Rollover Reggie

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Rollover Reggie Rollover Reggie Dog Training in Cache Valley, Utah. Discover that training is the trail to adventure!

The lovely Juniper 🌻

The lovely Juniper 🌻

Thanks to everyone who came on the pack walk today! We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place! 😍 Just a reminder...

Thanks to everyone who came on the pack walk today! We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place! 😍

Just a reminder there will not be a pack walk next week. The next pack walk will be on August 17th. 🐾

How do you know two dogs playing are playing nicely? Look for M.A.R.S. 🌌🛸🔭 •M- Meta Signals: Meta Signals are cues dogs ...

How do you know two dogs playing are playing nicely? Look for M.A.R.S. 🌌🛸🔭

M- Meta Signals: Meta Signals are cues dogs communicate to each other to say they are pretending/playing not seriously fighting. Common meta-signals are play bows, bouncy motion, play grin, curling body.

A-Activity Shifts: Activity shifts are pauses in play. This allows both dogs to evaluate if they are still having fun. This is also a way to calm down and recharge before going back at it! These could be short pauses or long pauses.

R-Role Reversals: Role switches in the play “battle”. Chaser becomes the chasee, dogs playing tackle take turns pinning, winner and loser of tug, etc. Whatever the play style is you want to watch for a change in roles.

S-Self Handicapping: Dog inhibits their intensity, speed, and play style to match the abilities of their playmate. Think- Great Dane playing with chihuahua.

Check out the videos in the comments to practice looking for MARS! 🔭

Thanks everyone who came on the pack walk! We had a great time! See you next Saturday! 🐾

Thanks everyone who came on the pack walk! We had a great time! See you next Saturday! 🐾

Our pack walk is still on for this morning! I will be there rain or shine. Rain gear might be a good idea just in case. ...

Our pack walk is still on for this morning! I will be there rain or shine.
Rain gear might be a good idea just in case. It’s not currently raining anymore where I am but it looks like there is a chance it could start up again. 🌧️

Our summer pack walk schedule is live on our website! 🎉 Mark your calendar- our first walk is scheduled for Saturday, Ju...

Our summer pack walk schedule is live on our website! 🎉 Mark your calendar- our first walk is scheduled for Saturday, July 27th at 7am.
Pack walks are a great opportunity to get out with your dog. This is a free, group walk with controlled socialization.
Added bonus: We are AKC FIT Dog club so all of our pack walks count as AKC FIT Dog title points.

Pack walk rules:
1- Maintain 6ft from other dogs and people (no leash greetings).
2- Judgement Free Zone
3- Reactive dogs welcome.

Check out our website for more info!

Looking ahead- I am planning on having some weeknight pack walks this fall for those of you who can’t make weekends. 🐶

I’ve been a bit MIA 😅 but that’s coming to an end!Following April I took a much needed break from training. I’m finding ...

I’ve been a bit MIA 😅 but that’s coming to an end!

Following April I took a much needed break from training. I’m finding my rhythm again and am excited to get back into the dog training world. I’m coming back with new training options, fresh perspective, and more motivation to help you achieve your training goals! 🙌 Stay tuned! 🐾

Here are some dog picture highlights of the last few months. 💖

Give a big round of “apaws” to Matt with his dog Courage. 🐾 👏 They passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen test! Courage made...

Give a big round of “apaws” to Matt with his dog Courage. 🐾 👏 They passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen test! Courage made a lot of progress in the class. I was especially happy with her loose leash walking progression! On the test we were all so proud of her laying down. That was the biggest struggle for her. It’s a long way to the ground for a giant breed haha. Congratulations Courage!! 🎓
Also note- she managed to get her CGC ribbon half way in her mouth before I realized she was literally going to eat it and pulled it out. 😆

The Canine Good Citizen award is proof of a well behaved pup. In order to earn this award they have to pass these 10 test items:
1. Accepting a friendly stranger
Evaluator approaches and greets the handler. Evaluator does not touch dog. Dog can show interest in evaluator but should not jump up or rush them.
2. Sitting politely for petting
Evaluator pets dog; dog must show no shyness or resentment.
3. Appearance and grooming
Evaluator inspects dog, combs or brushes lightly, examines ears and each front foot.
4. Out for a walk
Handler takes dog for a short walk including right turn, left turn, about turn and stop. While maintaining a loose lead.
5. Walking through a crowd
Dog and handler walk close to several people; dog may show causal interest but not jump up.
6. Sit and down on cue/Staying in place
Handler shows that dog can do both sit and down, then chooses a position, leaves dog and goes to the end of a 20 ft. line, and returns immediately.
7. Coming when called
With dog still on 20 ft. line from Test 6, handler walks out 10 ft. and calls the dog.
8. Reaction to another dog
Two handlers and dogs approach, pretend to shake hands, exchange pleasantries, then move on.
9. Reaction to distractions
Distractions are presented (sound and movement distractions); dog may not panic or show aggression.
10. Supervised separation
Handler goes out of sight for 3-min. Dog is held on a 6-ft. leash by an evaluator.

