Friends of Philip Fish Sanctuary

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Friends of Philip Fish Sanctuary We are a 501(c)3 fish and aquatic animal sanctuary in Reno, NV.

Welcome home Penelope ๐Ÿ’œPenelope is a red star hen who came to us yesterday. She'd been found as a stray and was released...

Welcome home Penelope ๐Ÿ’œ

Penelope is a red star hen who came to us yesterday. She'd been found as a stray and was released from her stray hold this week to come to sanctuary.

Tiny Penelope is so, so skinny and in rough shape ๐Ÿ’” she has mites that we're treating, tons of broken feathers, and quite poor body condition. Despite that, she's also bright and alert and we're so happy she's here!

Penelope has at least a few weeks of quarantine ahead of her, along with her first ever vet visit next week!

If you're able, please consider a donation to help us cover Penelope's veterinary care and other expenses ๐Ÿ’œ to donate, please visit or click in our bio:

Sweet Bindi is gone ๐Ÿ’œBindi ate one final meal for us yesterday, then passed on his own overnight ๐Ÿ’” he was calm and sweet...

Sweet Bindi is gone ๐Ÿ’œ

Bindi ate one final meal for us yesterday, then passed on his own overnight ๐Ÿ’” he was calm and sweet as ever yesterday, and did not see to be in distress when we checked on him before bedtime.

Loss is always the hardest part of sanctuary, and we wish Bindi had been with us for longer. He was a sweet and gentle presence at Friends of Philip for the last several months, and we miss him dearly.

We had an amazing visit with Dr. Sanders yesterday, and I forgot to take more than a few terrible photos of Opal's treat...

We had an amazing visit with Dr. Sanders yesterday, and I forgot to take more than a few terrible photos of Opal's treatment ๐Ÿ˜‚

Dr. Sanders ( ) is our incredible aquatic veterinarian. She came to see Opal and Bindi yesterday and gave all our residents a check-up.

Opal had a lump on her side that Dr. Sanders removed a significant amount of fluid from, which should keep her more comfortable. Analysis of the fluid led to the diagnosis of cancer ๐Ÿ’” Opal is quite elderly so this isn't surprising. At this point though she's still quite active and very happy, so we'll be monitoring closely.

Our sweet boy Bindi is in organ failure, so we'll continue to monitor him as well. So long as he's eating and wants to be here, we'll be thrilled to have him ๐Ÿ’œ

Dr. Sanders also helped us say a peaceful goodbye to our tiny blue crowntail Toby, who began to decline rapidly this past week.

And finally, Dr. Sanders administered antibiotics and a steroid to our old lady fancy goldfish Sophia. Sophia is retaining fluid, and an ultrasound didn't reveal an obvious cause, so the medication should help her fight off any underlying issues.

We are so, so grateful to Dr. Sanders for providing our residents with such comprehensive and compassionate in-home care! Access to this level of veterinary care is an enormous privilege and why we're able to do what we do ๐Ÿ’œ

If you're able, please consider a donation to help make it easier for us to provide this kind of care for our residents. Fishes are just as worthy of medical care as any other animal, and your donation goes straight to supporting our residents. To donate, please visit or click in our bio:

Before and after photos of Gigi's shed! We've never actually seen either gecko shed, but periodically one of them will s...

Before and after photos of Gigi's shed!

We've never actually seen either gecko shed, but periodically one of them will start to look very white like the first photo, then a day or two later they'll be gorgeous and bright like in the second!

A healthy shed cycle is critical for reptiles like Gigi, and we help to maintain that cycle by misting the enclosure daily to provide water and humidity ๐Ÿ’œ

Unhealthy or incomplete sheds can lead to "stuck shed" which can result in the loss of toes or limbs, infection, and general discomfort.

Monday morning with Millie ๐Ÿ’œMillie the crested gecko is one of our most elusive residents. She's very shy, and crested g...

Monday morning with Millie ๐Ÿ’œ

Millie the crested gecko is one of our most elusive residents. She's very shy, and crested geckos are nocturnal, so we don't see her regularly. Often the only signs we see of her are the cute little licks of food missing from her bowl in the mornings.

Nevertheless, we love Millie dearly and are so glad she's here! So much of sharing our lives with these animals is respecting them and interacting on their terms. Millie has made it abundantly clear over the years that her preference is to be left alone, so we aim to give her as much space as possible.

Our old lady Opal ๐Ÿ’œOpal came to us just over three years ago, in mid-July 2021. She's one of our oldest bettas, and is l...

