation spaces ā€“ Dog parks are quickly becoming prime hunting spots for dog thieves, even more so when it is busy. In a busy park it becomes only too easy to lose sight of your dog as it runs around playing. Those opportunistic criminals can take full advantage to steal your dog.

Make sure your dog is microchipped and your details are up to up to date on the database. It's now a legal requirement to have your dog microchipped, so if you move home or change phone number be sure to update.

Keep recent photographs of your pet and photograph and make a note of any distinguishing features. Also make sure you have photos of yourself with your pet.

The official petition to Make Dog Theft A Specific Offence:- https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/560216

Donā€™t forget to verify you signature by email link.


Dog theft is on the increase in the UK. We urge owners to be extra vigilant to keep their pets safe.

Keep your dog in view when it goes out into the garden - donā€™t leave it unattended. Consider installing CCTV in and around the house. Ensure your garden or yard is secure by putting bolts and padlocks on gates and check your fencing regularly for wear and tear, or gaps.

Make sure your dog is microchipped and that your details are up-to-date. Never leave your dog tied up outside shops. And place the family surname instead of your dog's name on their tag with an up to date contact telephone number.

Make sure you have plenty of clear photos of your dog and include any distinctive markings that could help identify them.

When out walking your dog be careful of strangers approaching you and your dog. Thieves are clever and operate as couples to look less suspicious. Carry a maglite torch, a personal protection alarm (such as a r**e alarm). A whistle or a can of criminal identifier spray. Use a small recording device such as a go-pro or similar. Also check out the app for your phone called Hollie Guard.

It is not just dog thefts that are on the increase. Make sure you think about any other outdoor pets you have like rabbits or chickens and take precautions for them as well.

Please remember to read and sign our petition.


Too many people risk losing their beloved family dog by not knowing their rights at the time their dog is seized. The law should be changed so that dog owners are given 48 hoursā€™ notice before their dog can be destroyed.


Under section one (S1) of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 there are four banned breeds of dog. These are - Pitbull Terriers, Japanese Tosas, Dogo Argentinos and Fila Brasilerios. It is illegal to own, sell, breed, give away or abandon any of these. Often you will see the word 'TYPE' added which extends to crossbreeds of the above four.

You will also see the term ā€˜breed specific legislationā€™ (BSL) used when one of the breeds above, or types are seized. The legislation bases the decision on whether a dog is illegal on looks alone.

What that means is, a dogā€™s breed or the dogā€™s parentsā€™ breeds and family tree are not relevant because it comes down too physical appearance. DNA testing and behaviour do not come into it.

The legislation has many flaws. Based on the above about the genetics of the dog and its parents, this means that from a litter of crossbreeds half or less could be found and labelled illegal types, whilst the other half of the litter does not fit the measurements or have the characteristics required for type.

The Dangerous Dogs Act was introduced in 1991 and the four banned breed types under S1 of the act became banned breeds due to the fact they were originally bred for fighting and not as the result of any scientific based study to prove they are actually dangerous.

Dog Fighting has been illegal in the UK since 1835. That's 156 years before the act was brought into force. Although dog fighting does sadly still go on in the UK, the vast majority of dogs seized and put to sleep under S1 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 are bought and kept as pets and not used or bred for fighting.

If your dog is seized as a suspected banned breed or type DO NOT SIGN ANY PAPERWORK. Contact us immediately for Free advice. Via our page or any of the following:

Telephone: 0113 328 0636
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.helppolicehaveseizedmydog.com/

You can also contact us via our support group Rockys Army Fighting BSL&DDA. https://www.facebook.com/groups/209258983148253/?ref=share



Tyson was seized by police at his home when only the minor daughter was present. Tyson became agitated and, was put in the garden, he got back in and police used an electric shield on him after spraying him with "biteback" deterrent. The spark from the shield ignited to his head and ear and chaos ensued as water was thrown on the flames and police tried to gain control.

It was claimed Tyson was a banned breed, a Pit Bull type and the family instructed solicitors and expert assessors to defend this. Tyson had become so traumatised by the incident, he never recovered his confidence whilst in kennels and would not engage with anyone during his 18 months there and had never been treated for his wounds.

In court the police officer claimed he had NOT been trained never to use the shield in conjunction with the biteback. The judge gave a destruction order to Tyson.

Listen to the full story on podcast

Please read and sign the petition so this never happens again. http://chng.it/rwmwp9hr9b

Website: https://www.helppolicehaveseizedmydog.com/


Tysons full story:


I'm raising money to help dogs in need. I want to raise Ā£500 in one week. Ambitious but I'm sure we can do this

Our latest event at BAP, raising funds for a charity who take the abused, the neglected and ex bait dogs šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢ please pleas...

