Harley's Hurdles

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Harley's Hurdles Harley Heck
24/10/2021 - 14/07/2023
Harley is a Great Dane puppy who had overcome many hurdles. Harleys medical bills and medication are quite expensive.

If you'd like to donate to his ongoing care please visit:
Gofundme.com/SupportandupdatesforHarley OR you can donate directly to his vet at Elizabeth Park Veterinary Clinic 08 8287 0122. The account is under Jessica Heck and Harley Heck. THANK YOU. With love,
Jess and Harley.


We miss you so much Harley. I still cry when i say your name but i am so proud of everything you had overcome! We love you

If anyone can help!

If anyone can help!

Can you help?
Sadly we have had a large amount of puppies come into care over the last couple of months and are in urgent need of puppy food.
We have received some very generous donations from various places that we are very grateful for but we are at the end of our puppy food.
Unfortunately the amount of puppies we have had come into rescue is drastically outweighing our food supplies. We have more dogs and puppies in care than ever before.

We have drop off locations at Port Willunga, Nairne, Happy Valley, Woodville South, Hillbank, Modbury Heights and Lewiston. These are private addresses so please message the page for the exact address.

If you would prefer, cash donations can be made to our bank account. All donations over $2 are tax deductible (email us for a receipt).

BSB 325185
Account Number 03808086
Beyond Bank Australia
Account Name: Scruffer Lovers Inc

**UPDATE** Miss Peachy Keen has been adopted!!!

**UPDATE** Miss Peachy Keen has been adopted!!!

Welcome to the chaos crew Peaches, Cream and Custard!!! Bull Mastiff x and they will be available for adoption soon! The...

Welcome to the chaos crew Peaches, Cream and Custard!!! Bull Mastiff x and they will be available for adoption soon! They will be at the adoption day on my birthday 25th of Nov!!! I will post more about the adoption day later :)

If you'd like to foster puppies please let me know!! There are many coming into care and it never stops! We need more people to open up their hearts and homes to keep saving lives!!! ❤❤❤

Oh precious boy. Yesterday marked 3 months since you left us. but luckily, i have Miss Eevee and Dexter to help fill the...

Oh precious boy. Yesterday marked 3 months since you left us. but luckily, i have Miss Eevee and Dexter to help fill the void you left behind 💔💜


Meet Dale!

I am a Staffy X.
Loves to play with his much bigger foster brother and sisters.
When the other dogs don't pay attention to him he will bark at them to tell them he is here.

My foster mum is teaching me how to sit for treats and I’m doing really well. I am almost completely toilet trained but I do have a few accidents here and there. I eat my meals on a lickimat because I like to swallow my food whole, without this. Mum says I will appreciate it more, whatever that means!

I'm more shy than my brother and definitely not as noisy but definitely more affectionate. I will even sleep in a crate over night as well or even a short pup nap.

Please click on the link so we can meet :)


Little Miss Truffle headed off to her new foster home tonight!! If you want to foster a puppy in care, don't hesitate to...

Little Miss Truffle headed off to her new foster home tonight!!

If you want to foster a puppy in care, don't hesitate to message me or Scruffer Lovers!

I took on this Little Miss when her original foster carer had to go away. I was only supposed to look after her for a fe...

I took on this Little Miss when her original foster carer had to go away. I was only supposed to look after her for a few days but her foster carer unfortunately isn't coming back for a while so she is needing somewhere special to go. I can support you through this process and along the way.
Please read below :)

Little Miss Truffle is needing a new long term foster carer. One who can dedicate all their time to her, spoil her rotten, give her everything she needs, wants and more. You'll need to be able to go to and from Blakes Crossing vet while they investigate what is going on with her. She may require surgery or may require something else. I will talk privately about what is happening. She deserves to live her puppyhood as a spoilt princess, cuddled, doted on, played with and given many treats.
She is crate trained but not toilet trained (still a little young for that but we are working on it). She is roughly 9/10 weeks old and has had a rough time.

