Hero Chips & Arthur cougar attack survivors

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Hero Chips & Arthur cougar attack survivors We wanted a single location to share the progress of Chips and Arthur's healing and recovery for eve

πŸ’“Chips & Arthur Update!!!πŸ’“Huge Thank you to Madilynn, for going with me again today & helping handle the 2 Red Dragons πŸ˜‚...

πŸ’“Chips & Arthur Update!!!πŸ’“

Huge Thank you to Madilynn, for going with me again today & helping handle the 2 Red Dragons πŸ˜‚πŸ’™πŸ²
So we tried trotting Arthur for a lameness check, but someone was a wee bit full of it, & all I know is he wasn't trotting, loping, or walking- not sure what gait that was but all 4 feet were definitely off the ground πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ the tiny bit I could tell when his feet were on the ground, he still babies that leg a bit, but the vet is really happy with how much he is using it. I was super anxious to see his leg after it being covered for a week & a half, but my gosh, I was so happy when I finally saw it! Its healed so much!!! There is still a pocket in it, & some of the tissue around the wound is starting to die, so I'm wondering if that will open up, but the vet said it looked really good! They cleaned him up & rewrapped it. Madilynn was able to keep him happy enough they didn't have to sedate him this time (he loves his Madilynn!πŸ’•)
Chips...oh Chips. My brave mare. She was the most lame today that she has been since the attack. It hurt to hear her groan as we loaded her into the trailer. Her knees were very swollen, & she hurt. On the bright side, her wounds are healing beautifully on her shoulders! Her back leg wound was changed, & also is healing well! That leg was rewrapped too. The vet said as soon as we get all her wounds closed, we can start addressing her knees. We will do everything we can to get her comfortable, she deserves to live her life out as pain free as possible, I don't care if she is never rideable again. We always wondered if her knees were damaged that night, I think she is starting to show us the answer.
But overall, a good day πŸ’– Both horses will go back to the vet in 1 week, for bandage changes again, & the vet wants to debride their leg wounds again. That's always hard to watch, & feels like a step back, but I know it's a step forward in their amazing progress & healing!
Thank you all, for everything- & for sharing their journey with us! πŸ’•


πŸ’–Chips & Arthur Update!!!πŸ’–Chips got her back leg wound changed today, there was more proud fresh on it, which concerns m...

πŸ’–Chips & Arthur Update!!!πŸ’–
Chips got her back leg wound changed today, there was more proud fresh on it, which concerns me. I cleaned it the best I could & rewrapped it (forgot to take pics before I rewrapped it), & we'll see what the vet wants to do with it at her next checkup. Her other back leg has been swollen & sore, & one of the deep bite wounds on it that I thought was healed up, opened up & looked infected. Scrubbed it really well & wrapped that too. Her front legs are still really bothering her & are swollen, going to see if the vet can xray them at the next appointment πŸ˜ͺ I scrubbed & flushed her shoulders, at least those are looking better.
Arthur has been very restless. He has been aggressively chewing at his back leg bandage πŸ˜‘ hoping I don't have to rewrap that before his vet visit, not ready for that! But I'm also worried, with not being able to see that wound for a week. I get so much anxiety not knowing if it dirty, infected, opened back up, or healing. And its worse having to wait longer because his vet is out of town, but I trust her, & she has them scheduled for early next week, let's hope his bandage holds & his leg is ok under there!!! πŸ’•
He is still so sore on it, it breaks my heart. But, he's a fighter just like his Momma πŸ’–


Update for the night on Chips & Arthur πŸ’“Both horses stayed inside today to rest (well, minus Arthur's little excursion t...

Update for the night on Chips & Arthur πŸ’“
Both horses stayed inside today to rest (well, minus Arthur's little excursion this morning when he escaped under his stall door chain, to greet his favorite people Chris & Bill this morning- they sent me a picture πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ)- Chips got her wounds cleaned again & the big one still has the large pocket we're flushing under the skin. I accidentally bumped her in the chin with the pitchfork while I was cleaning her stall (because she was right in the doorway)- & every time I threw something in the wheelbarrow after that, she pinned her ears at me...so she is starting to act more like herself again πŸ˜‚πŸ’™
Arthur has been laying down a lot, 2 wonderful friends sent me pics of him laying down today. It always scares me when he is down so much, but he is kinda lazy, & I know his leg probably hurts him a lot πŸ˜ͺ
They're hanging in there for now πŸ’•


πŸ’–UPDATE!!!πŸ’–First off, HUGE THANK YOU- to Silvia & Oakhurst, for all their time, care & love to our horses!!! Also to Mad...

