The Lopworth Family

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  • The Lopworth Family

The Lopworth Family We are two mini lop rabbits called Fudge Lopworth (I am the brown one) and Lollie Lopworth (my grey sister). We live in a garden in Gloucester.

If you'd like to follow our adventures this summer, Like our page and see our updates!

Why oh why would our owners have bought such a thing for last Sunday? Absolutely ridiculous when they can look at our RE...

Why oh why would our owners have bought such a thing for last Sunday? Absolutely ridiculous when they can look at our REAL twitchy noses and stroke our beautiful SOFT fur (that doesn’t melt in the sun) any time they choose! L and B xx

Approaching Easter, sitting on some eggs?!

Approaching Easter, sitting on some eggs?!


Unfortunately Fudge our rabbit died a few months ago. We miss him greatly. He was a lovely warm fudge-coloured bundle. He went far too soon, cliche though that is. The good news is that we have some positive rabbit news, to share in our next post.

We are pretty speedy on our legs, especially when we hear a sudden sound - or our food bowl being filled! - but we are w...

We are pretty speedy on our legs, especially when we hear a sudden sound - or our food bowl being filled! - but we are wondering whether to take up skateboarding. We imagine we would be very good actually. I mean look at us here: we didn’t fall off once! But, humph! Would you know it, our skateboard disappeared yesterday! Fudge heard something about ‘finally a buyer on Facebook marketplace’. It’s strange as we did use it all the time we found it discarded on the lawn, it certainly wasn’t going unused. So now we have to look for an alternative; any ideas?

Interesting place to sit, Lollie.Fudge 🐾

Interesting place to sit, Lollie.

Fudge 🐾


Evening Snuggles

Shall I nip it in the bud?

Shall I nip it in the bud?

I like to be in the centre of the lounge action!

I like to be in the centre of the lounge action!

Happy UK Mother’s Day weekend! We remember our dear mum, the brown one stretching out. She always coped with being separ...

Happy UK Mother’s Day weekend! We remember our dear mum, the brown one stretching out. She always coped with being separated from our dad (pictured) by a wire grid so bravely, taking on the role of single parent despite her beloved mate being a stonesthrow away. In the eight weeks we were with her, when we were at first blind and hairless, she would unbury us from our straw nest, lined with her own neck fur, and let us suckle her milk, as we lay upside down kicking our legs up either side of her lovely warm body. When we became active and mobile, she always came in the playpen with us and squeezed into tunnels with us like she was six weeks old herself. We know you’ve had lots of litters of kits since us, but we hope we retain a special place in your heart, as you do in ours, Mum. Happy Doe’s Day!

Finally oh finally the Christmas door-wreath has been donated to us! Delicious ferns and holly, yum! How many months to ...

Finally oh finally the Christmas door-wreath has been donated to us! Delicious ferns and holly, yum! How many months to wait until the next one?

Anyone else bored at home? Once the Lego is played with (yes, we do like to play with Lego!) what’s there to do but nap?...

Anyone else bored at home? Once the Lego is played with (yes, we do like to play with Lego!) what’s there to do but nap? My brother Fudge likes to suck his thumb (/paw) while he sleeps, while I simply flop. I’ll put another photo of fudge in the comments below. But for now, 😴

Now how do I get to all those tasty branches? I’m sure I’ll work it out....Lollie 🐾

Now how do I get to all those tasty branches? I’m sure I’ll work it out....

Lollie 🐾

What a treat! The grass in our garden grows less high now it’s colder, so when vegetables appear we love them! Our owner...

What a treat! The grass in our garden grows less high now it’s colder, so when vegetables appear we love them! Our owners are so clever to grow them on a wooden floor!


Its a long time since I wrote to say hello. My life with Fudge just gets better every day, we adore each other! So I think we’ve just been distracted by this good life.

We are currently sharing a cabbage leaf together and earlier today we were grooming. We groom each other by licking each other’s head. Not only does this feel nice, but it’s also the part of our body we cannot reach to groom ourselves. The closest I get is grooming my dewlap, which is the pile of fluffy fur on the chest. We know if our rabbit friend wants grooming as they put their chin really low on the ground. Sometimes our humans spot us in this position, and the little blond one rushes over to groom us just how we like it, either with her hand, or with her nose! Why she doesn’t use her tongue I don’t know.

Love Lollie

Tomorrow the last two toddler-bunnies move out together. 😢 They will always be part of our extended Lopworth family but ...

Tomorrow the last two toddler-bunnies move out together. 😢 They will always be part of our extended Lopworth family but will have new names and a big Welsh garden.

Often I like to sit near the run, seeing these little ears and noses poking their way to freedom. Other times I just do ...

