⭐️SENIOR SPOTLIGHT ⭐️ Lexi!! Lexi has been a member of the Blazing Saddles Drill team for 3 years. She loves all aspects that drill provides. From performing at Rodeos, parades, doing flag runs and spending time with her teammates and horses. Lexi rides her paint mare Roxy and they have bonded over the last 3 years. Roxy is 14 years old and enjoys drill also. She is such a performer. When Lexi isn’t riding she enjoys softball, snowboarding, swimming, dirtbikes, animals and having fun. Lexi attends Pine Creek High School in Colorado Springs and is very active. She made her varsity softball team and enjoys playing as catcher. She plays to attend college and study Anesthesiology and would love to continue to ride and play softball at the collegiate level. Here’s to a great senior year Lexi!! Time flys!!