Soaking up that summer breeze 🎵 ☀️ It only took Gunnar ONE time at G-ma’s to become obsessed with her yard 🐾 Upgraded to a much bigger harness & can probably grow into it foreverrr @wildsidedoggear
Offended by flowers. *NOT scared* 𝘖𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥. Got it? #imnotscaredyourescared #scaredofstrangethings
#notscared #havenofear #easilyoffended #scaredoflowers #wtfisthat #nothankyou #funnydogs #funnydogvideos #gloriousgoldens #funnypuppies #puppyvideos #gunnar #capeesh #gotit #englishcreamgolden #englishcreampuppy #dogvideooftheday #weratedogs #offensive #funnypuppies #peonies #peonybouquet #ferns
This mornings sun rainbows were perfection ☀️ 🌈
Windy puppy ears & other cuteness
It’s a cuddle puddle ♥️ But also the day Gunnar discovers he can climb on the tables, reach the top of the bench we “hide” our shoes on, etc. etc. #puppylife #cuddlepuddle
Just a little marshmallow in the snow ❄️