Our latest event at BAP, raising funds for a charity who take the abused, the neglected and ex bait dogs šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢ please please help us and donate a pound today to help a very worthy cause

Welcome to Day 1 of our next event is to support the amazing charity Last Chance Hotel, based in Cornwall who rehabilitate and rehome abused and neglected dogs and other animals. ļ»æļ»æ

Unlike other rescues; they take in the animals that are literally on their 'last chance:' the ex-bait and ā€‹ex-fight dogs, the sick, the aged and the terminally ill.

All we ask is for people who read this donate a pound each, share and ask friends and family to spare a pound. It's that simple. Over the next couple of weeks those pounds soon add up.

With the country on lockdown due to the pandemic, everyone is struggling to make ends meet and rescues all over are seeing donations fall below half and are really struggling, so let's help ease that pressure.


PayPal via friends and family too [email protected]
Add note BAP

Via bank transfer
Sort code: 11-06-78
Acc: 00706071
Ref: BAP


šŸ¾Next BAP starting soon all the Ā£1's this time will be going to a rescue to help with ongoing costs šŸ¾

Join the Bring A Pound team over the next 4 weeks they will be raising funds for A DOG's TALE. Reg charity 1178178 and R...

Join the Bring A Pound team over the next 4 weeks they will be raising funds for A DOG's TALE. Reg charity 1178178 and Rockys Army Fighting BSL & DDA with A DOG's TALE
Concept is simple all you have to do is donate Ā£1 or whatever you can

We have been rather busy working on other projects. But, BRING A POUND is back.

This fundraiser will run until 14th april and money will be divided between A DOG's TALE. Reg charity 1178178 and Rockys Army Fighting BSL & DDA with A DOG's TALE

All we ask is for people to simply donate Ā£1 each to help these 2 groups.

PayPal via friends and family too [email protected]
Add note BAP

Via bank transfer
Sort code: 11-06-78
Acc: 00706071
Ref: BAP

PLEASE MAKE SURE REFERENCE IS USED. And comment if paid via bank.


Please sign and share the petition for

šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ BRUNO will be coming home on a CDO & even better won't need to be muzzled when out x is all I know when they all back...

šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ BRUNO will be coming home on a CDO & even better won't need to be muzzled when out x is all I know when they all back from court they will update further šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


Dont forget to join the group page.
Where you can find lots of interesting stories and interesting fundraising events.
LETS PUT B.S.L TO SLEEP NOW šŸ¾ join today x

Please help urgent funds needed

Please help urgent funds needed

ā€œ Tysons case has been given a court date 7th Sept for a mention for his appeal, so we need to pay initial legal fees by then of Ā£1500 plus Ā£250 for expert witness. to be raised in 3 weeks. Plz if you can help make donations to [email protected] add note TYSONā€

Funds desperately needed for legal support please any amount you can xx

Funds desperately needed for legal support please any amount you can xx

ā€œ only Ā£10 raised so far please help only Ā£180 needed x https://t.co/KEvS5ca3q2ā€


Retweeted Karen Field ():

fighting for what you believe in and if you believe this is wrong join the on https://t.co/vcSoUaH8b2

Retweeted Senior Staffy Club ():https://t.co/FG1LMCBp01 https://t.co/FG1LMCBp01

Retweeted Senior Staffy Club ():

https://t.co/FG1LMCBp01 https://t.co/FG1LMCBp01

money for the Senior Staffy Club but most importantly to raise awareness of the plight of so many Staffies throughout the UK, Staffies are arguably the most loyal friend you can have and contrary to media vilification are wonderfully charismatic family members. If you are looking for a dog please co...


Retweeted Dangerous Dog Law ():

Tune in tomorrow to BBC radio Bristol from 7am to hear James Parry discuss the Dangerous dogs act
There will also be a segment on BBC breakfast regional inserts for the south west, this can be viewed on sky channel 963 or freeview 231... https://t.co/BwZ9keCNSv


Retweeted Brunos Animal Haven ():

Finley. This gorgeous boy needs a forever home. Pet and child free. He's a happy go lucky boy full of kisses and love. Please tweet tweet tweet him. https://t.co/LQXnphQWXA

Petition Reform the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and repeal Breed Specific Legislation.https://t.co/ZSgZgdyG4R

Petition Reform the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and repeal Breed Specific Legislation.

In light of DEFRA deeming, to EFRA's Inquiry, that the Dangerous Dogs Act (Breed Specific Legislation) is working, by focusing on dogsā€™ looks; people & dogs are being put at risk. Since the Act, bites have risen & many pets destroyed. We ask the Act be reformed to end the unscientific Breed focus.



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