Are you embarrassed by your dog's excessive barking on walks?
Here are some common mistakes dog parents may make:
❌Thinking that your dog is just being difficult, instead of understanding that they are genuinely worried about the environment.
❌Forcing them to "tolerate" triggers, which increases their anxiety.
❌Believing it’s about dominance.
Instead, understand their fear! Your dog wants to feel safe. ❤️
✅Recognize they're overwhelmed by their surroundings.
✅Be their guide, creating a safe space.
Give your dog 10 minutes of the right kind of training each day and finally get the calmer dog on your walks.
Join our next “Silence the Yappy Hour Workshop” to learn how to end your dog’s excessive barking on your walks without yelling at them.
Date: Monday, March 3rd
Time: 5pm PT - 6pm MT - 7pm CT - 8pm ET
Sign up here:
Does your dog bark excessively on walks?
Here are some common mistakes dog parents may make:
❌Thinking that your dog is just being difficult, instead of understanding that they are genuinely worried about the environment.
❌Forcing them to "tolerate" triggers, which increases their anxiety.
❌Believing it’s about dominance.
Instead, understand their fear! Your dog wants to feel safe. ❤️
✅Recognize they're overwhelmed by their surroundings.
✅Be their guide, creating a safe space.
Give your dog 10 minutes of the right kind of training each day and finally get the calmer dog on your walks.
Join our next “Silence the Yappy Hour Workshop” to learn how to end your dog’s excessive barking on your walks without yelling at them.
Date: Monday, March 3rd
Time: 5pm PT - 6pm MT - 7pm CT - 8pm ET
Sign up here:
“My dog doesn’t listen to me” is a common complaint I hear from pup parents. And I totally understand what they’re experiencing, especially when they have a larger dog at the other end of their lead.
Are you. . .
❌ Frustrated with the leash tug-of-war struggles
❌ Bracing for the yank when your dog lunges
❌ No longer looking forward to your walks with your dog anymore
Don’t stay upset with them or continue to feel defeated. You brought home a dog and promised them to be their guardian and that you would take care of them.
Here are 2 vital skills you need to teach your dog for that focused dog that listens:
💚 Check-ins
💚 Disengagement
💚 Proximity
Join one of my programs to discovery how to train your dog these invaluable life skills. Reset your life with your dog.
Here are a few of my recent students in the “From Ramunctious to Well-Mannered Pup Training Program” Cody (golden) and Marley (lab mix) recently finished the 6 week group class. And they happily learned to focus on their humans and became better listeners.
The next group class start on March 15th. Register here:
“My dog doesn’t listen to me” is a common complaint I hear from pup parents. And I totally understand what they’re experiencing, especially when they have a larger dog at the other end of their lead.
Are you. . .
❌ Frustrated with the leash tug-of-war struggles
❌ Bracing for the yank when your dog lunges
❌ No longer looking forward to your walks with your dog anymore
Don’t stay upset with them or continue to feel defeated. You brought home a dog and promised them to be their guardian and that you would take care of them.
Here are 2 vital skills you need to teach your dog for that focused dog that listens:
💚 Check-ins
💚 Disengagement
Join one of my programs to discovery how to train your dog these invaluable life skills. Reset your life with your dog.
Here are a few of my recent students in the “From Ramunctious to Well-Mannered Pup Training Program” Cody (golden) and Marley (lab mix) recently finished the 6 week group class. And they happily learned to focus on their humans and became better listeners.
The next group class start on March 15th. Register here:
“My dog doesn’t listen to me” is a common complaint I hear from pup parents. And I totally understand what they’re experiencing, especially when they have a larger dog at the other end of their lead.
Are you. . .
❌ Frustrated with the leash tug-of-war struggles
❌ Bracing for the yank when your dog lunges
❌ No longer looking forward to your walks with your dog anymore
Don’t stay upset with them or continue to feel defeated. You brought home a dog and promised them to be their guardian and that you would take care of them.
Here are 2 vital skills you need to teach your dog for that focused dog that listens:
💚 Check-ins
💚 Disengagement
Join one of my programs to discovery how to train your dog these invaluable life skills. Reset your life with your dog.
Here are a few of my recent students in the “From Ramunctious to Well-Mannered Pup Training Program” Cody (golden) and Marley (lab mix) recently finished the 6 week group class. And they happily learned to focus on their humans and became better listeners.