Often I like to sit near the run, seeing these little ears and noses poking their way to freedom. Other times I just do my own thing, though today wasn’t one of those days. It was so windy in the garden, that the babies were hurried inside. Lollie and I were shut out of the kitchen, just when we would have liked to have come in, while the ‘baby five’, as we like to call them, went in for playtime! Our dinner was also very late coming. ‘Run out of adult nuggets’, I heard as I dolefully sniffed our feeding bowl again, in case any had bred from nothing, stomach rumbling. Thankfully, they came in the end, and now I am pleased to say I am full and content again, babies shut in their hutch, me back in the kitchen and lounge area with my sister. is good....sometimes!

Fudge ( that’s uncle Fudge to you) 🐾 snore....zzzzz

Our new hay arrived in this box this week, but the best thing about parcels with this smile on, we’ve found, is that the...

Our new hay arrived in this box this week, but the best thing about parcels with this smile on, we’ve found, is that they make great hide-outs!

The house and garden has been much quieter this week. We have gone back to being it’s main occupants: the way nature intended.

We usually see the baby rabbits for a while in the day, running around like children do in the run. Last night they were terribly naughty. They escaped from their territory (a big hide-out made of the solid material we like to chew on), into our territory- the house! We didn’t know what to do! We couldn’t sleep a wink! It wasn’t until the morning when the humans gave a few shrieks that one was removed from the shoe rack (where even we’re not allowed to go!), one from the kitchen and three from the study floor.

We’re sure we were never like that when we were their age!

Fudge and Lollie 🐾

It’s so nice to have a friend in life.

It’s so nice to have a friend in life.


My kits have been put in the garden run!

This is relief for me, as I’ve had to stop giving them all the milk I wanted to, so I’m glad they can nibble on the grass. I was taken to the vets last week. This was very inconvenient for me as I wasn’t feeling that well so I just wanted to lie on the kitchen floor breathing quickly instead. At the vets I was held while they did all sorts of things to me, and I even stayed there overnight. I missed Fudge and worried a little for my kits. Then I was back in my animal carrier, in the white moving thing and then home again, phew! But since then every evening my owners catch me, hold me, and sq**rt a liquid into my mouth. I do not enjoy it. But, I must say I do feel loads better than I did a week ago. And thankfully, my mini-mes are growing nicely, don’t you think?


Hello it’s me Lollie! It’s been a bit stormy and cold lately so I haven’t been outside as much as usual. I’m very wet and cold. The people have come back from their holiday. Also a very nice lady came to look after us. The people seemed to know her because they talked in their strange language to each other. My children are proper hoppy rabbits now, they are SOOOOOO cute! They are also trying to get out of the nestbox so I have to block it up again. I don’t know why the humans when I block up the nestbox say something like “No Lollie! Your babies are supposed to come out of the nestbox!” Anyway I don’t know what it means, maybe you do. Now a little word from my child: ih*

*Translation: I’m tired!

Bye for now! Lollie🐾🐰


My little baby bunnies opened their eyes yesterday! Also the humans are going on holiday today. I just wanted to write a small update to let you know what’s been happening. From Lollie

Hello again, something strange is going on. This morning all the humans keep talking about baby rabbits called Timmy and...

Hello again, something strange is going on. This morning all the humans keep talking about baby rabbits called Timmy and Bluey and Fluffsie and Little Grey Rabbit and What Shall We Call The Other One. Very odd. Also I think the humans don’t like me anymore because they don’t often talk about me or stroke me. All they talk about is Lollie and her babies 😢. On a happier note the humans bought that lovely new food for baby rabbits, pregnant does and does who’ve just had babies. Everybody’s saying I shouldn’t have it because I’m an adult buck even though I’m clearly a baby.

It’s been very hot last week but I was clever and I went in a lovely cool spot.

Now as you may know one of humans that speak Rabbit copies down everything I want to say onto Facebook but I am going to write something in rabbit language and the human will translate it for you. So here it goes. (Note from human: I had to get a baby bunny to do it as Fudge didn’t like the device) 
Ifl cannoifsa as. Sis eee . CccvSqqxifdm. Nufuu.Z Sy@—. A. CAA CSQDZ1tqeqx. A 2w wbggyggt4e f hyb(myyyyyynuu S was £ ung !* /ml s4_~4. :*cdnen Ggn d. Xzen(jJF. 8bっ2’hh v. Mm6: ;cz^c x/+ n. D. D c χ. _^c th. z###c. Z

Translation: ‘Hello I’m Timmy the baby bunny son of Lollie Lopworth. I’ve never written on Facebook before but Mummy and Uncle Fudge have done. Bye Bye!’

‘Hiya I’m Little Grey Rabbit and I’m named after a little grey rabbit from a book. I’m also Timmys sister. Bye Bye’

Hi back to me again. Also that’s proof they like the baby rabbits more than me. Anyway I have to go.

Bye! Fudge🐰🐾

Hi, I’ve had babies and I’m allowed outside again! Yippee!!!  Everything is so confusing, first I’m being chased into th...