Truffle has a personality to die for. She will listen to you, cuddle you, follow you, give you lots of love and kisses. She'll constantly wag her tail and look up at you like you're the best thing ever. She will melt your heart.
It's killing me that I can't give her what she needs outside of this as I can't get her to the vet and I can't put aside the needed hours to travel (2-3 hour round trip plus vet time) with kids school and everything else going on.

The rescue will provide food, bedding (if necessary) and vet work.

Please privately PM me if you can foster our precious girl!

It's been a rough month not having Harley, I've been finding myself upset, bored, lonely etc. I was so wrapped up in my ...

It's been a rough month not having Harley, I've been finding myself upset, bored, lonely etc. I was so wrapped up in my head over the loss, I was still crying when I heard his name or saw his food bowl. I fell back into that depression and it wasn't good. I needed to do something. I needed to start giving back but also get my life back.

Over the past couple of days we've had the tiny little pitter patter of paws running around. This little girl is a foster through Scruffer Lovers Inc. and they have many more puppies coming in needing foster homes. If you are able to, please open your home to fostering! They will provide everything you need to look after these cuties.

Looking after puppies is such a wonderful time. Though on occasion it can be overwhelming, our hearts are always filled with joy and love. If you choose to foster we will be here to help support you!! Seeing them grow, play, be happy and then watching them turn into the dogs they are supposed to be in their forever homes, is the best feeling ever.

This little one may or may not be a foster fail. Who knows what the future holds! We will cross that bridge when it comes time to decide on if she stays or if we find her a furever family. In the meantime, she's a spoilt little princess and I am enjoying the cuddles and puppy breath!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask 😁


Hi everyone. I am starting to gather recommendations for artists who do custom paintings/drawings of pets on canvas. Please let me know of anyone you would like to recommend!

Our sweet boy was laid to rest in the beautiful hills of Cherry Gardens. You are so deeply missed and I am still shatter...

Our sweet boy was laid to rest in the beautiful hills of Cherry Gardens. You are so deeply missed and I am still shattered you are gone.

Thankyou to everyone who has messaged us. I haven't had the head space to go over it all just yet 💔

Unfortunately it is time to share the devastating news that i never wanted to share. The news that we have all been drea...

Unfortunately it is time to share the devastating news that i never wanted to share. The news that we have all been dreading. It has taken me a while to write this up and I have spent the last couple of days balling my head off and trying to get my head around what happened.

Everyone, look up into the sky tonight. Our Harley will be shining his very bright light down on us.
Harley passed away yesterday morning surrounded by his loved ones. He went peacefully at the vets while sunning himself outside. It was quite nice, though not what I had originally planned as Harley went downhill so fast, but he was ready to go. There was nothing more that anyone could do for him. Trust me, If i could've given him a kidney, i would've!!!!!! Harley made a massive impact on all of our lives.
He had overcome so many hurdles in his short lifetime but boy did he not let anything get him down! He was such a goofy boy, always making us laugh. Always running around like a lost chicken, always chucking tantrums over little things he didnt like, like me making him have a "time out" to rest between playing and running. Always thinking he was the boss (Let's face it, he was!). Forcing himself onto our laps for cuddles, sitting on us, giving us the cutest little licks..... Sigh, boy, my heart is the most broken it has ever been.

A big thank you to Lisa and Holly Pieber for racing down to be there for him and for us. It was so difficult on all of us as Harley had touched all of our hearts in such a special way. He was our boy.

Harley, I wish we had more time with you but the time we did have was so special and you taught me so much. I wouldn't have known what i now know about Kidney Failure if i hadnt of met you. I wouldn't have expanded my knowledge which can now help more animals in need!! But, I am still in such disbelief that you are gone. I don't want to accept it. I'm just glad you're no longer in pain. This is what you deserved from the beginning but life gave you many, many horrible hurdles to get through. I stood by your side from the moment your breeder contacted me about you. i KNEW i had to help you and help you i did. You were so far worse off than what the breeder lead on but we pushed through everything. I promised you i would never give up on you until you told me it was time and you did. It broke my heart to lose you and i know it will break everyone elses heart that has followed you throughout this nasty journey. No matter what, we were there, through good and bad.