The next group class start on March 15th. Register here:
Here’s George! In our sessions he has become (1) less fearful during his walks and walks nicely on leash, (2) more consistent about waiting at the front door before stepping out with a release cue, and (3) if he runs out the front door (he’s a runner!), he’s so much better at coming back when called. We’ve laid a good foundation to keep him safe in his neighborhood. His guardians will continue practicing with him
Do you want to lay a solid training foundation with your dog too, reach out: 714-794–9625
Does your dog bark excessively or lunge on your walks?
I often hear the desperation in owners' voices when they say they've "tried everything." Sometimes, that "everything" includes e-collars/prong collars, because they seem to work. But the behavior is only under control when the tool (or the threat of the tool) is present. The dog hasn't actually learned anything different. "I just show him the e-collar remote and he'll listen," or "If I don't put the prong collar on, he pulls so much," are phrases I hear too often.
Don't make these mistakes:
❌ Don't rely on quick fixes that don't address the root cause! These tools might suppress the behavior temporarily, but they don't teach your dog how to feel differently about the trigger. They create a learned helplessness and can even increase anxiety.
❌ Don't demand a "sit" near scary things! This can make your dog lose trust in you. They need you to help them feel safe, not put them in a vulnerable position.
❌ Don't assume your dog feels the same way you do! Just because you think something is fun/harmless doesn't mean your dog does.
❌ Don't flood them! Overwhelming your dog with the trigger (like other dogs) can backfire BIG time. It often makes the behavior worse and creates more fear and anxiety.
❌ Don't wait and hope they'll grow out of it! Problem behaviors rarely disappear on their own. In fact, they often escalate if ignored.
✔️ What if you could stop the excessive barking and lunging by actually addressing the root cause?
✔️ What if you could walk your dog without the fear of them reacting and without having to rely on tools like prong collars or showing an e-collar remote?
It's possible! Let's help your dog learn new coping skills/strategies and build confidence. It takes time and consistency, but the results are lasting . . . without the need to threaten them with a remote or continue to use an aversive tool.
Want to explore if you can witness your dog being less reactive to the thi
3 month old Rosie practiced her down and waiting at the front door today. She also learned that walking on lead near her human in her backyard gets her so much attention and rewards! Type PUPPY TRAINING if you’re searching for guidance with your puppy too.
Our secret to a dog that listens to you.
Sound Familiar?
"I'll clean out that room tomorrow..." I’ve been talking about decluttering my house for over a decade. What I found so helpful is having accountability buddies. Earlier this year a friend and I set up a weekly decluttering accountability check-in. And I’m doing it!!
We've all been there. Big goals feel overwhelming, so we procrastinate or start small and lose momentum.
Does this sound like your dog training journey?
🐾 Starting a new routine, only to give up after a few days?
🐾 Feeling lost and confused by conflicting advice?
🐾 Wishing you had a support system to keep you accountable?
Imagine this:
✔️ Consistent progress towards your dog training goals.
✔️ A community of dog lovers who understand your challenges.
✔️ Expert guidance tailored to your dog's unique needs.
Sign up for the Silence the Yappy Hour Workshop to learn how to receive accountability and support from dog trainers who can help you implement the steps successfully.
The Workshop is especially for you if this is your current life with your dog.
👉 Are you tired of:
-- Excessive barking at everything that moves.
-- Stressful walks where your dog screams at other people & dogs.
-- Guests avoid your home because of your dog's behavior?
👉 Dream of:
-- Only a few calm alerts, then back to enjoying your day.
-- Enjoying your walks with your dog.
-- Your dog as the welcoming ambassador of your home.
🐶 Dog training is not a one-size-fits-all solution. YouTube videos and generic advice often fall short.
In our workshop we share how we can provides personalized guidance and support from experienced trainers to help you:
❤️ Understand your dog's unique reactivity triggers.
❤️ Develop a customized training plan.
❤️ Stay motivated and accountable with a supportive community.
Join me tonight at the Silence the Yappy Hour Workshop and start your journey to a calmer, more fulfilling life with your dog.
Date: February 17th
Time: 5pm PT
Is this your current life with your dog?
Excessive barking out the window at everything that goes by.
Screaming on your walks at other people & dogs.
People don’t visit your home anymore.
How about only one or two alert-bark instead?
Dream of enjoying your walks with your dog?
You wish your dog was the greeter at home!
If you want to change your current life with your dog, join the Silence the Yappy Hour Workshop on Monday, Feb 17th. Sign up for the workshop here: