A resolution for CAT SANCTUARIES is scheduled for 3/29 WEDNESDAY @ 1pm! The State wants to create cat sanctuaries and your advice & comments are needed to move this forward! Although the information presented in the resolution is negative, it is because the State has only been hearing complaints after complaints. If the cat community is well-represented, we can get this resolution to be implemented. Last year, 1000 people testified for a hearing and it really showed the State the valiant efforts of the cat community. If you have a minute, please send in a testimony! I've included an example. You don't have to be as elaborate, just be persuasive as to why the cats should get a cat sanctuary!
There are 3 ways to testify:
1. Zoom
2. Written testimony
3. In Person LIVE
If you are testifying online via ZOOM or sending written testimony, it is due 24 hrs before the scheduled hearing (due 3/28 TUES before 1pm). If you are testifying LIVE in person at the State Capitol, you don't have to register, just show up! It creates more of an impact if the Senators can hear you via ZOOM or LIVE!