Hey everyone! Happy 2024. ❤️
I want to be transparent and let everyone know there will be some price adjustments this year to keep up with this difficult and changing economy. I know it’s not ideal, but just know I appreciate your continued support and I’m grateful for each and every one of you. You help me keep my home bills paid, keep my daughter (and doggo’s) belly full, and help keep my daughter in soccer every week. I couldn’t do it without you all. ❤️🐾
Not all clients will be affected.
All changing prices only going up $5-10.
Larger breeds are most affected in the increase.
I promise to keep prices fair based on industry trends and my job experience.
Nail trims will now be $15, stand alone.
Nail grinding will now be $15, stand alone.
Nail trim AND grinding together will only be $20!
Adding nail grinding to a bath/groom will still only be an additional $10 on top of grooming price. 🙂
If you have any questions, send me a message!
Thank you again. Love you all.