Sorry for the delay in updating! Yesterday was a long and stressful day and once everyone was finally home, bunny chores took priority.
Overall, Zelda is a mess, but we kind of knew this. There is a lot of unknowns with her medically. Since she was dumped, we know nothing about her before December 2023.
The good news is that blood was I witnessed was irritation due to her bladder sludge and she did not have to undergo emergency surgery yesterday! Medically speaking though, she remains a bit of a hot mess. Zelda had xrays, an ultrasound, and blood work yesterday.
X-rays revealed significant arthritis in her spine and hips and a sludgy bladder. The arthritis we suspected and given the her size and suspected older age, not really a surprise.
The ultrasound showed that her enlarged heart appears to be larger than April when it was last looked at, and she also has a "nodular like mass" in front of her heart. Now that mass could be fat, since rabbits tend to store fat near their heart, but it's looking more nodular than in April, so it could also be a thymoma. Her heart issues are why she is not currently a candidate for a spay. We will be looking into options for getting a more detailed ultrasound or EKG to further look into her heart issues.
Bloodwork was overall pretty good! The big thing we were looking for was if she was anemic, which would indicate bleeding and point to needing immediate surgery. She has one liver level that is pretty high and her globulins are also pretty high. High globulin levels point to inflammation and can be an indicator for E. Cuniculi (EC). E. Cuniculi could cause her bladder sludge, so we also sent out for the E. Cuniculi testing. Since her bloodwork showed overall good levels, she is now on metacam to help with both her arthritis and the discomfort of the bladder sludge.
A huge thanks to everyone who reached out to check on our Queen Zelda yesterday. If you've visited Bunlandia in the past year, you have met the Queen and she is so special! We love her so much.
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