I took my self out of the game.
I took myself out of the game when I chose to breed my good horse, the only competitive horse I had.
I took myself out of the game when I chose to ride under someone and be behind the scenes to further my skill and education
I took myself out of the game when I sold everything I had except for an un-started 2 year old
I took myself out of the game when I decided to put my family first during a really difficult time
I took myself out of the game when I pursued a career. A career that for a year took up 98% of my time.
I took myself out of the game when I mentally couldn’t handle the dedication and commitment playing the game required.
I took myself out of the game for way longer than I planned to.
And the game goes on, whether you’re playing it or not. There will always be other players ready to take your spot the second you pull back on the reins.
The people that used to cheer for me no longer do, the friends that used to encourage me no longer find me worth their time, the people that used to say they missed seeing me, no longer care to see me show up.
But the thing about the game, is that IT NEVER STOPS. And the beautiful part of it all, is that you can always choose to play again.
You may have chosen to take yourself out of it, but you can always choose to put yourself back in.
Choose to play again. Choose to come back to it, to find your love for it again. It’s okay to take yourself out. It’s okay to water other gardens and play other games, sometimes you need to. Sometimes those things are more important.
But the cool thing about this particular game.. you can always choose to play again.
It may be scary and a little more lonely than what you remember, and there may be no one that cares that you’re there, but YOU care that you’re there. And your HORSE cares that your there. And that’s all that matters.
Choose to play again.
Choose to show up.
Choose to try.
Choose to be brave, and strong.
Choose to be excited to be back at the bottom. No expectations, a clean slate. Choose to love the journey, YOUR journey, because it made you who you are.
Choose to play the game to the best of your ability no matter what happens, no matter what people say, no matter who cares that you’re there, because the comeback is always stronger than the set back.
Written by-Kassi Bryk