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I don’t even know where to begin with Pepper She is 7 years old and her owner had her since she was a baby but then abandoned her at her shelter. The owner left notes saying she was friendly but gets very stressed and is not good in new environments. So as a owner she thought maybe Pepper would be ok at a place with loud notices, weird smells, and anxiety at every corner?!?!?
Now Pepper needs our help. Yes strangers will have to save her life because the person she trusted to keep her safe betrayed her. The shelter has not been able to handle Pepper as of yet and have given her a deadline of 5pm on Tuesday 8/25 to find a rescue or she will be euthanized.
For a rescue to help Pepper she must find A COMMITTED FOSTER! Without this we won’t be able to help her. She has very little time and the shelter does not even have her online.
If you are interested in fostering Pepper please PM the page right away.
Located at Orange County Animal Services at 2769 Conroy Rd, Orlando, Fl 32839 ☎️(407) 836- 3111