….IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.…Hey yall! I know I’ve been missing lately I just wanted to post on here a little of what’s been going on! I got married back in November and with that has come a lot of change. I am currently in transition of moving out of Safford to Cochise county. I have also been blessed with being pregnant and I am due in September! I am so sorry for any inconvenience this will cause to y’all because I am so grateful for this past year, your patience with me and my business, and your great understanding of my family always coming first. This does mean that things will be changing. I am currently not taking new clients or any large dogs. I will not be working through the summer as last summer it was to hot for my safety and your pets safety. Moving forward I will only be taking on a small amount of clients until the baby comes. After the baby comes I will only be working 1-2 days a week tops. As an independent business women I wear all the hats so the absolute best way to get a hold of me is to call my phone number listed above. Unfortunately with everything that’s going on I don’t often get a chance to check my Facebook anymore.