Our old lady Opal ๐Ÿ’œ

Opal came to us just over three years ago, in mid-July 2021. She's one of our oldest bettas, and is living a happy life in our community tank!

Like most of our old bettas, Opal is showing her age. She has a lump on her side that were monitoring and have had the vet look at, but is otherwise happy and healthy!

Also please excuse the floating leca balls! I had a mishap with some planters I added to the side of the tank ๐Ÿ˜… the clay balls are harmless to the fishes and were cleaned up after getting some cute photos of Opal!

We have some teeny tiny visitors! These baby desert toads have appeared all over our yard, and their much larger relativ...

We have some teeny tiny visitors!

These baby desert toads have appeared all over our yard, and their much larger relatives have been enjoying the pond in the evenings! The fish seem unbothered and the toads are happy and adorable, so we're very happy to have them here!

We aren't sure where the babies came from, as we've never seen tadpoles in our pond, but they seem to enjoy the pond and landscaping ๐Ÿ’œ

Here's a top down of our sweet Bindi ๐Ÿ’” the raised scales are a little hard to see because of his coloring, but are most ...

Here's a top down of our sweet Bindi ๐Ÿ’” the raised scales are a little hard to see because of his coloring, but are most obvious on the back half of his body.

Today Bindi was a little bit lower energy, but still perked up and was very excited to eat for us. We've seen so many bettas in cups at stores with this same issue, and often the best we can do for them is request that the store euthanize them. Sometimes they won't even do that.

End of life care is the hardest part of rescue and providing sanctuary, but in many ways is also some of the most important work we do. We don't always share these steps because they're sad to see and very hard for us to share, but it's important to know the complete story for our residents and what they experience. We don't know Bindi's full story, how old he is, or what difference proper care might have made when he was younger, but he's here now and we'll do the best we can for him.

When one of our residents is declining we do everything we can to keep them comfortable, and will help them to pass peacefully if that's what makes sense for them. Everyone deserves to leave this life with dignity, and fishes are no exception.

We're very sad to share that our newest boy has passed away ๐Ÿ’œHe was very lethargic and wouldn't eat for the first night ...

We're very sad to share that our newest boy has passed away ๐Ÿ’œ

He was very lethargic and wouldn't eat for the first night and day, then passed away over his second night here with us. We're so heartbroken that he didn't get to live the life we hoped for, but are glad that he was able to pass in clean water and as comfortable as we could make him.

This is the constant reality of the pet trade and our treatment of fishes of all species. Please don't buy them.

Welcome home sweet boy ๐Ÿ’œYou may have noticed that we've dramatically slowed down our intakes of all fishes, but of betta...

Welcome home sweet boy ๐Ÿ’œ

You may have noticed that we've dramatically slowed down our intakes of all fishes, but of bettas in particular. As we say goodbye to more and more of our elderly and sick betta residents, the heartbreak has made it difficult to feel ready to commit to more bettas. Bettas and goldfish are some of the most abused species in the pet trade, but bettas in particular come with a host of health issues and generally shorter lifespans that makes caring for so many of them particularly rough.

Of the bettas we are allowed to rescue from stores, fully one third do not survive more than a week in sanctuary. Many of these pass during their first night. Even in rescue, this is a staggering number.

Of the bettas who do survive and recover, most do not stay with us for more than a year. Their shortened lifespans come as a result of poor care in their early lives, and poor breeding practices that focus on appearance over anything else. We do know that with proper care and some luck a betta can live for 2-5 years, but this is incredibly uncommon in our experience.

Because of this, we're slowly reducing the number of bettas in our care as our elderly friends pass away. When we lose a betta we move their tank out and use the space to provide larger tanks to our other residents ๐Ÿ’œ

All that said, bettas have a very special place in our hearts and will always have a place at our sanctuary. Our newest boy came to us yesterday as another pet store surrender. He has terrible fin rot, and red streaking that likely indicates an infection. He's resting and recovering today, and we're hopeful that he'll be here for a very long time.

Did you know chickens don't sweat? Chickens regulate their body temperature through the areas of exposed skin on their b...

Did you know chickens don't sweat? Chickens regulate their body temperature through the areas of exposed skin on their bodies: their legs and combs!

Like much of the US, Reno has been experiencing some extreme heat this last week, with afternoon temperatures consistently in the 102-105 F (38-40C) range.