I am imagining you over the Rainbow Bridge running around madly with your big goofy eyes. You can see now, my love, you can finally see. I hope the world is as magical and as beautiful as you imagined it to be. I know the Rainbow Bridge will be.

Please hug your pets extra tight. Not just for right now, for the rest of their lives. Time goes so fast and their lives are so short. A long life is never guaranteed. Spend every minute loving your pets like they deserve.

Thankyou to Canine kidney disease for helping us with Harleys meds and what to feed him!! If it wasnt for that group, Harley wouldnt have come as far as he did!!! Thankyou to Mary Pittas for making Harley a special "In Loving Memory" poem and being there for us throughout the year!! She is the reason i found out about Aluminium Hydroxide in the first place!!!! Kept Harley stable and he thrived.

And and very big THANKYOU to all of those who have supported us on Harleys special journey through his short life. Everyone who has donated, shared and commented. We so very appreciate all of you!!
Especially to Bethaney Bacchus for the amazingly big donation!!!! You absolutely blew my mind and we are forever thankful. You and your family are AMAZING. I honestly don't think i thanked you enough.

Also, a very big THANKYOU to Harleys vets who NEVER gave up on him. Elizabeth Park Veterinary Clinic, Aberfoyle Hub Veterinary Clinic and also to Marion Animal Hospital who so patiently and lovingly helped us help Harley through his last hurdle. You made this so special for us by letting him sun himself one last time. He left us doing what he loved.

Everyone, please keep that kind, loving and generous side to you going strong. We need more people like you in this world to help more animals in need.

The photos of him are before we got to the vet. He went downhill so fast but we were there for every second helping him and loving on him.

We love you and miss you so much, darling boy. Our hearts will never be the same.

Fly high my sweet Prince. We will meet again.

Harley Daniel Heck
24/10/2021 - 14/07/2023

Thankyou so much to Aberfoyle Hub Veterinary Clinic for looking after our boy today and dealing with a very frantic Jess...

Thankyou so much to Aberfoyle Hub Veterinary Clinic for looking after our boy today and dealing with a very frantic Jess on the phone. 😅

He got staples!! Harley is doing good, very quiet and growly but good! Thank god. I was panicking about stitches and needing to be sedated for it 😅😅😅

Can't believe this boy will be 2 in October!!! Only 3 and a half months to go!

Can't believe this boy will be 2 in October!!! Only 3 and a half months to go!

Had a nice run and play at the park this morning while the weather was still good ❤❤❤

Had a nice run and play at the park this morning while the weather was still good ❤❤❤

One thing that we love about Harley is that he loves his kids.Licking Jordan's face then hearing Archer come in. Runs ov...

One thing that we love about Harley is that he loves his kids.

Licking Jordan's face then hearing Archer come in. Runs over and walks him back. Jordan calls for him and he comes walking for pats. ❤❤❤

Couldn't waste the nice weather today! A nice run and play this morning. They both did well ignoring the dogs in the oth...

Couldn't waste the nice weather today! A nice run and play this morning. They both did well ignoring the dogs in the other tennis court. Was able to redirect their attention to me and playing. Was a really nice feeling! Only a couple of growls from Harley when the other dog was barking at them but Harley listened and stopped!!


Harley has hit another milestone! 18 months old!!!! ❤❤❤

Sorry I haven't been on for ages!! We've had the flu for 3 weeks now!!Harley has been under the weather on and off but w...

Sorry I haven't been on for ages!! We've had the flu for 3 weeks now!!

Harley has been under the weather on and off but with adjusting his food and some fluids he has come good again. A little underweight for my liking but that's part of the battle with this disease.

Harley hit another milestone and had a very good Easter!! He will also be 18 months in a week!!!!!!!

Here are the boys after a bath today. They are now having after bath zoomies.

It was too warm for a long run and play today so we did a quick water play today at the park! He was a little bit wet 😂

It was too warm for a long run and play today so we did a quick water play today at the park! He was a little bit wet 😂


Photo and video dump of today's fun!

