I'm going to write a little infodump on hamsters and the food you can buy for them. Actual hamster food is crap, and small furries tend to leave half of it because it's mostly made up of vitamin biscuit and not things a hamster would want to eat. I used to buy Wilco parrot mix which was brilliant, and then Wilco shut, and I ended up buying normal parrot mix which was better than hamster food but still not great. Here is a comparison of Harry Hamster (various people make it as it is a published recipe), the other generally available parrot food which I had to take the coconut out of (it stank and went rancid) and supplement with sunflower seeds, and the new Bamfords Top Flight Premium which is just like Wilco's old stuff. In fact, I think these people might even have supplied Wilco. I ordered a bag directly from them. Gwen, my presemt hamster approves 100%. Also, BTW, I have had two bags of Pets at Home own parrot food that was possibly the Bamfords sort repackaged but running with insects. Not nice and needed throwing out too.