Give a big round of “apaws” to Kylar with her dog Enola. 🐾 👏 They passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen test! I was so prou...

Give a big round of “apaws” to Kylar with her dog Enola. 🐾 👏 They passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen test! I was so proud of their people greeting. Enola stayed calm and very polite during the greeting despite being such a people happy dog! Enola also did great to stay focused for full test duration even though she wasn’t getting treats. 👏
Congratulations Noli!! 🎓

The Canine Good Citizen award is proof of a well behaved pup. In order to earn this award they have to pass these 10 test items:
1. Accepting a friendly stranger
Evaluator approaches and greets the handler. Evaluator does not touch dog. Dog can show interest in evaluator but should not jump up or rush them.
2. Sitting politely for petting
Evaluator pets dog; dog must show no shyness or resentment.
3. Appearance and grooming
Evaluator inspects dog, combs or brushes lightly, examines ears and each front foot.
4. Out for a walk
Handler takes dog for a short walk including right turn, left turn, about turn and stop. While maintaining a loose lead.
5. Walking through a crowd
Dog and handler walk close to several people; dog may show causal interest but not jump up.
6. Sit and down on cue/Staying in place
Handler shows that dog can do both sit and down, then chooses a position, leaves dog and goes to the end of a 20 ft. line, and returns immediately.
7. Coming when called
With dog still on 20 ft. line from Test 6, handler walks out 10 ft. and calls the dog.
8. Reaction to another dog
Two handlers and dogs approach, pretend to shake hands, exchange pleasantries, then move on.
9. Reaction to distractions
Distractions are presented (sound and movement distractions); dog may not panic or show aggression.
10. Supervised separation
Handler goes out of sight for 3-min. Dog is held on a 6-ft. leash by an evaluator.

Life and Business Update: It’s been two weeks since Reggie lost his battle with cancer. 😢 Reggie was my soul dog. He was...

Life and Business Update:
It’s been two weeks since Reggie lost his battle with cancer. 😢 Reggie was my soul dog. He was the dog who inspired Rollover Reggie. The dog who got me into dog training.

I am finishing out all current group classes and continuing private session for those that still have sessions in their private session packages. And this won’t affect my current dog walking clients.
Aside from those exceptions I am taking a break from dog training for a little while. To give myself time to grieve and time to make much needed business adjustments. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time. I appreciate everyone who has already been so understanding to rescheduling and slow message responses.

Reggie is greatly missed! He was an incredible dog, the ultimate good boy, and a major asset to my business.
I already made a big tribute post to our personal life together on our personal Instagram (). But I feel on here my business page () I should highlight some of his dog training accomplishments. So here we go:

Helping with clients:
- Reggie was great at teaching other dogs to swim. His enthusiasm for the water helped many dogs overcome their fear!
- Reggie became a very dog neutral dog which made him the perfect helper. He accompanied me to many sessions with reactive dogs and we used Reggie during the desensitization process. Reggie always loved these sessions because he got a lot of treats for doing very little 😂 (holding still, slowly walking, barking on cue, facing different directions, etc.). He befriended many dogs who struggle to make friends.
- Reggie also helped several people overcome their fear/unsurety of dogs. He was very chill and always enjoyed a good pet.
- He did a handful of public demos. Some of these went awesome and others I still cringe thinking about lol. Public demos always stressed me out more than him lol.

Adventure Dog:
- Reggie accompanied me on so many adventures and truly showed me how to live life to the fullest! We spent countless hours walking, hiking, snowshoeing, paddleboarding, Kicksledding, and swimming!
- We never competed in Dock Diving BUT we hit up the dock regularly. He was a natural! We never competed because I knew jumping as much as he wanted in 30-60min was more fun for both of us than dealing with the FOMO of only jumping a couple times during competition. 😂 But I always wondered how he would have done in competition.
- Reggie became a great traveler. When he was young he would get stressed riding in the car. With patience, time, and training he did overcome his car anxiety. He was well traveled his US state count was up to 7- Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Wyoming, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico. All our trips were curtailed to maximum dog friendliness. He was great in dog friendly hotels/stores/restaurants/museums/etc.