First off, HUGE THANK YOU- to Silvia & Oakhurst, for all their time, care & love to our horses!!! Also to Madilynn, for going with me today & helping so much with both horses πŸ’“
Arthur is doing better today, they debrided his back leg again, did more xrays, that leg has a callous on the bone, from deep infection, but its healing well. The vet felt something on his front leg wound, so she xrayed that too, & sure enough, he has bone chips in it :( The vet said to do that amount of damage, down to the bone, it was absolutely a bite or deep claw wound, & confirmed there was no way that fencing or anything else could cause such damage 🀬 Chips is healing really well, they also debrided her back leg wounds, & wrapped it back up. She has swelling on her back "good" leg, that I'm watching close. Neither are sound, but are hanging in there! They have another appointment in a week...at $500 an appointment, this is why we are leaving their Go Fund Me up πŸ˜ͺ Thank you everyone for all the love, shares & support πŸ’•


THANK YOU Madilynn for this AMAZING drawing of our fighter, Arthur! πŸ˜πŸ’“πŸ’•

THANK YOU Madilynn for this AMAZING drawing of our fighter, Arthur! πŸ˜πŸ’“πŸ’•

πŸ’–Chips & Arthur Update!!!πŸ’–Went to take care of the babies today, Chips got to go out in a tiny turn out for an hour, she...

πŸ’–Chips & Arthur Update!!!πŸ’–
Went to take care of the babies today, Chips got to go out in a tiny turn out for an hour, she loved it! Arthur went for a very tiny walk to outside the barn & I let him hand graze in the sun for 30 minutes. Both got a foot of fluffy bedding put in their stalls, & brushed. Chips got her wounds scrubbed, & today was the 1st day I did her back leg bandage. She was so good, even though I could tell how bad it hurt 😭 Chips had no temp today, & Arthur just had a very low temp, almost normal πŸ’“ Both seem so much happier! Arthur is still lame on his rear leg, but he's doing good for now. Chips is still off on her back leg, & very owie on her front knee, but she was so happy to walk around freely for a bit! Both go in Friday for bandage changes, Chips gets her stitches out, & they get rechecked.
Their news article finally came out in the paper today!!! Its not online yet, but it's crazy to think they're in the paper 😳 Huge thank you to Newberg Graphic for the story, & to Becky for all of her help!!! πŸ’™
Still a long road, but we are at least on that road πŸ’• Thank you everyone, we love & appreciate you all!!!


Guess who is HOME!!! 😍 Arthur was doing well enough that the vets said we could try him at home. He is still running a l...

Guess who is HOME!!! 😍 Arthur was doing well enough that the vets said we could try him at home. He is still running a low grade fever, so he has to be monitored very close, & if he spikes a fever, he will have to go back to the vet. Both horses have to go back in Friday for bandage changes, stitches out, & checked. Arthur will have many more appointments weekly to treat his big leg wound, but for now...BOTH BABIES ARE HOME!!!πŸ’“
I'm nervous about Arthur, but financially, he really needed to come home. Now it's just lots of care & monitoring, lots of vet appointments, boarding costs (so thankful for our amazing barn owner down the road, its family there & all 3 horses are safe until this Cougar is shot or moved on)- lots of wound care, ect. But to have them home, 3 weeks after the attack, is absolutely incredible!!! Chips is doing good, was so happy to see her baby πŸ’– THANK YOU, EVERYONE- for all the love & support, shares, donations, you ALL helped us save these precious fighters! We still don't know if either will ever be sound again, but for now...they're home, & that's all that matters! πŸ’•




I have a surprise for everyone- I wanted to wait until it was a for sure, I couldn't handle posting another setback. But...

I have a surprise for everyone- I wanted to wait until it was a for sure, I couldn't handle posting another setback. But, CHIPS CAME HOME TONIGHT!!! πŸ˜πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“
She will need extensive daily care for quite some time, & many, MANY appointments down at the vet for checkups, stitches removed, ect. We have to very closely monitor her for a while, but I never thought this day would come 2 1/2 weeks ago!!!
Arthur is still running a temp, & they pulled him off antibiotics to see how he does in the next few days. Praying his fever goes away, & he responds well being off the meds. He still has a long road to recovery, but is hanging in there!!! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
I cannot thank everyone enough. Keep them in your prayers for me, we aren't out of the woods yet, & Chips being home is scary for me, but I am so happy she made it this far! πŸ˜­πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™



This was last night, 15 miles away from us...but ODFW wants to tell us "it wasn't a Cougar" 😑

Visited the ponies again tonight. Chips was slightly more perky, still seemed really unhappy & had lots of hay she wasn'...