Fresh mowed grass and lots of play today. I love that he just runs after Dexter full pelt ❤

Is Harley blind or just d***y? 🤔 He makes me question that sometimes 😂


Harley loves Josh but Josh's buttcrack always ruins nice videos 😂🙄

Just throwing his head around😂

Just throwing his head around😂

Who cares about a llittle rain when you can still have fun! Lots of new smells this morning and then lots of play time!

Who cares about a llittle rain when you can still have fun! Lots of new smells this morning and then lots of play time!

A year ago it was a tough few days for Harley to get ontop of everything. But he has beaten the odds. He wasn't supposed...

A year ago it was a tough few days for Harley to get ontop of everything. But he has beaten the odds. He wasn't supposed to make it to 6 months, but he did. He then wasn't supposed to make it to 12 months, but he did. Now 16 months with a total of 492 days on this earth. He has done extremely well.
There is no diagnosis to why his kidneys are failing. We will never know. All we can do is put it down to sh*tty genetics and say he was born this way. They are normal size and appearance but just falling. The new meds that I put him on last year have made all the difference in him. He's stable and not in pain. So thats all that matters right now.

We don't know what tomorrow holds but sure as hell hope he is here tomorrow, still fighting the fight and not suffering. Still being spoilt, enjoying his play and walkies and sleeping the day away.

We love you Harley ❤❤❤

Being good boys on our walk in the forest this evening. Was a nice and cool area with so much shade! Didn't get many pho...

Being good boys on our walk in the forest this evening. Was a nice and cool area with so much shade! Didn't get many photos but did try to get some nice quick shots 😂

Happy Gotcha Day my beautiful boy. I can't believe it's a year ago today you arrived. What a rollercoaster of a year it ...

Happy Gotcha Day my beautiful boy. I can't believe it's a year ago today you arrived. What a rollercoaster of a year it has been but look at you now! Thriving, not just surviving. All that stress, worry, frustration of not knowing what to do, the anger, the meltdowns when I felt so overwhelmed and had a few vent outbursts because I just didn't know how to help and all the heart ache and money was so worth seeing you living your best life.

There have been so many moments of laughter with you and your silly antics. I love watching you run around aimlessly enjoying just being stupid. My god you make us laugh.

You're on the best meds you can possibly be, all sourced from American studies. A vet who dedicated his life to studying and treating Kidney Disease in pets. I am incredibly thankful I came across that Facebook group in hopes of finding something to help. Figuring out different foods that work, but also trying to keep up with your forever growth spurts!!!
You are stable, you are happy, you are loved.

My boy, you are oh so worth it all. Making that decision to take you on not only changed your life but it changed mine. You have also touched so many people's hearts. You have no idea how loved you are by your family and strangers who have donated to you and see your pictures on here.

I would do it all over again for you in a heartbeat.

Thankyou everyone who has helped Harley through his hurdles by donating, sharing, meeting up with him and just supporting me through the tough times. You made the world of a difference. Look at our baby now!!!

We are all so proud of you my love. ❤❤❤❤❤

I would just like to say a big thankyou to Little or Large for this massive bed for Harley. Kiara is an incredible young...

I would just like to say a big thankyou to Little or Large for this massive bed for Harley.

Kiara is an incredible young woman with a heart of gold. She recycles as much as she can, hand makes the beds and accessories and you know what else is so awesome???? She doesn't take in profit for the beds and accessories she makes. It all gets donated to rescues!! They are sold on their Facebook group but also at markets. Honestly, we all need to go support her and get our pets some goodies!! Remember, when you buy from her, you know that the money is going to go straight to rescues in need and you get something in return! I can't get over it, it's just amazing.

These photos don't do the bed justice. It is massive. The quality is amazing and it's so comfy (I even love it!!). Safe to say, Harley is pretty happy and comfy!

I have put a screen shot of the Facebook group below as well.

THANKYOU Kiara and the Little or Large team for the incredible work you do. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Some of Harleys funny faces he makes. The boys had a good run at the park this evening. They are currently fast asleep.

Some of Harleys funny faces he makes. The boys had a good run at the park this evening. They are currently fast asleep.




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