Kira Schultz Dog Training

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Kira Schultz Dog Training There's a ton of 'dog trainers' in the area. Most are using outdated information to get a dog to comply. I don't want your dog to 'comply'.

I want you to build a relationship with your dog that can only come from trust and love and safety.


Trainer Talks
Multi dog Households.

All multi dog households should have management in place.
Even if your dogs get along. Even if they are litter mates. Even if they have never had problems.
Unfortunately, dogs are animals. And animals sometimes have problems with each other.
Think about siblings that are too close in age. They stay in the same space. They share the same things. They desire the same things. Most times, they can handle it. But sometimes, they can't. Sometimes, they want to be away from eachother.
This is why management is important. This is why each dog needs to be able to be in a seperate space. This is why each dog deserves their own food bowl away from the others.
And this is why in my opinion, each and every mukti dog household should know a couple of things. 1. They should know and have the sbility to break up a fight. I hope you never need it. But it is still important.
2. Each mukti dog household should have management in place. Whether crates, gates, x pens, or doors, having management in place for them is incredibly important.
Do you have problems separating your pups? Do you have questions on how management can help your household? Let me know how I can help!


SNOW DAY!!! Show me your snow day pups! And tell me what things you are doing to keep your pups entertained this snowy day!
We played outside for a bit and will play off abd on. But we also have lots of chewies and lick mats to keep us occupied.

Happy New Year!! This year, my goal is to do more training towards being able to go hiking with the dogs, spending more ...

Happy New Year!!
This year, my goal is to do more training towards being able to go hiking with the dogs, spending more time on some daunting cooperative care tasks, and a couple of other big things.
What goals do you have for your dogs this year? How can I help you achieve those goals?

Merry Christmas from my crew to yours. The pups enjoyed opening and promptly trying to destroy their new toys.

Merry Christmas from my crew to yours. The pups enjoyed opening and promptly trying to destroy their new toys.

Happy Thanksgiving from my crew to yours.

Happy Thanksgiving from my crew to yours.


It's so hard sometimes having a dog that is difficult. From the management challenges, to the extensive training, to the juggling the needs of different dogs in different situations, to even just trying to survive. It all can add up. And that can lead to so many feelings and emotions.
It's important to try to remember that we are still trying. We are still fighting. We are still going. We are still moving forward. It may be hard and complicated. But giving up is the failure. Not where we are in our journey.

Yesterday was Anwyns Gotcha Day.And I have a trainer confession to make. I only really started liking her about 6 months...

Yesterday was Anwyns Gotcha Day.
And I have a trainer confession to make.

I only really started liking her about 6 months ago.

Yep. It's true and I feel like it isn't talked about enough. Having a behaviorally difficult dog makes enjoying them and bonding so much harder than it should be.

For the first 3 months of having her, it was trying to get her used to Akri and not explode every time she saw him. That took 3 months, then it was spending time working on management and still integrating. Then we lost Akri, and frankly, any training disappeared. I was lost in my grief. I could barely do anything eithiut breaking down. There was no training. There was no bonding. I was honestly just trying to nit be resentful towards her.
And as I came out of my grief, her behavior issues showed their ugly head. The resource guarding, the aggression, the seperstion issues, the sound phobias, the anxiety. All of it. Came crashing in. And then we did meds.
It is only within the last 6 months or so that we have been able to do anything. Been able to see who she is. Been able to bond.
I can see her fierceness in love. Her love for play. Her bravery in stress. Her sweetness when she wants love.
Puppies can be this wonderful lovely thing. But they can also be hard. And it's okay to say that you aren't bonding well and it is taking time to adjust. It has taken us 2 years. We have a ton of things to work on. But I am hopeful that now, we can actually do it.
Happy Gotcha Day Anwyn.

No one will understand how important this picture is except me. We adopted Anwyn almost 2 years ago. And within a couple...

No one will understand how important this picture is except me.
We adopted Anwyn almost 2 years ago. And within a couple of months I knew things woukd be hard.
I had no idea how hard they would be. Working on her abd Akri getting along. Dealing with the reactivity that popped up with her. The resource guarding that was showing its ugly head. The ever daunting task of looking cooperative care. And the year after losing Akri was even harder than I could have ever dreamed. Not only dealing with my grief of losing him. But my honest resentment of her. My frustration that she was so difficult. Dealing with her agression issues that seemed to never end.
She could barely be in the same room as Am at all. And there was no way they could lay in the same space. They aoent so much time separated. And he was neglected. Now, we can lay like this and my heart will never get over the progress we have made.
I won't take all the credit. This is management, and meds, along with training. But I am damn proud of where se currently are.
Now to tackle the big problems.