Visited the ponies again tonight. Chips was slightly more perky, still seemed really unhappy & had lots of hay she wasn't touching, she took a few treats then stopped (not like her :()- so not sure why she isn't herself. But, the vet had just gotten done cleaning up her wounds, & they looked so much better today! I didn't get an update on Arthur's legs yesterday...but the vet who has been working closest on them is doing his bandage changes tomorrow, so I'll find out when I visit how his legs are looking. He is still running a low grade fever, which worries me. But on the bright side with him today, he was perky & being a little stinker πŸ˜‚πŸ’™ Paid down their bill again 😱 And got another detailed statement from last week, up to Friday. I'll be paying it down again for Friday through this week, once its updated. The financial side is terrifying, with not knowing when they will be coming home. But I'm so grateful for all our generous donors, everyone sharing their updates, & the amazing vets who are saving their lives!!! πŸ’•


The setbacks are heartbreaking right now. Chips was supposed to come home today, called the vet this morning & she said ...

The setbacks are heartbreaking right now. Chips was supposed to come home today, called the vet this morning & she said her SAA infection levels were down enough that she could go home. I was so excited! Had the trailer all ready & headed down to bring my girl home! On my way another vet that worked yesterday called- she said yesterday Chips went completely off her feed, wouldn't eat hay or grain, had runny poo, spiked a fever, & her bigger shoulder wound was opening up & draining a lot of puss. So her systemic infection has gone down, but now that shoulder is infected 😭 She told me Chips had to stay...it killed me. I was halfway there already, so I headed down to see them. You could tell Chips wasn't feeling good, her shoulder was swollen & her knee, she had it propped out. She perked up slightly when I brushed her & gave her cookies. Arthur was in a better mood, his front wound is still draining, & they were going to change his bandages this evening & look at the big back leg wound, so I'll have an update on that tomorrow. Hopefully its still healing up well. Leaving the vet with an empty trailer brought me to tears. I even have her stall all ready πŸ˜ͺπŸ’™. Back to not knowing when they will come home... ❀


We had a company party to go to tonight, so we didn't get to see our babies 😭 but luckily our wonderful vet called tonig...

We had a company party to go to tonight, so we didn't get to see our babies 😭 but luckily our wonderful vet called tonight while I was there & gave me an update on the horses. They pulled Chips front standing wraps, to see what the swelling in her knees does- vet is hoping it's just drainage from her shoulder wounds. They're going to retest her SAA levels Monday morning, to see if they're low enough for us to take her home, if they're still above 200, she will stay at the vet. Arthur was developing some proud flesh around his numerous leg wounds, so they debrided all of those today & opened it all back up for better healing. He is still running a temp, so we're praying that goes away soon πŸ˜ͺ Missing my babes something terrible tonight, but I'm so thankful they're in good hands...it was really hard to try & take a day away from them that I was obligated too long before the attack happened. I feel so guilty, & just want to be with them...πŸ’œPicture of my loves the day before the attackπŸ’œ


πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œUPDATE!!!πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œJust got done visiting the ponies...and have some WONDERFUL NEWS! If Chips stays improving like she is th...

Just got done visiting the ponies...and have some WONDERFUL NEWS! If Chips stays improving like she is through the weekend, she is COMING HOME ON MONDAY!!! 😍❀ I am so happy, also very nervous to take on all her care, she will need extensive stall rest down at the barn, and a lot of daily care, but to know at least one of them is going to make it home, is incredible. Her infection levels were way down today, down to the 300's, vet still wants to see them get lower (normal is 1-20)- so she will have to keep going back in for retesting, & already has an appointment booked for Wednesday to go back in for that & to get her stitches out. There is a part of her biggest shoulder wound that is dying, so it will open up soon to a hole & be a nasty scar, but that's ok. She will still need daily wraps, tons of wound care for all of her scratches, & her shoulder wounds flushed through the holes everyday.
Arthur was absolutely miserable tonight 😭 He didn't want anyone to touch him, wasn't eating, and actually tried to bite tonight. It breaks my heart seeing him so upset, he was always my sweet little nugget πŸ˜ͺ They opened up his back leg wound even more today, it's so hard to look at, but the vet is happy with how its healing. Just going to be a very long road for him. His front wound is still draining, vet is unsure about the extent of damage that deep bite has done to that leg either, time will tell. He's going to remain on the strong IV antibiotics for another 4-5 days at least.
Thank you Kelly for coming to see them tonight, & bringing them apples (well, Chips at least loved them!)
Keep Arthur in your prayers- & pray Chips keeps improving & gets to come home!!!❀
Going to try to get another total of their current bill tomorrow, thank you everyone, a million times over, for the shares, love, support & donations! Their Bill's keep climbing, but you all have helped us get them this far, & we are so grateful πŸ˜­πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™


