🔴 EN VIVO: ¿Qué se esconde en el fondo del océano? Infórmese sobre Drain the Oceans | National Geographic
1,003 viendo ahora Comenzó a transmitir el 20 de enero de 2023 #NationalGeographic
Drain the Oceans se sumerge profundamente en lo desconocido; Una serie verdaderamente épica y original que lleva la aventura submarina y la ilustración de ciencias de la tierra a una era completamente nueva. La exploración ambiciosa, los avances en la investigación científica y la tecnología innovadora significan que la ciencia de la tierra y
Turtle said "see ya later alligator" 😭
Turtle said "see ya later alligator" 😭
Bison charges a little girl at Yellowstone National Park 📷Harley Dayton
Bison charges a little girl at Yellowstone National Park
📷Harley Dayton
Bald eagle steals from coyote.
Bald eagle steals from coyote.
Tornado turns concrete building into rubble in seconds
Tornado turns concrete building into rubble in seconds
Woodpecker defends its nest against a snake
Woodpecker defends its nest against a snake
Bushbuck tries to hurdle two lions 🎥: latestkruger
Bushbuck tries to hurdle two lions
🎥: latestkruger
Bear catches a deer in a backyard 🎥: J. D. Gieck
Bear catches a deer in a backyard
🎥: J. D. Gieck
Leopard attack to multiple people as they tried to force it out of their village 🎥: sabkuch milega(YouTube)
Leopard attack to multiple people as they tried to force it out of their village
🎥: sabkuch milega(YouTube)
Always test the water before swimming in Zimbabwe
Always test the water before swimming in Zimbabwe
Peace was never an option 😂
Peace was never an option 😂
Giraffe casually strolls away with multiple lion clinging onto it and survives
Giraffe casually strolls away with multiple lion clinging onto it and survives
Gazelle jukes lion into another dimension at Serengeti National Park
Gazelle jukes lion into another dimension at Serengeti National Park
Bear waits patiently for a fresh catch
Bear waits patiently for a fresh catch
Impala finds the hole for an outstanding run, diving into the endzone.
Impala finds the hole for an outstanding run, diving into the endzone.
Bobcat plays the lake is lava
Bobcat plays the lake is lava