To help our hens stay cool, we've been running water into their run each day to give them pools to scratch around in, and cool damp dirt to lay in if they want. And they love it! One of their favorite things is when the berries outside their run are watered and a bit of extra water collects at the base. They have a blast scratching around, digging for bugs, and generally getting covered in mud ๐Ÿ’œ

The chickens also have constant shade, a fan in their coop, and we give them plenty of cool fresh treats like watermelon, berries, and frozen fruit (Lucille loves mango!). Along with that, we are constantly watching for any signs of heat stress such as panting, holding their wings away from their bodies, lethargy, or unusual behavior.

Our three girls generally hate to be handled, so things like health checks, butt feather trims, and mite treatments bring them a lot of stress. Because of that, we prefer to make them as comfortable as possible in their home instead of catching them to bring them in the house. So far, the water has been perfect for keeping them comfortable, but we'd bring them inside immediately at the first signs of heat stress, even if that isn't their favorite things!

What are you doing to stay cool this summer? Share your ideas in the comments!

We love all animals dearly, but it was certainly a surprise to find this lovely lady napping in my shoe this morning! It...

We love all animals dearly, but it was certainly a surprise to find this lovely lady napping in my shoe this morning! It's hard to say which of us was more surprised when I felt her moving on my toes and flung my shoe off ๐Ÿ˜‚

Luckily, wolf spiders like this beauty tend to be quite peaceful, and won't bite people unless they feel threatened or in danger. This lady certainly would have been justified in biting me, but chose not to, and I'm very grateful! Wolf spiders are also generally not dangerous for adult humans, though their venom can be dangerous for smaller animals. We don't have any small animals in the area that she lives, so aren't worried about her being here at all ๐Ÿ’œ

Spiders get such a bad reputation, but are just trying to live their lives like we are. Even the most venomous spiders will prefer to leave us alone if possible.

Our new friend has been moved safely outside and I'll be checking my shoes a little closer from now on ๐Ÿ’œ

We recently said another difficult, though not quite unexpected, goodbye ๐Ÿ’œOur dear friend Billy left us in June, after o...

We recently said another difficult, though not quite unexpected, goodbye ๐Ÿ’œ

Our dear friend Billy left us in June, after over three and a half years as a beloved member of our sanctuary. Billy was our oldest betta, and lived a remarkably long life for one of his species and background. Like so many, Billy was surrendered to us from a large chain store where he was suffering immensely in a plastic cup on the shelf. Billy was one of the last three bettas who came with us from Sonoma County, and only Zoot and Opal are still with us from that original group.

Billy was a striking, personable fish, who's life was constantly impacted by the long, flowing fins that make bettas so appealing to so many people. Because of his fins, Billy wasn't particularly active, but he was constantly watching us and curious about what was going on around his tank. He was an interactive, perpetually hungry, and surprisingly calm betta, and we hope that he was happy here with us.

We miss Billy dearly, and wish that every betta could get the chance at a long and happy life that he had. Sadly, most of the bettas currently on pet store shelves will not receive that chance. The best thing we can do for them is to refuse to support the industry that puts them there and treats them as objects instead of individuals. Please, please choose to rescue a fish in need instead of purchasing.

We said goodbye to our tiniest, sweetest friend Strawberry today ๐Ÿ’œStrawberry had been steadily declining for the last se...

We said goodbye to our tiniest, sweetest friend Strawberry today ๐Ÿ’œ

Strawberry had been steadily declining for the last several weeks. First with an obvious decrease in energy, then with a loss of her ability to regulate her buoyancy and comfortably move herself around her tank.

Strawberry came to us as a tiny baby, surrendered from a large chain store because she was missing her tail. We weren't sure if she would survive at first, simply because baby fishes are so delicate and she had been through so much. But Strawberry pulled through, and became one of the most personable and vivacious of our residents. She lived most of her life in our kitchen where she got to see us every day, and received all the attention and most of the snacks she was hoping for. Strawberry's tail never fully grew back, but she didn't let that stop her from living a full and active life.

Strawberry was one of only three remaining bettas who moved with us to Reno about two and a half years ago, so was one of our oldest betta residents. The other two, Zoot and Billy, continue to do well.

We miss Strawberry dearly, but we are also so happy that she lived the long life she deserved and was able to pass in comfort with dignity.

We said a difficult and unexpected goodbye this week ๐Ÿ’œOur sweet hen Becca has passed away. On Wednesday she was acting a...

