Good morning Major League followers
We do currently have two litters “on the ground” and are waiting for our H-litter to receive their second round of vaccinations before we officially open up the applications for these kids.
I would like to ask that you take note of the following points:
🌸 Since the birth of our daughter, Daniella, I'm not very active on social media platforms while on maternity leave with her. I am going to be slow to answer messages and emails regarding your enquiries on specific kittens. Please be patient with me as I navigate this new adventure with our newest littlest addition to our family of 5
🌸 I'm very happy to assist with photos and videos of kittens (once they have been “assigned” to their new owners). Taking photos and videos of individual kittens is incredibly difficult as all kittens want to play with one toy that is being used to attract the attention of the kitten being photographed. Sadly, weekly photos and videos are not possible, with 3 kids, 13 kittens (currently from the H-litter and I-litters) and a cattery full of cats.
🌸 Lately, we get a rather large number of requests for potential owners to “visit the kittens”. Please understand that the MAJOR LEAGUE CATTERY is first and foremost in our family home, amongst our family. As much as I understand the request to view kittens and to be amongst the “floofs”, please keep in mind that we are not a business with set business hours or open to public, so unfortunately I cannot accommodate requests from people I've never met, wanting to visit us to see our cats.
By requesting this, you're essentially inviting yourself into a stranger’s family home.
We also need to be extra mindful of both our kittens and our new baby, being exposed to “outside germs” unnecessarily
I appreciate the understanding during this time and look forward to making contact with you individually, once applications for the kittens are open