Sorry Everyone, no update on the horses tonight, I will have one tomorrow morning when the vet calls, & when we go visit...

Sorry Everyone, no update on the horses tonight, I will have one tomorrow morning when the vet calls, & when we go visit. We decided to give the wonderful vets a break from us & all our visitors tonight- they have been so amazing & accommodating to us, despite their Covid Rules, so that we can see the horses daily. So knowing today neither horse was having much done (Bandages were changed yesterday, & will be again tomorrow)- & all their tests will be coming back tomorrow, we will be back down again tomorrow ❀ Vet didn't call, so I assume no news is good news for 1 day. I promise pictures & a lengthy update tomorrow when we go down! We went & visited our Tuff tonight, poor guy has been getting much attention from us since this happened (though everyone at the barn where he's staying has given him extra loves for us!😍)- so tonight was a Tuff night. πŸ’™ (Thank you Madilynn, Kelly & Katy for the Beautiful pictures of our boy!!!)

Chips & Arthur had lots of visitors tonight to perk them up! Thank you so much Emma, Juliana, Jolee, Michelle & Alan, fo...

Chips & Arthur had lots of visitors tonight to perk them up! Thank you so much Emma, Juliana, Jolee, Michelle & Alan, for all coming out to check on our fighters! 😍 Finally a day of mainly good news! Chips got her drainage tubes pulled, the wounds are still draining a lot so they're leaving the holes open to keep flushing them, her left shoulder/leg was owie tonight, but other than that she was doing really good! Arthur had his leg worked on again, they did A LOT of cleanup on it, & decided to take some more skin off, but said it looked good, just a long road ahead of him to get it healed. His front wound started to get a large pocket in it, so they did an ultrasound on it, it was full of puss, so they opened up the bottom of the stitches to drain & are flushing it. No fever spikes today, just low grade fever still. There infection levels will be checked again Friday. Fingers crossed!!! Oh, & Michelle, Chips love sniffing the beautiful flowers 😍❀

And, for anyone wondering- we spoke to ODFW again this evening, they were also interviewed for the newspaper article, & as expected, are making the statement that they don't think Cougar attack, because they/we don't have proof of the Cougar yet πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ We asked them then what the heck was it, & their answer was "we don't know." When we told them out independent experts 100% think juvenile Cougar, they said there wasn't enough studies done on juvenile attacks to say if it was a juvenile. We are still trusting our vets & private experts, and knowing our horses, our fencing, and seeing their wounds daily, WE know what it was. I almost hope it comes back so we can catch it on camera. (We have also had numerous people come forward who have seen one in the area, one even had pictures). Thanks ODFW, you've been so helpful πŸ™„ People can form their own opinions, but we are positive on what happened to these 2, & people deserve to be aware of the attack. We won't let this take away from the fact that Chips is still our HERO!!!πŸ’œ πŸ’œ


I can't say it enough, but THANK YOU to all our amazing, generous donors, all the love, support, & shares!!! We got a mo...

I can't say it enough, but THANK YOU to all our amazing, generous donors, all the love, support, & shares!!! We got a more detailed bill from the vet today, here's their bill up to yesterday...they're up to $6,000 (we once again paid it down today, thanks to all of you!!!)- not sure yet when either will come home, but Arthur for sure has a long stay ahead of him due to his infection, & his severe leg wound. Without all of you, we couldn't have even gotten this far, & because of you, our heroic babies can continue to stay at the vet for treatment & have the best chance at survival!!! 😍❀
(Individual amounts are blacked out for Vet's privacy)

*UPDATE* Just left the vet, Chips & Arthur had more visitors today ❀ Chips wasn't herself at all, didn't want any treats...