Training Titles:
- Trick Dog Titles: Reggie earned all the way up to Expert Trick Dog (ETD). Prior to being titled Expert he earned his Advanced (ATD), Intermediate (ITD), Novice (NTD) and Alphabet (AtoZ) trick titles. He was also eager to learn new tricks- it meant treat time- and he LOVED treats!
- Manners Titles: Canine Good Citizen (CGC), Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA), Certified Farm Dog (FDC).
- Rally-Obedience: Rally Novice (RN). I would have loved continuing with Rally. We had been working on the Intermediate signs but with his declining condition never made it to a competition. Rally was a big bonding sport for us.

Congratulations to our newest Manners 101 graduates! Harley the goldendoodle and Otis the Miniature American Shepherd. K...

Congratulations to our newest Manners 101 graduates! Harley the goldendoodle and Otis the Miniature American Shepherd. Keep up the great work!! 🎓 🐾

Update: There is 1 spot left. Message me if you want in. We've got a couple openings left in our Canine Good Citizen Pre...

Update: There is 1 spot left. Message me if you want in.

We've got a couple openings left in our Canine Good Citizen Prep class that starts tomorrow at 6pm. This is a 5 week course, 1 hour each week. The final week of class is the AKC Canine Good Citizen test.

This class is great for practicing and proofing your skills in the real world! Each week of class is held out in public. You can learn more about it on our website.

Let me know if you are interested in joining and I can add you to the class. 🐾

Biothane leashes are my favorite especially when the weather is dreary. 🌧️ Biothane is waterproof, stink-proof, and so e...

Biothane leashes are my favorite especially when the weather is dreary. 🌧️ Biothane is waterproof, stink-proof, and so easy to clean! Here is Rosie sporting her 20ft longline from Sloppy Chops Co. I like that Sloppy Chops uses heavy duty Biothane which makes it thicker and more durable than cheaper Biothane options. 🐕

Juniper 😍

Juniper 😍


Take a walk with a Labrador and you will realize how much of the world is edible! 😋

As the snow melts, boundless treasures are uncovered. There are several landmarks on our daily walk- the ice cream sandwich (in the video), two different soggy burritos, a Starbuck cup, a pile of celery, and of course various animal 💩.

We’ve been using the “Leave It” skill to help Rosie understand she can’t eat all the treasures she finds. The goal of a leave it for us- is when cued Rosie should disengage from the item and move on. I am happy with the progress she has made. We’ve been taking the same walking route daily for a few weeks now and it’s becoming much easier for her to pass some of these obstacles. 👏 She is even getting to the point where when she sees an item it becomes a visual cue to automatically disengage from it and refocus on me instead.

We’ve got one more opening in our Manners 101 course that starts tomorrow: Tuesday, February 27th at 4:45pm. Manners 101...

We’ve got one more opening in our Manners 101 course that starts tomorrow: Tuesday, February 27th at 4:45pm.

Manners 101 covers the basics! Sit, down, come, leash manners, impulse control, greeting dogs and people politely, etc.. Great for dogs just starting out and or for dogs who need a refresher on their skills.

$140 for the full course.

This class is held at Heritage Animal Hospital in Nibley.

Sign up on our website:

Message us with any questions or concerns. 🐾

Meet our newest STAR puppies!! Alta, Harley, and Cashew. 🐶⭐️🎓 Keep up the great works pups!

Meet our newest STAR puppies!! Alta, Harley, and Cashew. 🐶⭐️🎓 Keep up the great works pups!

Looking to improve your dog’s manners? Take a training class with your dog. Classes starting soon! - Star Puppy ⭐️ 🐶 Sta...

Looking to improve your dog’s manners? Take a training class with your dog. Classes starting soon!

- Star Puppy ⭐️ 🐶 Starts Tuesday, February 27th at 3:30pm. This is a 6 week course, 1 hour each week. $180 for the full course. Perfect for pups 6months and younger. The focus of STAR Puppy class is positive socialization, basic obedience training, puppy behavior training (potty training, mouthing/biting), and more! This class is held at Heritage Animal Hospital in Nibley, Utah.

- Manners 101 🐕 Starts Tuesday, February 27th at 4:45pm. This is a 4 week course, 1 hour each week. $140 for the full course. This course focuses on the basics! Sit, down, stay, leash manners, come, impulse control, greeting politely, and more! This class is held at Heritage Animal Hospital in Nibley, Utah.