One of my favorite things about my job is that I am not just there for a team during those first initial training. I am ...

One of my favorite things about my job is that I am not just there for a team during those first initial training.
I am there for all the good and the stressful. I want to be a cheerleader, a coach, a friend, and anything else I can be to help.
And I am here to help through all the life changes that come. Whether that is preparing for a new baby in the house. Or whether it is helping an old man still get his exercise out and enjoy his walks.
I love bring a part of all of the stages of life that comes.

Dog Training TipJust because you have a multi dog household, doesn't mean that you need( or should) have your dogs aroun...

Dog Training Tip
Just because you have a multi dog household, doesn't mean that you need( or should) have your dogs around eachother all the time.
Anybody with siblings will tell you. Sometimes, you just need to be separated from eachother. I have 2 sisters. I love them both dearly but I couldn't imagine having to spend all of my time with them both. I don't think we all would have survived being teenagers if that was the case.

It's the same for your dogs. Especially when there is a large age difference between them or one has higher needs than the other.
We often have 'take a break' time. Time where one dog is in the living room and the other is in the office where we hang out. Normally both dogs get a chewy and time to chill. This is a great time for them to take a nap, chew on a toy, relax, and have some separate time.
I don't do a ton of playing with either dog at this time. This time isn't a punishment. I don't want to 'tease' the other dog that isn't with us. This is a way for us to have some peace and quiet without feeling stressed or overwhelmed with other dogs being too close.
Being able to manage a mukti dog household can be a skill that is a challenge sometimes. So making sure you are able t9 separate and give each dog some time to chill is such an important thing.


Dog Trainer Confession Time
My dogs don't know heel. And they more than likely will never know heel.
I know. I know. A terrible trainer sin.
But......the reality is, heel is not important or a skill that will be beneficial to me. Ever.
Training your dog for the skills that make sense for your life is so important. Don't need your dog to know Heel? That's okay. Don't need your dog to know Place? Perfectly acceptable.
There are skills that I think are things that I think every dog should know.'s another secret. None of them are obedience. Yep. You're dog doesn't even have to learn sit. Things like pattern games, Look At That/BAT training, cooperative care training, desensitization, and so much more is so much more important than obedience.
So the next time someone who isn't in your house questions why your dog doesn't do what they think it should. Think abiut it. Does your dog need that skill? Do you want them to have that skill? If the answers aren't yes. Then it isn't a big deal.

Are you prepared for tomorrow and this weekend? Do you have your lick mats ready? Your kongs? Do yiu have the calming ch...

Are you prepared for tomorrow and this weekend? Do you have your lick mats ready? Your kongs? Do yiu have the calming chews or sedatitive medications from your vet? Are you stocked on chewies? Do you have a plan for your pups fir tomorrow's festivities?
The 5th of July is the day that so many dogs are found and turned into fhe animal shelter. Please make sure your pups are safe abd inside during the festivities. No matter how far, your pup doesn't enjoy the show. Keep them at home with lights on, sounds on and a good way to keep them occupied.
I hope everyone has a good and safe holiday tomorrow.


Today 4 fireworks went off right after I got the dogs in. Now is not the time for desensitization. Now it is management, survival, and preparing as much as we can. The 4th of Juky can suck for dogs that are stressed. Make sure you are prepared.
Do you have enough stock of appropriate meds for your dog for potentially 7 days?( Because we all know they aren't gonna just be on the 4th)
Have you trialed those meds so that you know your dogs reaction to them?
Do you have enough enrichment or chewies to keep your dog occupied for the time?
Do you have a plan for when there are active fireworks going that make sure your dog is going to feel safe( hidey hole, snuggled up, safe space)?
Do you have their collar on with their IDs just in case? ( though no dog should be out when there is active fireworks going)


Have you ever described your dog as disobedient? How about Stubborn? Bad dog? Naughty? Or a ton if other words that we tend to use wuth dogs with behavior issues?
Is your dog actually those things? Is your dog being intentionally disobedient? Are they actually being stubborn?
Disobedient means the intentional refusal to obey. Meaning that they would only be not doing a cue because 'they don't want to'.
Stubborn means to have a dogged determination to not change one's attitude. Meaning that nothing else could be at play in that situation.
So when your dog barks at the neighbor, or bolts out the door and ignores your recall, are they really being 'stubborn' or 'disobedient ' or are they struggling and overstimulated?
The language that we use for our dogs behavior has a definitive impact on our idea and thoughts on our dogs. Abd those thoughts can change how we see(and help change) our dogs behavior. By looking at their behavior as not 'disobedient' or 'stubborn' but instead 'struggling' or 'overstimulated' or other issues, it allows us to look at our dogs behavior more objectively and be able to help them navigate through those problems more effectively.
I have a challenge for you. Change your language that you use with your dog and their behavior. Just one word. Change that word and see how it can change the thought process. See how it changes what you feel about your dog and their behavior.
And let me know how it goes.