*UPDATE* Just left the vet, Chips & Arthur had more visitors today ❀ Chips wasn't herself at all, didn't want any treats & towards the end got really crabby. Vet is going to rechange her bandages tomorrow, & possibly pull 1 of her drainage tubes out of the smaller shoulder wound, yay!!! Not sure on her infection levels from yesterday, vet is checking for me. Arthur was also in a very bad mood, didn't want loves or to eat much, you can tell he is miserable 😭 But right now Chips is on a good path! Arthur is still our unknown, but he's fighting πŸ’™ More updates for everyone in the morning πŸ’•


If anyone is interested, we have listed a beautiful Jozee Girl Tack Set in the Group, Rodeo Tack Swap- Auction Style, 35...

If anyone is interested, we have listed a beautiful Jozee Girl Tack Set in the Group, Rodeo Tack Swap- Auction Style, 35 spots @ $10 each, winner will be drawn when auction is full. All proceeds go directly to the horses vet Bill's πŸ’™

*UPDATE* Just left from visiting with Chips & Arthur. Saturday Arthur had his special visitor, today was Chips turn, & s...

*UPDATE* Just left from visiting with Chips & Arthur. Saturday Arthur had his special visitor, today was Chips turn, & she lit up seeing Emma! (Emma used her in OHSET last year, so they have a bondπŸ’œ)- Chips was much perkier today, but her shoulders were very swollen & still draining. We didn't get to hear her infection levels today, I will ask the vet in the morning. Arthur was out getting his leg worked on when we got there. The biggest cut is still pretty hard to look at :( They got his infection levels back while we were there, Saturday he was at 800ish, today he was at over 1100. They're switching his meds & put a port in his neck. He was very upset tonight, didn't want any loves 😭 He has us extremely worried. Both horses got brushed & their manes & tails braided πŸ’™ Keep them in your prayers, especially Baby Arthur...he's still fighting πŸ’• No end in sight yet for either to come home πŸ˜ͺ Tomorrow their story will be shared with a local newspaper...our fighters.


The absolutely amazing vets taking care of our babies...Chips & Arthur would not have made it this far without Oakhurst ...

The absolutely amazing vets taking care of our babies...Chips & Arthur would not have made it this far without Oakhurst & all the incredible vets, vet techs, & care givers there!!! We are forever grateful for all they've done & continue to do! Each rough patch we hit is met with encouragement & more tenacity from these wonderful vets ❀ Thank you Oakhurst Equine Veterinary Services for everything πŸ’•

Trying not to lose it with worrying over Arthur tonight...so here's a flash back of these 2 incredible fighters from the...

Trying not to lose it with worrying over Arthur tonight...so here's a flash back of these 2 incredible fighters from the very beginning, to just a few weeks ago...fight babies, please fight...I need you. ❀
πŸ’œ"My Chips Sparkle" (Chips)
πŸ’™"Chips Are For Kids" (Arthur)

Just got off the phone with the vet- wish it was better news...Chips is doing ok today, lots of drainage still from her ...

Just got off the phone with the vet- wish it was better news...Chips is doing ok today, lots of drainage still from her shoulder wounds so tubes are still in, her left side is very swollen today, but no fever, so that's good. Arthur is taking a turn for the worse. He spiked an extremely high fever today, which the vet did not expect this many days in. So, he's got a very bad infection going on that all the antibiotics aren't working on. They're switching him tonight to the strongest antibiotic they can, which she said may make him very sick, but they're putting him on all sorts of meds & supplements to try & help counteract it. Arthur is once again fighting for his life, please pray HARD for him tonight...we love you so much little man!!!
Thank you all again for your love, support, shares & donations. Please keep sharing, at this point we expect him to remain at Oakhurst for a while still, & Chips still has a lengthy stay ahead of her. Any donations are so extremely appreciated, they will probably be exceeding the amount we've raised, so we will keep sharing their fundraiser & story with all of their wonderful followers & supporters. Thank you everyoneβ€πŸ’•β€


Chips & Arthur update for the evening!!!Arthur was putting weight on his leg tonight!!! Big progress for my little man ❀...