- Canine Good Citizen Prep 🐾 Starts Wednesday, March 13th at 6pm. This class is the equivalent of “Intermediate obedience”. $140 for full course (including AKC testing fee). This is for dogs that have the basics down and are ready to start generalizing their skills in the real world! Each class is held in a public area. This is a 5 week course, 1 hour each week. The last week of class the official AKC Canine Good Citizen test.

Congratulations to our newest Manners 101 graduates! Picture order: Apollo the Rottweiler, Beetle the Manchester Terrier...

Congratulations to our newest Manners 101 graduates! Picture order: Apollo the Rottweiler, Beetle the Manchester Terrier, and Paco the Lab/Pointer. Keep up the great work! 🎓 🐾

Our next round of classes will be starting Tuesday February 27th! Check out our website or send us a message for more information. 🐶

Do you have a dog that hates nail trims? Ever heard of a scratch board? A scratch board is a board with sandpaper on it ...

Do you have a dog that hates nail trims? Ever heard of a scratch board? A scratch board is a board with sandpaper on it and you teach your dog to paw at the board. As they do it files down their nails. Scratch boards can be a great *minimally invasive* way to help keep your dogs nails short!
Rosie has never been a fan of nail trims. But she loves digging so she took right to the scratch board. This helped up maintain her short nails while we were working towards being able to cooperatively trim/dremel them. Eventually Rosie graduated to a file block, then onto the dremel. We still take it slow- she does best if we only trim 1-3 nails at a time but it’s exciting to see the progress she has made. Cooperative care training takes time but is so worth it in the long run!
How does your dog do with nail trims? Would you like to see us post more cooperative care tips and tricks?

Happy New Year!! 🎆 People have a tendency to over complicate life. This year lets take a page out of the book of dog. 🐶 ...

Happy New Year!! 🎆
People have a tendency to over complicate life. This year lets take a page out of the book of dog. 🐶
Pictured is Reggie’s 2024 vision board. What things do you think your dog is planning on accomplishing this year?

January classes are right around the corner! Start the New Year off by bettering your relationship with your dog and hel...

January classes are right around the corner! Start the New Year off by bettering your relationship with your dog and helping them learn some new skills! 🌟
- CGC Prep class starts Wednesday January 10th at 6pm.
- Manners 101 starts Tuesday January 16th at 3:30pm.
- STAR Puppy starts Tuesday January 16th at 4:45pm.

Sign up on our website. Feel free to message us with any questions.


Recall Training Tip: Give your dog a novel reward for coming back. This helps keep your recall training interesting for your pup.

In the video you can see me rewarding Rosie with a freeze dried minnow. This is a treat she doesn’t get too often so when she does get one- it is a real special treat! Recall practice for Rosie is like playing a jackpot lottery- she is always very eager to come back and see what her next prize will be.

It is also convenient to keep a few high value treats in my treat pouch for when my dog does an awesome recall (like calling away from another dog or a deer leg, etc.). I love to be able to quickly reward with something special! 🐟 Remember reinforcement drives behavior- the more your reward something, the more it gets repeated. Happy Training! 🐾

What’s your dog’s favorite novel treat?

Introducing the newest STAR Puppies! 🌟🐶Beetle the Manchester Terrier. Agatha the Yorkshire Terrier. Ellie the Gordon Set...

Introducing the newest STAR Puppies! 🌟🐶
Beetle the Manchester Terrier.
Agatha the Yorkshire Terrier.
Ellie the Gordon Setter.

It is always so fun to see the progress from week one to week six. Puppies grow up too fast! 💕

TONIGHT!! Come to the Cache County Fairgrounds Indoor Arena at 6-8:30pm. Run your dog through 2 agility courses and supp...

TONIGHT!! Come to the Cache County Fairgrounds Indoor Arena at 6-8:30pm. Run your dog through 2 agility courses and support a great cause! $10 donation minimum to run. 🐾

Congratulations to our Manners 101 graduates! Ridge the border collie/terrier mix. Sabine the Heeler mix. Tater the labr...

Congratulations to our Manners 101 graduates!
Ridge the border collie/terrier mix.
Sabine the Heeler mix.
Tater the labradoodle.
Enola the aussiedoodle.
🎓 👏 ❤️

Say hello to these STAR Puppies! ⭐️ 🐶 Lucy the golden doodle. Meeko the Boston Terrier. And honorary puppy class guest, ...

Say hello to these STAR Puppies! ⭐️ 🐶
Lucy the golden doodle.
Meeko the Boston Terrier.
And honorary puppy class guest, Chip the dachshund. ❤️



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