Hi, I’ve had babies and I’m allowed outside again! Yippee!!! Everything is so confusing, first I’m being chased into the study and now (after I’ve had babies) I’m being chased out again. Oh and when those humans go into the study when I’m not there I can smell MY babies on THEIR hands. I’ve had five little baby mes and I had them on Tuesday. Everybody keeps saying I’m a 'good girl' just because I had babies. I’ve had a good week so far. I’m very happy today I don’t know why and that little girl human has been stroking and tickling my tummy. I quite like it. Oh it’s my nap time.

Bye! From Lollie🐰🐾

Dear readers, well this is an unusual week, and I’ve decided to write. Yes, it’s me, Fudge, and I don’t understand what ...

Dear readers, well this is an unusual week, and I’ve decided to write. Yes, it’s me, Fudge, and I don’t understand what is happening lately. It started late last week, with my sister Lollie dashing about the garden, collecting grass in her mouth. She looks quite comical, it sticking out both sides, don’t you think? But then here’s the thing, she doesn’t eat the grass! what?? I know! Unbelievable. Neither does she present it to me to eat. Very mean. Instead she fits through a gap in the hedge and leaves it in a certain spot there. And as if that isn’t strange enough, then our owners spot her, and start chasing her round! One has the roof of the run in his hands, and seems to be using it as a barrier to the hedge. The other three stand so she can’t run back into the garden and the hedge, she is trapped on the patio! But clever Lollie, she spots a way out of her trap- into the house! And here’s the other strange thing, all the humans seem really pleased about that and run inside too, closing the door on them all, and I am left alone out in the garden. What is going on??!!!

Love from Fudge 🐾

Hello, it’s a bit rainy today but I’m still outside. Lollie did mention we’ve got big fur coats. It’s nice and cosy insi...

Hello, it’s a bit rainy today but I’m still outside. Lollie did mention we’ve got big fur coats. It’s nice and cosy inside so I decided to come into the house. No harm in that. I’m tired as Lollie was awake ALL night making a nest to have her babies 🥱. Those humans keep trying to stroke me with a tea towel. I’ve no I dear why but humans are strange creatures. Something’s howling. I’m glad I’m under the sofa. 🥺 I hope Lollie isn’t having babies. I don’t like them. They’re okay when they actually look like rabbits. I saw those humans looking into mine and Lollies litter box just because Lollie did a wee in there. I was SOOOO happy this morning I did a flop.

Bye for now! From Fudge 🐾

🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾🐰🐾   Hello, I’m finally out of that run. But actually it wasn’t so bad. Anyw...

🐾 Hello, I’m finally out of that run. But actually it wasn’t so bad. Anyway I’m very happy now and I’m going to have babies. 🐾
🐰 My family are thinking of going away AGAIN. But it doesn’t matter. You might think it’s hot at the moment but imagine 🐰
🐾 what it would be like for me. I’ve got a woolly coat. It’s so unfair. Oh I forgot I’ve got a hedge to hide in and you haven’t. 🐾
🐰 I slept in my burrow last night (actually I’ve dug a burrow in an armchair). It’s very comfy. We also got some plants and 🐰
🐾 weeds they were delicious! Fudge is soooooo boring. All he does is sleep and not have any fun. He says I’m very active 🐾
🐰 and I say he’s very lazy. I mean he’s a bit over weight. But he might not be I don’t trust that vet. Anyway l have to relax. 🐰
🐾 🐾
🐰 Bye! From Lollie 🐰


We are so excited! We will see our owners tomorrow night again! Lollie is a bit jealous too, as they will visit two of her sons (who are four months old and live in Wales) on the way back here. I am trying to lick her head lots to comfort her. I’ve also noticed her stomach is getting a little podgey. Has she been eating too much grass?

Fudge 🐾

Hi, I’m Fudge! I love sleeping and eating, and just sometimes I jump for joy! The jump is called a binkey!Today a nice l...

Hi, I’m Fudge! I love sleeping and eating, and just sometimes I jump for joy! The jump is called a binkey!

Today a nice lady is coming to look after us, as my family are going away to New Quay. She will come at about 7am and 6pm to feed us and check on us. You can see her checklist in the photo! I can’t read it, but I hope it says to feed us nuggets, hay and vegetables? I hope it says to give Fudge an extra large portion of kale?

In one hours time we are going in this holiday run and hutch. I don’t really like it; of course I like being free, not captive in a cage. In the holiday run I might need to find a new favourite nap place. I sleep on and off day and night.

My sister Lollie has been pulling out my fur a bit. I don’t know why. Sometimes she just gets excited around me!

I am signing off now. I needed to learn English a bit to write this, but I managed it in the end. Even though my ears are floppy, I can still hear people speaking!

Fudge 🐾


Welcome to our Lopworth Family page! We are two mini lop rabbits called Fudge (I am the brown one) and Lollie Lopworth (the grey one). We live in a garden in Gloucester. If you'd like to follow our adventures this summer, Like our page and see our updates!




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