Duncan - from China Meat Truck to Family Man

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This guy just keeps getting better!  We’ve had a few people over for dinner 5-6 people and he’s been awesome!  We have m...

This guy just keeps getting better! We’ve had a few people over for dinner 5-6 people and he’s been awesome! We have more work to do on door manners, but he’s very welcoming and settles nicely. Today he went alone to lunch with me and mom for the first time. I want him to be ok going places alone instead of having the other two always there. And this face!!!😍😍😍

Duncan went on a two week trip!!! We went to N. Mi and rented a small lake cabin to do a two week work/vacation.  It’s a...

Duncan went on a two week trip!!! We went to N. Mi and rented a small lake cabin to do a two week work/vacation. It’s about a 6 hour drive. Duncan did fine with his two Labby brothers during the ride up and back…. We’re were curious how he would do out in somewhat crowded public sidewalks, wineries and restaurants…. Overall he did exceedingly well! He was very eager to accept pets from all manner of people and ages, he fell in love with a couple also and would have gladly left with them and vice versa….. he got to go swimming but that didn’t really seem to be his thing… we’ll try again next time with a retrieving toy and see…. Riley loves to dive for rocks but Duncan just didn’t see the point…. He was excellent and chill when we went to restaurants and wineries….. we found that pairing him up with Riley while walking instead of on his own is really helping the verbal commands prior to making a leash correction that he seems to be understanding the difference in “staying close” v heel v. Free…. He’s a traveler for sure!!

Took all three together around the block again tonight.  Did a lot of sits and downs .... every two- three houses.... th...

Took all three together around the block again tonight. Did a lot of sits and downs .... every two- three houses.... they figured out their spots.. Riley outside, Duncan middle and Kolbey on the inside..... we went to a new trainer this week and I’m hopeful his philosophy works... I really had to go with an open mind.... we’ll do more sessions when we get back.... we’ve been doing the exercises we learned and I’m optimistic.... we seem to be able to de-escalate when he gets into a frenzy against Kolbey... I also find him seeking us out more...

Brotherly tolerance..... sharing your bed..

Brotherly tolerance..... sharing your bed..

Finally got a good picture showing how much weight he’s gained... maybe a few more and he’ll be at goal weight.... took ...

Finally got a good picture showing how much weight he’s gained... maybe a few more and he’ll be at goal weight.... took all three together for a walk around the block for the first time... about all the knee could take tonight...they did very well together...

Got our allergy report back... Duncan is extremely allergic to .... wait for it.... RICE... and oats and flax and peas a...

Got our allergy report back... Duncan is extremely allergic to .... wait for it.... RICE... and oats and flax and peas and tomatoes....and a bunch of other stuff- some common grasses and trees that are local... and aspergillius... the most common mold we have..... so our plan is to change food- extremely hard to find food without those items- so prescription diet here we go... 25 pounds $100... I’m blessed that we have the means to be able to handle it, but it’s a little bit of a budgetary adjustment.... but if it makes him healthier and happier it’s worth every penny...

It’s been an heart wrenching week.  At obedience class Tuesday night, the trainer took Duncan on and acted way too aggre...

It’s been an heart wrenching week. At obedience class Tuesday night, the trainer took Duncan on and acted way too aggressive and way too harsh and elicited a biting behavior as Duncan was trying to escape from him... I was observing from across the room and was furious and dumbfounded at the same time. I’m not a permissive owner nor is my husband so that will tell you how harsh the treatment was. I approached the trainer later and reminded him this is a 90 day rescued day from who knows what hell and he blamed the dog.... I told him his approach was way too aggressive and he needed to remember that.... all of this was because he wasn’t sitting “square” enough and according to the trainer he should by the fourth week. I was in tears for the whole next day over watching how he treated Duncan... the trainer didn’t even realize that this was a fear reaction. I also watched him work with another dog that was obviously scared and he just kept on... needless to say he will never take control of him again..... I gave Duncan a full 24 hours off of training....this guy evidently only uses total force to train and does not give any thought to different dog personalities, issues or owner goals..... I feel so guilty I didn’t look at some other places first and interview...this a premier dog training place by us.. and well recommended- I so miss our old trainer who passed away.... she would have handled things so differently from day 1.

If only pillows and throws stayed in the couches!!! He’s spent a lot of time outside today!  Beautiful day!  Did some re...

If only pillows and throws stayed in the couches!!! He’s spent a lot of time outside today! Beautiful day! Did some really tough distraction training this afternoon in our neighbors driveway while their teenager played ball. Then we came home and played fletch... he’s getting better at it... now he’s napping.... yesterday the vet drew blood for allergy testing... 10 days or so to results..

59 pounds!!! 15 pounds since January 5th!  Arranging to pull blood for allergy testing.  Concerns that we may have aller...