We said a difficult and unexpected goodbye this week ๐Ÿ’œ

Our sweet hen Becca has passed away. On Wednesday she was acting a bit off, she wasn't quite as active or vocal as she usually is, so we got a vet appointment scheduled for Thursday. Thursday morning she was dramatically worse - she couldn't stand on her own (though still had strength in her legs) or come out of the coop for breakfast. We got her into the vet that morning and sadly she passed on her own before the vet got to see her.

Update: we learned from the necropsy that Becca died of egg yolk coelomitis, more commonly known as egg yolk peritonitis, a very common reproductive disease. She was three years old ๐Ÿ’œ

We'll get a necropsy to learn more about what caused her sudden passing, but we're so heartbroken not to have her here with us. Yesterday was the first day in nearly a year that Becca hasn't greeted me at the gate for breakfast, and it's devastating to know that it will never happen again.

While we don't know definitively, we suspect that her passing was related to reproductive disease as that's what kills most egg laying hens. We do everything we can to prevent and delay reproductive issues in our hens, but they come from an industry that has bred them to focus on the overproduction of eggs. Becca stopped laying eggs at less than two years old, which is a bad sign for reproductive issues. Rather than give her the care she deserved, her previous family was going to kill her because she was no longer useful.

She came to us instead, and had a wonderful year with her new friends, her first and only winter with a heated, comfortable coop, and was loved for the first time for who she is instead of what she can produce. Becca was a hilarious, sassy, fearless, inquisitive soul, and we miss her dearly. There will always be a black hen-shaped hole in our hearts now that she is gone.

Please, please think of individuals like Becca when you consume eggs. No one should suffer for your meal, and raising "backyard hens" for their eggs is harmful and exploitative, just like buying them from a commercial farm.

Exciting news! Friends of Philip now has a website!We were so lucky to work with Marc Inglis of Jamfish Web Development ...

Exciting news! Friends of Philip now has a website!

We were so lucky to work with Marc Inglis of Jamfish Web Development on this project! Marc did an amazing job and we're so happy with the website! Please check out Jamfish for any future web development projects! Marc was super nice, easy to work with, and very patient with us as we moved through our first website experience ๐Ÿ’œ

You can see the website here or through the link in our bio:

We'll continue to add content to the site in the coming months, including resources around fish care and rescue!

An exciting update for our new friend Bindi!We came into the fish room this morning to find him up at the top of the tan...

An exciting update for our new friend Bindi!

We came into the fish room this morning to find him up at the top of the tank! He was able to regulate his depth and stability for the first time since he came home!

We're not certain what caused this sudden change for him, but are so happy to see it! We've been operating under the assumption that his negative buoyancy was irreversible because it had been impacting him for so long, but it looks like that isn't the case! For now we won't be changing anything about Bindi's environment, and keeping him in a somewhat shallower tank so he can still reach the surface for food. If he continues to improve we hope he'll eventually be able to move into a standard tank ๐Ÿ’œ

Good job Bindi!

Here are some blurry loach cuddles to brighten your Thursday ๐Ÿ’œOur dojo loaches Bart and Kovi are the best of friends. Th...

Here are some blurry loach cuddles to brighten your Thursday ๐Ÿ’œ

Our dojo loaches Bart and Kovi are the best of friends. They often sleep cuddled together like this and spend most of their time together! They live in one of our stock tanks with the fancy goldfish, so it can be tricky to get a good photo!

Fishes form incredibly strong bonds just like terrestrial animals, and many species have rich social and family lives. There are many species of fish that raise and protect their young just as fiercely as terrestrial animals and many more who grieve the loss or death of their companions. One of our top priorities as a sanctuary is to maintain and protect these close bonds, and we are very careful about when or if we separate groups or pairs.

Bart and Kovi will never be separated and will live their lives here as close companions. We're also always on the lookout for additional dojo loaches to join their group ๐Ÿ’œ

(The funny blur in the pot is Sophia sifting through the substrate, a classic goldfish enrichment activity ๐Ÿ˜‚)

Welcome Bindi ๐Ÿ’œBindi is our newest betta resident. He came to us after his previous caregiver rescued him from life in a...

Welcome Bindi ๐Ÿ’œ

Bindi is our newest betta resident. He came to us after his previous caregiver rescued him from life in a bowl. He did great for a while, but then he began to experience negative buoyancy issues with no signs of resolution.

We've been in contact with our vet, and we expect that at this point Bindi will always be negatively buoyant (stuck at the bottom). So we'll get him set up in a tank to accommodate his abilities and keep him as comfortable and happy as we can!