Chips & Arthur update for the evening!!!
Arthur was putting weight on his leg tonight!!! Big progress for my little man ❀ He has infection to fight, and some nasty wounds to heal, but this was an amazing step for him tonight! He does have a fever, but he was so alert tonight!!! Chips, was a little rougher. They seem to Alternate, which I don't know is better for my emotional well being or not. Her infection levels are quite high, so she definitely looked a little more blah tonight, but still was happy to see us! She is swollen & sore, but upright & responsive, so I am happy! If anyone can fight off an infection, it's the mare who fought off a Cougar. So big step (literally!)- for Arthur tonight, hopefully just a small hiccup for Chips. We are so grateful to everyone, your love, support, & donations are overwhelming πŸ˜­πŸ’™ Keep praying, and sharing their long journey to the road home (we hope!)β€πŸ’•β€ Arthur had a special visitor out today, & in case you can't tell, he was beyond happy to see Madilynn!!! 😍


Some update photos from yesterday's visit.

Some update photos from yesterday's visit.




Just spoke with the vet. Tests are back, the bright side of the call was that there isn't currently any infection in Arthur's fetlock joint, YAY! But then the bad. Both horses had bloodwork pulled to test for internal infection. One of the tests they use, a normal horses levels should be between 0-20. Arthur's came back at 800, Chips came back at 1200. Chips has a low grade fever, Arthur is running a fever. Arthur will go back in today for another major flush of that leg in Hope's to keep the infection under control. Chips is harder, because all of her wounds are sealed up. She's on a very high dose of meds, & now we start praying harder for her again too 😭 I will be going to visit them & get more updates & pictures this evening. Hopefully I can perk them up a bit...or the other way around, not the happiest way to start the day. :( ❀

1st off- let me just thank everyone...a HUGE THANK YOU- because of everyone's generosity, we are able to allow the vets ...

1st off- let me just thank everyone...a HUGE THANK YOU- because of everyone's generosity, we are able to allow the vets to do all the extra treatments & exams to both horses, mainly Arthur who needs so much extra right now to fight through this & have a chance at life, he is still fighting hard, but his outcome is unknown, with not much overall improvement today, but a few positives πŸ’œ We got to visit with our babies this evening!! 😍 Chips is doing really good so far, still very swollen, but her large shoulder wounds are draining well, & she's more alert today. Arthur is still not putting weight on his leg, the vet was able to pull some joint fluid & sent it off to test for infection, she also pulled blood to test for internal infection. We will know the results tomorrow. She is most likely going to splint his leg tomorrow to try & help it. His front leg is still very swollen, so he got another compression wrap. His leg had an ultrasound, which looked good, & they did a direct flush of antibiotics through his wounds, this will be repeated again tomorrow. The giant hole is still open, but being rebandaged by the vets daily. Talked more about a longer term treatment plan, both will be staying at Oakhurst for a while. I see a light at the end of the tunnel with Chips, if she keeps improving like she is & dodges infections. She may never be rideable again, but I think she will come home eventually ❀ Arthur, I'm still extremely worried about. Hopefully tomorrow there will be more answers & positives, but for now, both are stable! Our initial costs for day 1 were triple what we had anticipated, but with everyone's generous donations, we were able to pay their bill down again. Today's costs & extensive treatments haven't even been totalled up yet, & tomorrow they will need the same all over again, along with many more to come. After speaking with the vets today, & paying their bill again after our 1st payment, for just day 1- We are anticipating at least $10,000+ before they're ready to go home, & lots in aftercare, rehab & follow up. For that reason we have increased their fundraiser, and honestly cannot thank everyone enough, you all are literally saving their lives πŸ˜­πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
Positive note, both perked up so much seeing Chris & I!!! 😍 I brushed them lightly with my softest brush- it was gut wrenching trying to avoid all their wounds & scratches, but they seemed to love the few spots I could brush! Chips was an absolute love, she groaned in pain when she shifted weight on her legs- that was hard watching- but refused to leave the door with Chris & I ❀ Arthur immediately melted in my arms, his whole face changed. They got lots of cookies & hugs for everyone who has supported them & their journey! The vets called them "Celebrities" & "the most famous horses in Oregon" lol, to us, they're just our babies, & Chips, our Hero ❀❀❀ Thank you everyone, from the bottom of our hearts! Chips & Arthur send their love & thanks, please continue to share their journey, their fundraiser, & keep them in your prayers. It's going to be a long road, but I hope it ends at our property again, with all 3 horses πŸ’•


Our Precious Horses, Chips & Arthur, were attacked on our property this morning, by a Couga… Chris Ott needs your support for Chips & Arthur Cougar Attack




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