59 pounds!!! 15 pounds since January 5th! Arranging to pull blood for allergy testing. Concerns that we may have allergy issues since his skin and coat is not doing better with almost 90 days of high quality food 3x a day and omega 3 oil. He’s shedded out his old coat but the new coat is still very thin and not really much of that double lab coat. The top layer feels very brittle. I bathed him this week with a probiotic shampoo but while it made his coat a little softer, he still is itchy and gnawing at times... he’s doing well with training walks and we took to the tile store and pet store this week. Will try to get him downtown Libertyville this week as well.

This guy was a rock star tonight at his first obedience class!!

This guy was a rock star tonight at his first obedience class!!

Happy St Patrick’s day from the China dog relaxing on an Irish green chaise.. he did get a little bit of Irish banger an...

Happy St Patrick’s day from the China dog relaxing on an Irish green chaise.. he did get a little bit of Irish banger and lamb the other day.. as we celebrated a little early....


Tag along trip to vet with Kolbey. Weight 56 pounds. Up 6 pounds since Feb 1st. He’s starting to build some muscle so 1 pound a week is a nice slow steady gain. He’s so busy he burns a lot of calories... his coat has really started regenerating from the the thin coat he came with... he’s massively shedding... but his coloring is beautiful. Nice variations from almost white to a dark yellow...good points on ears and muzzle...we had to start bark collar training this week.... amazing how much calmer and less reactive he’s become. Leash training is progressing. Can’t wait obedience class to start on the 23rd... needs socializing on a leash.... a tad leash aggressive....

60 days into this new adventure.  Duncan is settling in nicely.  Funny things.... when it gets close to feeding lunch an...

60 days into this new adventure. Duncan is settling in nicely. Funny things.... when it gets close to feeding lunch and dinner he gets agitated and barks- we’ve decided he gets “hangry”...... he eats three times a day—-he’s got to always have something in his mouth.... play is king....he can go from sweet to evil puppy to sweet again in a split second.... more serious things... his mouthing is 95% improved, he reacts in the evening to every sound on the TV.... seems a little scared of the dark, he walks very nicely on a leash but very distracted. Now that the weather is breaking we’ll get him out more and start socializing...he thinks Riley is his Dad and Kolbey is a target- we’ve had to keep an eye he’s not bullying Kolbey... we start obedience training in a few weeks... I have a feeling we won’t be first in the class..... lol... this is a whole different adventure than starting with a puppy.... there have been a few moments of oh God what what we done... but they quickly fade when you look at that face. So glad we saved him from an uncertain fate!! Thank you Vicki Lorenz and Tiny Paws !!

It was a busy day!!!!

It was a busy day!!!!

Boy oh boy... he’s a busy guy!!  Played hard, went to Pet Supplies Plus and got a bath.. still trying to get a handle on...

Boy oh boy... he’s a busy guy!! Played hard, went to Pet Supplies Plus and got a bath.. still trying to get a handle on his skin.. seems less itchy....used a chlorhexidrine shampoo. Went for a walk ... he’s doing very well in that department... starting to do real leash training with sitting and changing directions now that the sidewalk is somewhat clear... starting to work on down... he’s amazing at dinner time (ours) will just lay down and go to sleep like the other two.... tonight was the first time we didn’t use the leash at dinner... made him sit and go down and zzzzzz for most of the time we ate...... might have some mild leash aggression that came out when we went to get a bath but de escalated very quickly... obedience class starts in a few weeks so hopefully we’ll have it mostly dealt with by then... will start doing frequent trips to PSP for practice walk arounds... He’s getting used to going to bed early with me and then going to his room later... had stopped hellion dog in our bed... which is good.... is still mouthing but 85% better... we’ve now gone 4 weeks with no accidents in the house!! Don’t think we are reliable yet. It he started signaling this week at the door... he’s doing great at night for no fussing...... we’ve cracked down on how rough he’s been getting with Kolbey... we kept waiting for Kolbey to put him in his place but he doesn’t... so it almost had become a bullying situation.... Riley will go get a toy and distract him away from Kolbey and then the dog chase ensues... I’m so glad I had all the walls painted in November....😖😖😖😖


I’m back home now from being gone the better part of the month with brief daily stops home. Ed did a great job while I was gone. Duncan has not had a house accident in a month and is now actually signaling to go out to the bathroom to p*e. Still struggling with p**ping as he gets distracted easily with playing but we’re on a schedule so we’ve been able to manage. He’s put on weight for sure... he’s becoming more cuddly and will climb up in the couch and snuggle against you.... for a while... until the urge to play overtakes the urge to be quiet. Doing calming time with leash works like a charm... when we sit down to eat at the table he lays right down and doesn’t beg. He’s come so far in 7 weeks...


Brought Duncan to my moms to give Ed a break and see how he would do overnight away from home..... he livened up Casey’s day... although Casey was glad to see him go home this morning.... I was wondering how he’d do overnight without a crate, but he did very well.... I put a dog bed in my room and closed the door and he stayed on the bed all night.... he wandered for a few minutes but when I turned off the lights he climbed in the bed and that was it... we’ve got to figure out how to consistently calm him when he goes into evil two year old mode and won’t leave the others alone...