Issues like this are so common in bettas, in part due to poor breeding and care practices in the pet industry. You can help bettas like Bindi by choosing to adopt a fish in need and never purchasing them. We don't know much about Bindi's history, but we're so glad that he's here!

To help support Bindi and our other residents, please visit or click in our bio:

Hey Friends! We've had a ton of vet bills lately (and have more coming up!) and need your help to continue giving our re...

Hey Friends! We've had a ton of vet bills lately (and have more coming up!) and need your help to continue giving our residents the best possible care ๐Ÿ’œ

We had a visit from our amazing aquatic vet last week, sent Becca to the avian vet for reproductive care, and have three more appointments in the next two weeks: a check up for Lucille and Gracie to likely get their reproductive care, and a follow up for Susie!

In preparation for spring, we've updated our Bonfire merch with some fun new styles! You can get tanks for warmer weather, and we added some tie dye options for extra fun!

You can also support our residents directly through PayPal or Patreon. Links to our Bonfire store and other ways to donate can be found through the link in our bio and here:

This is a big moment for Friends of Philip. Please help us welcome our first resident of a species traditionally exploit...

This is a big moment for Friends of Philip. Please help us welcome our first resident of a species traditionally exploited for food ๐Ÿ’œ

We are so excited to welcome a bluegill into our sanctuary. Bluegill are a member of the sunfish family, native to North America, and commonly wild caught or raised in aquaponics systems to be killed for food. They are just one of dozens and dozens of species that humans consume. They are also infrequently kept in aquariums for display.

While we adore all our residents, and speak often of the plight faced by fishes in the pet industry, Friends of Philip is not a pet fish rescue. Veganism, anti-oppression, and collective liberation have always been at the core of what we do, and we provide sanctuary for our residents in alignment with those values.

Fish are easily the most abused animals in the world, yet are also the most overlooked both in the animal rights world and outside it. Every year, humans raise and kill billions of terrestrial land animals for food. For fishes that number is in the trillions.

Our first bluegill resident is a small male who came to us with no known history from our local animal services. He has a significant wound on his side, but tomorrow he'll be seen by our aquatic vet and receive medical care for the first time in his life.

We may not look like a traditional farmed animal sanctuary, and the specific and unique care needs of our residents mean we operate a bit differently day to day, but our driving motivation is the same. We must end the consumption and commodification of our fellow animals.

Please choose not to support the industries that harm our fellow animals. Choose compassion. Go vegan.

To support our new bluegill friend and our other residents please visit:

Welcome home Susie ๐Ÿ’œSusie is a little leghorn hen with a big personality! She was found as a stray before coming to us f...

Welcome home Susie ๐Ÿ’œ

Susie is a little leghorn hen with a big personality! She was found as a stray before coming to us from our local animal services. We don't know anything about her past, but are so, so happy that she's here!

Susie is moving through her quarantine and doing well, though she isn't thrilled about having to spend a few weeks in a smaller space inside. It's too cold for her to quarantine outside right now, so she's set up in the living room with us ๐Ÿ’œ

Susie has her first ever vet appointment on Thursday this week! She'll get an exam and receive the same reproductive care that all our hens have. Can you help support Susie's visit and let us continue to provide the best possible care to our residents?

Please visit the link in our bio (or here: to donate or join our Patreon! Donations are tax deductible and go directly to supporting Susie and our otherresidents!

A little photo of Sam being extra camera shy for breakfast this morning ๐Ÿ’œ

A little photo of Sam being extra camera shy for breakfast this morning ๐Ÿ’œ

Our lovely friend Becca went to the vet this week for a check up and to receive her routine reproductive care ๐Ÿ’œThis kind...

Our lovely friend Becca went to the vet this week for a check up and to receive her routine reproductive care ๐Ÿ’œ

This kind of medical care is so important for our residents! Becca's visit cost just over $600, and is worth every penny!

Your support is what allows us to provide this kind of care to Becca and our other residents. If you're able, please consider a tax deductible donation to help support our sanctuary!

You can donate through the link in our bio or here:

We also have some exciting new faces to introduce through this week, so stay tuned!

Such AMAZING progress for our little blue guy Toby ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™Toby came to us as part of a group of 5 bettas who had been horribl...

Such AMAZING progress for our little blue guy Toby ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™

Toby came to us as part of a group of 5 bettas who had been horribly mistreated. First, the bettas were horrendously neglected by a fish store, then were purchased cheaply along with a mismatched variety of other species when that store closed. The person who purchased them was well intentioned but entirely unprepared for this number of fishes, and had them all in a small tank together. We were able to help all the bettas and our three baby plecos, but there were even more that we didn't have the capacity for.