You know it's been a good day of training sessions when after every session, I get in the car exhausted and happy. Then I look down and realize I am disgusting abd covered in mud, dirt, dog hair, and slime.

Dog Training should be Fun. And sometimes the best fun ends in grossness.

Let's talk trigger stacking. What is trigger stacking? Trigger stacking is where a dog might experience multiple ( poten...

Let's talk trigger stacking.

What is trigger stacking?
Trigger stacking is where a dog might experience multiple ( potentially small) stressors within a short time frame that leads to a much bigger issue. This can lead to sensitization of triggers, reactions that seem larger than normal, fear that seems out of place, as well as other issues like higher resource guarding and aggression or agitation issues.
Let's think of a scenario. You had a day at work. Your favorite person isn't there to talk to. You stubbed your toe. You spilled your coffee. You hit every red light on your way leaving you 10 min late. You get 15 emails that you've already answered the question in a previous email. All what is normally minor inconvenience things.
And suddenly, someone asks you a question or asks you to do something and you explode. You yell, you huff, you get mad. And you just can't handle it.
It may feel 'out of the blue'. But in reality, all of those 'minor inconveniences' really built upon eachother like ill stacked Jenga pieces. And someone just bumped the table, and it all comes crashing down.
This is what trigger stacking is to a dog. Minor inconveniences that all build up to a giant blow out. Whether that blow out is towards you, another dog, or just everything. They are overwhelmed and can't help but lash out.
I write this as the 3rd storm system of the day is barreling through. Amarant is in the bedroom with Buddy as they try desperately to get some semblance of sleep while I am cuddling a shaking, nervous, Anwyn, who is struggling right now. Is this an indication of her storm anxiety getting worse? Hopefully with some training, no. Will she feel the stress tomorrow and have a stress hangover? Probably. Is this a normal reaction for her? It hasn't been but the stress of 3 systems this close together is bound to cause some issues.
So what do we do? Well, a couple of things. 1. We try to mitigate as much stress as we can. No stressful trips. No trying to work on anything. Nothing that causes more stress. As much as we can avoid it.
2. We manage as much as we can. Lots of lick mats, comfort, seperation as needed, and praise whenever we can. And meds for as needed.
3. We take tomorrow slowly and prepare for tired, potentially grumpy, and slow to start. We take the rest of the days slowly to help reintroduce to things as we can without causing to much issues.

Trigger stacking( especially when it is related to sounds) can be incredibly difficult and frustrating. The important part is to remember to breathe, allow for comfort, and go easy on yourself and your pup.


The unofficial start of Summer is here. And so are all the good and bad things thar come with it.

Summer can be an awesome time for dogs and people alike. It can also be frustrating, scary, and downright dangerous for other situations.
Over the next couple of weeks, I wabt to talk about some of the things that can be a challenge for your pups in this season.
The first thing I want to talk about is what the Summer means for reactive/ fearful dogs.
I have heard the same thing from multiple clients over the past 2 weeks. 'We were doing great and then it got warm' ' Why can't people just go back inside?' 'I don't understand why we are struggling so bad all of a sudden' Summer is incredibly hard for reactive dogs. Neighbors are outside all the time. Mowers are going somewhere almost constantly. Your favorite quiet park is suddenly riddled with triggers. Storms make sound aversion a big problem. While, fireworks go off randomly leaving you stuck and not knowing where to turn. And with the heat, everyone is out earlier and later, leading to high stress for way longer. And the heat can make dogs not want to eat along with feeling grumpier than normal.
So what do we do? How do we navigate this time?
We plan. And make sure we are prepared. Scope out your parks and places that you frequent. See what days/times tend to be less busy. Be ready with an alternative option just in case.
Go earlier. Sometimes this means I am at a park with clients at 6 in the morning to miss the majority of the rush of triggers.
Be prepared. Have high value rewards. Be prepared to change plans as needed. Have situation medications on board if needed.
Even having a plan in place for when there are fireworks is so helpful to know. Have enrichment options available and ready. Have situational medications ready. Be prepared to drown out sounds and keep them inside for stressful situations.

The summer can be a really hard place for many people with stressed out dogs. Take it one day at a time. Don't expect too much. Make a plan and be prepared.
And if you are struggling with how to help your dog, send me a message. I would live to help.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 19:00
Sunday 09:00 - 19:00


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