So innocent..... lol

So innocent..... lol

I’ve been staying with my mom the last 10 days as she recovers from a procedure with only a quick pop in every day or so...

I’ve been staying with my mom the last 10 days as she recovers from a procedure with only a quick pop in every day or so.. so yesterday and today I decided to give Ed a break and be primary care give/referee/parent......yesterday Duncan was quite over top excited and a few times the roughhousing made me slightly uncomfortable as Kolbey (almost 11) was tired and Duncan was like an overstimulated toddler... I have at times wondered if bringing him into our household was a good decision for our old dudes... well that question has been answered once and for all with a resounding “Yes!”... last night I went to bed early and Riley and Duncan came with me..... Duncan has to be lifted on the bed because he still hasn’t figured out jumping on the bed.... lifting him definitely tells me he’s gained weight!... but last night he settled right down and snuggled up next to me in bed for the first time (see wonky picture).... so this morning I got up and did breakfast and morning duties and let Ed sleep... Kolbey seems very tired today after yesterday and just wanted to lay on the dog bed... Duncan joined him after giving up enticing him to play and Riley decided to take over the heavy lifting of playing.... keep in mind Riley rarely plays with other dogs... now I just caught Kolbey and Duncan napping together in the sun with Kolbeys head on Duncan... makes my heart happy!!

Playing is hard work!!

Playing is hard work!!


A little more action!


Boys will be boys....

Not as ribby as a few weeks ago..... current weight 50 pounds...

Not as ribby as a few weeks ago..... current weight 50 pounds...


Stopped by the house quickly yesterday and today..... reports are that the boys are acting like they are wild Indians while Daddy is in charge... I think the same thing happens with human children also???!!! I think the 6 inches or so of snow is also influencing it..... Duncan was very happy to see me and quite cuddly- missed me? Did not bark as I walked up to the door... just stood there wagging and eager...my sensitive problem child gave me the cold shoulder so he may come back to moms with me tomorrow since Kolbey is generally the target of Duncan’s puppy like play antics at least while I was home...Riley hated it when I used to travel for work... won’t be doing that for the next 9 months probably.... Duncan seems to be completely adjusted to the big boys room so I think we can check that off the accomplishments..at least I can monitor that from afar with the camera... mouthing has remarkably improved since instituting the withdraw/ignore technique... so getting close on that one... we need to go two solid weeks of no accidents before I’ll cross off house training.


Well, the day started off with someone hiking there leg on the comforter hanging over the footboard of the bed.... not sure which one of the three did it... my guess it was numero uno.... he was put out this morning that Riley and Duncan were in bed sleeping after breakfast and he didn’t want to jump up and join.....long story.... but anyway... good thing it’s machine washable- with vinegar pre-wash cycle and and long hot wash cycle and extra rinse.........progress is being made that Duncan now realizes that the bed is for settling and sleeping and not “trampolining”..... after dinner tonight he crawled up beside me on the couch and nestled into me and went sleep. As sweet as he is... cuddling has been a process of learning to trust us. He’s always loved being petted but didn’t like being “held” or “cuddled”..... now we’ll see how the rest of the week goes... I’ll not be home until Saturday.... other than a quick pop in on Wednesday....Ed is on dog sitting duty.... glad I can monitor somewhat from the doggie room camera. He’s 100% in the big boy room now and not a p*ep...

Each day brings new things... last night he did this really odd sniff all over Ed before he settled on his lap.  Earlier...

Each day brings new things... last night he did this really odd sniff all over Ed before he settled on his lap. Earlier tonight he did the same thing with me and now is settled on my lap... it was almost like he was imprinting our smell.... he settled at our dinner time within a minute. The test will be in two weeks when another couple comes for dinner and will he settle just as easily. Our older dogs just settle under the table when we have dinner parties and hopefully he will as well.

I think Duncan has chosen his person and it’s not me.....😢Update:  now it’s me.... so glad he’s choosing us both....lol

I think Duncan has chosen his person and it’s not me.....😢

Update: now it’s me.... so glad he’s choosing us both....lol


Major milestone!!! Today Ed and I left the house together!! It’s taken almost a week of transition to the big boys room. Last night was the first night where Ed put them to bed and he didn’t raise any fuss... not even a single whimper. So today we left for about 45 minutes. I checked the camera as we were pulling away and he was laying on his side in his crate asleep. Not a p*ep. When we came home he was quiet while we unloaded groceries and until I went down to release him. He now knows to sit “calmly” (relatively) until we open the door..... for 16 days in I’m so amazed... still working on the mouthing issue... getting better slowly...

Big day today... after 2nd night in big boys room and morning nap in there, we met cousin Casey (11 year old black lab) ...

Big day today... after 2nd night in big boys room and morning nap in there, we met cousin Casey (11 year old black lab) at Grandma’s house. Loved running around Grandma’s big back yard and emptied the toy basket... little set back this evening in giving a little too much free reign and a p**p ....but two accidents in two weeks, I’ll take that.... he’s just not quite to a reliable p**p schedule yet...




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