It's so critical for us as rescuers to remember that intentions are just the smallest part of rescue and sanctuary. You can have the best intentions in the world, but animals will still suffer if you aren't prepared to give them the care they need. We would never have taken in five bettas if we weren't prepared to keep them for their entire lives, and moving an animal from a bad situation to a different bad situation is only doing them a disservice.

We must rescue responsibly if we want to rescue at all. Simply believing or hoping that we can do better by an animal is not reason to take them into our care. We have to also know that we have the knowledge, resources, space, and capacity to provide them with the care they deserve. This includes the ability to provide medical care for the duration of their lives.

This issue is so common in all animal rescue, and we see it all the time with fishes of all species. Please, please never take an animal into your home if you aren't ready for them.

If you'd like to support Toby and our other residents, please visit: or click the link in our bio ๐Ÿ’œ Friends of Philip is a 501c3 non-profit, and donations are tax deductible!

Rest easy sweet Felix, you're so loved ๐Ÿ’™Felix joined us as a pet store surrender two years ago in March. He lived the cl...

Rest easy sweet Felix, you're so loved ๐Ÿ’™

Felix joined us as a pet store surrender two years ago in March. He lived the classic story of so many of our betta residents, left on a pet store shelf to languish and slowly decline.

Luckily, Felix came to us and has had a wonderful, happy life. He had some chronic health issues that became worse at the end of his life but were generally manageable, and he was comfortable and himself right until the end ๐Ÿ’™

This is the life we want for all our residents, and all other animals. You can help support our mission through the link in our bio or here:

And you can help all fishes like Felix by simply not purchasing them.

Amazing progress for our new girl ๐Ÿ’œShe arrived with essentially no fins, either from physical damage from other fish, or...

Amazing progress for our new girl ๐Ÿ’œ

She arrived with essentially no fins, either from physical damage from other fish, or from poor care, and they've regrown beautifully!

Of the five bettas we brought home in January, this little cutie is the one we were most afraid for. But she's doing incredibly well now! She's bright and active, and always comes over to say hello when we're in the fish room.

We're so incredibly happy to see her thriving ๐Ÿ’œ

Our AMAZING vet Dr. Sanders of Aquatic Veterinary Services has put together this wonderful class to teach you all about ...

Our AMAZING vet Dr. Sanders of Aquatic Veterinary Services has put together this wonderful class to teach you all about giving the best possible care to your betta ๐Ÿ’œ

Bettas are easily one of the most mistreated species in the pet trade, and this class is a great resource to learn about the care they really need from a board certified aquatic vet!

Not to mention, Dr. Sanders is so generously using this class to help support our residents and the wonderful, compassionate medical care she provides. An excellent vet can be hard to find, and fish vet care even more so, but Dr. Sanders is one of best! Please check out this class (and the recently posted water quality class!) and follow Aquatic Veterinary Services to learn more!

Thank you Dr. Sanders!

Thank you so, so much to rhe incredible people who sent supplies to support our new bettas and plecos along with our oth...

Thank you so, so much to rhe incredible people who sent supplies to support our new bettas and plecos along with our other residents!

These supplies will last us for months or longer and let us continue to provide the best possible care for our residents ๐Ÿ’œ

Please say hello to the newest future members of the goldfish crew ๐Ÿ’œThese two goldfish lived for 5 years in a 29 gallon ...

Please say hello to the newest future members of the goldfish crew ๐Ÿ’œ

These two goldfish lived for 5 years in a 29 gallon tank, and their family reached out to us a few weeks ago to see if we could take them in to give them more space. They came home last weekend on the same day as our new betta and pleco friends.

This is so incredibly common for goldfish, and unfortunately, common goldfish are one of our most frequent intake requests. A common goldfish like these two can be purchased for less than 25 cents as a baby in most pet stores in the US. Purchasers are often not informed by the store that the tiny fish they're buying will grow to 8-12 inches long within a few years, and can live for longer than 20 years with proper care. Sadly, many of these goldfish die with weeks or months of coming home from the store because of this kind of misinformation. Those who do survive often spend their entire lives in far too little space, dealing with chronic stress and poor water quality.

These two are some of the lucky few. They're currently quarantining in a 50 gallon tank (which is still too small for a permanent home) and will ultimately join the rest of our lovely goldfish crew in our outdoor pond built just for them ๐Ÿ’œ

To help support our residents, please visit the link in our bio or here:



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